feat: saisie plus correct de quelques transmuteurs

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Hordé 2016-01-24 00:54:08 +01:00
parent 7190d5ac18
commit 551b117e1d
22 changed files with 329 additions and 188 deletions

View File

@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ public class Menu extends Actor {
this.addListener(new ClickListener() {
public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
Gdx.app.debug("treetree", "xy"+x+","+y);
Vector2 coords = screentoworld(x, y);
MapProperties tile = getMenubyTile((int) coords.x,
(int) coords.y);
@ -236,23 +235,23 @@ public class Menu extends Actor {
this.setMenuTile(0, 5, 77, "transmuter_eraser",0);
this.setMenuTile(2, 5, 78, "all_eraser",0);
this.setMenuTile(3, 3, 79, "cleaner",0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 7, "Positiveur I", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(2, 7, "Negativeur I", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 6, "Positiveur II", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(2, 6, "Negativeur II", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 5, "Positiveur III", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 5, "Negativeur III", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 4, "Inverseur I", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 4, "Inverseur II", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 3, "Neutraliseur I", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 3, "Neutraliseur II", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 7, "Antiretour", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 6, "Distributeur", Angular.A00,1);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 4, "Insufleur 33%", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 1, "Insufleur 50%", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 2, "Insufleur 100%", Angular.A00,1);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 7, "Positiveur non activable",Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 7, "Negativeur non activable",Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 7, "+", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(2, 7, "-", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 6, "++", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(2, 6, "--", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 5, "+++", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 5, "---", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 4, "+-", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 4, "+-+-", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 3, "0", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 3, "00", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 7, ">", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 6, "<>", Angular.A00,1);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 4, ">33", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 1, ">50", Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 2, ">100", Angular.A00,1);
this.setMenuTransmuter(0, 7, "+/",Angular.A00,0);
this.setMenuTransmuter(1, 7, "-/",Angular.A00,0);
public void clear() {

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class VertiBarre extends Actor {
Gdx.app.debug(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Menu:" + Barre.length+ " elements");
for (int i = 0; i < Barre.length; i++)
Barre[i] = new ImageTextButton(AssetLoader.language.get(Transmuter.Class.values()[i].toString()), AssetLoader.Skin_level);
Barre[i] = new ImageTextButton(Transmuter.Class.values()[i].toString(), AssetLoader.Skin_level);

View File

@ -185,6 +185,16 @@ public class AssetLoader {
Gdx.app.debug("AssetLoader", "Ajout de la gestion des locales");
FileHandle baseFileHandle = Gdx.files.internal("i18n/messages/messages");
usa = I18NBundle.createBundle(baseFileHandle, new Locale("en"));
french = I18NBundle.createBundle(baseFileHandle, new Locale("fr"));
if (Preference.prefs.getBoolean("Language"))
language = french;
language = usa;
Gdx.app.debug("AssetLoader", "Ajout des transmuters");
allTransmuter = new Array<Transmuter>();
allTransmuter.add(new Positiver(null));
allTransmuter.add(new Positiver_I(null));
@ -218,16 +228,6 @@ public class AssetLoader {
Gdx.app.debug("AssetLoader", "Ajout de la gestion des tooltips");
Tooltipmanager = new TooltipManager();
Gdx.app.debug("AssetLoader", "Ajout de la gestion des locales");
FileHandle baseFileHandle = Gdx.files
usa = I18NBundle.createBundle(baseFileHandle, new Locale("en"));
french = I18NBundle.createBundle(baseFileHandle, new Locale("fr"));
if (Preference.prefs.getBoolean("Language"))
language = french;
language = usa;
Gdx.app.debug("AssetLoader", "Mise en place de la base de donnée");
Datahandler = new DatabaseManager();
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ public class AssetLoader {
public static Transmuter getTransmuter(String Name) {
for (Transmuter transmuter : allTransmuter) {
if (transmuter.isTransmuter(Name))
if (transmuter.getID()==Name)
return transmuter;
return null;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Insufler100 extends Transmuter {
@ -34,35 +35,37 @@ public class Insufler100 extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Insufler100(Level level) {
this.Name = "Insufleur 100%";
this.Desc = "Insufleur blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[insufler100-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[insufler100-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Direction;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Research = 0;
this.Upgrade = new Positiver_II(level);
this.Price = 200;
this.Technology = 3;
this.Research = 350;
this.Upgrade = null;
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = false;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
this.CanUpgradeNrj = false;
this.UpgradedTemp = 1f;
this.UpgradedCycle = 1f;
this.UpgradedRayon = 1f;
this.UpgradedNrj = 1f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.5f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.1f;
this.UsedRayon = 0f;
this.UsedNrj = 0f;
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
this.TurnRayon = 0f;
this.TurnNrj = 0f;
this.Activable = true;
this.Activable = false;
this.ActivationLevel = 0;
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(-1, 1), CaseType.Cuivre);
@ -89,7 +92,11 @@ public class Insufler100 extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.CaseType;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Insufler33 extends Transmuter {
private static String Name, Desc;
@ -34,45 +35,47 @@ public class Insufler33 extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Insufler33(Level level) {
this.Name = "Insufleur 33%";
this.Desc = "Insufleur 33% avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[insufler33-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[insufler33-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Direction;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Price = 30;
this.Technology = 3;
this.Research = 0;
this.Upgrade = new Positiver_II(level);
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.Upgrade = null;
this.Unlock = new Insufler50(null);
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = false;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
this.CanUpgradeNrj = false;
this.UpgradedTemp = 1f;
this.UpgradedCycle = 1f;
this.UpgradedRayon = 1f;
this.UpgradedNrj = 1f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.5f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.1f;
this.UsedRayon = 0f;
this.UsedNrj = 0f;
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
this.TurnRayon = 0f;
this.TurnNrj = 0f;
this.Activable = true;
this.Activable = false;
this.ActivationLevel = 0;
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(-1, 1), CaseType.Cuivre);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 1), CaseType.Cuivre);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(-1, 1), CaseType.Cuivre_seul);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 1), CaseType.Cuivre_seul);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(1, 1), CaseType.Rien);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(-1, 0), CaseType.Rien);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 0), CaseType.Cuivre);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(1, 0), CaseType.Cuivre);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(-1, -1), CaseType.Cuivre);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, -1), CaseType.Cuivre);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 0), CaseType.Cuivre_seul);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(1, 0), CaseType.Cuivre_seul);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(-1, -1), CaseType.Cuivre_seul);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, -1), CaseType.Cuivre_seul);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(1, -1), CaseType.Rien);
this.Tilesid = new OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer>();
this.Tilesid.put(new Vector2(-1, 1), 120);
@ -89,6 +92,10 @@ public class Insufler33 extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.CaseType;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Insufler50 extends Transmuter {
@ -35,35 +35,37 @@ public class Insufler50 extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Insufler50(Level level) {
this.Name = "Insufleur 50%";
this.Desc = "Insufleur 50% avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[insufler50-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[insufler50-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Direction;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Research = 0;
this.Upgrade = new Positiver_II(level);
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.Price = 100;
this.Technology = 3;
this.Research = 120;
this.Upgrade = null;
this.Unlock = new Insufler100(null);
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = false;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
this.CanUpgradeNrj = false;
this.UpgradedTemp = 1f;
this.UpgradedCycle = 1f;
this.UpgradedRayon = 1f;
this.UpgradedNrj = 1f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.5f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.1f;
this.UsedRayon = 0f;
this.UsedNrj = 0f;
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
this.TurnRayon = 0f;
this.TurnNrj = 0f;
this.Activable = true;
this.Activable = false;
this.ActivationLevel = 0;
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(-1, 1), CaseType.Cuivre);
@ -90,7 +92,11 @@ public class Insufler50 extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Inverter_I extends Transmuter {
@ -34,22 +35,24 @@ public class Inverter_I extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Inverter_I(Level level) {
this.Name = "Inverseur I";
this.Desc = "Inverseur de degré 1 avec...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[inverteri-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[inverteri-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Charge;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 3;
this.Price = 25;
this.Technology = 1;
this.Research = 0;
this.Upgrade = new Inverter_II(level);
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = false;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
this.CanUpgradeNrj = false;
this.UpgradedTemp = 1f;
@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ public class Inverter_I extends Transmuter {
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
this.TurnRayon = 0f;
this.TurnNrj = 0f;
this.Activable = true;
this.Activable = false;
this.ActivationLevel = 0;
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 0), CaseType.Cuivre_seul);
@ -73,6 +76,10 @@ public class Inverter_I extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Inverter_II extends Transmuter {
@ -34,35 +35,37 @@ public class Inverter_II extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Inverter_II(Level level) {
this.Name = "Inverseur II";
this.Desc = "Inverseur de degré 2 avec...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[inverterii-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[inverterii-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Charge;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Research = 0;
this.Price = 80;
this.Technology = 1;
this.Research = 40;
this.Upgrade = null;
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = false;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
this.CanUpgradeNrj = false;
this.UpgradedTemp = 1f;
this.UpgradedCycle = 1f;
this.UpgradedRayon = 1f;
this.UpgradedNrj = 1f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.5f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.2f;
this.UsedRayon = 0f;
this.UsedNrj = 0f;
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
this.TurnRayon = 0f;
this.TurnNrj = 0f;
this.Activable = true;
this.Activable = false;
this.ActivationLevel = 0;
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 0), CaseType.Cuivre);
@ -73,6 +76,10 @@ public class Inverter_II extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Negativer extends Transmuter {
@ -34,22 +35,24 @@ public class Negativer extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Negativer(Level level) {
this.Name = "Negativeur non activable";
this.Desc = "Negativeur avec...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[negativer-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[negativer-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Scenario;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Price = 0;
this.Technology = 0;
this.Research = 0;
this.Upgrade = null;
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = false;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = false;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
this.CanUpgradeNrj = false;
this.UpgradedTemp = 1f;
@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ public class Negativer extends Transmuter {
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
this.TurnRayon = 0f;
this.TurnNrj = 0f;
this.Activable = true;
this.Activable = false;
this.ActivationLevel = 0;
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 0), CaseType.Nimporte);
@ -73,6 +76,10 @@ public class Negativer extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;
@ -144,9 +151,9 @@ public class Negativer extends Transmuter {
public OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> getTilesidrotated() {
OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> newTiles = new OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer>();
Iterator<Vector2> keySetIterator = this.Tilesid.keys();
while (keySetIterator.hasNext()) {
Vector2 key = keySetIterator.next();
Iterator<Vector2> tiles = this.Tilesid.keys();
while (tiles.hasNext()) {
Vector2 key = tiles.next();
double delta = key.len();
double alpha = key.angleRad() + this.getRotation().ordinal()
* Math.PI / 2;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Negativer_I extends Transmuter {
@ -34,20 +35,22 @@ public class Negativer_I extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Negativer_I(Level level) {
this.Name = "Negativeur I";
this.Desc = "Negativeur de degré 1 avec...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[negativeri-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[negativeri-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Charge;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Technology = 4;
this.Research = 0;
this.Upgrade = new Negativer_II(level);
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
@ -75,6 +78,10 @@ public class Negativer_I extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Negativer_II extends Transmuter {
@ -34,20 +35,22 @@ public class Negativer_II extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Negativer_II(Level level) {
this.Name = "Negativeur II";
this.Desc = "Negativeur de degré 3 avec...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[negativerii-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[negativerii-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Charge;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 5;
this.Research = 0;
this.Price = 100;
this.Technology = 4;
this.Research = 40;
this.Upgrade = new Negativer_III(level);
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ public class Negativer_II extends Transmuter {
this.UpgradedCycle = 1f;
this.UpgradedRayon = 1f;
this.UpgradedNrj = 1f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.5f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.4f;
this.UsedRayon = 0f;
this.UsedNrj = 0f;
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ public class Negativer_II extends Transmuter {
this.ActivationLevel = 0;
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 0), CaseType.Cuivre);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(1, 0), CaseType.Fibre_seul);
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(1, 0), CaseType.Fibre);
this.Tilesid = new OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer>();
this.Tilesid.put(new Vector2(0, 0), 109);
this.Tilesid.put(new Vector2(1, 0), 107);
@ -75,6 +78,10 @@ public class Negativer_II extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Negativer_III extends Transmuter {
@ -34,20 +35,22 @@ public class Negativer_III extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Negativer_III(Level level) {
this.Name = "Negativeur III";
this.Desc = "Negativeur de degré 3 avec...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[negativeriii-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[negativeriii-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Charge;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Research = 0;
this.Price = 150;
this.Technology = 4;
this.Research = 120;
this.Upgrade = null;
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
@ -65,7 +68,6 @@ public class Negativer_III extends Transmuter {
this.Activable = true;
this.ActivationLevel = 0;
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 0), CaseType.Tout);
this.Tilesid = new OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer>();
this.Tilesid.put(new Vector2(0, 0), 103);
@ -74,6 +76,10 @@ public class Negativer_III extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Neutraliser_I extends Transmuter {
@ -34,22 +35,24 @@ public class Neutraliser_I extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Neutraliser_I(Level level) {
this.Name = "Neutraliseur I";
this.Desc = "Neutraliseur de degré 1 avec...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[neutraliseri-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[neutraliseri-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Charge;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Price = 20;
this.Technology = 4;
this.Research = 0;
this.Upgrade = new Neutraliser_II(level);
this.Upgrade = null;
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = false;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
this.CanUpgradeNrj = false;
this.UpgradedTemp = 1f;
@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ public class Neutraliser_I extends Transmuter {
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
this.TurnRayon = 0f;
this.TurnNrj = 0f;
this.Activable = true;
this.Activable = false;
this.ActivationLevel = 0;
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 0), CaseType.Cuivre_seul);
@ -73,6 +76,10 @@ public class Neutraliser_I extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Neutraliser_II extends Transmuter {
@ -34,35 +35,37 @@ public class Neutraliser_II extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Neutraliser_II(Level level) {
this.Name = "Neutraliseur II";
this.Desc = "Neutraliseur de degré 2 avec...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[neutraliserii-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[neutraliserii-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Charge;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Research = 0;
this.Price = 100;
this.Technology = 4;
this.Research = 40;
this.Upgrade = null;
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = false;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
this.CanUpgradeNrj = false;
this.UpgradedTemp = 1f;
this.UpgradedCycle = 1f;
this.UpgradedRayon = 1f;
this.UpgradedNrj = 1f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.5f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.2f;
this.UsedRayon = 0f;
this.UsedNrj = 0f;
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
this.TurnRayon = 0f;
this.TurnNrj = 0f;
this.Activable = true;
this.Activable = false;
this.ActivationLevel = 0;
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 0), CaseType.Cuivre);
@ -73,6 +76,10 @@ public class Neutraliser_II extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Oneway extends Transmuter {
@ -34,35 +35,37 @@ public class Oneway extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Oneway(Level level) {
this.Name = "Antiretour";
this.Desc = "Antiretour avec...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[oneway-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[oneway-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Direction;
this.Price = 50;
this.Price = 75;
this.Technology = 5;
this.Research = 0;
this.Upgrade = new Positiver_II(level);
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.Upgrade = null;
this.Unlock = new distributor(level);
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = false;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
this.CanUpgradeNrj = false;
this.UpgradedTemp = 1f;
this.UpgradedCycle = 1f;
this.UpgradedRayon = 1f;
this.UpgradedNrj = 1f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.5f;
this.UsedTemp = 1f;
this.UsedRayon = 0f;
this.UsedNrj = 0f;
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
this.TurnRayon = 0f;
this.TurnNrj = 0f;
this.Activable = true;
this.Activable = false;
this.ActivationLevel = 0;
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 0), CaseType.Cuivre);
@ -73,6 +76,10 @@ public class Oneway extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Positiver extends Transmuter {
private static String Name, Desc;
private static Class theClass;
@ -32,22 +35,24 @@ public class Positiver extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Positiver(Level level) {
this.Name = "Positiveur non activable";
this.Desc = "Positiveur ...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[positiver-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[positiver-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Scenario;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Price = 0;
this.Technology = 0;
this.Research = 0;
this.Upgrade = null;
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = false;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = false;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
this.CanUpgradeNrj = false;
this.UpgradedTemp = 1f;
@ -60,7 +65,7 @@ public class Positiver extends Transmuter {
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
this.TurnRayon = 0f;
this.TurnNrj = 0f;
this.Activable = true;
this.Activable = false;
this.ActivationLevel = 0;
this.Tilestype = new OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType>();
this.Tilestype.put(new Vector2(0, 0), CaseType.Nimporte);
@ -71,6 +76,10 @@ public class Positiver extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;
@ -142,9 +151,9 @@ public class Positiver extends Transmuter {
public OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> getTilesidrotated() {
OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> newTiles = new OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer>();
Iterator<Vector2> keySetIterator = this.Tilesid.keys();
while (keySetIterator.hasNext()) {
Vector2 key = keySetIterator.next();
Iterator<Vector2> tiles = this.Tilesid.keys();
while (tiles.hasNext()) {
Vector2 key = tiles.next();
double delta = key.len();
double alpha = key.angleRad() + this.getRotation().ordinal()
* Math.PI / 2;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Positiver_I extends Transmuter {
@ -34,20 +35,22 @@ public class Positiver_I extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Positiver_I(Level level) {
this.Name = "Positiveur I";
this.Desc = "Positiveur de degré 1 avec...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[positiveri-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[positiveri-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Charge;
this.Price = 50;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Research = 0;
this.Upgrade = new Positiver_II(level);
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
@ -75,6 +78,10 @@ public class Positiver_I extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class Positiver_II extends Transmuter {
@ -34,20 +35,22 @@ public class Positiver_II extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Positiver_II(Level level) {
this.Name = "Positiveur II";
this.Desc = "Positiveur de degré 2222222 avec...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[positiverii-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[positiverii-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Charge;
this.Price = 50;
this.Price = 100;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Research = 0;
this.Research = 40;
this.Upgrade = new Positiver_III(level);
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ public class Positiver_II extends Transmuter {
this.UpgradedCycle = 1f;
this.UpgradedRayon = 1f;
this.UpgradedNrj = 1f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.5f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.4f;
this.UsedRayon = 0f;
this.UsedNrj = 0f;
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
@ -75,6 +78,10 @@ public class Positiver_II extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
public class Positiver_III extends Transmuter {
private static String Name, Desc;
private static Class theClass;
@ -32,20 +34,22 @@ public class Positiver_III extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public Positiver_III(Level level) {
this.Name = "Positiveur III";
this.Desc = "Positiveur de degré 3 avec...blabla avec...blabla avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[positiveriii-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[positiveriii-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Charge;
this.Price = 50;
this.Price = 150;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Research = 0;
this.Research = 120;
this.Upgrade = null;
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
@ -54,7 +58,7 @@ public class Positiver_III extends Transmuter {
this.UpgradedCycle = 1f;
this.UpgradedRayon = 1f;
this.UpgradedNrj = 1f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.5f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.2f;
this.UsedRayon = 0f;
this.UsedNrj = 0f;
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
@ -71,6 +75,10 @@ public class Positiver_III extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -8,14 +8,32 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Entry;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
public abstract class Transmuter implements Cloneable, Serializable {
public enum CaseType {
Rien, Cuivre_seul, Fibre_seul, Cuivre, Fibre, Tout, Nimporte
public enum Class {
Structure, Charge, Direction, Filtrage, Synthese, Detection, Divers, Scenario
private final String text;
private Class(final String text) {
this.text = text;
public String toString() {
return AssetLoader.language.get(text);
public enum Angular {
A00, A90, A180, A270
@ -32,6 +50,10 @@ public abstract class Transmuter implements Cloneable, Serializable {
public String getName() {
return "";
public String getID() {
return "";
public String getDesc() {
return "";

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Values;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.OrderedMap;
import fr.evolving.assets.AssetLoader;
import fr.evolving.automata.Transmuter.Class;
public class distributor extends Transmuter {
@ -34,20 +35,22 @@ public class distributor extends Transmuter {
private static boolean Activable;
private int ActivationLevel;
private int Rotation;
private String id;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, CaseType> Tilestype;
private static OrderedMap<Vector2, Integer> Tilesid;
public distributor(Level level) {
this.Name = "Distributeur";
this.Desc = "Distribue lol avec avecave aveca vecavec avec avec avec avecavecavecavec avec avecavecavec avec avecavecavecavec avec";
this.Name = AssetLoader.language.get("[distributer-name]");
this.Desc = AssetLoader.language.get("[distributer-desc]");
this.theClass = Class.Direction;
this.Price = 50;
this.Price = 400;
this.Technology = 2;
this.Research = 0;
this.Research = 800;
this.Upgrade = null;
this.Unlock = null;
this.showed = true;
this.showed = false;
this.CanUpgradeTemp = true;
this.CanUpgradeCycle = true;
this.CanUpgradeRayon = false;
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ public class distributor extends Transmuter {
this.UpgradedCycle = 1f;
this.UpgradedRayon = 1f;
this.UpgradedNrj = 1f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.5f;
this.UsedTemp = 0.2f;
this.UsedRayon = 0f;
this.UsedNrj = 0f;
this.TurnTemp = 0f;
@ -81,7 +84,11 @@ public class distributor extends Transmuter {
public String getName() {
return this.Name;
public String getID() {
return this.id;
public String getDesc() {
return this.Desc;

View File

@ -299,32 +299,32 @@ public class GameScreen implements Screen {
info_activation.setSize(48, 48);
info_activation.setPosition(1440, AssetLoader.height - 775);
info_up_cycleval = new ImageButton(AssetLoader.Skin_level,"info_cycleval");
info_up_cycleval.setPosition(1819, AssetLoader.height - 765);
info_up_cycleval.setPosition(1775, AssetLoader.height - 855);
info_up_tempval = new ImageButton(AssetLoader.Skin_level,"info_tempval");
info_up_tempval.setPosition(1819, AssetLoader.height - 832);
info_up_tempval.setPosition(1775, AssetLoader.height - 925);
info_up_rayonval = new ImageButton(AssetLoader.Skin_level,"info_rayonval");
info_up_rayonval.setPosition(1819, AssetLoader.height - 900);
info_up_rayonval.setPosition(1850, AssetLoader.height - 855);
info_up_nrjval = new ImageButton(AssetLoader.Skin_level, "info_nrjval");
info_up_nrjval.setPosition(1819, AssetLoader.height - 967);
info_up_nrjval.setPosition(1850, AssetLoader.height - 925);
info_up_cycle = new ImageButton(AssetLoader.Skin_level, "info_cycle");
info_up_cycle.setSize(32, 32);
info_up_cycle.setPosition(1835, AssetLoader.height - 747);
info_up_cycle.setPosition(1790, AssetLoader.height - 839);
info_up_temp = new ImageButton(AssetLoader.Skin_level, "info_temp");
info_up_temp.setSize(32, 32);
info_up_temp.setPosition(1837, AssetLoader.height - 816);
info_up_temp.setPosition(1792, AssetLoader.height - 910);
info_up_rayon = new ImageButton(AssetLoader.Skin_level, "info_rayon");
info_up_rayon.setSize(32, 32);
info_up_rayon.setPosition(1835, AssetLoader.height - 884);
info_up_rayon.setPosition(1866, AssetLoader.height - 839);
info_up_nrj = new ImageButton(AssetLoader.Skin_level, "info_nrj");
info_up_nrj.setSize(32, 32);
info_up_nrj.setPosition(1835, AssetLoader.height - 950);
info_up_nrj.setPosition(1865, AssetLoader.height - 910);
info_nom = new Label("Unknow", AssetLoader.Skin_level, "info_nom");
info_nom.setPosition(1230, AssetLoader.height - 710);
info_desc = new TextArea("Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description",
AssetLoader.Skin_level, "info_desc");
info_desc.setBounds(1220, AssetLoader.height - 965, 575, 150);
info_desc.setBounds(1220, AssetLoader.height - 965, 560, 150);
info_up=new ImageButton(AssetLoader.Skin_level,"evolution");
info_up.setPosition(1375, AssetLoader.height - 720);
info_up.setPosition(1450, AssetLoader.height - 720);
info_up.addListener(new ClickListener() {
public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ public class GameScreen implements Screen {
info_up_cycleval.getStyle().up = new TextureRegionDrawable(
+ transmuter.getUpgradeCycle()));
info_up_nrjval.getStyle().up = new TextureRegionDrawable(
+ transmuter.getUpgradeNrj()));
@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ public class GameScreen implements Screen {
info_up_tempval.getStyle().up = new TextureRegionDrawable(
+ transmuter.getUpgradeTemp()));
info_up_rayonval.getStyle().up = new TextureRegionDrawable(
+ transmuter.getUpgradeRayon()));