visual: traduction totale en anglais/français
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,39 +7,39 @@
[positiver-name]=Non-activable positiver
[positiver-name]=Non-activable positiver
[positiver-desc]=Charge an elektron positivly when it goes across this transmuter, neverless it's nature. This is non-activable version of the transmuter.
[positiver-desc]=Charge an electron positivly when it goes across this transmuter, whatever it's nature. This is non-activable version of the transmuter.
[positiveri-name]=Positiver I
[positiveri-name]=Positiver I
[positiveri-desc]=Charge an elektron positivly when it goes across this transmuter, neverless it's nature. This is initial version of the transmuter.
[positiveri-desc]=Charge an electron positivly when it goes across this transmuter, whatever it's nature. This is initial version of the transmuter.
[positiverii-name]=Positiver II
[positiverii-name]=Positiver II
[positiverii-desc]=Charge an elektron positivly when it goes across this transmuter, neverless it's nature. This is the first evolution of the transmuter, easier to put on grid with less temperature at use.
[positiverii-desc]=Charge an electron positivly when it goes across this transmuter, whatever it's nature. This is the first evolution of the transmuter, easier to put on grid with less temperature at use.
[positiveriii-name]=Positiver III
[positiveriii-name]=Positiver III
[positiveriii-desc]=Charge an elektron positivly when it goes across this transmuter, neverless it's nature. This is the second evolution of the transmuter which take only one cell.
[positiveriii-desc]=Charge an electron positivly when it goes across this transmuter, whatever it's nature. This is the second evolution of the transmuter which take only one cell.
[negativer-name]=Non-activable negativer
[negativer-name]=Non-activable negativer
[negativer-desc]=Charge an elektron negativly when it goes across this transmuter, neverless it's nature. This is non-activable version of the transmuter.
[negativer-desc]=Charge an electron negativly when it goes across this transmuter, whatever it's nature. This is non-activable version of the transmuter.
[negativeri-name]=Negativer I
[negativeri-name]=Negativer I
[negativeri-desc]=Charge an elektron negativly when it goes across this transmuter, neverless it's nature. This is initial version of the transmuter.
[negativeri-desc]=Charge an electron negativly when it goes across this transmuter, whatever it's nature. This is initial version of the transmuter.
[negativerii-name]=Negativer II
[negativerii-name]=Negativer II
[negativerii-desc]=Charge an elektron negativly when it goes across this transmuter, neverless it's nature. This is the first evolution of the transmuter, easier to put on grid with less temperature at use.
[negativerii-desc]=Charge an electron negativly when it goes across this transmuter, whatever it's nature. This is the first evolution of the transmuter, easier to put on grid with less temperature at use.
[negativeriii-name]=Negativer III
[negativeriii-name]=Negativer III
[negativeriii-desc]=Charge an elektron negativly when it goes across this transmuter, neverless it's nature. This is the second evolution of the transmuter which take only one cell.
[negativeriii-desc]=Charge an electron negativly when it goes across this transmuter, whatever it's nature. This is the second evolution of the transmuter which take only one cell.
[inverteri-name]=Inverter I
[inverteri-name]=Inverter I
[inverteri-desc]=Invert the charge of an elektron when it goes across this transmuter, neverless it's nature. This is initial version of the transmuter.
[inverteri-desc]=Invert the charge of an electron when it goes across this transmuter, whatever it's nature. This is initial version of the transmuter.
[inverterii-name]=Inverter II
[inverterii-name]=Inverter II
[inverterii-desc]=Invert the charge of an elektron when it goes across this transmuter, neverless it's nature. This is the first evolution of the transmuter.
[inverterii-desc]=Invert the charge of an electron when it goes across this transmuter, whatever it's nature. This is the first evolution of the transmuter.
[neutraliseri-name]=Neutraliser I
[neutraliseri-name]=Neutraliser I
[neutraliseri-desc]=Nullify the charge of an elektron when it goes across this transmuter, neverless it's nature. This is initial version of the transmuter.
[neutraliseri-desc]=Nullify the charge of an electron when it goes across this transmuter, whatever it's nature. This is initial version of the transmuter.
[neutraliserii-name]=Neutraliser II
[neutraliserii-name]=Neutraliser II
[neutraliserii-desc]=Nullify the charge of an elektron when it goes across this transmuter, neverless it's nature. This is the first evolution of the transmuter.
[neutraliserii-desc]=Nullify the charge of an elektron when it goes across this transmuter, whatever it's nature. This is the first evolution of the transmuter.
[insufler33-name]=Insufler 33%
[insufler33-name]=Insufler 33%
[insufler33-desc]=Change direction of 33%, one on three of the elektron neverless it's nature to the first exit.
[insufler33-desc]=Change direction of 33%, one on three of the electron whatever it's nature to the first exit.
[insufler50-name]=Insufler 50%
[insufler50-name]=Insufler 50%
[insufler50-desc]=Change direction of 50%, one on two of the elektron neverless it's nature to the first exit.
[insufler50-desc]=Change direction of 50%, one on two of the electron whatever it's nature to the first exit.
[insufler100-name]=Insufler 100%
[insufler100-name]=Insufler 100%
[insufler100-desc]=Change direction of 100%, every elektron neverless it's nature to the first exit.
[insufler100-desc]=Change direction of 100%, every electron whatever it's nature to the first exit.
[oneway-desc]=Let elekrons going accross this transmuter only in one direction, the others are blocked and go to the opposite.
[oneway-desc]=Let electrons going accross this transmuter only in one direction, the others are blocked and go to the opposite.
[distributer-desc]=Change direction every elektron respectively to exit 1,2 and 3, this allow to distribute one on three elektron on each exit.
[distributer-desc]=Change direction every electron respectively to exit 1,2 and 3, this allow to distribute one on three elektron on each exit.
@ -87,3 +87,39 @@
[level1/1-desc]=Discover the WireChem interface et capture your first electron.
[level1/2-desc]=Learn the electron trajectories to understand how to build your own systems.
[level1/3-desc]=Add some copper wire on grid to realise a system which allow to lead an electron to the sensors.
[level1/4-desc]=Understand the inner working of the first transmuter : the positiver. You need to generate 8 electron to finish this level.
[level1/5-desc]=A new element more heavy appear on the grid, it is the negative super electron. It had been made by collision. Two super electron are needed to valid the victory conditions.
[level1/6-desc]=The goal is to generate 6 neutrals electrons. It's necessary to learn how to use the fiber on which the photon are moving on. Some transmuters need to be activated to be usable since 10 cycles.
[level1/7-desc]=Now you can draw your system with fibers and copper wire and also with activables transmuters in order to lead postives and neutrals electrons to the sensors.
[level1/8-desc]=By using the activable transmuter called reactor, you can transform positives super electrons in protons. We are closer than ever to atom...
[level1/9-desc]=Your first atom: Hydrogen, this is chimical element number 1, with the H symbol and un electron/proton. It's the major constituent of sun and lot of stars, it's a most common chimical element of the univers.
[level2/1-desc]=Deuterium (symbol D or 2H, also known as heavy hydrogen) is one of two stable isotopes of hydrogen. The nucleus of deuterium, called a deuteron, contains one proton and one neutron, whereas the far more common hydrogen isotope, protium, has no neutron in the nucleus. Deuterium has a natural abundance in Earth's oceans of about one atom in 6420 of hydrogen.
[level2/2-desc]=Tritium (/ˈtrɪtiəm/ or /ˈtrɪʃiəm/; symbol T or 3H, also known as hydrogen-3) is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Naturally occurring tritium is extremely rare on Earth, where trace amounts are formed by the interaction of the atmosphere with cosmic rays.
[level2/3-desc]=Helium-3 (He-3, also written as 3He) is a light, non-radioactive isotope of helium with two protons and one neutron, in contrast with two neutrons in common helium. Its hypothetical existence was first proposed in 1934 by the Australian nuclear physicist Mark Oliphant.
[level2/4-desc]=Helium-4 (42He or 4He) is a non-radioactive isotope of the element helium. It is by far the most abundant of the two naturally occurring isotopes of helium, making up about 99.99986% of the helium on Earth. Its nucleus is identical to an alpha particle, and consists of two protons and two neutrons.
[level2/5-desc]= The most widely-studied heavy helium isotope is helium-8. This isotope, as well as helium-6, are thought to consist of a normal helium-4 nucleus surrounded by a neutron "halo".
[level2/6-desc]=Lithium (from Greek: λίθος lithos, "stone") is a chemical element with the symbol Li and atomic number 3. It is a soft, silver-white metal belonging to the alkali metal group of chemical elements. Under standard conditions it is the lightest metal and the least dense solid element.
[level2/7-desc]=Carbon (from Latin: carbo "coal") is a chemical element with symbol C. On the periodic table, it is the first of six elements in column 14, which have in common the composition of their outer electron shell. It is nonmetallic and tetravalent—making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds.
[level2/8-desc]=Oxygen is a chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table and is a highly reactive nonmetal and oxidizing agent that readily forms compounds (notably oxides) with most elements.
[level2/9-desc]=Neon is a chemical element with symbol Ne and atomic number 10. It is in group 18 (noble gases) of the periodic table.[9] Neon is a colorless, odorless, inert monatomic gas under standard conditions, with about two-thirds the density of air.
@ -87,3 +87,39 @@
[level1/1-desc]=Découverte de l'interface de WireChem et capture de votre premier électron (neutre).
[level1/2-desc]=Comprendre les trajectoires empruntées par les électrons sur la grille afin de mieux appréhender la conception de systèmes.
[level1/3-desc]=Ajouter des pistes sur la grille afin de réaliser un système qui permet de diriger un électron neutre vers le senseur.
[level1/4-desc]=Comprendre le fonctionnement de votre premier transmuteur : le positiveur. Vous devrez générer 8 électrons positifs afin de compléter ce niveau.
[level1/5-desc]=Un nouvel élément plus lourd fait son apparition sur la grille, il s'agit du super-électron negatif. Il est généré par colision, 2 seront nécessaire pour valider les conditions de victoire.
[level1/6-desc]=L'objectif est de générer 6 électrons neutres. Il vous faudra cependant apprendre l'usage des fibres par lesquelles transitent les photons. Certains transmuteurs nécessitent d'être activés par des photons pour être utilisables durant 10 tours.
[level1/7-desc]=A vous de dessiner votre système à base de fibres et de pistes mais aussi de transmuteurs activables afin de faire parvenir des éléctrons positifs et neutres sur les senseurs.
[level1/8-desc]=Par le biais d'un transmuteur activable appelé réacteur, vous allez transformer les supers électrons postifs en protons. Nous nous rapprochons de l'atome à petit pas...
[level1/9-desc]=Votre premier atome: l'hydrogène qui est l'élément chimique de numéro atomique 1, de symbole H avec un électron sur la couche K avec un proton. C'est le principal constituant du Soleil et de la plupart des étoiles, il est très abondant dans l'univers.
[level2/1-desc]=Le deutérium (symbole 2H ou D) est un isotope naturel de l'hydrogène. Son noyau atomique, appelé deuton ou deutéron, possède un proton et un neutron, d'où un nombre de masse égal à 2. Le deutérium a été découvert en 1931 par Harold Clayton Urey. Il existe naturellement à l'état de traces...
[level2/2-desc]=Le tritium (T ou 3H) est — comme notamment le protium et le deutérium — l'un des isotopes de l'hydrogène. Il possède 1 proton et 2 neutrons. Il a été mis en évidence en 1934, par Ernest Rutherford, dans la réaction nucléaire D+D→T+H.
[level2/3-desc]=L’hélium 3, noté 3He, est l'isotope de l'hélium dont le nombre de masse est égal à 3. Très recherché pour ses applications potentielles en fusion nucléaire, l'hélium 3 est rare sur Terre.
[level2/4-desc]=L'hélium 4 est un isotope de l'hélium le plus courant dans l'atmosphère terrestre. Il est produit sur Terre par la désintégration α d'éléments radioactifs plus lourds. Il a été produit en très grandes quantités lors de la nucléosynthèse primordiale.
[level2/5-desc]=L'hélium 8 (8He) est l'isotope lourd de l'hélium le plus étudié. Comme l'hélium 6, son noyau est constitué d'un noyau d'hélium 4 entouré par un « halo », mais à quatre neutrons. Sa durée de vie est relativement longue (demi-vie de 0,1 s).
[level2/6-desc]=Le lithium est un métal alcalin, situé dans le premier groupe du tableau périodique des éléments. Il est très réactif, le lithium n'existe pas à l'état natif dans le milieu naturel. Il n'y est présent que dans des composés ioniques. On l'extrait de minéraux de type pegmatite, ainsi que d'argiles et de saumures.
[level2/7-desc]=C'est la tête de file du groupe des cristallogènes. Le nom carbone vient du latin carbo, carbōnis signifiant « charbon ». Le carbone est présent sur Terre depuis la formation de celle-ci...
[level2/8-desc]=Découvert indépendamment en 1772 par le suédois Carl Wilhelm Scheele à Uppsala et a été nommé ainsi en 1777 par Antoine Lavoisier à Paris à partir du grec ancien ὀξύς / oxys (« aigu », c'est-à-dire ici « acide »), et γενής / genês (« générateur »)
[level2/9-desc]=C'est un gaz noble, ou gaz rare, presque inerte et sans couleur. Le néon donne une lueur rougeâtre distinctive lorsqu'il est utilisé dans les tubes à vide et les lampes néon. On le trouve sous forme de traces dans l'atmosphère, où sa concentration est de 18 ppm.
@ -1170,13 +1170,6 @@ sprite-transmuter
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@ -1291,21 +1326,21 @@ usa
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@ -1170,13 +1170,6 @@ sprite-transmuter
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xy: 391, 587
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@ -1291,21 +1326,21 @@ usa
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Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 524 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 650 KiB |
Reference in New Issue