feat: intégration du programme detect.asm dans le shell sous la forme de la commande detect

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Hordé 2007-03-31 12:25:27 +00:00
parent e46b38631b
commit 517222ec54
2 changed files with 1 additions and 125 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
asm= lzasm /z/t
lnk= elink
all: detect.ce exem-lib.lib exem-ce.ce pmode.ce isa.ce editeur.ce volume.ce test.ce verifier.ce gestion.ce logo.ce souris.ce
all: exem-lib.lib exem-ce.ce pmode.ce isa.ce editeur.ce volume.ce test.ce verifier.ce gestion.ce logo.ce souris.ce
$(asm) $<

View File

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
model tiny,stdcall
option procalign:byte
include "..\include\mem.h"
include "..\include\divers.h"
include "..\include\cpu.h"
include "..\include\pci.h"
org 0h
header exe <,1,0,,,offset imports,,offset realstart>
call [cs:print],offset msg_cpu_detect
call [cs:cpuinfo],offset thecpu
call [cs:setinfo],offset thecpu,offset temp
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
push offset temp
xor eax,eax
mov al,[thecpu.family]
push eax
mov al,[thecpu.models]
push eax
mov al,[thecpu.stepping]
push eax
push offset thecpu.names
push offset thecpu.vendor
call [cs:print],offset msg_cpu_detect_inf
call [cs:print],offset msg_pci
call [cs:pciinfo],offset thepci
jc nopci
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
xor eax,eax
mov al,[thepci.maxbus]
push eax
mov al,[thepci.version_minor]
push eax
mov al,[thepci.version_major]
push eax
call [cs:print],offset msg_pci_info
call [cs:print],offset msg_pci_enum
xor bx,bx
xor cx,cx
xor si,si
call [cs:getcardinfo],bx,cx,si,offset temp
jc stopthis
mov al,[(pcidata offset temp).subclass]
push ax
mov al,[(pcidata offset temp).class]
push ax
call [cs:getpcisubclass]
push dx
push ax
mov al,[(pcidata offset temp).class]
xor ah,ah
push ax
call [cs:getpciclass]
push dx
push ax
push 4
push esi
push 4
push ecx
push 4
push ebx
mov ax,[(pcidata offset temp).device]
push eax
mov ax,[(pcidata offset temp).vendor]
push eax
call [cs:print],offset msg_pci_card
inc si
cmp si,7
jbe searchpci
xor si,si
inc cx
cmp cx,31
jbe searchpci
xor cx,cx
inc bx
cmp bx,16
jbe searchpci
jmp next
call [cs:print],offset msg_echec2
call [cs:detectvmware]
jne novirtual
call [cs:print],offset msg_vmware
use VIDEO.LIB,print
use DETECT.LIB,cpuinfo
use DETECT.LIB,setinfo
use DETECT.LIB,pciinfo
use DETECT.LIB,getcardinfo
use DETECT.LIB,getpcisubclass
use DETECT.LIB,getpciclass
use DETECT.LIB,detectvmware
thepci pciinf <>
thecpu cpu <>
temp db 256 dup (0)
msg_ok2 db "\h70 [\c02 Ok \c07]\l",0
msg_echec2 db "\h70 [\c0CPasser\c07]\l",0
msg_cpu_detect db "Dectection du processeur",0
msg_cpu_detect_inf db " -Fondeur : %0\l -Modele : %0\l -Revision : %u\l -Version : %u\l -Famille : %u\l -Technologies: %0\l",0
msg_pci db "Detection des systemes PCI",0
msg_pci_info db " -Version : %yB.%yB\l -Numero bus max: %u\l",0
msg_pci_enum db " -Enumeration des peripheriques PCI:\l"
db " |Vendeur|Modele|Bus |Dev.|Func|Classe.Sous-classe\l",0
msg_pci_card db " | %hW | %hW |%w|%w|%w|%0P.%0P\l",0
msg_vmware db "\c04 VMWare a ete detecte !!!\c07\l",0