#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' ------------------------------------------ WireChem - The new chemistry game Programme principal (C) Copyright 2013-2014 Nicolas Hordé Licence GPL V3.0 ------------------------------------------ ''' import datetime import math import copy import csv import random import time import operator import shelve import os import sys from os.path import expanduser import pyglet from pyglet.gl import * from pyglet.window import mouse from pyglet.window import key from pyglet import clock from pyglet import image ''' *********************************************************************************************** ''' ''' Fonctions de chargement ''' class io(object): # Enregistre les données utilisateurs def sync(self): global Uworlds, finished self.write(self.gethome() + "/dbdata", ["Uworlds", "finished"]) # Enregistre les données système def rebase(self): global worlds self.write("dbdata", ["worlds"]) #Vérifie l'existence de la base de donnée utilisateur def verifyhome(self): global Uworlds, finished if not os.path.exists(self.gethome()): os.makedirs(self.gethome()) if not os.path.exists(self.gethome() + "/dbdata"): Uworlds = [[{0: 0}]] finished = [(0, 0)] self.sync() #Trouve le chemin vers le repertoire utilisateur def gethome(self): home = expanduser("~") + "/.wirechem" return home #Ecrit les variables spécifiés dans la base selectionnée (utilisateur ou système) def write(self, afile, var): d = shelve.open(afile, writeback=True) for k in var: d[k] = copy.deepcopy(globals()[k]) d.sync() d.close() #Lit une base de donnée def read(self, afile): d = shelve.open(afile, writeback=True) for k in d.keys(): globals()[k] = copy.deepcopy(d[k]) d.close() #Charge le dictionnaire sous forme de variables def load(d): for k in d.keys(): if k[0] != "_": globals()[k] = copy.deepcopy(d[k]) #Référence les variables def reference(self, var, noms): if len(noms) == 2: for y in range(len(var)): for x in range(len(var[y])): var[y][x][noms[0]] = y var[y][x][noms[1]] = x else: for x in range(len(var[y])): var[x][y][noms[0]] = x #duplique les références def duplicateref(self, d): for k in d.keys(): d[d[k]['nom']] = d[k] def readlevel(self, w, l, user): global tuto, worlds, cout, selected, sizex, sizey, stat, tech tuto = '' if user: if w < len(Uworlds) and l < len(Uworlds[w]) and Uworlds[w][l].has_key("element"): self.load(Uworlds[w][l]) else: self.load(worlds[w][l]) else: self.load(worlds[w][l]) sizex = len(world_new) sizey = len(world_new[0]) resize(); stat = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] over = 0 infos() def savelevel(self, w, l): global tuto, users, worlds, Uworlds, nom, descriptif, video, link, tech, cout, victory, current, cycle, nrj, rayon, temp, maxcycle, maxnrj, maxrayon, maxtemp, world_new, world_art while len(Uworlds) <= w: Uworlds.append(0) Uworlds[w] = [] while len(Uworlds[w]) <= l: Uworlds[w].append({}) Uworlds[w][l] = {'nom': nom, 'element': element, 'users': users, 'tuto': tuto, 'description': descriptif, '_xx': worlds[world][level]['_xx'], '_yy': worlds[world][level]['_yy'], 'video': video, 'link': link, 'level': level, 'world': world, 'tech': tech, 'cout': cout, 'victory': victory, 'current': worlds[world][level]['current'], 'cycle': cycle, 'nrj': nrj, 'rayon': rayon, 'temp': temp, 'maxcycle': maxcycle, 'maxnrj': maxnrj, 'maxrayon': maxrayon, 'maxtemp': maxtemp, 'world_new': world_new, 'world_art': world_art} ''' *********************************************************************************************** ''' ''' initialisation ''' global worlds, debug, level,inc debug = 0 worlds = {} world = level = 0 inout=io() inout.verifyhome() inout.read("dbdata") inout.read(inout.gethome() + "/dbdata") inout.reference(worlds, ['world', 'level']) inout.reference(Uworlds, ['world', 'level']) if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': debug = 1 else: debug = 0 inc=1 ''' *********************************************************************************************** ''' ''' Classes graphiques ''' #Classe d'un rectangle class arect(object): def __init__(self, window, x1, y1, x2, y2, atype, color, level): self.window = window if atype==1 or atype==2: self.vertex_list = window.batch.add(4, pyglet.gl.GL_QUADS, level, ('v2i', [x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2]), ('c4B', color * 4)) if atype==0 or atype==2: self.vertex_list2 = window.batch.add(4, pyglet.gl.GL_LINE_LOOP, level, ('v2i', [x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2]), ('c3B', [color[0],color[1],color[2]] * 4)) #Classe d'un texte editable class atext(object): def __init__(self, window, text, x, y, width, height, font, size): self.x = x self.y = y self.loaded = '' self.text = text self.color = (180, 180, 180, 255) self.height=height self.document = pyglet.text.document.FormattedDocument(text) self.document.set_style(0, len(self.document.text), dict(font_name=font, font_size=size, color=self.color, align="center", background_color=(200, 200, 200, 0))) if height==0: font = self.document.get_font(0) height = font.ascent - font.descent self.window = window self.layout = pyglet.text.layout.IncrementalTextLayout(self.document, width, height, multiline=True, batch=self.window.batch, group=self.window.p3) self.layout.document.register_event_type('self.on_insert_text') self.layout.on_layout_update=self.on_layout_update self.caret = pyglet.text.caret.Caret(self.layout) self.caret.visible = False self.layout.x = self.x self.layout.y = self.y def update(self): self.layout.begin_update() self.layout.x = self.x self.layout.y = self.y self.layout.document.text = self.text if len(self.layout.document.text)>0: self.layout.document.set_style(0, len(self.layout.document.text), dict(color=self.color)) self.layout.end_update() def on_layout_update(self): if self.loaded != '': exec (self.loaded + '="' + self.layout.document.text + '"') self.text=self.layout.document.text def hit_test(self, x, y): return (0 < x - self.layout.x < self.layout.width and 0 < y - self.layout.y < self.layout.height) #Bouton sensible a plusieurs évènements class abutton(object): def update(self, dt): if not self.hilite and dt>0: return try: self.vertex_list.delete() except: foo = 0 try: self.vertex_list2.delete() except: foo = 0 try: self.vertex_list3.delete() except: foo = 0 if type(self.evalx) is str: self.x = eval(self.evalx) if type(self.evaly) is str: self.y = eval(self.evaly) if self.typeof == 'color': if self.isvisible(): if not self.isactive(): color = (self.content[0], self.content[1], self.content[2], 127) else: color = (self.content[0], self.content[1], self.content[2], 255) self.vertex_list = self.window.batch.add(4, pyglet.gl.GL_QUADS, self.window.p1, ('v2i', (self.x, self.y, self.x + self.width, self.y, self.x + self.width, self.y + self.height, self.x, self.y + self.height)), ('c4B', color * 4)) elif self.typeof == 'function': self.vertex_list = eval(self.content) else: if self.typeof == 'multicon': self.sprite.image = self.content[self.index] else: self.sprite.image = self.content self.sprite.visible=self.isvisible() self.sprite.x=self.x self.sprite.y=self.y if self.width == 0: self.width = self.sprite.image.width if self.height == 0: self.height = self.sprite.image.height if self.width / float(self.height) < self.sprite.image.width / float(self.sprite.image.height): self.sprite.scale = float(self.width) / self.sprite.image.width else: self.sprite.scale = float(self.height) / self.sprite.image.height if not self.isactive(): self.sprite.color = (60, 60, 60) else: self.sprite.color = (255, 255, 255) if self.typeof == 'text': if self.isvisible(): self.layout.x=self.sprite.x+self.sprite.image.width else: self.layout.x=-300 self.layout.width=self.width-self.sprite.image.width self.layout.y=self.sprite.y+(self.height-self.sprite.image.height)/2 self.layout.height=self.height if len(self.text)>0: self.layout.document.text=self.text if len(self.layout.document.text)>0: self.layout.document.set_style(0, len(self.layout.document.text), dict(font_name="Mechanihan", font_size=20, color=(180, 180, 180,255), align="left", background_color=(200, 200, 200, 0))) if type(self.selected) is tuple: color = (self.selected[0], self.selected[1], self.selected[2], 255) self.vertex_list2 = self.window.batch.add(4, pyglet.gl.GL_LINE_LOOP, self.window.p2, ('v2i', ( self.x, self.y, self.x + self.width, self.y, self.x + self.width, self.y + self.height, self.x, self.y + self.height)), ('c4B', color * 4)) elif type(self.selected) is list and self.isactive(): self.sprite.color = (self.selected[0], self.selected[1], self.selected[2]) if self.hilite and int(time.time()) % 2 == 0: color = (255, 0, 0, 128) self.vertex_list3 = self.window.batch.add(4, pyglet.gl.GL_QUADS, self.window.p2, ('v2i', ( self.x, self.y, self.x + self.width, self.y, self.x + self.width, self.y + self.height, self.x, self.y + self.height)), ('c4B', color * 4)) def __init__(self, window, name, x, y, width, height, active, hilite, visible, selected, content, hint, typeof, text): self.name = name self.time = 0 self.index = 0 self.enter = 0 self.window = window self.evalx = x self.evaly = y self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height self.active = active self.hilite = hilite self.visible = visible self.content = content self.typeof = typeof self.hint = hint self.text = text self.selected = selected self.window.push_handlers(self.on_mouse_press) self.window.push_handlers(self.on_mouse_motion) self.window.push_handlers(self.on_mouse_drag) self.window.push_handlers(self.on_mouse_release) self.window.push_handlers(self.on_mouse_scroll) self.updateclock = clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1) if self.typeof=='multicon': self.sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(self.content[self.index],x=-300,y=-300, batch=self.window.batch, group=self.window.p1) if self.typeof=='icon' or self.typeof=='text': self.sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(self.content,x=-300,y=-300, batch=self.window.batch, group=self.window.p1) if self.typeof=='text': self.layout = pyglet.text.layout.IncrementalTextLayout(pyglet.text.document.FormattedDocument(text), 10, 10, multiline=True, batch=self.window.batch, group=self.window.p1) self.update(0) def delete(self): try: self.vertex_list.delete() except: foo = 0 try: self.vertex_list2.delete() except: foo = 0 try: self.vertex_list3.delete() except: foo = 0 try: self.sprite.delete() except: foo = 0 def launch(self, state): global debug name = self.name.split('_') if len(name) > 1 and hasattr(self.window, "on_mouse_" + state['event'] + "_" + name[0]) and callable( eval("self.window.on_mouse_" + state['event'] + "_" + name[0])): eval("self.window.on_mouse_" + state['event'] + "_" + name[0] + "(" + str(name[1]) + "," + str(state) + ")") if debug==1: print state,self.name if hasattr(self.window, "on_mouse_" + state['event'] + "_" + self.name) and callable( eval("self.window.on_mouse_" + state['event'] + "_" + self.name)): if self.typeof == 'multicon': self.index += 1 if self.index >= len(self.content): self.index = 0 self.update(0) eval("self.window.on_mouse_" + state['event'] + "_" + self.name + "(" + str(state) + ")") if debug==1: print state,self.name def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers): if x > self.x and y > self.y and x < self.x + self.width and y < self.y + self.height and self.isactive() and self.isvisible(): if time.time() - self.time < 0.30: state = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'dx': 0, 'dy': 0, 'buttons': button, 'modifiers': modifiers, 'event': 'double'} self.launch(state) self.time = time.time() state = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'dx': 0, 'dy': 0, 'buttons': button, 'modifiers': modifiers, 'event': 'press'} self.launch(state) def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, button, modifiers): if x > self.x and y > self.y and x < self.x + self.width and y < self.y + self.height and self.isactive() and self.isvisible(): state = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'dx': 0, 'dy': 0, 'buttons': button, 'modifiers': modifiers, 'event': 'release'} self.launch(state) def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): if x > self.x and y > self.y and x < self.x + self.width and y < self.y + self.height and self.isactive() and self.isvisible(): state = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy, 'buttons': buttons, 'modifiers': modifiers, 'event': 'drag'} self.launch(state) def on_mouse_scroll(self, x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y): if x > self.x and y > self.y and x < self.x + self.width and y < self.y + self.height and self.isactive() and self.isvisible(): state = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'dx': scroll_x, 'dy': scroll_y, 'buttons': 0, 'modifiers': 0, 'event': 'scroll'} self.launch(state) def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): if x > self.x and y > self.y and x < self.x + self.width and y < self.y + self.height: if self.isvisible() and self.isactive(): if self.enter == 0: self.enter = 1 state = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy, 'buttons': 0, 'modifiers': 0, 'event': 'enter'} self.launch(state) state = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy, 'buttons': 0, 'modifiers': 0, 'event': 'motion'} self.launch(state) else: if self.enter == 1: self.enter = 0 state = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy, 'buttons': 0, 'modifiers': 0, 'event': 'leave'} self.launch(state) def setselected(self, select): self.selected = select self.update(0) def isvisible(self): if type(self.visible) is bool: return self.visible else: return eval(self.visible) def isactive(self): if type(self.active) is bool: return self.active else: return eval(self.active) def ishilite(self): if type(self.hilite) is bool: return self.hilite else: return eval(self.hilite) def hide(self): if type(self.visible) is bool: self.visible = False self.update(0) def show(self): if type(self.visible) is bool: self.visible = True self.update(0) def activate(self): if type(self.active) is bool: self.active = True self.update(0) def unactivate(self): if type(self.active) is bool: self.active = False self.update(0) def hilitate(self): if type(self.hilite) is bool: self.hilite = True self.update(0) def unhilitate(self): if type(self.hilite) is bool: self.hilite = False self.update(0) ''' *********************************************************************************************** ''' ''' Gestion du plateau de jeu ''' #Classe du plateau de jeu class game(pyglet.window.Window): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(game, self).__init__(resizable=True, fullscreen=False, visible=True, caption="Wirechem: The new chemistry game") self.batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() self.clocks = [clock.schedule(self.draw)] self.labels = [] def draw(self, dt): glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 255) self.clear() ''' *********************************************************************************************** ''' ''' Gestion lancement de la video ''' #Classe du menu principal class video(pyglet.window.Window): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(video, self).__init__(width=1024, height=768, resizable=True, fullscreen=False, visible=True, caption="Wirechem: The new chemistry game") self.player = pyglet.media.Player() self.player.queue(pyglet.resource.media("movie/intro.mp4")) self.player.play() self.clocks = clock.schedule(self.draw) def draw(self,dt): if self.player.source and self.player.source.video_format: glColor3ub(255,255,255) self.player.get_texture().blit(0,0,width=self.width,height=self.height) def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers): self.player.next() super(video, self).close() def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers): self.player.next() super(video, self).close() ''' *********************************************************************************************** ''' ''' Gestion du menu principal ''' #Classe du menu principal class menu(pyglet.window.Window): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): global debug, worlds, world super(menu, self).__init__(width=1024, height=768, resizable=True, fullscreen=False, visible=True, caption="Wirechem: The new chemistry game") self.focus = None self.set_mouse_cursor(cursors[0]) self.batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() self.p0 = pyglet.graphics.OrderedGroup(0) self.p1 = pyglet.graphics.OrderedGroup(1) self.p2 = pyglet.graphics.OrderedGroup(2) self.p3 = pyglet.graphics.OrderedGroup(3) self.p4 = pyglet.graphics.OrderedGroup(4) self.clocks = [clock.schedule(self.draw), clock.schedule_interval(self.movefond, 0.03)] self.loc = [0, 0, 1, 1] self.selected = -1 self.icons=[abutton(self, 'icon_0', 740, 110, 120, 0, True, False, False, False, pyglet.image.load('picture/cout.png'), 'test', 'text', ' '), abutton(self, 'icon_1', 740, 65, 120, 0, True, False, False, False, pyglet.image.load('picture/cycle.png'), 'test', 'text', ' '), abutton(self, 'icon_2', 940, 110, 70, 0, True, False, False, False, pyglet.image.load('picture/tech.png'), 'test', 'text', ' '), abutton(self, 'icon_3', 940, 65, 70, 0, True, False, False, False, pyglet.image.load('picture/rayon.png'), 'test', 'text', ' '), abutton(self, 'icon_4', 850, 110, 70, 0, True, False, False, False, pyglet.image.load('picture/temp.png'), 'test', 'text', ' '), abutton(self, 'icon_5', 850, 65, 70, 0, True, False, False, False, pyglet.image.load('picture/nrj.png'), 'test', 'text', ' ')] self.images = [pyglet.image.load('picture/leveler0.png'), pyglet.image.load('picture/leveler1.png'), pyglet.image.load('picture/leveler2.png'), pyglet.image.load('picture/leveler3.png'), pyglet.image.load('picture/leveler4.png')] self.colors = [[0, 192, 244], [235, 118, 118], [5, 157, 60], [215, 33, 255], [201, 209, 98]] self.sizes = [(50, 70), (50, 50), (30, 70), (50, 60), (28, 68)] #self.fond=pyglet.image.TileableTexture.create_for_image(image.load("picture/fond.png")) self.labels = [pyglet.text.Label("", font_name='vademecum', font_size=380, x=0, y=0, bold=False, italic=False, batch=self.batch, group=self.p0, color=(255, 80, 80, 230))] self.fond = image.load("picture/fond.png") self.rects = [arect(self,740,148,1016,8,1,[40,40,40,255],self.p1), arect(self,8,8,1017,149,2,[90,90,90,170],self.p0)] self.buttons = [ abutton(self, 'logo', 185, 'self.window.height-200', 0, 0, True, False, True, False, pyglet.image.load('picture/logo.png'), 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'logo2', 45, 'self.window.height-150', 0, 0, True, False, True, False, pyglet.image.load('picture/logo2.png'), 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'menu_0', 840, 150, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, pyglet.image.load('picture/arrows.png'), 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'menu_1', 920, 150, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, pyglet.image.load('picture/arrows2.png'), 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'menu_2', 940, 'self.window.height-100', 0, 0, True, False, True, False, pyglet.image.load('picture/exit2.png'), 'test', 'icon', '') ] self.infos = [atext(self, "c un test", 12, 8, 730, 140, 'OpenDyslexicAlta', 15)] self.infos[0].layout.begin_update() self.infos[0].color=(255,255,255,255) self.infos[0].layout.document.set_style(0, len(self.infos[0].layout.document.text), dict(align="left")) self.infos[0].layout.end_update() self.infos[0].text=" " self.infos[0].update() self.levels = [ abutton(self, 'level_0', -250, 0, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, self.images[level], 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'level_1', -250, 0, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, self.images[level], 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'level_2', -250, 0, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, self.images[level], 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'level_3', -250, 0, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, self.images[level], 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'level_4', -250, 0, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, self.images[level], 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'level_5', -250, 0, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, self.images[level], 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'level_6', -250, 0, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, self.images[level], 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'level_7', -250, 0, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, self.images[level], 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'level_8', -250, 0, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, self.images[level], 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'level_9', -250, 0, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, self.images[level], 'test', 'icon', ''), abutton(self, 'level_10', -250, 0, 0, 0, True, False, True, False, self.images[level], 'test', 'icon', '') ] self.untitled2 = [atext(self, "text", -300, -300, 300, 0, 'Fluoxetine', 18) for i in range(10)] self.untitled = [atext(self, "text", -300, -300, 60, 0, 'Vademecum', 23) for i in range(10)] self.special = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(pyglet.image.load('picture/boss.png'), batch=self.batch, group=self.p4, x=-300, y=-300) self.lock = [ pyglet.sprite.Sprite(pyglet.image.load('picture/locked.png'), batch=self.batch, group=self.p4, x=-300, y=-300) for i in range(10)] self.update(0) def on_resize(self, width, height): super(menu, self).on_resize(width, height) try: self.update(0) except: dummy=0 def movefond(self, dt): global loc self.loc[0] += self.loc[2] self.loc[1] += self.loc[3] if self.loc[0] > 1024: self.loc[2] = -1 if self.loc[1] > 768: self.loc[3] = -1 if self.loc[0] < 0: self.loc[2] = 1 if self.loc[1] < 0: self.loc[3] = 1 def update(self,alevel): global world, worlds, finished for obj in worlds[world]: if obj.has_key('special'): break if 'obj' in locals(): self.labels[0].text = obj['element'] self.labels[0].color = (self.colors[world][0], self.colors[world][1], self.colors[world][2], 100) self.labels[0].x = (1024 - self.labels[0].content_width) / 2 - 50 self.labels[0].y = 75 * self.height / 768 if 'obj' in locals(): self.labels[0].text = obj['element'] else: self.labels[0].text = '' for l in range(len(self.buttons)): if alevel!=0 and alevel!=l: continue self.buttons[l].update(0) for l in range(10): if alevel!=0 and alevel!=l: continue if l >= len(worlds[world]): self.levels[l].x = -300 self.untitled[l].x = -300 self.untitled2[l].x = -300 self.lock[l].x = -300 self.levels[l].update(0) self.untitled2[l].update() self.untitled[l].update() continue ele = worlds[world][l] self.levels[l].active = (world, l) in finished or debug == 2 self.levels[l].x = ele['_xx'] self.levels[l].y = ele['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height self.levels[l].setselected( [255, 120 + int(ele['_xx'] / 1024.0 * 135), 155 + int(ele['_xx'] / 1024.0 * 100)]) self.levels[l].content = self.images[world] self.levels[l].update(0) self.untitled[l].text = ele['element'] self.untitled[l].x = ele['_xx'] + (self.images[world].width - 60) / 2 self.untitled[l].y = ele['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height + 18 self.untitled[l].loaded = 'worlds[' + str(world) + '][' + str(l) + ']["element"]' self.untitled[l].color = ( int(ele['_xx'] / 1024.0 * 150), int(ele['_xx'] / 1024.0 * 150), int(ele['_xx'] / 1024.0 * 150), 255) self.untitled[l].update() self.untitled2[l].text = ele['nom'].decode('utf-8') self.untitled2[l].x = ele['_xx'] + (self.images[world].width - 300) / 2 self.untitled2[l].y = ele['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height - 25 self.untitled2[l].loaded = 'worlds[' + str(world) + '][' + str(l) + ']["nom"]' if (world, l) in finished or debug == 2: self.untitled2[l].color = (255, 255, 255, 255) else: self.untitled2[l].color = (90, 90, 90, 255) self.untitled2[l].update() self.lock[l].visible = (world, l) not in finished and not debug == 2 self.lock[l].x = ele['_xx'] + 10 self.lock[l].y = ele['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height + 50 if 'obj' in locals() and ele['description'] == obj['description']: self.special.x = ele['_xx'] self.special.y = ele['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height if 'obj' not in locals(): self.special.x = -300 def drawLaser(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, width, power, color, randomize): while (width > 0): if randomize != 0: glLineStipple(random.randint(0, randomize), random.randint(0, 65535)) glLineWidth(width) glBegin(GL_LINES) glColor3ub(min(color[0] + power * width, 255), min(color[1] + power * width, 255), min(color[2] + power * width, 255)) glVertex2i(x1, y1) glVertex2i(x2, y2) width = width - 1 glEnd() glLineStipple(1, 65535) def draw(self, dt): global loc, world, worlds, thex, they, debug glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); #self.fond.anchor_x=self.loc[0] #self.fond.anchor_y=self.loc[1] if debug < 2: glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, 160) self.fond.blit(self.loc[0], self.loc[1]) self.fond.blit(self.loc[0] - 1024, self.loc[1]) self.fond.blit(self.loc[0] - 1024, self.loc[1] - 768) self.fond.blit(self.loc[0], self.loc[1] - 768) #self.fond.blit_tiled(0, 0, 0, self.width, self.height) for ele in worlds[world]: for n in ele['link']: if world == n[0]: src = (int(ele['_xx'] + self.images[0].width / 2), int(ele['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height + self.images[0].height / 2)) dest = (int(worlds[n[0]][n[1]]['_xx'] + self.images[0].width / 2), int(worlds[n[0]][n[1]]['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height + self.images[0].height / 2)) else: src = (int(ele['_xx'] + self.images[0].width / 2), int(ele['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height + self.images[0].height / 2)) dest = (int(1024), int(worlds[n[0]][n[1]]['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height + 50)) if dest[0] - src[0] != 0: angle = math.atan(float(dest[1] - src[1]) / float(dest[0] - src[0])) else: angle = 270 * 3.14 / 180.0 if dest[0] - src[0] < 0: angle = angle + 180 * 3.14 / 180.0 src = (src[0] + int(self.sizes[world][0] * math.cos(angle)), src[1] + int(self.sizes[world][1] * math.sin(angle))) if world == n[0]: dest = (dest[0] - int(self.sizes[world][0] * math.cos(angle)), dest[1] - int(self.sizes[world][1] * math.sin(angle))) if n in finished or debug == 2: params = (random.randint(0, 8), 20, self.colors[world], 12) else: params = (2, 20, [40, 40, 40], 0) self.drawLaser(src[0], src[1], dest[0], dest[1], params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]) if debug == 2 and world == n[0]: if dest[0] - src[0] != 0: angle = math.atan(float(dest[1] - src[1]) / float(dest[0] - src[0])) else: angle = 270 * 3.14 / 180.0 if dest[0] - src[0] < 0: angle = angle + 180 * 3.14 / 180.0 self.drawLaser(dest[0], dest[1], dest[0] - int(20 * math.cos(angle + 30 * 3.14 / 180)), dest[1] - int(20 * math.sin(angle + 30 * 3.14 / 180)), params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]) self.drawLaser(dest[0], dest[1], dest[0] - int(20 * math.cos(angle - 30 * 3.14 / 180)), dest[1] - int(20 * math.sin(angle - 30 * 3.14 / 180)), params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]) if world > 0: for ele in worlds[world - 1]: for n in ele['link']: if n[0] == world: src = (int(0), int(worlds[n[0]][n[1]]['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height + self.images[0].height / 2)) dest = (int(worlds[n[0]][n[1]]['_xx'] + self.images[0].width / 2), int(worlds[n[0]][n[1]]['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height + self.images[0].height / 2)) if dest[0] - src[0] != 0: angle = math.atan(float(dest[1] - src[1]) / float(dest[0] - src[0])) else: angle = 270 * 3.14 / 180.0 if dest[0] - src[0] < 0: angle = angle + 180 * 3.14 / 180.0 dest = (dest[0] - int(self.sizes[world][0] * math.cos(angle)), dest[1] - int(self.sizes[world][1] * math.sin(angle))) if n in finished or debug == 2: params = (random.randint(0, 8), 20, self.colors[world], 12) else: params = (2, 20, [40, 40, 40], 0) self.drawLaser(src[0], src[1], dest[0], dest[1], params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]) if type(self.selected) is tuple: if self.selected[0] == world: self.drawLaser(int(worlds[self.selected[0]][self.selected[1]]['_xx'] + self.images[0].width / 2), int( worlds[self.selected[0]][self.selected[1]]['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height + self.images[ 0].height / 2), int(thex), int(they), random.randint(0, 8), 20, self.colors[world], 12) else: self.drawLaser(int(0), int( worlds[self.selected[0]][self.selected[1]]['_yy'] / 768.0 * self.height + self.images[ 0].height / 2), int(thex), int(they), random.randint(0, 8), 20, self.colors[world], 12) self.batch.draw() ### Evenement générer par classe abutton ### def on_mouse_press_logo(self, state): global debug if debug == 1: debug = 2 ambiance.pause() self.buttons[0].setselected([255, 0, 0]) elif debug == 2: self.infos[0].loaded="" self.infos[0].text=" " self.infos[0].update() debug = 1 self.buttons[0].setselected(False) ambiance.play() self.update(0) def on_mouse_double_logo2(self, state): global debug if debug == 2: inout.rebase() self.on_mouse_press_logo(self) def on_mouse_press_menu_2(self, state): pyglet.app.exit() def on_mouse_press_menu_1(self, state): global world if world > 0: world -= 1 self.update(0) sounds.next() sounds.queue(pyglet.resource.media("sound/lightning3.wav")) sounds.play() def on_mouse_press_menu_0(self, state): global world if world < len(worlds) - 1: world += 1 self.update(0) sounds.next() sounds.queue(pyglet.resource.media("sound/lightning1.wav")) sounds.play() def on_mouse_enter_menu(self, n, state): self.buttons[2 + n].setselected([255, 0, 0]) def on_mouse_double_level(self, n, state): if debug < 2: return for ele in worlds[world]: try: del ele['special'] except: dummy = 0 worlds[world][n]["special"] = True self.update(n) def on_mouse_drag_level(self, n, state): global worlds, world if debug < 2: return if state['buttons'] == 2: worlds[world][n]["_xx"] += state['dx'] worlds[world][n]["_yy"] += state['dy'] self.set_mouse_cursor(cursors[2]) self.update(n) elif (state['buttons'] == 1 or state['buttons'] == 4) and type(self.selected) is int: self.selected = (world, n) self.set_mouse_cursor(cursors[3]) def on_mouse_release_level(self, n, state): global worlds, world if debug < 2: return if state['buttons'] == 1 and type(self.selected) is tuple and n != self.selected[1]: try: worlds[world][n]["link"].index(self.selected) == -1 except: try: worlds[world][self.selected]["link"].index((self.selected[0], n)) == -1 except: worlds[self.selected[0]][self.selected[1]]["link"].append((world, n)) self.selected = -1 elif state['buttons'] == 4 and type(self.selected) is tuple and n != self.selected: try: worlds[world][n]["link"].remove(self.selected) except: dummy = 0 try: worlds[self.selected[0]][self.selected[1]]["link"].remove((world, n)) except: dummy = 0 else: self.selected = -1 self.set_mouse_cursor(cursors[0]) def on_mouse_leave_menu(self, n, state): self.buttons[2 + n].setselected(False) def on_mouse_enter_level(self, n, state): global world,worlds,level sounds.next() sounds.queue(pyglet.resource.media("sound/pickup1.wav")) sounds.play() level=n if debug == 2: for theicon in self.icons: theicon.hide() for theicon in self.untitled2: theicon.color = (255, 255, 255, 255) theicon.update() for i in range(len(self.levels)): self.levels[i].setselected([255, 120 + int(self.levels[i].x / 1024.0 * 135), 155 + int(self.levels[i].x / 1024.0 * 100)]) self.levels[n].setselected([255, 0, 0]) self.untitled2[n].color = (255, 0, 0, 255) self.untitled2[n].update() self.infos[0].text=worlds[world][n]['description'].decode('utf-8') self.infos[0].loaded='worlds[' + str(world) + '][' + str(n) + ']["description"]' self.infos[0].update() var=['cout','maxcycle','tech','maxrayon','maxtemp','maxnrj'] condition=[worlds[world][n]['cout']>0,worlds[world][n]['maxcycle']<90000,worlds[world][n]['tech']>0,worlds[world][n]['maxrayon']<90000,worlds[world][n]['maxtemp']<90000,worlds[world][n]['maxnrj']<90000] for i in range(len(condition)): if debug==2 or condition[i]: if worlds[world][n][var[i]]<90000: self.icons[i].text=str(worlds[world][n][var[i]]) else: self.icons[i].text="illimite" self.icons[i].show() else: self.icons[i].hide() def on_mouse_double_icon(self, n, state): global world,worlds,level,inc var=['cout','maxcycle','tech','maxrayon','maxtemp','maxnrj'] if var[n]=='tech': return if worlds[world][level][var[n]]<90000: worlds[world][level][var[n]]=90001 self.icons[n].text="illimite" else: worlds[world][level][var[n]]=0 self.icons[n].text=str(0) self.icons[n].update(0) def on_mouse_press_icon(self, n, state): global inc if inc==1: inc=10 elif inc==10: inc=100 elif inc==100: inc=1000 else: inc=1 print inc def on_mouse_scroll_icon(self, n, state): global world,worlds,level,inc var=['cout','maxcycle','tech','maxrayon','maxtemp','maxnrj'] add=state['dy']*inc if worlds[world][level][var[n]]<90000: print add worlds[world][level][var[n]]=worlds[world][level][var[n]]+add if var[n]=='tech': if worlds[world][level]['tech']<-1: worlds[world][level]['tech']=-1 if worlds[world][level]['tech']>9: worlds[world][level]['tech']=9 else: if worlds[world][level][var[n]]<0: worlds[world][level][var[n]]=0 self.icons[n].text=str(worlds[world][level][var[n]]) self.icons[n].update(0) def on_mouse_leave_level(self, n, state): if debug == 2: return self.levels[n].setselected( [255, 120 + int(self.levels[n].x / 1024.0 * 135), 155 + int(self.levels[n].x / 1024.0 * 100)]) self.untitled2[n].color = (255, 255, 255, 255) self.untitled2[n].update() self.infos[0].loaded="" self.infos[0].text=" " self.infos[0].update() for theicon in self.icons: theicon.hide() def on_mouse_press_level(self, n, state): global level if debug == 2: self.selected = -1 if state['modifiers'] & key.MOD_CTRL: del worlds[world][n] self.update(0) for ele in worlds[world]: l = 0 while l < len(ele['link']): element = ele['link'][l][1] if ele['link'][l][0] == world: if element > n: element -= 1 if element != n: ele['link'][l] = (ele['link'][l][0], element) l += 1 else: del ele['link'][l] else: l += 1 return else: level=n super(menu,self).close() thegame=game() thegame.set_minimum_size(1024, 768) pyglet.app.run() ### Evenement de la fenetre ### def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): global thex, they, world, worlds if debug < 2: return if type(self.selected) is tuple: thex = x they = y if x > 1024 - 20 and world + 1 < len(worlds) and abs(self.selected[0] - world) < 1: world += 1 self.update(0) return if self.focus: self.focus.caret.on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers) def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, button, modifiers): if debug < 2: return self.selected = -1 def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers): if debug < 2: return if modifiers & key.MOD_SHIFT and len(worlds[world]) < 10: worlds[world].append({'nom': 'nouveau', 'description': "niveau tout neuf. " + str(random.randint(0, 255)), 'element': 'x', 'current': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'victory': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'cout': 0, 'tech': 0, 'cycle': 0, 'maxcycle': 99999, 'nrj': 0, 'maxnrj': 99999, 'rayon': 0, 'maxrayon': 99999, 'temp': 0, 'maxtemp': 99999, '_xx': x - self.images[0].width / 2, '_yy': y * 768 / self.height - self.images[0].height / 2, 'link': [], 'video': False, 'world_art': [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], 'world_new': [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]}) self.update(len(worlds[world])-1) return for widget in self.untitled2 + self.untitled + self.infos: if widget.hit_test(x, y): self.setfocus(widget) break else: self.setfocus(None) if self.focus: self.focus.caret.on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers) def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): if debug < 2: return for widget in self.untitled2 + self.untitled + self.infos: if widget.hit_test(x, y): self.set_mouse_cursor(cursors[1]) break else: self.set_mouse_cursor(cursors[0]) def on_text(self, text): if debug < 2: return if self.focus: self.focus.caret.on_text(text) def on_text_motion(self, motion): if debug < 2: return if self.focus: self.focus.caret.on_text_motion(motion) def on_text_motion_select(self, motion): if debug < 2: return if self.focus: self.focus.caret.on_text_motion_select(motion) def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers): if debug < 2: return if modifiers & key.MOD_SHIFT: self.set_mouse_cursor(cursors[4]) elif modifiers & key.MOD_CTRL: self.set_mouse_cursor(cursors[5]) if symbol == pyglet.window.key.TAB: if modifiers & pyglet.window.key.MOD_SHIFT: dir = -1 else: dir = 1 all=(self.untitled2 + self.untitled + self.infos) if self.focus in all: i = all.index(self.focus) else: i = 0 dir = 0 self.setfocus(all[(i + dir) % len(all)]) elif symbol == pyglet.window.key.ESCAPE: pyglet.app.exit() def setfocus(self, focus): if self.focus: self.focus.caret.visible = False self.focus.caret.mark = self.focus.caret.position = 0 self.focus = focus if self.focus: self.focus.caret.visible = True self.focus.caret.mark = 0 self.focus.caret.position = len(self.focus.document.text) ''' *********************************************************************************************** ''' ''' Lancement du menu principal ''' cursors = [pyglet.window.ImageMouseCursor(pyglet.image.load('cursor/pointer.png'), 15, 46), pyglet.window.ImageMouseCursor(pyglet.image.load('cursor/text.png'), 24, 30), pyglet.window.ImageMouseCursor(pyglet.image.load('cursor/move.png'), 24, 24), pyglet.window.ImageMouseCursor(pyglet.image.load('cursor/create.png'), 12, 17), pyglet.window.ImageMouseCursor(pyglet.image.load('cursor/cross.png'), 24, 33), pyglet.window.ImageMouseCursor(pyglet.image.load('cursor/delete.png'), 24, 32)] pyglet.font.add_file('font/Fluoxetine.ttf') pyglet.font.add_file('font/OpenDyslexicAlta.otf') pyglet.font.add_file('font/Mecanihan.ttf') pyglet.font.add_file('font/Vademecum.ttf') pyglet.font.add_file('font/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf') ambiance = pyglet.media.Player() ambiance.queue(pyglet.resource.media("music/ambiance1.mp3")) ambiance.volume = 0.1 ambiance.eos_action = 'loop' ambiance.play() sounds = pyglet.media.Player() sounds.volume = 0.6 video_intro=video() pyglet.app.run() menu_principal = menu() menu_principal.set_minimum_size(1024, 768) glEnable(GL_BLEND); #glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); #glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); #glHint(GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_FASTEST); glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); pyglet.app.run()