fix: correction de bogue temporaire

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Nicolas Hordé 2007-03-28 21:23:55 +00:00
parent dd7a8c05ee
commit 7c0c00a696
1 changed files with 6 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -35,28 +35,29 @@ PROC showbmp FAR
cmp [word ptr (bmp_file si).bmp_filetype],"MB"
jne @@errorshowing
mov edi,[(bmp_file si).bmp_bitmapoffset]
add di,400h
add di,si
xor ebx,ebx
mov ecx,[(bmp_file si).bmp_height]
mov edx,[(bmp_file si).bmp_width]
and dx,11111100b
;and dx,11111100b
cmp edx,[(bmp_file si).bmp_width]
jae @@noadjust
add dx,4
;jae @@noadjust
;add dx,4
sub edx,[(bmp_file si).bmp_width]
push bx cx
add bx,[@x]
add cx,[@y]
call [showpixel],bx,cx,[word ptr di]
call [cs:showpixel],bx,cx,[word ptr di]
pop cx bx
inc bx
inc di
cmp ebx,[(bmp_file si).bmp_width]
jb @@bouclette
xor bx,bx
add di,dx
;add di,dx
dec cx
cmp cx,0
jne @@bouclette