feat: ajout des commandes internes DETECT,SECTIONS,EXPORTS et IMPORTS

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Hordé 2007-03-31 15:00:23 +00:00
parent 81e2660033
commit 970aeeb0a2
1 changed files with 439 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ option procalign:byte
include "..\include\fat.h" include "..\include\fat.h"
include "..\include\mem.h" include "..\include\mem.h"
include "..\include\divers.h" include "..\include\divers.h"
include "..\include\pci.h"
include "..\include\cpu.h"
org 0h org 0h
@ -183,6 +185,101 @@ endoff:
def db '\c02Liste des commandes internes\l\l\c07',0 def db '\c02Liste des commandes internes\l\l\c07',0
commandes db '%0 \h10:\h12%0 \h70%0\l',0 commandes db '%0 \h10:\h12%0 \h70%0\l',0
call [cs:print],offset msg_cpu_detect
call [cs:cpuinfo],offset thecpu
call [cs:setinfo],offset thecpu,offset temp
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
push offset temp
xor eax,eax
mov al,[thecpu.family]
push eax
mov al,[thecpu.models]
push eax
mov al,[thecpu.stepping]
push eax
push offset thecpu.names
push offset thecpu.vendor
call [cs:print],offset msg_cpu_detect_inf
call [cs:print],offset msg_pci
call [cs:pciinfo],offset thepci
jc nopci
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
xor eax,eax
mov al,[thepci.maxbus]
push eax
mov al,[thepci.version_minor]
push eax
mov al,[thepci.version_major]
push eax
call [cs:print],offset msg_pci_info
call [cs:print],offset msg_pci_enum
xor bx,bx
xor cx,cx
xor si,si
call [cs:getcardinfo],bx,cx,si,offset temp
jc stopthis
mov al,[(pcidata offset temp).subclass]
push ax
mov al,[(pcidata offset temp).class]
push ax
call [cs:getpcisubclass]
push dx
push ax
mov al,[(pcidata offset temp).class]
xor ah,ah
push ax
call [cs:getpciclass]
push dx
push ax
push 4
push esi
push 4
push ecx
push 4
push ebx
mov ax,[(pcidata offset temp).device]
push eax
mov ax,[(pcidata offset temp).vendor]
push eax
call [cs:print],offset msg_pci_card
inc si
cmp si,7
jbe searchpci
xor si,si
inc cx
cmp cx,31
jbe searchpci
xor cx,cx
inc bx
cmp bx,16
jbe searchpci
jmp next
call [cs:print],offset msg_echec2
call [cs:detectvmware]
jne novirtual
call [cs:print],offset msg_vmware
thepci pciinf <>
thecpu cpu <>
msg_ok2 db "\h70 [\c02 Ok \c07]\l",0
msg_echec2 db "\h70 [\c0CPasser\c07]\l",0
msg_cpu_detect db "Dectection du processeur",0
msg_cpu_detect_inf db " -Fondeur : %0\l -Modele : %0\l -Revision : %u\l -Version : %u\l -Famille : %u\l -Technologies: %0\l",0
msg_pci db "Detection des systemes PCI",0
msg_pci_info db " -Version : %yB.%yB\l -Numero bus max: %u\l",0
msg_pci_enum db " -Enumeration des peripheriques PCI:\l"
db " |Vendeur|Modele|Bus |Dev.|Func|Classe.Sous-classe\l",0
msg_pci_card db " | %hW | %hW |%w|%w|%w|%0P.%0P\l",0
msg_vmware db "\c04 VMWare a ete detecte !!!\c07\l",0
code_mode: code_mode:
call [cs:gettypeditem],di,0,' ' call [cs:gettypeditem],di,0,' '
and al,1111b and al,1111b
@ -262,8 +359,302 @@ killing db 'Fermeture du processus %0\l',0
errorkilling db '\c04Impossible de fermer ce processus\c07',0 errorkilling db '\c04Impossible de fermer ce processus\c07',0
code_stack: code_stack:
push ebp
push esp
push ss
push ss
call [cs:print],offset stackshow
mov cx,12 ;12 derniers éléments
xor esi,esi
mov si,sp
sub si,2*12
push [dword ptr ss:si]
push esi
push ss
push ss
call [cs:print],offset itemshow
inc si
inc si
cmp si,sp
jne notspshow
call [cs:print],offset stresp
cmp si,bp
jne nextshow
call [cs:print],offset strebp
dec cx
jnz showloop
stackshow db '\l\c02Vidage de la pile systeme\l\l\c07'
db 'Segment SS : 0x%hW\l'
db 'Pointeur ESP : 0x%hD\l'
db 'Pointeur EBP : 0x%hD\l'
db 'Seg :Adr | Donnees',0
itemshow db '\l0x%hW:0x%hW | 0x%hW',0
strebp db '<-- BP',0
stresp db '<-- SP',0
code_dump: code_dump:
call [cs:gettypeditem],di,0,' '
call [cs:mbfind],di
jc notmbfind
mov fs,ax
dec ax
dec ax
mov gs,ax
cmp [word ptr fs:0x0],'EC'
jne notace2
push offset oui ;CE? str0 2
jmp suitelikeace2
push offset non
cmp [word ptr gs:mb.isnotlast],true
je notlast2
push offset oui ;CE? str0 2
jmp suitelikelast2
push offset non
mov dx,gs
push edx ;Emplacement memoire hex 2
cmp [gs:mb.reference],0
jne nextdetect2
push cs
push offset none ;parent lstr0 2x2
add bx,[gs:mb.sizes]
jmp suitemn2
mov dx,[gs:mb.reference]
dec dx
dec dx
push dx ;parent lstr0 2x2
push offset (mb).names
cmp [gs: mb.isresident],true
jne notresident2
push offset oui ;resident str0 2
jmp suitelistmcb2
push offset non ;resident str0 2
xor edx,edx
mov dx,[gs: mb.sizes]
shl edx,4
push edx
push gs ;nom lstr0 2x2
push offset (mb).names
push offset dumpshow ;ligne
call [cs:print]
cmp [word ptr fs:0x0],'EC'
jne endofdumpformoment
push [dword ptr fs:exe.starting]
push fs
push fs
push [dword ptr fs:exe.sections]
push fs
push fs
push [dword ptr fs:exe.imports]
push fs
push fs
push [dword ptr fs:exe.exports]
push fs
push fs
cmp [fs: exe.compressed],true
jne notcompressed
push offset oui
jmp suiteiscompressed
push offset non
push [dword ptr fs:exe.checksum]
push [dword ptr fs:exe.major]
call [cs:print],offset dumpshowce
call [cs:print],offset errornotmbfind
errornotmbfind db '\c04Impossible de trouver le bloc specifie\l\l\c07',0
dumpshow db '\l\c02Dump du bloc de memoire nomme %0P\l\l'
db '\c02-----------------------------\l'
db '\c02Informations du bloc memoire\c07\l'
db 'Taille du bloc reserve : %u\l'
db 'Bloc resident en memoire : %0\l'
db 'Parent du bloc : %0P\l'
db 'Adresse du bloc memoire : 0x%hW:0x0000\l'
db 'Dernier bloc en memoire : %0\l'
db 'Heberge un format CE : %0\l',0
dumpshowce db '\c02-----------------------------\l'
db 'Informations du bloc executable\c07\l'
db 'Version de l''executable : %u\l'
db 'Somme de controle : %hD\l'
db 'Compression du code : %0\l'
db 'Exportation de fonctions : 0x%hW:0x%hW\l'
db 'Importation de fonctions : 0x%hW:0x%hW\l'
db 'Sections de donnees : 0x%hW:0x%hW\l'
db 'Point d''entree du code : 0x%hW:0x%hW\l',0
call [cs:gettypeditem],di,0,' '
call [cs:mbfind],di
jc notmbfindssections
jmp haveatargetsections
call [cs:searchfile],di
jc notmbfindall
call [cs:projfile],di
jc notmbfindall
call [cs:mbfind],di
jc notmbfindall
mov fs,ax
cmp [word ptr fs:0x0],'EC'
jne errornotace2
mov si,[fs:exe.sections]
cmp si,0
je errornosections
xor edx,edx
call [cs:print],offset rets
add si,4
push fs
push si
call [cs:print],offset functions
inc edx
inc si
cmp [byte ptr fs:si],0
jne findnextsections
cmp [dword ptr fs:si],0
je finishsections
inc si
jmp showallsections
push edx
call [cs:print],offset allsections
call [cs:print],offset errornosection
allsections db '\c02\lIl y avait %u sections dans le bloc ou fichier\l\c07',0
errornosection db '\c02Aucune section dans le bloc ou fichier\l\c07',0
call [cs:gettypeditem],di,0,' '
call [cs:mbfind],di
jc notmbfindsimports
jmp haveatargetexports
call [cs:searchfile],di
jc notmbfindall
call [cs:projfile],di
jc notmbfindall
call [cs:mbfind],di
jc notmbfindall
mov fs,ax
cmp [word ptr fs:0x0],'EC'
jne errornotace2
mov si,[fs:exe.exports]
cmp si,0
je errornoexports
xor edx,edx
call [cs:print],offset rets
push fs
push si
call [cs:print],offset functions
inc edx
inc si
cmp [byte ptr fs:si],0
jne findnextexports
add si,3
cmp [dword ptr fs:si],0
je finishexports
jmp showallexports
push edx
call [cs:print],offset allexports
call [cs:print],offset errornoexport
allexports db '\c02\lIl y avait %u exportations dans le bloc ou fichier\l\c07',0
errornoexport db '\c02Aucune exportation dans le bloc ou fichier\l\c07',0
call [cs:gettypeditem],di,0,' '
call [cs:mbfind],di
jc notmbfindsimports
jmp haveatargetimports
call [cs:searchfile],di
jc notmbfindall
call [cs:projfile],di
jc notmbfindall
call [cs:mbfind],di
jc notmbfindall
mov fs,ax
cmp [word ptr fs:0x0],'EC'
jne errornotace2
mov si,[fs:exe.imports]
cmp si,0
je errornoimports
xor edx,edx
call [cs:print],offset rets
push fs
push si
call [cs:print],offset functions
inc edx
inc si
cmp [byte ptr fs:si],0
jne findnextimports
add si,5
cmp [dword ptr fs:si],0
je finishimports
jmp showallimports
push edx
call [cs:print],offset allimports
call [cs:print],offset errornoimport
call [cs:print],offset errornotmborfilefind
call [cs:print],offset errornotcefind
functions db '%0P\l',0
rets db '\l\l',0
allimports db '\c02\lIl y avait %u importations dans le bloc ou fichier\l\c07',0
errornoimport db '\c02Aucune importation dans le bloc ou fichier\l\c07',0
errornotcefind db '\c04Le bloc ou le fichier spécifié n''est pas CE\l\c07',0
errornotmborfilefind db '\c04Impossible de trouver le bloc ou le fichier specifie\l\c07',0
code_regs: code_regs:
call [cs:savecontext],offset allregs call [cs:savecontext],offset allregs
@ -327,14 +718,14 @@ ret
registershow db '\l\c02Liste des registres du Microprocesseur\l\l\c07' registershow db '\l\c02Liste des registres du Microprocesseur\l\l\c07'
db '\c04CPU\h30FPU\c07\l' db '\c04CPU\h30FPU\c07\l'
db 'EFGS: 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(0) ??:\l' db 'EFGS: 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(0): ??\l'
db 'EAX : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(1) ??:\l' db 'EAX : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(1): ??\l'
db 'EBX : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(2) ??:\l' db 'EBX : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(2): ??\l'
db 'ECX : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(3) ??:\l' db 'ECX : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(3): ??\l'
db 'EDX : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(4) ??:\l' db 'EDX : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(4): ??\l'
db 'ESI : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(5) ??:\l' db 'ESI : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(5): ??\l'
db 'EDI : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(6) ??:\l' db 'EDI : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(6): ??\l'
db 'EBP : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(7) ??:\l' db 'EBP : 0x%hD : %w |\h32ST(7): ??\l'
db 'ESP : 0x%hD : %w |\h32\l' db 'ESP : 0x%hD : %w |\h32\l'
db 'EIP : 0x%hD : %w |\h32\l' db 'EIP : 0x%hD : %w |\h32\l'
db 'CS : 0x%hW : %w |\h32\l' db 'CS : 0x%hW : %w |\h32\l'
@ -450,17 +841,17 @@ pushd [dword ptr es:(ints si).launchedlow]
pushd [dword ptr es:(ints si).launchedhigh] pushd [dword ptr es:(ints si).launchedhigh]
cmp [es:(ints si).activated],1 cmp [es:(ints si).activated],1
je activate je activate
push offset resident push offset oui
jmp suiteactivate jmp suiteactivate
activate: activate:
push offset nonresident push offset non
suiteactivate: suiteactivate:
cmp [es:(ints si).locked],1 cmp [es:(ints si).locked],1
je verrouille je verrouille
push offset resident push offset oui
jmp suiteverrouille jmp suiteverrouille
verrouille: verrouille:
push offset nonresident push offset non
suiteverrouille: suiteverrouille:
push esi push esi
push es push es
@ -509,6 +900,7 @@ okrefresh:
errorrefreshing db '\c04Impossible de lire le support',0 errorrefreshing db '\c04Impossible de lire le support',0
extcom db '.CE',0 extcom db '.CE',0
code_mem: code_mem:
call [cs:print],offset msg call [cs:print],offset msg
xor edx,edx xor edx,edx
@ -522,23 +914,23 @@ listmcb:
dec ax dec ax
mov gs,ax mov gs,ax
inc cx inc cx
cmp [fs:0x0],'EC' cmp [word ptr fs:0x0],'EC'
jne notace jne notace
push offset resident ;CE? str0 2 push offset oui ;CE? str0 2
jmp suitelikeace jmp suitelikeace
notace: notace:
push offset nonresident push offset non
suitelikeace: suitelikeace:
mov dx,fs mov dx,fs
push edx ;Emplacement memoire hex 2 push edx ;Emplacement memoire hex 2
;parent ;parent
cmp [gs:mb.reference],0 cmp [gs:mb.reference],0
jne next jne nextdetect
push cs push cs
push offset none ;parent lstr0 2x2 push offset none ;parent lstr0 2x2
add bx,[gs:mb.sizes] add bx,[gs:mb.sizes]
jmp suitemn jmp suitemn
next: nextdetect:
mov dx,[gs:mb.reference] mov dx,[gs:mb.reference]
dec dx dec dx
dec dx dec dx
@ -547,10 +939,10 @@ next:
suitemn: suitemn:
cmp [gs: mb.isresident],true cmp [gs: mb.isresident],true
jne notresident jne notresident
push offset resident ;resident str0 2 push offset oui ;resident str0 2
jmp suitelistmcb jmp suitelistmcb
notresident: notresident:
push offset nonresident ;resident str0 2 push offset non ;resident str0 2
suitelistmcb: suitelistmcb:
xor edx,edx xor edx,edx
mov dx,[gs: mb.sizes] mov dx,[gs: mb.sizes]
@ -568,12 +960,12 @@ fino:
push offset fin push offset fin
call [cs:print] call [cs:print]
ret ret
resident db "oui",0 oui db "oui",0
nonresident db "non",0 non db "non",0
line2 db "%0P\h15| %w\h24| %0\h30| %0P\h47| 0x%hW\h56| %0\l",0 line2 db "%0P\h15| %w\h24| %0\h30| %0P\h47| 0x%hW\h56| %0\l",0
fin db "\l\l\c02%u octets de memoire disponible\l\c07",0 fin db "\l\l\c02%u octets de memoire disponible\l\c07",0
msg db "\l\c02Plan de la memoire\c07\l\lNom | Taille | Res | Parent | Mem | CE \l",0 msg db "\l\c02Plan de la memoire\c07\l\lNom | Taille | Res | Parent | Mem | CE \l",0
none db ".",0 none db "?????",0
;converti le jeux scancode/ascii en fr ax->ax ;converti le jeux scancode/ascii en fr ax->ax
@ -672,6 +1064,10 @@ dw str_irqs ,code_irqs,syn_irqs ,help_irqs
dw str_regs ,code_regs,syn_regs ,help_regs dw str_regs ,code_regs,syn_regs ,help_regs
dw str_stack,code_stack,syn_stack,help_stack dw str_stack,code_stack,syn_stack,help_stack
dw str_dump,code_dump,syn_dump,help_dump dw str_dump,code_dump,syn_dump,help_dump
dw str_detect,code_detect,syn_detect,help_detect
dw str_exports,code_exports,syn_exports,help_exports
dw str_imports,code_imports,syn_imports,help_imports
dw str_sections,code_sections,syn_sections,help_sections
dw 0 dw 0
str_exit db 'QUIT',0 str_exit db 'QUIT',0
@ -690,6 +1086,10 @@ str_irqs db 'IRQS',0
str_regs db 'REGS',0 str_regs db 'REGS',0
str_stack db 'STACK',0 str_stack db 'STACK',0
str_dump db 'DUMP',0 str_dump db 'DUMP',0
str_detect db 'DETECT',0
str_exports db 'EXPORTS',0
str_imports db 'IMPORTS',0
str_sections db 'SECTIONS',0
syn_exit db 0 syn_exit db 0
syn_version db 0 syn_version db 0
@ -707,6 +1107,10 @@ syn_irqs db 0
syn_regs db 0 syn_regs db 0
syn_stack db 0 syn_stack db 0
syn_dump db '?',0 syn_dump db '?',0
syn_detect db 0
syn_exports db '?',0
syn_imports db '?',0
syn_sections db '?',0
help_exit db 'Permet de quitter l''interpreteur',0 help_exit db 'Permet de quitter l''interpreteur',0
help_version db 'Affiche la version de COS',0 help_version db 'Affiche la version de COS',0
@ -724,6 +1128,10 @@ help_irqs db 'Affiche des informations sur les IRQs',0
help_regs db 'Affiche les registres du microprocesseur',0 help_regs db 'Affiche les registres du microprocesseur',0
help_stack db 'Affiche la pile systeme',0 help_stack db 'Affiche la pile systeme',0
help_dump db 'Affiche le contenu de la memoire',0 help_dump db 'Affiche le contenu de la memoire',0
help_detect db 'Detecte et Affiche les peripheriques PCI et le CPU',0
help_exports db 'Affiche toutes les exportations du fichier specifie',0
help_imports db 'Affiche toutes les importations du fichier specifie',0
help_sections db 'Affiche toutes les sections du fichier specifie',0
derror db '\c04Erreur de Syntaxe !',0 derror db '\c04Erreur de Syntaxe !',0
error_syntax db '\c04La commande ou l''executable n''existe pas ! F1 pour %0',0 error_syntax db '\c04La commande ou l''executable n''existe pas ! F1 pour %0',0
@ -736,6 +1144,13 @@ buffer db 256 dup (0)
temp db 256 dup (0) temp db 256 dup (0)
importing importing
use DETECT.LIB,cpuinfo
use DETECT.LIB,setinfo
use DETECT.LIB,pciinfo
use DETECT.LIB,getcardinfo
use DETECT.LIB,getpcisubclass
use DETECT.LIB,getpciclass
use DETECT.LIB,detectvmware
use VIDEO,clearscreen use VIDEO,clearscreen
use VIDEO,setvideomode use VIDEO,setvideomode
use VIDEO,getxy use VIDEO,getxy
@ -752,6 +1167,8 @@ use DISQUE,findnextfile
use DISQUE,execfile use DISQUE,execfile
use DISQUE,initdrive use DISQUE,initdrive
use DISQUE,changedir use DISQUE,changedir
use DISQUE,searchfile
use DISQUE,projfile
use SYSTEME,mbget use SYSTEME,mbget
use SYSTEME,mbfind use SYSTEME,mbfind
use SYSTEME,mbfindsb use SYSTEME,mbfindsb