feat: reprogrammation en utilisant la librairie video

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Hordé 2004-11-25 00:04:02 +00:00
parent ca530927a7
commit 85f66f34d5
1 changed files with 33 additions and 121 deletions

View File

@ -5,131 +5,40 @@ smart
org 0h
include ..\include\mem.h
include ..\include\fat.h
mov ah,2
int 47h
mov ah,25
mov bx,0
int 47h
mov ah,21
mov cl,70h
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset msg1
int 47h
mov ah,21
mov cl,7
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset prompt
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset infos
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset prompt
int 47h
header exe <,1,0,,,offset imports,,>
push offset msg1
call [print]
mov ah,3
int 48h
xor bp,bp
mov di,offset bufferentry
mov si,di
mov ah,7
int 48h
jc nofiles
test [si+Entries.FileAttr],00010000b
je notdirectory
mov ah,21
mov cl,4
int 47h
jmp notall
cmp [si+Entries.FilExt],'C'
jne notexe
cmp [si+Entries.FilExt+1],'E'
jne notexe
cmp [si+Entries.FilExt+2],' '
jne notexe
mov ah,21
mov cl,5
int 47h
jmp notall
cmp [si+Entries.FilExt],'S'
jne notsys
cmp [si+Entries.FilExt+1],'Y'
jne notsys
cmp [si+Entries.FilExt+2],'S'
jne notsys
mov ah,21
mov cl,0Ah
int 47h
jmp notall
mov ah,21
mov cl,7h
int 47h
mov ah,46
int 47h
mov ah,05
int 47h
int 47h
int 47h
mov ah,44
mov dx,[si+Entries.FileDateCrea]
int 47h
mov ah,05
int 47h
int 47h
int 47h
mov ah,45
mov dx,[si+Entries.FileTimeCrea]
int 47h
mov ah,05
int 47h
int 47h
int 47h
mov ah,44
mov dx,[si+Entries.FileDate]
int 47h
mov ah,05
int 47h
int 47h
int 47h
mov ah,45
mov dx,[si+Entries.FileTime]
int 47h
mov ah,05
int 47h
int 47h
int 47h
mov ah,48
mov edx,[si+Entries.FileSize]
int 47h
mov ah,05
int 47h
int 47h
int 47h
mov ah,47
mov dl,[si+Entries.FileAttr]
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
push word ptr [di+Entries.FileAttr]
push dword ptr [di+Entries.FileSize]
push word ptr [di+Entries.FileTime]
push word ptr [di+Entries.FileDate]
push word ptr [di+Entries.FileTimeCrea]
push word ptr [di+Entries.FileDateCrea]
push di
push offset line
call [print]
inc bp
mov ah,8
int 48h
jnc go
mov ah,21
mov cl,70h
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset menu
int 47h
push offset menu
call [print]
mov xx,1
mov xxold,2
call Select
@ -139,7 +48,7 @@ int 16h
cmp ah,50h
jne tre1
cmp xx,bp
je endof
ja endof
inc xx
call select
jmp endof
@ -157,14 +66,11 @@ tre2:
cmp ah,59
jne tre4
jmp start
jmp realstart
cmp ah,67
jne endof
mov ah,15h
mov cl,7
int 47h
db 0CBh
;selectionne la ligne xx
@ -186,12 +92,18 @@ ret
xx dw 1
xxold dw 0
menu db '[F1] Lire disque [F9] Quitter ',0
msg1 db ' Gestionnaire de fichier Version 1.5 ',0
msg2 db 'Programme en cours de chargement',0
prompt db '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------',0
infos db 'Nom Ext. Date creation Date modification Taille Attributs',0
menu db '\c70 [F1] Lire disque [F9] Quitter \c07',0
msg1 db '\e\g00,00\c70 Gestionnaire de fichier Version 1.5 '
db '\g00,01\c07--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
db '\g00,02Nom Ext. Date creation Date modification Taille Attributs'
db '\g00,03--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\l',0
line db '\c07%n %d %t %d %t %z %a\l',0
bufferentry db 512 dup (0)
db "VIDEO.LIB::print",0
print dd 0
dw 0
end start