{ "MENU": "Menu", "HOME" : "Home", "GLOSSARY" : "Glossary", "SITEMAP" : "Sitemap", "MARKDOC" : "About MarkDoc", "ABOUTMARKDOC" : "# MarkDoc\r\n\r\n**PHP Markdown-based documentation management system, Free & OpenSource :heart_eyes: for easily create your documentation website**\r\n \r\nThis website is heavily formated with markdown format !\r\n```\r\n __ __ _ _____ \r\n | \\\/ | | | | __ \\ \r\n | \\ \/ | __ _ _ __| | _| | | | ___ ___ \r\n | |\\\/| |\/ _` | '__| |\/ \/ | | |\/ _ \\ \/ __|\r\n | | | | (_| | | | <| |__| | (_) | (__ \r\n |_| |_|\\__,_|_| |_|\\_\\_____\/ \\___\/ \\___|\r\n``` \r\n\r\n![gplV3](https:\/\/www.gnu.org\/graphics\/gplv3-127x51.png) Sous licence GPLv3 [Licence](\/special\/gpl-3.0.md) - *Sources downloadables on [GitHub](https:\/\/github.com\/dahut87\/MarkDoc)*\r\n \r\nBased on Pheditor \"PHP file editor\" released under MIT license\r\n \r\n *Specials thanks to Hamid Samak*\r\n \r\n Made in 2020 by Nicolas H.\r\n \r\n---\r\n \r\nFor more informations, visit the demo website running MarkDoc engine at : [https:\/\/markdoc.palon.fr](https:\/\/markdoc.palon.fr)", "ADMIN" : "Admin", "ABOUT" : "About...", "ABOUTMD" : "About.md", "INDEXMD" : "Home.md", "SEARCH" : "Search", "DELETE" : "Delete", "RENAME" : "Rename", "NEW" : "New", "VIEW" : "View", "TOC" : "Toc", "SAVE" : "Save", "LOGIN" : "Login", "NOPASS" : "No password is given !", "ALREADYLOG" : "You're already connected !", "BADPASS" : "The password is incorrect !", "FOUND" : "

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", "404" : "Error 404: file not found !", "404X2" : "Error 404 on searching customized 404 error file !", "CONFIG" : "Configuration", "PASSWORD" : "Admin password", "LOGOUT" : "Logout", "LOADING" : "Loading...", "AJAXERROR" : "Ajax error when loading data !", "SELECTERROR" : "Error when selecting item.", "NOTCODED" : "Fonction is not yet implemented.", "BLOCKIP" : "This IP address is blocked due to unsuccessful login attempts.", "NOIP": "Your IP address is not allowed to access this page.", "FORK": "Fork me on GitHub", "CREATED": "File created.", "SAVED": "File saved.", "DELETED": "File deleted.", "RENAMED": "File renamed.", "PROTECTED": "File is protected.", "INDETERMINED": "Indeterminated Error.", "CONFIRM_DEL" : "Are you sure to want to delete this file ?", "CONFIRM_REN" : "Are you sure to want to rename this file ?", "UPLOAD_MSG" : "Upload multiple files with the file dialog or by dragging and dropping images onto the dashed region.", "UPLOAD_BTN" : "Upload files" }