feat: reprogrammation en utilisant la librairie video

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Hordé 2004-11-29 22:41:00 +00:00
parent a3008f75fe
commit c8330e5e86
1 changed files with 120 additions and 241 deletions

View File

@ -10,32 +10,11 @@ include ..\include\mem.h
include ..\include\divers.h
push cs
push cs
push cs
push cs
pop ds
pop es
pop fs
pop gs
mov ah,21
mov cl,7
int 47h
mov ah,3
int 48h
mov ax,0002
int 47h
mov ah,2
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,42
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset msg
int 47h
header exe <,1,0,,,offset imports,,>
push offset msginit
call [print]
xor bp,bp
mov dl,' '
call setdelimiter0
@ -48,11 +27,8 @@ noret:
mov ah,16
mov di,offset dir
int 48h
mov si,di
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov si,offset prompt
int 47h
push offset prompt
call [print]
mov di,offset buffer
mov ax,0
@ -62,9 +38,8 @@ waitchar:
jne norr
cmp bp,0
je waitchar
mov ah,13
mov si,cs:[bp-8]
int 47h
push word ptr cs:[bp-8]
call [print]
push cs
pop es
call copy0
@ -84,14 +59,13 @@ norr:
je waitchar
mov [di],al
inc di
mov dl,al
mov ah,7
int 47h
push ax
call [showchar]
jmp waitchar
cmp di,offset buffer
je waitchar
mov ah,18h
mov ah,24
int 47h
mov dx,offset buffer
mov cx,di
@ -99,20 +73,21 @@ escape:
js waitchar
je waitchar
sub bh,cl
mov ah,19h
mov ah,25
int 47h
mov di,offset buffer
mov byte ptr [di],0
cmp di,offset buffer
je waitchar
mov ah,18h
mov ah,24
int 47h
dec bh
mov dl,' '
mov ah,0Eh
mov ah,25
int 47h
mov ah,19h
push ' '
call [showchar]
mov ah,25
int 47h
dec di
mov byte ptr [di],0
@ -186,27 +161,23 @@ noaddext:
xor bp,bp
jmp replay
mov ah,13
mov si,offset Error_Syntax
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,cs:[bp-8]
int 47h
push offset Error_Syntax
call [print]
push word ptr cs:[bp-8]
call [print]
jmp replay
mov ah,13
mov si,offset derror
int 47h
push offset derror
call [print]
jmp replay
pop ax
db 0CBh
mov ah,13
mov si,offset Version_Text
int 47h
push offset Version_Text
call [print]
Version_Text db 'Cos 2000 version 1.2Fr par Nico',0
@ -228,8 +199,8 @@ showalls:
add bx,8
cmp si,0
je endoff
mov ah,13
int 47h
push si
call [print]
mov ah,6
int 47h
jmp showalls
@ -247,238 +218,138 @@ Code_Mode:
int 47h
present db 'Le volume insere est nomme ',0
present2 db ', Numero de serie : ',0
present db 'Le volume insere est nomme %0, Numero de serie : %hD\l\l',0
nomdisque db 13 dup (0)
mov si,offset present
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov ah,12
int 48h
push edx
mov ah,11
mov di,offset nomdisque
int 48h
mov si,di
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov si,offset present2
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov ah,12
int 48h
mov ah,10
mov cx,32
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
xor ebp,ebp
push di
push offset present
call [print]
xor bp,bp
mov di,offset bufferentry
mov si,di
mov ah,7
int 48h
jc nofiles
mov ah,46
int 47h
mov ah,05
int 47h
int 47h
int 47h
mov ah,44
mov dx,[si+Entries.FileDateCrea]
int 47h
mov ah,05
int 47h
int 47h
int 47h
mov ah,45
mov dx,[si+Entries.FileTimeCrea]
int 47h
mov ah,05
int 47h
int 47h
int 47h
mov ah,44
mov dx,[si+Entries.FileDate]
int 47h
mov ah,05
int 47h
int 47h
int 47h
mov ah,45
mov dx,[si+Entries.FileTime]
int 47h
mov ah,05
int 47h
int 47h
int 47h
mov ah,48
mov edx,[si+Entries.FileSize]
int 47h
mov ah,05
int 47h
int 47h
int 47h
mov ah,47
mov dl,[si+Entries.FileAttr]
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
push word ptr [di+Entries.FileAttr]
push dword ptr [di+Entries.FileSize]
push word ptr [di+Entries.FileTime]
push word ptr [di+Entries.FileDate]
push word ptr [di+Entries.FileTimeCrea]
push word ptr [di+Entries.FileDateCrea]
push di
push offset line
call [print]
inc bp
mov ah,8
int 48h
jnc go
mov edx,ebp
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,8
int 47h
mov si,offset filess
mov ah,13
int 47h
push ebp
push offset filess
call [print]
bufferentry db 32 dup (0)
filess db ' Fichier(s) au total',0
line db '\c07%n %d %t %d %t %z %a\l',0
filess db '\l\l%u Fichier(s) au total\l',0
changing db 'Changement de repertoire vers ',0
mov cx,0
call gettypeditem0
push si
mov si,offset changing
mov ah,13
int 47h
pop si
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
push offset changing
call [print]
mov si,di
mov ah,13
int 48h
jnc okchange
mov si,offset errorchanging
mov ah,13
int 47h
push offset errorchanging
call [print]
errorchanging db 'Impossible d''atteindre ce dossier',0
errorchanging db '\c04Impossible d''atteindre ce dossier',0
mov ah,3
int 48h
jnc okrefresh
mov si,offset errorrefreshing
mov ah,13
int 47h
push offset errorrefreshing
call [print]
mov si,offset present
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov ah,12
int 48h
push edx
mov ah,11
mov di,offset nomdisque
int 48h
mov si,di
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov si,offset present2
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov ah,12
int 48h
mov ah,10
mov cx,32
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
push di
push offset present
call [print]
errorrefreshing db 'Impossible de lire le support',0
errorrefreshing db '\c04Impossible de lire le support',0
extcom db '.CE',0
mov si,offset msgs
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov si,offset menu
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,18h
int 47h
push offset msg
call [print]
xor cx,cx
mov ah,4
int 49h
jc fino
inc cx
mov ah,18h
int 47h
push gs
pop ds
mov bh,0
mov si,MB.Names
mov ah,14h
int 47h
mov bh,15
xor edx,edx
mov dx,ds:[MB.Sizes]
shl edx,4
mov ah,0Fh
int 47h
mov bh,24
cmp ds:[MB.IsResident],true
push cs
pop ds
jne notresident
mov si,offset resident
mov ah,14h
int 47h
jmp suitelistmcb
mov si,offset nonresident
mov ah,14h
int 47h
mov bh,30
cmp gs:[MB.Reference],0
je next
cmp gs:[MB.Reference],1000h
jb next
mov ax,gs:[MB.Reference]
dec ax
dec ax
mov ds,ax
mov si,MB.Names
mov ah,14h
int 47h
mov bh,46
xor edx,edx
;placement mémoire
mov dx,gs
inc dx
inc dx
push cx
mov cx,16
mov ah,11h
int 47h
mov ah,6h
int 47h
pop cx
push edx
cmp gs:[MB.Reference],0
je next
mov dx,gs:[MB.Reference]
dec dx
dec dx
push dx
push offset MB.Names
jmp suitemn
push cs
push offset none
cmp gs:[MB.IsResident],true
jne notresident
push offset resident
jmp suitelistmcb
push offset nonresident
;taille memoire
xor edx,edx
mov dx,gs:[MB.Sizes]
shl edx,4
push 6
push edx
push gs
push offset MB.Names
push offset line2
call [print]
jmp listmcb
resident db 'oui',0
nonresident db 'non',0
msgs db 'Plan de la memoire',0
menu db 'Nom Taille Res Parent Mem',0
resident db "oui",0
nonresident db "non",0
line2 db "%0P\h15%w\h24%0\h30%0P\h46%hW\l",0
msg db "Plan de la memoire\l\lNom Taille Res Parent Mem\l",0
none db ".",0
;converti le jeux scancode/ascii en fr ax->ax
@ -618,10 +489,10 @@ Help_Dir db 0
Help_refresh db 0
Help_cd db 0
Help_Mem db 0
derror db 'Erreur de Syntaxe !',0
Error_Syntax db 'La commande ou l''executable n''existe pas ! F1 pour ',0
prompt db '>',0
msg db 'Interpreteur de commande COS V1.9',0
derror db '\c04Erreur de Syntaxe !',0
Error_Syntax db '\c04La commande ou l''executable n''existe pas ! F1 pour ',0
prompt db '\c07>',0
msginit db '\m02\e\c07\l\lInterpreteur de commande COS V1.9',0
include str0.asm
@ -629,5 +500,13 @@ dir db 32 dup (0)
buffer db 256 dup (0)
buffer2 db 256 dup (0)
db "VIDEO.LIB::print",0
print dd 0
db "VIDEO.LIB::showhex",0
showhex dd 0
db "VIDEO.LIB::showchar",0
showchar dd 0
dw 0
end start