.model tiny .486 smart .code org 0100h start: jmp tsr offsets dd 0 db 'TIMER' tsr: pushf db 2eh,0ffh,1eh dw offsets cli push ax bx es mov bx,cs:compteur inc bx and bx,11b mov cs:compteur,bx mov bx,cs:[offset fig+bx] mov ax,0B800h mov es,ax mov es:[0],bl push ds es pusha mov ax,40h mov es,ax mov ax,0B800h mov ds,ax mov word ptr dx,es:[8] in al,dx mov di,158 decompose: mov cl,al and cl,1 cmp cl,1 je un mov byte ptr ds:[di],'0' jmp errr un: mov byte ptr ds:[di],'1' errr: shr al,1 dec di dec di cmp di,142 jne decompose inc dx in al,dx mov di,318 decompose2: mov cl,al and cl,1 cmp cl,1 je un2 mov byte ptr ds:[di],'0' jmp errr2 un2: mov byte ptr ds:[di],'1' errr2: cmp di,314 jb errrr mov byte ptr ds:[di],'X' errrr: shr al,1 dec di dec di cmp di,302 jne decompose2 popa pop es ds pop es bx ax sti iret compteur dw 0 fig db 'Ä\³/' end start