feat: déclaration des imports et exports en utilisant les macros

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Hordé 2007-03-14 11:18:58 +00:00
parent 4d03b78533
commit d920b35473
2 changed files with 405 additions and 431 deletions

View File

@ -1,49 +1,32 @@
db "biosprint",0
dw biosprint
db "mbinit",0
dw mbinit
db "mbcreate",0
dw mbcreate
db "mbfree",0
dw mbfree
db "mbclean",0
dw mbclean
db "mbresident",0
dw mbresident
db "mbnonresident",0
dw mbnonresident
db "mbchown",0
dw mbchown
db "mballoc",0
dw mballoc
db "mbfind",0
dw mbfind
db "mbfindsb",0
dw mbfindsb
db "mbget",0
dw mbget
db "mbloadfuncs",0
dw mbloadfuncs
db "mbsearchfunc",0
dw mbsearchfunc
db "bioswaitkey",0
dw bioswaitkey
db "mbloadsection",0
dw mbloadsection
db "enableirq",0
dw enableirq
db "disableirq",0
dw enableirq
db "readmaskirq",0
dw readmaskirq
db "readirr",0
dw readirr
db "readisr",0
dw readisr
db "seteoi",0
dw seteoi
dd 0
declare biosprinth
declare biosprint
declare mbinit
declare mbcreate
declare mbfree
declare mbclean
declare mbresident
declare mbnonresident
declare mbchown
declare mballoc
declare mbfind
declare mbfindsb
declare mbget
declare mbloadfuncs
declare mbsearchfunc
declare bioswaitkey
declare mbloadsection
declare enableirq
declare enableirq
declare readmaskirq
declare readirr
declare readisr
declare seteoi
declare enablea20
declare disablea20
declare flatmode
include "8259a.asm"
@ -97,31 +80,81 @@ PROC biosprint FAR
endp biosprint
;PROC flatmode FAR
; USES eax,bx,edx
; ; first, calculate the linear address of GDT
; xor edx,edx
; xor eax,eax
; mov dx,cs
; shl edx,4
; add [dword ptr cs:offset @@gdt+2],edx ; store as GDT linear base addr
; ; now load the GDT into the GDTR
; lgdt [fword ptr cs:offset @@gdt] ; load GDT base (286-style 24-bit load)
; mov bx,1 * size descriptor ; point to first descriptor
; mov eax,cr0 ; prepare to enter protected mode
; or al,1 ; flip the PE bit
; cli ; turn off interrupts
; mov cr0,eax ; we're now in protected mode
; mov fs,bx ; load the FS segment register
; and al,0FEh ; clear the PE bit again
; mov cr0,eax ; back to real mode
; sti ; resume handling interrupts
; ret ;
PROC enablea20 FAR
mov al,0d1h
out 64h,al
call a20wait
mov al,0dfh
out 60h,al
call a20wait
;mov al,0ffh
;out 64h,al
;call a20wait
endp enablea20
;@@gdt descriptor <@@gdtend - @@gdt - 1, @@gdt, 0, 0, 0, 0> ; the GDT itself
; descriptor <0ffffh, 0, 0, 091h, 0cfh, 0> ; 4G data segment
;endp flatmode
PROC disablea20 FAR
mov al,0d1h
out 64h,al
call a20wait
mov al,0DDh
out 60h,al
call a20wait
;mov al,0ffh
;out 64h,al
;call a20wait
endp disablea20
in al,64h
jmp @@suite
and al,2
jnz a20wait
;par le system control port A
;in al,92h
;or al,2
;out 92h,al
;par le system control port A
;in al,92h
;and al,not 2
;out 92h,al
PROC flatmode FAR
USES eax,bx,ds
push cs
pop ds
; first, calculate the linear address of GDT
xor eax,eax
mov ax,ds
shl eax,4
add [dword ptr offset @@gdt+2],eax ; store as GDT linear base addr
; now load the GDT into the GDTR
lgdt [fword ptr offset @@gdt] ; load GDT base
mov bx,1 * size descriptor ; point to first descriptor
cli ; turn off interrupts
mov eax,cr0 ; prepare to enter protected mode
or al,1 ; flip the PE bit
mov cr0,eax ; we're now in protected mode
jmp @@suite
mov fs,bx ; load the FS segment register
and al,0FEh ; clear the PE bit again
mov cr0,eax ; back to real mode
jmp @@suite2
sti ; resume handling interrupts
ret ;
@@gdt descriptor <offset @@gdtend - offset @@gdt - 1, offset @@gdt, 0, 0, 0, 0> ; the GDT itself
descriptor <0ffffh, 0, 0, 091h, 0cfh, 0> ; 4G data segment
endp flatmode
;Attend l'appuie sur une touche
PROC bioswaitkey FAR
@ -153,6 +186,9 @@ PROC mbloadsection FAR
je @@finishloading
mov ax,bx
add ax,4
call biosprint,ax
call mbcreate,ax,[word ptr bx+2]
jc @@error
inc si
@ -174,11 +210,6 @@ PROC mbloadsection FAR
inc bx
jmp @@loading
xor eax,eax
mov ax,[word ptr ss:si]
call biosprinth,eax
cmp [word ptr ss:si],0FFFFh
je @@finishdepands
call mbloadfuncs,[word ptr ss:si]
@ -250,15 +281,13 @@ PROC mbcreate FAR
mov ax,[es:mb.sizes]
cmp cx,ax
ja @@notsogood
;mov [word ptr es:mb.check],"NH"
mov [word ptr es:mb.check],"NH"
mov [es:mb.isnotlast],true
mov [es:mb.reference],gs
mov [es:mb.isresident],false
lea di,[es:mb.names]
push cx
mov cx,24/4
push cs
pop ds
mov si,[@blocks]
rep movsd
@ -276,14 +305,16 @@ PROC mbcreate FAR
mov si,offset afree
xor di,di
mov cx,size mb
push cs
pop ds
rep movsb
mov [es:mb.isnotlast],dl
mov [es:mb.sizes],ax
mov ax,bx
pop gs
inc bx
@ -291,8 +322,8 @@ PROC mbcreate FAR
add bx,[es:mb.sizes]
jmp @@searchfree
pop gs
pop gs
@ -532,9 +563,9 @@ PROC mbfind FAR
dec bx
dec bx
mov si,[@blocks]
lea di,[es:mb.names]
mov es,bx
lea di,[es:mb.names]
cmp [word ptr es:mb.check],"NH"
jne @@memoryerror
inc bx
@ -636,6 +667,9 @@ PROC mbloadfuncs FAR
cmp [word ptr si],0
je @@endofloading
call biosprint,si
call mbsearchfunc,si
jnc @@toendoftext
mov bx,si

View File

@ -12,77 +12,42 @@ org 0h
header exe <"CE",1,0,0,offset exports,,,>
db "setvideomode",0
dw setvideomode
db "getvideomode",0
dw getvideomode
db "clearscreen",0
dw clearscreen
db "setfont",0
dw setfont
db "loadfont",0
dw loadfont
db "getfont",0
dw getfont
db "addline",0
dw addline
db "showchar",0
dw showchar
db "showpixel",0
dw showpixel
db "getpixel",0
dw getpixel
db "setstyle",0
dw setstyle
db "getstyle",0
dw getstyle
db "enablecursor",0
dw enablecursor
db "disablecursor",0
dw disablecursor
db "setcolor",0
dw setcolor
db "getcolor",0
dw getcolor
db "scrolldown",0
dw scrolldown
db "getxy",0
dw getxy
db "setxy",0
dw setxy
db "savescreen",0
dw savescreen
db "restorescreen",0
dw restorescreen
db "page2to1",0
dw page2to1
db "page1to2",0
dw page1to2
;db "xchgPages",0
;dw xchgpages
db "waithretrace",0
dw waithretrace
db "waitretrace",0
dw waitretrace
db "getvgainfos",0
dw getvgainfos
;db "savedac",0
;dw savedac
;db "restoredac",0
;dw restoredac
;db "savestate",0
;dw savestate
;db "restorestate",0
;dw restorestate
db "enablescroll",0
dw enablescroll
db "disablescroll",0
dw disablescroll
db "getchar",0
dw getchar
declare setvideomode
declare getvideomode
declare clearscreen
declare setfont
declare loadfont
declare getfont
declare addline
declare showchar
declare showpixel
declare getpixel
declare setstyle
declare getstyle
declare enablecursor
declare disablecursor
declare setcolor
declare getcolor
declare scrolldown
declare getxy
declare setxy
declare savescreen
declare restorescreen
declare page2to1
declare page1to2
declare xchgpages
declare waithretrace
declare waitretrace
declare getvideoinfos
declare savedac
declare restoredac
declare savestate
declare restorestate
declare enablescroll
declare disablescroll
declare getchar
;================================Table des modes videos (64 BYTES) ============================================
;40*25 16 couleurs
mode0 DB 67H,00H, 03H,08H,03H,00H,02H
@ -192,32 +157,8 @@ mode11 DB 0E7H
DB 00H,01H,02H,03H,04H,05H,06H,07H,10H,11H,3AH,3BH,3CH,3DH,3EH,3FH,01H,00H,0FH,00H,00H
DB 100,75
datablocksize equ 40
datablock equ $
lines db 0
columns db 0
x db 0
y db 0
xy dw 0
colors db 7
mode db 0FFh
pagesize dw 0
style db 0
font db 0
graphic db 0
reserved1 dw 0
reserved2 dw 0
reserved3 dw 0
nbpage db 0
color db 0
cursor db 0
segments dw 0
linesize dw 0
adress dw 0
base dw 0
scrolling db 1
datablock vgainf <0,0,0,0,0,7,0FFh,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1>
;=======================================Equivalence pour la clarté du code========================================
sequencer equ 03C4h
@ -238,7 +179,7 @@ planesize equ 65000
PROC enablescroll FAR
mov [cs:scrolling],1
mov [cs:datablock.scrolling],1
endp enablescroll
@ -248,7 +189,7 @@ endp enablescroll
PROC disablescroll FAR
mov [cs:scrolling],0
mov [cs:datablock.scrolling],0
endp disablescroll
@ -259,7 +200,7 @@ endp disablescroll
PROC enablecursor FAR
USES ax,dx
mov [cs:cursor],1
mov [cs:datablock.cursor],1
mov dx,ccrt
mov al,0Ah
out dx,al
@ -270,9 +211,9 @@ PROC enablecursor FAR
dec dx
mov al,0Ah
out dx,ax
mov al,[cs:x]
mov al,[cs:datablock.x]
xor ah,ah
mov dl,[cs:y]
mov dl,[cs:datablock.y]
xor dh,dh
call setxy,ax,dx
@ -285,7 +226,7 @@ endp enablecursor
PROC disablecursor FAR
USES ax,dx
mov [cs:cursor],0
mov [cs:datablock.cursor],0
mov dx,ccrt
mov al,0Ah
out dx,al
@ -308,7 +249,7 @@ PROC setstyle FAR
ARG @style:word
mov ax,[@style]
mov [cs:style],al
mov [cs:datablock.style],al
endp setstyle
@ -318,7 +259,7 @@ endp setstyle
;<- AX style
PROC getstyle FAR
mov al,[cs:style]
mov al,[cs:datablock.style]
xor ah,ah
endp getstyle
@ -335,17 +276,17 @@ PROC setvideomode FAR
xor ah,ah
cmp al,maxmode
ja @@errorsetvideomode
cmp [cs:mode],5h
cmp [cs:datablock.mode],5h
jb @@nographic
cmp al,5h
jae @@nographic
call initfont
cmp [cs:mode],0FFh
cmp [cs:datablock.mode],0FFh
jne @@noinit
call initfont
mov [cs:mode],al
mov [cs:datablock.mode],al
xor ah,ah
mov di,ax
shl di,6
@ -407,47 +348,47 @@ PROC setvideomode FAR
mov al,20h
out dx,al
mov al,[cs:di]
mov [cs:columns],al
mov [cs:datablock.columns],al
mov ah,[cs:di+1]
mov [cs:lines],ah
mov [cs:datablock.lines],ah
mul ah
mov cl,[cs:di-5]
and cl,01000000b
cmp cl,0
je @@colors16
mov [cs:color],8
mov [cs:datablock.color],8
mov cl,4
jmp @@colors256
mov [cs:color],4
mov [cs:datablock.color],4
mov cl,3
cmp [cs:mode],5
setae [cs:graphic]
cmp [cs:datablock.mode],5
setae [cs:datablock.graphic]
jb @@istext
shl ax,cl
mov [cs:segments],0A000h
mov [cs:datablock.segments],0A000h
jmp @@wasgraph
mov [cs:segments],0B800h
mov [cs:datablock.segments],0B800h
shl ax,1
mov [cs:pagesize],ax
mov [cs:datablock.pagesize],ax
mov ax,planesize
xor dx,dx
div [cs:pagesize]
mov [cs:nbpage],al
div [cs:datablock.pagesize]
mov [cs:datablock.nbpage],al
mov al,[cs:di-36]
xor ah,ah
shl ax,2
mov cl,[cs:graphic]
mov cl,[cs:datablock.graphic]
shr ax,cl
mov [cs:linesize],ax
mov [cs:datablock.linesize],ax
mov ax,[cs:di-43]
mov [cs:adress],ax
mov [cs:base],ax
mov [cs:cursor],1
mov [cs:style],0
mov [cs:datablock.adress],ax
mov [cs:datablock.base],ax
mov [cs:datablock.cursor],1
mov [cs:datablock.style],0
@ -470,7 +411,7 @@ initfont:
;<- AX
PROC getvideomode FAR
mov al,[cs:mode]
mov al,[cs:datablock.mode]
xor ah,ah
endp getvideomode
@ -483,9 +424,9 @@ endp getvideomode
PROC clearscreen FAR
USES eax,cx,dx,di,es
mov cx,planesize
mov di,[cs:adress]
mov di,[cs:datablock.adress]
shr cx,2
cmp [cs:graphic],1
cmp [cs:datablock.graphic],1
jne @@erasetext
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax
@ -504,7 +445,7 @@ PROC clearscreen FAR
rep stosd
mov ax,0005h
cmp [cs:color],4
cmp [cs:datablock.color],4
je @@not256
mov ax,4005h
@ -537,7 +478,7 @@ PROC setfont FAR
xor ch,ch
cmp cl,7
ja @@errorsetfont
mov [cs:font],cl
mov [cs:datablock.font],cl
mov ah,cl
and cl,11b
and ah,0100b
@ -557,7 +498,7 @@ endp setfont
;<- CL n° font, Carry if error
PROC getfont FAR
mov al,[cs:font]
mov al,[cs:datablock.font]
xor ah,ah
endp getfont
@ -570,7 +511,6 @@ endp getfont
PROC loadfont FAR
ARG @pointer:word,@size:word,@font:word
USES ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,es
LOCAL @poppop:dword
mov si,[@pointer]
mov cx,[@size]
mov bx,[@font]
@ -659,15 +599,15 @@ endp loadfont
PROC addline FAR
USES bx,cx
mov bl,[cs:y]
mov bl,[cs:datablock.y]
xor bh,bh
mov cl,[cs:lines]
mov cl,[cs:datablock.lines]
sub cl,2
cmp bl,cl
jne @@scro
dec bl
mov cx,1
cmp [cs:graphic],0
cmp [cs:datablock.graphic],0
je @@okscro
mov cx,8
@ -687,7 +627,7 @@ PROC setcolor FAR
ARG @color:word
mov cx,[@color]
mov [cs:colors],cl
mov [cs:datablock.colors],cl
endp setcolor
@ -697,7 +637,7 @@ endp setcolor
;<- AX couleur
PROC getcolor FAR
mov al,[cs:colors]
mov al,[cs:datablock.colors]
xor ah,ah
endp getcolor
@ -710,16 +650,16 @@ endp getcolor
PROC scrolldown FAR
ARG @line:word
USES ax,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es
cmp [cs:scrolling],0
cmp [cs:datablock.scrolling],0
je @@graphp
mov ax,[@line]
mul [cs:linesize]
mul [cs:datablock.linesize]
mov si,ax
mov cx,[cs:pagesize]
mov cx,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
sub cx,si
mov di,[cs:adress]
mov di,[cs:datablock.adress]
cmp [cs:graphic],1
cmp [cs:datablock.graphic],1
jne @@textp
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax
@ -733,7 +673,7 @@ PROC scrolldown FAR
rep movsb
mov ax,0005h
cmp [cs:color],4
cmp [cs:datablock.color],4
je @@not256ok
mov ax,4005h
@ -761,8 +701,8 @@ PROC getxy FAR
ARG @pointer:word
mov bx,[@pointer]
mov ah,[cs:x]
mov al,[cs:y]
mov ah,[cs:datablock.x]
mov al,[cs:datablock.y]
endp getxy
@ -776,14 +716,14 @@ PROC setxy FAR
USES ax,bx,dx,di
mov ax,[@y]
mov bx,[@x]
mov [cs:x],bl
mov [cs:y],al
mov di,[cs:adress]
mov [cs:datablock.x],bl
mov [cs:datablock.y],al
mov di,[cs:datablock.adress]
add di,bx
mul [cs:columns]
mul [cs:datablock.columns]
add di,ax
shl di,1
mov [cs:xy],di
mov [cs:datablock.xy],di
call setcursor
endp setxy
@ -799,16 +739,16 @@ PROC showpixel FAR
mov bx,[@x]
mov cx,[@y]
mov ax,[@color]
cmp [cs:color],4
cmp [cs:datablock.color],4
je @@showpixel4
mov si,ax
mov ax,cx
mov cl,bl
mul [cs:linesize]
mul [cs:datablock.linesize]
shr bx,2
add ax,bx
mov di,ax
add di,[cs:adress]
add di,[cs:datablock.adress]
and cl,3
mov ah,1
shl ah,cl
@ -826,11 +766,11 @@ PROC showpixel FAR
mov ax,cx
mov ch,dl
mov cl,bl
mul [cs:linesize]
mul [cs:datablock.linesize]
shr bx,3
add ax,bx
mov di,ax
add di,[cs:adress]
add di,[cs:datablock.adress]
and cl,111b
xor cl,111b
mov ah,1
@ -863,11 +803,11 @@ PROC getpixel FAR
mov cx,[@y]
mov ax,cx
mov cl,bl
mul [cs:linesize]
mul [cs:datablock.linesize]
shr bx,2
add ax,bx
mov di,ax
add di,[cs:adress]
add di,[cs:datablock.adress]
and cl,3
mov ah,cl
mov al,4
@ -884,18 +824,18 @@ endp getpixel
;<- ES:%0 pointeur
PROC getvgainfos FAR
PROC getvideoinfos FAR
ARG @pointer:word
USES cx,si,di,ds
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,datablocksize
mov cx,size datablock
mov si,offset datablock
mov di,[@pointer]
rep movsb
endp getvgainfos
endp getvideoinfos
;Synchronisation avec la retrace verticale
@ -936,7 +876,7 @@ PROC getchar FAR
USES di,es
mov ax,0B800h
mov es,ax
mov di,[cs:xy]
mov di,[cs:datablock.xy]
mov al,[es:di]
xor ah,ah
@ -954,22 +894,22 @@ PROC showchar FAR
mov ch,[byte ptr @attr]
cmp [@attr],0FFFFh
jne @@notlastattr
mov ch,[cs:colors]
mov ch,[cs:datablock.colors]
cmp [cs:graphic],1
cmp [cs:datablock.graphic],1
jne @@textaccess
call emulatechar
jmp @@adjusttext
mov ax,0B800h
mov es,ax
mov di,[cs:xy]
mov di,[cs:datablock.xy]
mov [es:di],cx
add [cs:xy],2
add [cs:datablock.xy],2
inc [cs:x]
mov cl,[cs:columns]
cmp [cs:x],cl
inc [cs:datablock.x]
mov cl,[cs:datablock.columns]
cmp [cs:datablock.x],cl
jb @@noadjusted
call addline
@ -979,11 +919,11 @@ endp showchar
push ax cx dx
cmp [cs:cursor],1
cmp [cs:datablock.cursor],1
jne notshow
mov dx,ccrt
mov al,0Eh
mov cx,[cs:xy]
mov cx,[cs:datablock.xy]
shr cx,1
mov ah,ch
out dx,ax
@ -1003,8 +943,8 @@ emulatechar:
and di,11111111b
shl di,3
add di,offset font8x8
mov bl,[cs:x]
mov cl,[cs:y]
mov bl,[cs:datablock.x]
mov cl,[cs:datablock.y]
xor bh,bh
xor ch,ch
shl bx,3
@ -1016,7 +956,7 @@ bouclet:
push ax
jc colored
shr al,4
cmp [cs:style],0
cmp [cs:datablock.style],0
jnz transparent
and ax,1111b
@ -1047,7 +987,7 @@ push ax cx dx si di bp ds es gs
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[ss:bp+22]
mov ah,2
mov cx,[cs:pagesize]
mov cx,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
push cs
pop ds
mov si,offset data3
@ -1070,7 +1010,7 @@ savescreento:
mov cx,0B800h
mov ds,cx
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,[cs:pagesize]
mov cx,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
shr cx,2
xor si,si
@ -1084,7 +1024,7 @@ saveparamto:
push cs
pop ds
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,datablocksize
mov cx,size datablock
mov si,offset datablock
rep movsb
@ -1097,7 +1037,7 @@ restoreparamfrom:
push cs
pop es
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,datablocksize
mov cx,size datablock
mov di,offset datablock
rep movsb
@ -1127,7 +1067,7 @@ restorescreenfrom:
mov cx,0B800H
mov es,cx
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,[cs:pagesize]
mov cx,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
shr cx,2
xor di,di
@ -1144,9 +1084,9 @@ page2to1:
mov es,cx
mov ds,cx
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,[cs:pagesize]
mov cx,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
shr cx,2
mov si,[cs:pagesize]
mov si,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
xor di,di
rep movsd
@ -1160,9 +1100,9 @@ page1to2:
mov es,cx
mov ds,cx
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,[cs:pagesize]
mov cx,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
shr cx,2
mov di,[cs:pagesize]
mov di,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
xor si,si
rep movsd
@ -1170,190 +1110,190 @@ page1to2:
;push ax cx dx si di bp ds es gs
;mov bp,sp
;mov dx,[ss:bp+22]
;mov ah,2
;mov cx,datablocksize
;add cx,[cs:pagesize]
;add cx,3*256
;push cs
;pop ds
;mov si,offset data4
;int 49h
;mov ah,6
;int 49h
;push gs
;pop es
;xor di,di
;call savescreento
;call page2to1
;push gs
;pop ds
;xor si,si
;mov cx,0B800H
;mov es,cx
;mov di,[cs:pagesize]
;xor ecx,ecx
;mov cx,[cs:pagesize]
;shr cx,2
;rep movsd
;mov ah,01h
;int 49h
;pop gs es ds bp di si dx cx ax
;data4 db '/vgatemp',0
push ax cx dx si di bp ds es gs
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[ss:bp+22]
mov ah,2
mov cx,size datablock
add cx,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
add cx,3*256
push cs
pop ds
mov si,offset data4
int 49h
mov ah,6
int 49h
push gs
pop es
xor di,di
call savescreento
call page2to1
push gs
pop ds
xor si,si
mov cx,0B800H
mov es,cx
mov di,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
shr cx,2
rep movsd
mov ah,01h
int 49h
pop gs es ds bp di si dx cx ax
data4 db '/vgatemp',0
;Sauve l'tat de la carte dans un bloc mémoire
;push ax cx dx si di bp ds es gs
;mov bp,sp
;mov dx,[ss:bp+22]
;mov ah,2
;mov cx,datablocksize
;add cx,[cs:pagesize]
;add cx,3*256
;push cs
;pop ds
;mov si,offset data
;int 49h
;mov ah,6
;int 49h
;push gs
;pop es
;xor di,di
;call saveparamto
;add di,datablocksize
;call savescreento
;add di,[cs:pagesize]
;call savedacto
;pop gs es ds bp di si dx cx ax
push ax cx dx si di bp ds es gs
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[ss:bp+22]
mov ah,2
mov cx,size datablock
add cx,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
add cx,3*256
push cs
pop ds
mov si,offset data
int 49h
mov ah,6
int 49h
push gs
pop es
xor di,di
call saveparamto
add di,size datablock
call savescreento
add di,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
call savedacto
pop gs es ds bp di si dx cx ax
;data db '/vga',0
data db '/vga',0
;RcupŠre l'tat de la carte depuis son bloc mémoire
;push ax dx si bp ds gs
;mov bp,sp
;mov dx,[ss:bp+16]
;push cs
;pop ds
;mov si,offset data
;mov ah,9
;int 49h
;push gs
;pop ds
;mov al,[ds:7]
;cmp [cs:mode],al
;je nochangemode
;mov ah,0
;call setvideomode
;xor si,si
;call restoreparamfrom
;add si,datablocksize
;call restorescreenfrom
;add si,[cs:pagesize]
;call restoredacfrom
;pop gs ds bp si dx ax
push ax dx si bp ds gs
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[ss:bp+16]
push cs
pop ds
mov si,offset data
mov ah,9
int 49h
push gs
pop ds
mov al,[ds:7]
cmp [cs:datablock.mode],al
je nochangemode
mov ah,0
call setvideomode
xor si,si
call restoreparamfrom
add si,size datablock
call restorescreenfrom
add si,[cs:datablock.pagesize]
call restoredacfrom
pop gs ds bp si dx ax
;sauve le DAC dans un bloc de mémoire
;push ax cx dx si di bp ds es gs
;mov bp,sp
;mov dx,[ss:bp+22]
;mov ah,2
;mov cx,3*256
;push cs
;pop ds
;mov si,offset data2
;int 49h
;mov ah,6
;int 49h
;push gs
;pop es
;xor di,di
;call savedacto
;pop gs es ds bp di si dx cx ax
push ax cx dx si di bp ds es gs
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[ss:bp+22]
mov ah,2
mov cx,3*256
push cs
pop ds
mov si,offset data2
int 49h
mov ah,6
int 49h
push gs
pop es
xor di,di
call savedacto
pop gs es ds bp di si dx cx ax
;data2 db '/vgadac',0
data2 db '/vgadac',0
;RcupŠre le dac depuis son bloc mémoire
;push ax dx si bp ds gs
;mov bp,sp
;mov dx,[ss:bp+16]
;push cs
;pop ds
;mov si,offset data2
;mov ah,9
;int 49h
;push gs
;pop ds
;xor si,si
;call restoredacfrom
;pop gs ds bp si dx ax
push ax dx si bp ds gs
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[ss:bp+16]
push cs
pop ds
mov si,offset data2
mov ah,9
int 49h
push gs
pop ds
xor si,si
call restoredacfrom
pop gs ds bp si dx ax
;sauve le DAC en es:di
;push ax cx dx di
;mov dx,3C7h
;mov cx,256
;mov al,cl
;dec al
;out dx,al
;inc dx
;inc dx
;in al,dx
;mov [es:di],al
;inc di
;in al,dx
;mov [es:di],al
;inc di
;in al,dx
;mov [es:di],al
;inc di
;dec dx
;dec dx
;dec cx
;jne save
;pop di dx cx ax
push ax cx dx di
mov dx,3C7h
mov cx,256
mov al,cl
dec al
out dx,al
inc dx
inc dx
in al,dx
mov [es:di],al
inc di
in al,dx
mov [es:di],al
inc di
in al,dx
mov [es:di],al
inc di
dec dx
dec dx
dec cx
jne save
pop di dx cx ax
;restore le DAC depuis ds:si
;push ax cx dx si
;xor ax,ax
;mov dx,3C8h
;mov cx,256
;mov al,cl
;dec al
;out dx,al
;inc dx
;mov al,[ds:si]
;inc si
;out dx,al
;mov al,[ds:si]
;inc si
;out dx,al
;mov al,[ds:si]
;inc si
;out dx,al
;dec dx
;dec cx
;jne save2
;pop si dx cx ax
push ax cx dx si
xor ax,ax
mov dx,3C8h
mov cx,256
mov al,cl
dec al
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,[ds:si]
inc si
out dx,al
mov al,[ds:si]
inc si
out dx,al
mov al,[ds:si]
inc si
out dx,al
dec dx
dec cx
jne save2
pop si dx cx ax