# MarkDoc **PHP Markdown-based documentation management system, Free & OpenSource :heart_eyes: for easily create your documentation website** This website is heavily formated with markdown format ! ``` __ __ _ _____ | \/ | | | | __ \ | \ / | __ _ _ __| | _| | | | ___ ___ | |\/| |/ _` | \'__| |/ / | | |/ _ \ / __| | | | | (_| | | | <| |__| | (_) | (__ |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\_\_____/ \___/ \___| ``` ![gplV3](https://www.gnu.org/graphics/gplv3-127x51.png) Sous licence GPLv3 [Licence](/special/gpl-3.0.md) - *Sources downloadables on [GitHub](https://github.com/dahut87/MarkDoc)* Based on Pheditor "PHP file editor" released under MIT license *Specials thanks to Hamid Samak* Made in 2020 by Nicolas H. --- For more informations, visit the demo website running MarkDoc engine at : [https://markdoc.palon.fr](https://markdoc.palon.fr)