#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # -*-coding:utf-8 -* import os, os.path, re, string, json def getfunction(syscall): args="" num=1 for argument in syscall['ARGS']: if num>1: args=args+", " args=args+argument['TYPE']+" "+argument['NAME'] num=num+1 if args=="": args="void" return str(syscall['RETURN'])+" "+str(syscall['NAME'])+"("+args+")" def getfunctioninternal(syscall): args="" argsname=["ebx","esi","edi","ebp"] num=1 for argument in syscall['ARGS']: if num>1: args=args+", " args=args+"dump->"+argsname[num-1] num=num+1 if syscall.has_key('DUMP'): if num>1: args=args+", " args=args+"dump" return str(syscall['INTERNALNAME'])+"("+args+")" def get_duplicates(sorted_list): duplicates = [] last = sorted_list[0] for x in sorted_list[1:]: if x == last: duplicates.append(x) last = x return set(duplicates) path = "./" files = os.listdir(path) pattern = r'\/\* SYSCALL.*END-SYSCALL \*\/' output_file = "syscalls.txt" if os.path.exists(output_file): os.remove(output_file) fo = open(output_file, "a+") fo.write("[") print "*** Collecte des SYSCALL" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for name in files: if name.endswith((".c")): if root=="./templates": continue input_file = os.path.join(root, name) with open(input_file, "r") as fi : content = fi.read() results = re.findall(pattern, content, re.MULTILINE| re.DOTALL) for result in results: print("Fichier :"+os.path.join(root, name)) new=string.replace(string.replace(result,"/* SYSCALL ",""),"END-SYSCALL */","") if fo.tell()>2: new=","+new; fo.write(new+"\r\n") fo.write("]") fo.seek(0) alljson=json.load(fo); print alljson fo.close() dup = get_duplicates([syscall['ID'] for syscall in alljson]); if len(dup)>0: print "ERREUR : deux fonctions possedent le meme numero de SYSCALL" for error in dup: for syscall in alljson: if syscall['ID']==error: print "librairie :"+syscall['LIBRARY']+" fonction: "+syscall['INTERNALNAME']+" id:"+str(syscall['ID']) exit() print "*** Mise en place de la documentation" os.popen('cp ./templates/API.md ./API.md') alllibs=set([syscall['LIBRARY'] for syscall in alljson]) text="" for lib in alllibs: text=text+""" ### """+lib.upper()+""" All fonctions in the \""""+lib+"""\" library. """ for syscall in alljson: if syscall['LIBRARY']==lib: textargs="" num=1 for argument in syscall['ARGS']: textargs=textargs+"\n* * argument "+str(num)+" : **"+argument['TYPE']+" "+argument['NAME']+"** *"+argument['DESCRIPTION']+"*" num=num+1 dump="no" if syscall.has_key('DUMP'): dump="yes" text=text+"""------ `"""+getfunction(syscall)+""";` *Description:"""+str(syscall['DESCRIPTION'])+"""* * syscall id : **"""+str(syscall['ID'])+"""** * arguments : **"""+str(len(syscall['ARGS']))+"""**"""+textargs+""" * results : **"""+str(syscall['RETURN'])+"""** * dump of register cpu: **"""+dump+"""** """ fo = open("./API.md", "r+") content = fo.read() content=content.replace("/* FOR INSERTING */",text) ##print content fo.seek(0) fo.write(content) fo.close() print "*** Mise en place des libraires (HEADERS)" for lib in alllibs: text="" print "Librairie :"+lib libname="./programs/include/"+lib+".h" os.popen('cp ./templates/lib.h '+libname) for syscall in alljson: if syscall['LIBRARY']==lib: text=text+getfunction(syscall)+";\n" fo = open(libname, "r+") content = fo.read() content=content.replace("/* FOR INSERTING */",text) ##print content fo.seek(0) fo.write(content) fo.close() print "*** Mise en place des libraires (SOURCES)" for lib in alllibs: text="" print "Librairie :"+lib libname="./programs/lib/"+lib+".c" os.popen('cp ./templates/lib.c '+libname) for syscall in alljson: if syscall['LIBRARY']==lib: numargs=len(syscall['ARGS']) textargs="syscall"+str(numargs)+"("+str(syscall['ID']) for i in range(0,numargs): if numargs>0: textargs=textargs+"," textargs=textargs+"(u32) "+syscall['ARGS'][i]['NAME'] if syscall['RETURN']!='void': textargs="return "+textargs+");" else: textargs=textargs+");\n return;" text=text+getfunction(syscall)+""" { """+textargs+""" } """ fo = open(libname, "r+") content = fo.read() content=content.replace("/* FOR INSERTING */",text) ##print content fo.seek(0) fo.write(content) fo.close() print "*** Mise en place du fichier noyau SYSCALL" text="" libname="./lib/syscall.c" os.popen('cp ./templates/syscall.c '+libname) for syscall in alljson: print "ID :"+str(syscall['ID']) call="" if syscall['RETURN']!='void': call="dump->eax=(u32) " call=call+getfunctioninternal(syscall) text=text+""" case """+str(syscall['ID'])+""": """+call+"""; break; """ fo = open(libname, "r+") content = fo.read() content=content.replace("/* FOR INSERTING */",text) ##print content fo.seek(0) fo.write(content)