## Installation Installation using git ``` git clone https://github.com/dahut87/MarkDoc.git [website_root] ``` Install Emoji data and copy Emoji data to the "emoji-data" ``` wget https://github.com/iamcal/emoji-data/archive/v6.0.0.zip unzip v6.0.0.zip mv emoji-data-v6.0.0 emoji-data ``` ## Usage There is a sample website in the "[website_root]/hosts/locahost" directory. It's easy to add a new one, you create one subfolder by name served by your webserver. ``` [website_root]/hosts/example.com [website_root]/hosts/test.sample.fr ``` ## Configuration The configuration file is named 'config.php', is located in the [website_root]/hosts/[host]/config.php. List of the parameters you can modify ``` define('SUBCONTENT_DIR', 'content'); define('SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES', false); define('VIEWABLE_FORMAT', 'md'); define('TITLE', 'Documentation'); define('ICON', 'fa-book-open'); define('ALLOWED_EXT','jpg,svg,gif,png,c,tgz,tar.gz,gz,tar,sql,ico'); define('PASSWORD', '[sha512 encoded password]'); define('LOG_FILE', 'log.txt'); define('ACCESS_IP', ''); define('HISTORY_FILE', 'history.txt'); define('MAX_HISTORY_FILES', 5); ``` **NOTE**: There is no default password. To generate it, use the sha512sum command line like this: ```bash user@computer:~$ echo -en "password"|sha512sum|cut -d " " -f1 b109f3bbbc244eb82441917ed06d618b9008dd09b3befd1b5e07394c706a8bb980b1d7785e5976ec049b46df5f1326af5a2ea6d103fd07c95385ffab0cacbc86 ```