model tiny,stdcall p586N locals jumps codeseg option procalign:byte include "..\include\mem.h" include "..\include\divers.h" org 0h start: header exe <"CE",1,0,0,,,,offset realstart> realstart: PNP_ADR_PORT equ 0x279 PNP_WRITE_PORT equ 0xA79 ;MIN and MAX READ_ADDR must have the bottom two bits set MIN_READ_ADDR equ 0x203 MAX_READ_ADDR equ 0x3FF ;READ_ADDR_STEP must be a multiple of 4 READ_ADDR_STEP equ 8 ;bits CONFIG_WAIT_FOR_KEY equ 0x02 CONFIG_RESET_CSN equ 0x04 IDENT_LEN equ 9 ;renvoie le timer en ax ctc: cli mov dx,043h mov al,0 out dx,al mov dx,40h in al,dx mov ah,al in al,dx sti ret ;attend pendant ax microsecondes usleep: