
860 lines
17 KiB
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2019-07-13 20:49:22 +02:00
align 1
include "..\include\mem.h"
org 0h
header exe 1,exports,imports,0,0
declare print
declare showdate
declare showtime
declare showname
declare showattr
declare showsize
declare showspace
declare showint
declare showsigned
declare showhex
declare showbin
declare showbcd
declare showstring
declare showstring0
declare showintr
declare showintl
declare showchar
use VIDEO,addline
use VIDEO,setcolor
use VIDEO,getxy
use VIDEO,setxy
use VIDEO,setvideomode
use VIDEO,setfont
use VIDEO,clearscreen
use VIDEO,enablescroll
use VIDEO,disablescroll
use VIDEO,showchars
use VIDEO,savestate
use VIDEO,restorestate
;Affiche la chaine %0 en utilisant les parametres de formatage %x....%x
;-> %0 %x
proc print pointer:word
push ax bx cx si di
xor di,di
mov si,[pointer]
mov cl,[si]
cmp cl,0
je .no0
cmp cl,'%'
je .special
cmp cl,'\'
je .special2
xor ch,ch
invoke showchars,cx,0FFFFh
inc si
jmp .strinaize0
cmp byte [si+1],'%'
jne .notshowit
inc si
jmp .showit
mov cl,byte [si+1]
cmp cl,'c'
je .showchars
cmp cl,'u'
je .showint
cmp cl,'v'
je .showfixint
cmp cl,'w'
je .showintr
cmp cl,'i'
je .showsigned
cmp cl,'h'
je .showhex
cmp cl,'b'
je .showbin
cmp cl,'s'
je .showstring
cmp cl,'0'
je .showstring0
cmp cl,'y'
je .showbcd
cmp cl,'z'
je .showsize
cmp cl,'a'
je .showattr
cmp cl,'n'
je .showname
cmp cl,'t'
je .showtime
cmp cl,'d'
je .showdate
jmp .no0
cmp byte [si+2],'M'
je .showmultchar
invoke showchars,word [pointer+di+2],0FFFFh
add si,2
add di,2
jmp .strinaize0
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
mov cx,[pointer+di+2+2]
cmp cx,0
je .nextfunc
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
invoke showchars,word [pointer+di+2],0FFFFh
dec cx
jnz .showcharsx
add si,3
add di,4
jmp .strinaize0
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showint,dword [pointer+di+2]
add si,2
add di,4
jmp .strinaize0
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showintl,word [pointer+di+6],dword [pointer+di+2]
add di,6
add si,2
jmp .strinaize0
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showintr,word [pointer+di+6],dword [pointer+di+2]
add di,6
add si,2
jmp .strinaize0
call .Chosesize
stdcall showsigned
jmp .strinaize0
call .Chosesize
stdcall showhex
jmp .strinaize0
call .Chosesize
stdcall showbin
jmp .strinaize0
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
cmp byte [si+2],'P'
je .showstring.pointer
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showstring,word [pointer+di+2]
add si,2
add di,2
jmp .strinaize0
push ds
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
mov ds,[pointer+di+2+2]
stdcall showstring,word [pointer+di+2]
add si,3
add di,4
pop ds
jmp .strinaize0
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
cmp byte [si+2],'P'
je .showstring0.pointer
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showstring0,word [pointer+di+2]
add si,2
add di,2
jmp .strinaize0
push ds
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
mov ds,[pointer+di+2+2]
stdcall showstring0,word [pointer+di+2]
add si,3
add di,4
pop ds
jmp .strinaize0
call .Chosesize
stdcall showbcd
jmp .strinaize0
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showsize,dword [pointer+di+2]
add si,2
add di,4
jmp .strinaize0
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showattr,word [pointer+di+2]
add si,2
add di,2
jmp .strinaize0
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showname,word [pointer+di+2]
add si,2
add di,2
jmp .strinaize0
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showtime,word [pointer+di+2]
add si,2
add di,2
jmp .strinaize0
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showdate,word [pointer+di+2]
add si,2
add di,2
jmp .strinaize0
pop cx
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
push dword [pointer+di+2]
add di,4
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
cmp byte [si+2],'B'
je .byte
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
cmp byte [si+2],'W'
je .word
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
cmp byte [si+2],'D'
je .dword
dec si
push 16
add si,3
push cx
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
push 8
add si,3
push cx
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
push 32
add si,3
push cx
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
cmp byte [si+1],'\'
jne .notshowit2
inc si
jmp .showit
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
mov cl,byte [si+1]
cmp cl,'l'
je .showline
cmp cl,'g'
je .goto
cmp cl,'h'
je .gotox
cmp cl,'c'
je .color
cmp cl,'m'
je .setvideomode
cmp cl,'e'
je .clearscreen
cmp cl,'s'
je .savestate
cmp cl,'r'
je .restorestate
cmp cl,'i'
je .enablescroll
cmp cl,'j'
je .disablescroll
cmp cl,'f'
je .setfont
jmp .no0
mov al,[si+2]
sub al,'0'
shl al,4
add al,[si+3]
sub al,'0'
xor ah,ah
invoke setcolor,ax
add si,4
jmp .strinaize0
mov bh,[si+2]
sub bh,'0'
mov bl,bh
shl bl,3
add bl,bh
add bl,bh
add bl,[si+3]
sub bl,'0'
xor bh,bh
invoke getxy
xor ah,ah
invoke setxy,bx,ax
add si,4
jmp .strinaize0
mov ah,[si+2]
sub ah,'0'
mov al,ah
shl al,3
add al,ah
add al,ah
add al,[si+3]
sub al,'0'
xor ah,ah
invoke setvideomode,ax
add si,4
jmp .strinaize0
mov ah,[si+2]
sub ah,'0'
mov al,ah
shl al,3
add al,ah
add al,ah
add al,[si+3]
sub al,'0'
xor ah,ah
invoke setfont,ax
add si,4
jmp .strinaize0
invoke addline
add si,2
jmp .strinaize0
invoke clearscreen
add si,2
jmp .strinaize0
invoke savestate
add si,2
jmp .strinaize0
invoke restorestate
add si,2
jmp .strinaize0
invoke enablescroll
add si,2
jmp .strinaize0
invoke disablescroll
add si,2
jmp .strinaize0
mov ah,[si+2]
sub ah,'0'
mov al,ah
shl al,3
add al,ah
add al,ah
add al,[si+3]
sub al,'0'
xor ah,ah
mov bh,[si+5]
sub bh,'0'
mov bl,bh
shl bl,3
add bl,bh
add bl,bh
add bl,[si+6]
sub bl,'0'
xor bh,bh
invoke setxy,ax,bx
add si,7
jmp .strinaize0
add di,bp
mov ax,[ss:bp] ;BP
mov bx,[ss:bp+2] ;IP
mov cx,[ss:bp+4] ;CS
mov [ss:di],ax
mov [ss:di+2],bx
mov [ss:di+4],cx
mov bp,di
pop di si cx bx ax
mov sp,bp
;Affiche la date contenu en %0
;-> %0
proc showdate uses edx, dates:word
xor edx,edx
mov dx,[dates]
and dx,11111b
stdcall showintl,2,edx
invoke showchars,'/',0FFFFh
mov dx,[dates]
shr dx,5
and dx,111b
stdcall showintl,2,edx
invoke showchars,'/',0FFFFh
mov dx,[dates]
shr dx,8
and dx,11111111b
add dx,1956
stdcall showintl,2,edx
;Affiche l'heure contenu en %0
;-> %0
proc showtime uses edx, times:word
xor edx,edx
mov dx,[times]
shr dx,11
and dx,11111b
stdcall showintl,2,edx
invoke showchars,':',0FFFFh
mov dx,[times]
shr dx,5
and dx,111111b
stdcall showintl,2,edx
invoke showchars,':',0FFFFh
mov dx,[times]
and dx,11111b
shl dx,1
stdcall showintl,2,edx
;Affiche le nom pointe par ds:%0
;-> ds:%0
proc showname uses cx si, thename:word
mov si,[thename]
xor cx,cx
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
invoke showchars,word [ds:si],0FFFFh
inc si
inc cx
cmp cx,8
jne .suiteaname
invoke showchars,' ',0FFFFh
cmp cx,8+3
jb .showthename
;Affiche les attributs specifie par %0
;-> %0
proc showattr, attr:word
push 0FFFFh
test [attr],00000001b
je .noreadonly
push 'L'
jmp .readonly
push '-'
invoke showchars
push 0FFFFh
test [attr],00000010b
je .nohidden
push 'C'
jmp .hidden
push '-'
invoke showchars
push 0FFFFh
test [attr],00000100b
je .nosystem
push 'S'
jmp .system
push '-'
invoke showchars
push 0FFFFh
test [attr],00100000b
je .noarchive
push 'A'
jmp .archive
push '-'
invoke showchars
push 0FFFFh
test [attr],00010000b
je .nodirectory
push 'R'
jmp .directory
push '-'
invoke showchars
;Affiche le nom pointe par %0
;-> %0
proc showsize uses edx ds, thesize:dword
push cs
pop ds
mov edx,[thesize]
cmp edx,1073741824
ja .giga
cmp edx,1048576*9
ja .mega
cmp edx,1024*9
ja .kilo
stdcall showintr,4,edx
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showstring0,unit
jmp .finsize
shr edx,10
stdcall showintr,4,edx
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showstring0,unitkilo
jmp .finsize
shr edx,20
stdcall showintr,4,edx
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showstring0,unitmega
jmp .finsize
shr edx,30
stdcall showintr,4,edx
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
stdcall showstring0,unitgiga
unit db ' o ',0
unitkilo db ' ko',0
unitmega db ' mo',0
unitgiga db ' go',0
;met un espace apres le curseur
proc showspace
invoke showchars,' ',0FFFFh
;Affiche un entier %0 apres le curseur
;-> %0
proc showint uses eax bx cx edx esi, integer:dword
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
local showbuffer[50]:BYTE
xor cx,cx
mov eax,[integer]
mov esi,10
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
lea bx,[showbuffer+27]
xor edx,edx
div esi
add dl,'0'
inc cx
mov [cs:bx],dl
dec bx
cmp ax,0
jne .decint
mov ax,cx
inc bx
mov cl,[cs:bx]
invoke showchars,cx,0FFFFh
dec ax
jnz .showinteger
;Affiche un entier %0 apres le curseur de taille %1 caractere centre a gauche
;-> %0 un entier % taille en caracteres
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
proc showintl uses eax bx cx edx esi di, sizeofint:word,integer:dword
local showbuffer[50]:BYTE
mov di,[sizeofint]
xor cx,cx
mov eax,[integer]
mov esi,10
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
lea bx,[showbuffer+27]
xor edx,edx
div esi
add dl,'0'
inc cx
mov [cs:bx],dl
dec bx
cmp cx,di
jae .nomuch
cmp ax,0
jne .decint
mov ax,di
xchg cx,di
sub cx,di
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
mov byte [cs:bx],'0'
dec bx
dec cx
jnz .rego
jmp .finishim
mov ax,di
inc bx
mov cl,[cs:bx]
invoke showchars,cx,0FFFFh
dec ax
jnz .showinteger
;Affiche un entier %0 apres le curseur de taille %1 caractere centre a droite
;-> %0 un entier % taille en caracteres
proc showintr uses eax bx cx edx esi di, sizeofint:word,integer:dword
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
local showbuffer[50]:BYTE
mov di,[sizeofint]
xor cx,cx
mov eax,[integer]
mov esi,10
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
lea bx,[showbuffer+27]
xor edx,edx
div esi
add dl,'0'
inc cx
mov [cs:bx],dl
dec bx
cmp cx,di
jae .nomuch
cmp ax,0
jne .decint
mov ax,di
xchg cx,di
sub cx,di
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
mov byte [cs:bx],' '
dec bx
dec cx
jnz .rego
jmp .finishim
mov ax,di
inc bx
mov cl,[cs:bx]
invoke showchars,cx,0FFFFh
dec ax
jnz .showinteger
;Affiche un entier %0 de taille %1 apres le curseur
;-> %0 un entier, %1 la taille
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
proc showsigned uses ebx cx edx, sizeofint:word,integer:dword
mov ebx,[integer]
mov cx,[sizeofint]
xor edx,edx
cmp cx,1
ja .signed16
mov dl,bl
cmp dl,7Fh
jbe .notsigned
neg dl
jmp .showminus
cmp cx,2
ja .signed32
mov dx,bx
cmp dx,7FFFh
jbe .notsigned
neg dx
jmp .showminus
mov edx,ebx
cmp edx,7FFFFFFFh
jbe .notsigned
neg edx
invoke showchars,'-',0FFFFh
stdcall showint,edx
;Affiche un nombre hexadecimal %0 de taille %1 apres le curseur
;-> %0 un entier, %1 la taille
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
proc showhex uses ax bx cx edx, sizeofint:word,integer:dword
mov edx,[integer]
mov cx,[sizeofint]
mov ax,cx
shr ax,2
sub cx,32
neg cx
shl edx,cl
rol edx,4
mov bx,dx
and bx,0fh
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
mov cl,[cs:bx+Tab]
invoke showchars,cx,0FFFFh
dec al
jnz .Hexaize
Tab db '0123456789ABCDEF'
;Affiche un nombre binaire %0 de taille %1 apres le curseur
;-> %0 un entier, %1 la taille
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
proc showbin uses ax cx edx, sizeofint:word,integer:dword
mov edx,[integer]
mov cx,[sizeofint]
sub cx,32
neg cx
shl edx,cl
mov ax,[sizeofint]
rol edx,1
mov cl,'0'
adc cl,0
invoke showchars,cx,0FFFFh
dec al
jnz .binaize
;Affiche un nombre en BCD %0 de taille %1 apres le curseur
;-> %0 un entier, %1 la taille
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
proc showbcd uses ax cx edx, sizeofint:word,integer:dword
mov edx,[integer]
mov ax,[sizeofint]
mov cx,ax
shr ax,2
sub cx,32
neg cx
shl edx,cl
rol edx,4
mov cl,dl
and cl,0fh
add cl,'0'
invoke showchars,cx,0FFFFh
dec al
jnz .BCDaize
;Affiche une chaine de caractere pointee par ds:%1 apres le curseur
;-> ds:%1 pointeur chaine type pascal
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
proc showstring uses bx si, pointer:word
mov si,[pointer]
mov bl,[si]
inc si
2019-07-09 18:30:00 +02:00
invoke showchars,word [si],0FFFFh
dec bl
jnz .strinaize
;Affiche un caractere %0 apres le curseur
;-> %0 caractere
proc showchar, pointer:word
invoke showchars,[pointer],0FFFFh
;Affiche une chaine de caractere pointee par ds:%1 apres le curseur
;-> ds:%1 pointeur chaine type zero terminal
proc showstring0 uses cx si, pointer:word
mov si,[pointer]
mov cl,[si]
cmp cl,0
je .no0
invoke showchars,cx,0FFFFh
inc si
jmp .strinaize0