
391 lines
9.1 KiB

struc regs
.seip dd 0
.seax dd 0
.sebx dd 0
.secx dd 0
.sedx dd 0
.sesi dd 0
.sedi dd 0
.sebp dd 0
.sesp dd 0
.scs dw 0
.sds dw 0
.ses dw 0
.sfs dw 0
.sgs dw 0
.sss dw 0
.seflags dd 0
;.sst0 dt 0
;;sst1 dt 0
;.sst2 dt 0
;.sst3 dt 0
;.sst4 dt 0
;.sst5 dt 0
;.sst6 dt 0
;.sst7 dt 0
struc tuple off,seg
.off dw 0 ;adresse
.seg dw 0 ;segment
struc vector off,seg
.data tuple off,seg
virtual at .data
.content dd 0
.sizeof = $ - .data
end virtual
struc ints ;bloc interruption
.number db 0 ;numero de l'interruption
.activated db 0 ;activé ou non
.locked db 0 ;verrouillée
.launchedlow dd 0
.launchedhigh dd 0
.calledlow dd 0
.calledhigh dd 0
.vector1 vector ?
.vector2 vector ?
.vector3 vector ?
.vector4 vector ?
.vector5 vector ?
.vector6 vector ?
.vector7 vector ?
.vector8 vector ?
.sizeof = $ - .number
struc mb check,isnotlast,isresident,reference,sizes,names
;Bloc de mémoire
.check db "NH" ;signature du bloc de mémoire.
.isnotlast db 0 ;flag indiquant le dernier bloc
.isresident db 0 ;flag indiquant que le bloc est resident
.reference dw 0 ;pointeur vers le bloc parent
.sizes dw 0 ;taille du bloc en paragraphe de 16 octet
.names db 24 dup (0) ;nom du bloc
.sizeof = $ - .check
struc exe major
;Executable COS
.checks db "CE" ;signature de l'exe
.major db 1 ;N° version
.checksum dd 0 ;Checksum de l'exe
.compressed db 0 ;a 1 si compressé par RLE
.exports dw 0 ;importation de fonctions
.imports dw 0 ;exportation de fonctions
.sections dw 0 ;sections des blocs mémoire
.starting dw 15
struc descriptor limit_low,base_low,base_middle,dpltype,limit_high,base_high
.limit_low dw 0
.base_low dw 0
.base_middle db 0
.dpltype db 0
.limit_high db 0
.base_high db 0
.sizeof = $ - .limit_low
free equ 0 ;Reference quand libre
macro exporting
macro importing
macro noimporting
macro noexporting
macro ende
dd 0
macro endi
dd 0
macro use lib*,fonction*
db `lib,"::",`fonction,0
dd 0
dd 0
macro declare fonction*
db `fonction,0
dw fonction
; Macroinstructions for defining and calling procedures
macro stdcall proc,[arg] ; directly call STDCALL procedure
if ~ arg eq
push arg
end if
push cs
call proc
macro invoke proc,[arg] ; directly call STDCALL procedure
if ~ arg eq
push arg
end if
call far [cs:proc]
macro proc [args] ; define procedure
{ common
match name params, args>
\{ define@proc name,<params \} }
prologue@proc equ prologuedef
macro prologuedef procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
{ if parmbytes | localbytes
push bp
mov bp,sp
if localbytes
sub sp,localbytes
end if
end if
irps reg, reglist \{ push reg \} }
epilogue@proc equ epiloguedef
macro epiloguedef procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
{ irps reg, reglist \{ reverse pop reg \}
if parmbytes | localbytes
end if
if flag and 10000b
retn parmbytes
end if }
macro define@proc name,statement
{ local params,flag,regs,parmbytes,localbytes,current
if used name
match =stdcall args, statement \{ params equ args
flag = 11b \}
match =stdcall, statement \{ params equ
flag = 11b \}
match =params, params \{ params equ statement
flag = 0 \}
virtual at bp+4
match =uses reglist=,args, params \{ regs equ reglist
params equ args \}
match =regs =uses reglist, regs params \{ regs equ reglist
params equ \}
match =regs, regs \{ regs equ \}
match =,args, params \{ defargs@proc args \}
match =args@proc args, args@proc params \{ defargs@proc args \}
parmbytes = $ - (bp+4)
end virtual
name # % = parmbytes/2
all@vars equ
current = 0
match prologue:reglist, prologue@proc:<regs> \{ prologue name,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist \}
macro locals
\{ virtual at bp-localbytes+current
macro label . \\{ deflocal@proc .,:, \\}
struc db [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,db,val \\}
struc du [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,du,val \\}
struc dw [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,dw,val \\}
struc dp [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,dp,val \\}
struc dd [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,dd,val \\}
struc dt [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,dt,val \\}
struc dq [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,dq,val \\}
struc rb cnt \\{ deflocal@proc .,rb cnt, \\}
struc rw cnt \\{ deflocal@proc .,rw cnt, \\}
struc rp cnt \\{ deflocal@proc .,rp cnt, \\}
struc rd cnt \\{ deflocal@proc .,rd cnt, \\}
struc rt cnt \\{ deflocal@proc .,rt cnt, \\}
struc rq cnt \\{ deflocal@proc .,rq cnt, \\} \}
macro endl
\{ purge label
restruc db,du,dw,dp,dd,dt,dq
restruc rb,rw,rp,rd,rt,rq
current = $-(bp-localbytes)
end virtual \}
macro ret operand
\{ match any, operand \\{ retn operand \\}
match , operand \\{ match epilogue:reglist, epilogue@proc:<regs>
\\\{ epilogue name,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist \\\} \\} \}
macro finish@proc \{ localbytes = (((current-1) shr 2)+1) shl 2
end if \} }
macro defargs@proc [arg]
{ common
if ~ arg eq
local ..arg,current@arg
match argname:type, arg
\{ current@arg equ argname
label ..arg type
argname equ ..arg
if dqword eq type
dw ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?
else if tbyte eq type
dw ?,?,?,?,?
else if qword eq type | pword eq type
dw ?,?,?,?
else if dword eq type
dw ?,?
dw ?
end if \}
match =current@arg,current@arg
\{ current@arg equ arg
arg equ ..arg
..arg dw ? \}
args@proc equ current@arg
restore current@arg
end if }
macro deflocal@proc name,def,[val]
{ common
match vars, all@vars \{ all@vars equ all@vars, \}
all@vars equ all@vars name
local ..var,..tmp
..var def val
match =?, val \{ ..tmp equ \}
match any =dup (=?), val \{ ..tmp equ \}
match tmp : value, ..tmp : val
\{ tmp: end virtual
initlocal@proc ..var,def value
virtual at tmp\}
match first rest, ..var, \{ name equ first \} }
macro initlocal@proc name,def
{ virtual at name
size@initlocal = $ - name
end virtual
position@initlocal = 0
while size@initlocal > position@initlocal
virtual at name
if size@initlocal - position@initlocal < 2
current@initlocal = 1
load byte@initlocal byte from name+position@initlocal
else if size@initlocal - position@initlocal < 4
current@initlocal = 2
load word@initlocal word from name+position@initlocal
current@initlocal = 4
load dword@initlocal dword from name+position@initlocal
end if
end virtual
if current@initlocal = 1
mov byte [name+position@initlocal],byte@initlocal
else if current@initlocal = 2
mov word [name+position@initlocal],word@initlocal
mov dword [name+position@initlocal],dword@initlocal
end if
position@initlocal = position@initlocal + current@initlocal
end while }
macro endp
{ purge ret,locals,endl
purge finish@proc
restore regs@proc
match all,args@proc \{ restore all \}
restore args@proc
match all,all@vars \{ restore all \} }
macro local [var]
{ common
forward done@local equ
match varname[count]:vartype, var
\{ match =BYTE, vartype \\{ varname rb count
restore done@local \\}
match =WORD, vartype \\{ varname rw count
restore done@local \\}
match =DWORD, vartype \\{ varname rd count
restore done@local \\}
match =PWORD, vartype \\{ varname rp count
restore done@local \\}
match =QWORD, vartype \\{ varname rq count
restore done@local \\}
match =TBYTE, vartype \\{ varname rt count
restore done@local \\}
match =DQWORD, vartype \\{ label varname dqword
rq count+count
restore done@local \\}
match , done@local \\{ virtual
varname vartype
end virtual
rb count*sizeof.\#vartype
restore done@local \\} \}
match :varname:vartype, done@local:var
\{ match =BYTE, vartype \\{ varname db ?
restore done@local \\}
match =WORD, vartype \\{ varname dw ?
restore done@local \\}
match =DWORD, vartype \\{ varname dd ?
restore done@local \\}
match =PWORD, vartype \\{ varname dp ?
restore done@local \\}
match =QWORD, vartype \\{ varname dq ?
restore done@local \\}
match =TBYTE, vartype \\{ varname dt ?
restore done@local \\}
match =DQWORD, vartype \\{ label varname dqword
dq ?,?
restore done@local \\}
match , done@local \\{ varname vartype
restore done@local \\} \}
match ,done@local
\{ var
restore done@local \}
endl }