
773 lines
18 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

model tiny,stdcall
option procalign:byte
include "..\include\mem.h"
include "..\include\cpu.h"
include "..\include\pci.h"
org 0h
header exe <"CE",1,0,0,offset exports,,,>
db "cpuinfo",0
dw cpuinfo
db "setinfo",0
dw setinfo
db "pciinfo",0
dw pciinfo
db "getpciclass",0
dw getpciclass
db "getpcisubclass",0
dw getpcisubclass
db "getcardinfo",0
dw getcardinfo
db "pcireadbyte",0
dw pcireadbyte
db "pcireadword",0
dw pcireadword
db "pcireaddword",0
dw pcireaddword
db "detectvmware",0
dw detectvmware
dd 0
PROC detectvmware FAR
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx
mov eax,564D5868h
mov ebx,12345h
mov ecx,00Ah
mov edx,5658h
in ax,dx
cmp ebx,564D5868h
endp detectvmware
;renvoie un pointer dx:ax vers la classe %0
PROC getpciclass FAR
ARG @class:word
mov di,[@class]
and di,0FFh
shl di,1
mov ax,[cs:offset classes+di]
mov dx,cs
endp getpciclass
;renvoie un pointer dx:ax vers la sous-classe de %1 et de classe %0
PROC getpcisubclass FAR
ARG @class:word,@subclass:word
mov di,[@class]
and di,0FFh
shl di,1
mov di,[cs:offset classesd+di]
mov dx,[@subclass]
and dx,0FFh
cmp dx,80h
jne @@suiteac
mov ax,offset divers
jmp @@found
shl dx,1
add di,dx
mov ax,[cs:di]
mov dx,cs
endp getpcisubclass
divers db 'divers',0
dw offset class0
dw offset class1
dw offset class2
dw offset class3
dw offset class4
dw offset class5
dw offset class6
dw offset class7
dw offset class8
dw offset class9
dw offset class10
dw offset class11
dw offset class12
dw offset class13
dw offset class14
dw offset class15
dw offset class16
dw offset class17
class0 db 'ancien',0
class1 db 'stockage',0
class2 db 'reseau',0
class3 db 'affichage',0
class4 db 'multimedia',0
class5 db 'memoire',0
class6 db 'pont',0
class7 db 'communication',0
class8 db 'systeme',0
class9 db 'acquisition',0
class10 db 'dock',0
class11 db 'processeur',0
class12 db 'bus serie',0
class13 db 'sans fil',0
class14 db 'intelligent',0
class15 db 'satellite',0
class16 db 'cryptage',0
class17 db 'traitement signal',0
;Classes et sous classes
dw offset class0d
dw offset class1d
dw offset class2d
dw offset class3d
dw offset class4d
dw offset class5d
dw offset class6d
dw offset class7d
dw offset class8d
dw offset class9d
dw offset class10d
dw offset class11d
dw offset class12d
dw offset class13d
dw offset class14d
dw offset class15d
dw offset class16d
dw offset class17d
dw offset subclass00
dw offset subclass01
subclass00 db 'divers',0
subclass01 db 'vga',0
dw offset subclass10
dw offset subclass11
dw offset subclass12
dw offset subclass13
dw offset subclass14
subclass10 db 'scsi',0
subclass11 db 'ide',0
subclass12 db 'disquette',0
subclass13 db 'ipi',0
subclass14 db 'raid',0
dw offset subclass20
dw offset subclass21
dw offset subclass22
dw offset subclass23
dw offset subclass24
subclass20 db 'ethernet',0
subclass21 db 'token ring',0
subclass22 db 'fddi',0
subclass23 db 'atm',0
subclass24 db 'isdn',0
dw offset subclass30
dw offset subclass31
dw offset subclass32
subclass30 db 'vga',0
subclass31 db 'xga',0
subclass32 db '3D',0
dw offset subclass40
dw offset subclass41
dw offset subclass42
subclass40 db 'video',0
subclass41 db 'audio',0
subclass42 db 'telephonie',0
dw offset subclass50
dw offset subclass51
subclass50 db 'ram',0
subclass51 db 'flash',0
dw offset subclass60
dw offset subclass61
dw offset subclass62
dw offset subclass63
dw offset subclass64
dw offset subclass65
dw offset subclass66
dw offset subclass67
dw offset subclass68
subclass60 db 'hote',0
subclass61 db 'isa',0
subclass62 db 'eisa',0
subclass63 db 'mca',0
subclass64 db 'pci',0
subclass65 db 'pcmcia',0
subclass66 db 'nubus',0
subclass67 db 'cardbus',0
subclass68 db 'RACEway',0
dw offset subclass70
dw offset subclass71
dw offset subclass72
dw offset subclass73
subclass70 db 'serie',0
subclass71 db 'parallele',0
subclass72 db 'serie multiport',0
subclass73 db 'modem',0
dw offset subclass80
dw offset subclass81
dw offset subclass82
dw offset subclass83
dw offset subclass84
subclass80 db 'pic',0
subclass81 db 'dma',0
subclass82 db 'timer',0
subclass83 db 'rtc',0
subclass84 db 'hotplug',0
dw offset subclass90
dw offset subclass91
dw offset subclass92
dw offset subclass93
dw offset subclass94
subclass90 db 'clavier',0
subclass91 db 'stylo',0
subclass92 db 'souris',0
subclass93 db 'scanner',0
subclass94 db 'joystick',0
dw offset subclass100
subclass100 db 'station',0
dw offset subclass110
dw offset subclass111
dw offset subclass112
dw offset subclass113
dw offset subclass114
subclass110 db '386',0
subclass111 db '486',0
subclass112 db 'pentium',0
subclass113 db 'alpha',0
subclass114 db 'coprocesseur',0
dw offset subclass120
dw offset subclass121
dw offset subclass122
dw offset subclass123
dw offset subclass124
dw offset subclass125
subclass120 db 'firewire',0
subclass121 db 'access',0
subclass122 db 'ssa',0
subclass123 db 'usb',0
subclass124 db 'fibre',0
subclass125 db 'smbus',0
dw offset subclass130
dw offset subclass131
dw offset subclass132
subclass130 db 'irda',0
subclass131 db 'ir',0
subclass132 db 'rf',0
dw offset subclass140
subclass140 db 'IO arch',0
dw offset subclass150
dw offset subclass151
dw offset subclass152
dw offset subclass153
subclass150 db 'tv',0
subclass151 db 'audio',0
subclass152 db 'voix',0
subclass153 db 'donnees',0
dw offset subclass160
dw offset subclass161
subclass160 db 'reseau',0
subclass161 db 'jeux',0
dw offset subclass170
subclass170 db 'dpio',0
;al=bus cl=deviceid ch=func es:di
PROC getcardinfo FAR
ARG @bus:word,@device:word,@function:word,@pointer:word
USES eax,bx,di
cmp [@function],0
je @@amultiorfirst
call pcireadbyte,[@bus],[@device],0,offset (pcidata).typed
and al,multifunction
cmp al,0
jne @@amultiorfirst
mov [word ptr di],0000h
jmp @@notexist
xor bx,bx
mov di,[@pointer]
call pcireadword,[@bus],[@device],[@function],bx
inc bl
inc bl
cmp bl,2
ja @@notzarb
cmp ax,0FFFFh
je @@notexist
cmp ax,00000h
je @@notexist
mov [ds:di],ax
inc di
inc di
cmp bl,40h
jbe @@goinfos
endp getcardinfo
;lit un octet du bus %0 device %1 function %2 n<> %3 et le met en AL
PROC pcireadbyte FAR
ARG @bus:word,@device:word,@function:word,@pointer:word
USES bx,dx
mov al,[byte ptr @bus]
mov ah,80h
shl eax,16
mov ah,[byte ptr @device]
shl ah,3
or ah,[byte ptr @function]
mov bl,[byte ptr @pointer]
mov al,bl
and al,0fch
mov dx,config1addr
out dx,eax
mov dx,config1data
and bl,3
or dl,bl
in al,dx
endp pcireadbyte
;lit 2 octet du bus %0 device %1 function %2 n<> %3 et le met en AX
PROC pcireadword FAR
ARG @bus:word,@device:word,@function:word,@pointer:word
USES bx,dx
mov al,[byte ptr @bus]
mov ah,80h
shl eax,16
mov ah,[byte ptr @device]
shl ah,3
or ah,[byte ptr @function]
mov bl,[byte ptr @pointer]
mov al,bl
and al,0fch
mov dx,config1addr
out dx,eax
mov dx,config1data
and bl,3
or dl,bl
in ax,dx
endp pcireadword
;lit 4 octet du bus %0 device %1 function %2 n<> %3 et le met en EAX
PROC pcireaddword FAR
ARG @bus:word,@device:word,@function:word,@pointer:word
USES bx,dx
mov al,[byte ptr @bus]
mov ah,80h
shl eax,16
mov ah,[byte ptr @device]
shl ah,3
or ah,[byte ptr @function]
mov bl,[byte ptr @pointer]
mov al,bl
and al,0fch
mov dx,config1addr
out dx,eax
mov dx,config1data
and bl,3
or dl,bl
in eax,dx
endp pcireaddword
;Prob avec str pci
;renvoie en %0 la structure pciinf carry if error
PROC pciinfo FAR
ARG @pointer:word
USES ax,bx,cx,edx,edi
mov ax,0B101h
xor edi,edi
mov edx," PCI"
int 1Ah
jc @@errorpci
cmp dx,04350h
jne @@errorpci
cmp ah,0
jne @@errorpci
mov di,[@pointer]
mov [(pciinf di).version_major],bh
mov [(pciinf di).version_minor],bl
mov [(pciinf di).types],al
mov [(pciinf di).maxbus],cl
endp pciinfo
;retourne en DS:%1 les set support<72> du processeur par rapport a la struct %0
PROC setinfo FAR
ARG @pointer:word,@set:word
USES bx,si,di
mov di,[@set]
lea si,[ds:cpu.mmx]
add si,[@pointer]
mov bx,offset @@theset
cmp [word ptr cs:bx],0FFFFh
je @@endofset
cmp [byte ptr si],1
jne @@nextset
push bx
mov bx,[cs:bx]
mov al,[cs:bx]
cmp al,0
je @@enofput
mov [di],al
inc bx
inc di
jmp @@put
pop bx
inc bx
inc bx
inc si
jmp @@set
mov [byte ptr di],0
@@theset dw offset @@mmx
dw offset @@mmx2
dw offset @@sse
dw offset @@sse2
dw offset @@sse3
dw offset @@fpu
dw offset @@now3d
dw offset @@now3d2
dw offset @@htt
dw offset @@apic
dw 0FFFFh
@@mmx db "MMX ",0
@@mmx2 db "MMX2 ",0
@@now3d db "3dNow! ",0
@@now3d2 db "3dNow Extended! ",0
@@htt db "HyperThreading",0
@@sse db "SSE ",0
@@sse2 db "SSE2 ",0
@@sse3 db "SSE3 ",0
@@apic db "APIC ",0
@@fpu db "FPU ",0
endp setinfo
;retourne en DS:%0 les capacit<69>s du processeur
PROC cpuinfo FAR
ARG @pointer:word
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,si,di,ds,es
push ds
pop es
mov di,[@pointer]
mov al,0
mov cx,size cpu
rep stosb
mov di,[@pointer]
call nocpuid ;Test si cpuid est dispo
je @@nocpuidatall
xor eax,eax
cpuid ;Fonction 0 de CPUID
mov [dword ptr (cpu di).vendor],ebx ;Vendeur sur 13 octets
mov [dword ptr (cpu di+4).vendor],edx
mov [dword ptr (cpu di+8).vendor],ecx
mov [byte ptr (cpu di+12).vendor],0
cmp eax,1
jb @@nofonc1
mov eax,1
cpuid ;Fonction 1 de CPUID
mov ebx,eax ;infos de model
and ebx,1111b
mov [(cpu di).stepping],bl
shr eax,4
mov ebx,eax
and ebx,1111b
mov [(cpu di).models],bl
shr eax,4
mov ebx,eax
and ebx,1111b
mov [(cpu di).family],bl
shr eax,4
mov ebx,eax
and ebx,11b
mov [(cpu di).types],bl
shr eax,2
mov ebx,eax
and ebx,1111b
mov [(cpu di).emodels],bl
shr eax,4
mov [(cpu di).efamily],al
mov ebx,edx
and ebx,1 ;infos de jeu d'instruction
setnz [(cpu di).fpu]
mov ebx,edx
and ebx,100000000000000000000000b
setnz [(cpu di).mmx]
mov ebx,edx
and ebx,10000000000000000000000000b
setnz [(cpu di).sse]
mov ebx,edx
and ebx,100000000000000000000000000b
setnz [(cpu di).sse2]
mov ebx,ecx
and ebx,1b
setnz [(cpu di).sse3]
mov ebx,edx
and ebx,10000000000000000000000000000b
setnz [(cpu di).htt]
mov eax,80000000h ;Fonction 80000000 de CPUID
cmp eax,80000001h
jb @@nofonc8
mov eax,80000001h ;Fonction 80000000 de CPUID
mov ebx,edx
and ebx,10000000000000000000000b
setnz [(cpu di).mmx2]
mov ebx,edx
and ebx,1000000000000000000000000000000b
setnz [(cpu di).now3d]
mov ebx,edx
and ebx,10000000000000000000000000000000b
setnz [(cpu di).now3d2]
mov ebx,edx
and ebx,1000000000b
setnz [(cpu di).apic]
mov si,offset @@marks
push cs
pop ds
mov di,[@pointer]
mov cx,12
rep cmpsb
jne @@notthegood
cmp cx,0
jne @@notthegood
mov cl,[si]
inc si
mov di,[@pointer]
rep movsb
mov al,0
mov di,[@pointer]
cmp [es:(cpu di).family],15
jne @@notextended
mov al,[es:(cpu di).efamily]
mov ah,[es:(cpu di).emodels]
mov di,[si+2]
jmp @@searchmodel
mov al,[es:(cpu di).family]
mov ah,[es:(cpu di).models]
mov di,[si]
cmp [di],ax
jne @@notgoodfamily
mov si,di
inc si
inc si
lea di,[es:cpu.names]
add di,[@pointer]
mov al,[si]
mov [es:di],al
inc si
inc di
cmp al,0
jne @@copystr
jmp @@endofsearch
inc di
inc di
cmp [byte ptr di-1],0
jne @@nextelement
jmp @@searchmodel
inc si
cmp [word ptr si],0FFFFh
jne @@notthegood
inc si
inc si
cmp [word ptr si],0FFFFh
je @@endofsearch
jmp @@search
;tableau avec vendeur taille + chainereelle + pointeur famille + pointeur famille etendue
@@marks db "GenuineIntel",5,"Intel"
dw @@intelfamily,@@intelfamilye
dw 0FFFFh
db "AuthenticAMD",3,"Amd"
dw @@amdfamily,@@amdfamilye
dw 0FFFFh
db "CyrixInstead",5,"Cyrix"
dw @@cyrixfamily,@@cyrixfamilye
dw 0FFFFh
dw 0FFFFh
;tableau avec famille modele et chaine 0
db 4,0,"486 DX-25/33",0
db 4,1,"486 DX-50",0
db 4,2,"486 SX",0
db 4,3,"486 DX/2",0
db 4,4,"486 SL",0
db 4,5,"486 SX/2",0
db 4,7,"486 DX/2-WB",0
db 4,8,"486 DX/4",0
db 4,9,"486 DX/4-WB",0
db 5,0,"Pentium 60/66 A-step",0
db 5,1,"Pentium 60/66",0
db 5,2,"Pentium 75 - 200",0
db 5,3,"OverDrive PODP5V83",0
db 5,4,"Pentium MMX",0
db 5,7,"Mobile Pentium 75-200",0
db 5,8,"Mobile Pentium MMX",0
db 6,0,"Pentium Pro A-step",0
db 6,1,"Pentium Pro",0
db 6,3,"Pentium II (Klamath)",0
db 6,5,"Pentium II (Deschutes)",0
db 6,6,"Mobile Pentium II",0
db 6,7,"Pentium III (Katmai)",0
db 6,8,"Pentium III (Coppermine)",0
db 6,9,"Mobile Pentium III",0
db 6,10,"Pentium III (0.18 <20>m)",0
db 6,11,"Pentium III (0.13 <20>m)",0
db 7,0,"Itanium (IA-64)",0
db 0FFh,0FFh,"Inconnu",0
db 0,0,"Pentium IV (0.18 <20>m)",0
db 0,1,"Pentium IV (0.18 <20>m)",0
db 0,2,"Pentium IV (0.13 <20>m)",0
db 0,3,"Pentium IV (0.09 <20>m)",0
db 1,0,"Itanium 2 (IA-64)",0
db 0FFh,0FFh,"Inconnu",0
db 4,3,"486 DX/2",0
db 4,7,"486 DX/2-WB",0
db 4,8,"486 DX/4",0
db 4,9,"486 DX/4-WB",0
db 4,14,"Am5x86-WT",0
db 4,15,"Am5x86-WB",0
db 5,0,"K5/SSA5",0
db 5,1,"K5 (PR120/133)",0
db 5,2,"K5 (PR166)",0
db 5,3,"K5 (PR200)",0
db 5,6,"K6 (0.30 <20>m)",0
db 5,7,"K6 (0.25 <20>m)",0
db 5,8,"K6-2",0
db 5,9,"K6-3",0
db 5,13,"K6-2+/K6-III+ (0.18 <20>m)",0
db 6,0,"Athlon (25 <20>m)",0
db 6,1,"Athlon (25 <20>m)",0
db 6,2,"Athlon (18 <20>m)",0
db 6,3,"Duron",0
db 6,4,"Athlon (Thunderbird)",0
db 6,6,"Athlon (Palamino)",0
db 6,7,"Duron (Morgan)",0
db 6,8,"Athlon (Thoroughbred)",0
db 6,10,"Athlon (Barton)",0
db 0FFh,0FFh,"Inconnu",0
db 0,4,"Athlon 64",0
db 0,5,"Athlon 64 FX/Opteron",0
db 0FFh,0FFh,"Inconnu",0
db 4,4,"MediaGX",0
db 5,2,"6x86/6x86L",0
db 5,4,"MediaGX MMX Enhanced",0
db 6,0,"MII (6x86MX)",0
db 6,5,"VIA Cyrix M2 core",0
db 6,6,"WinChip C5A",0
db 6,7,"WinChip C5B/WinChip C5C",0
db 6,8,"WinChip C5N",0
db 6,9,"WinChip C5XL/WinChip C5P",0
db 0FFh,0FFh,"Inconnu",0
db 0FFh,0FFh,"Inconnu",0
endp cpuinfo
;Test si CPUID est support<72> oui=not Equal
pop eax
xor eax,00200000h
push eax
pop eax
cmp eax,ebx