/*******************************************************************************/ /* COS2000 - Compatible Operating System - LGPL v3 - Hordé Nicolas */ /* */ #include "interrupts.h" #include "types.h" #include "asm.h" #include "memory.h" #include "video.h" #include "gdt.h" #include "system.h" #include "debug.h" #define IDT_SIZE 256 /* nombre de descripteurs */ /* registre idt */ static struct idtr idtreg; /* table de IDT */ static idtdes idt[IDT_SIZE]; static u32 retry_address; /******************************************************************************/ /* Initialise la reprise après erreur */ void initretry(u32 address) { retry_address=address; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Initialise le controleur d'interruption 8259A */ void initpic(void) { /* MASTER */ /* Initialisation de ICW1 */ outb(PIC1_CMD, ICW1_INIT + ICW1_ICW4); nop(); /* Initialisation de ICW2 - vecteur de depart = 32 */ outb(PIC1_DATA, 0x20); nop(); /* Initialisation de ICW3 */ outb(PIC1_DATA, 0x04); nop(); /* Initialisation de ICW4 */ outb(PIC1_DATA, ICW4_8086); nop(); /* masquage des interruptions */ outb(PIC1_DATA, 0xFF); nop(); /* SLAVE */ /* Initialisation de ICW1 */ outb(PIC2_CMD, ICW1_INIT + ICW1_ICW4); nop(); /* Initialisation de ICW2 - vecteur de depart = 96 */ outb(PIC2_DATA, 0x60); nop(); /* Initialisation de ICW3 */ outb(PIC2_DATA, 0x02); nop(); /* Initialisation de ICW4 */ outb(PIC2_DATA, ICW4_8086); nop(); /* masquage des interruptions */ outb(PIC2_DATA, 0xFF); nop(); /* Demasquage des irqs sauf clavier outb(PIC1_DATA,0xFD); nop(); */ } /******************************************************************************/ /* Active une IRQ */ void enableirq(u8 irq) { u16 port; cli(); port = (((irq & 0x08) << 4) + PIC1_DATA); outb(port, inb(port) & ~(1 << (irq & 7))); sti(); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Désactive une IRQ */ void disableirq(u8 irq) { u16 port; cli(); port = (((irq & 0x08) << 4) + PIC1_DATA); outb(port, inb(port) | (1 << (irq & 7))); sti(); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Créé un descripteur pour l'IDT */ void makeidtdes(u32 offset, u16 select, u16 type, idtdes * desc) { desc->offset0_15 = (offset & 0xffff); desc->select = select; desc->type = type; desc->offset16_31 = (offset & 0xffff0000) >> 16; return; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Change une entrée dans l'IDT */ void setidt(u32 offset, u16 select, u16 type, u16 index) { cli(); idtdes *desc; desc = idtreg.base; desc[index].offset0_15 = (offset & 0xffff); desc[index].select = select; desc[index].type = type; desc[index].offset16_31 = (offset & 0xffff0000) >> 16; sti(); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Met une entrée dans l'IDT */ void putidt(u32 offset, u16 select, u16 type, u16 index) { idtdes temp; makeidtdes(offset, select, type, &temp); idt[index] = temp; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Affiche une erreur CPU et fige l'ordinateur */ void cpuerror(const u8 * src, const save_stack *stack) { printf("\033[31m*** ERREUR CPU : %s *** \r\n", src); if (stack!=NULL) show_cpu(stack); print("\033[0m\r\n"); sti(); waitascii(); initselectors(retry_address); /*while (true) { nop(); }*/ } /******************************************************************************/ /* Déclenché lors de l'appel d'une interruption */ void interruption() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("Appel d'une interruption\r\n"); popad(); popf(); sti(); iret(); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Les expections */ void exception0() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#DE Divide error",dump); } void exception1() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current; dump->eip=getdebugreg(0); for(u32 *addr=dump;addreip && *(addr+1)==SEL_KERNEL_CODE) { current = addr; break; } } dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); changevc(6); clearscreen(); show_lightcpu(dump); printf("\r\n\033[7m[P]\033[0m PAS A PAS \033[7m D \033[0m PAS A PAS DETAILLE \033[7m C \033[0m CONTINUER \033[7m S \033[0m STOPPER \033[7m V \033[0m VOIR \033[7m S \033[0m SCINDER"); sti(); u8 ascii=waitascii(); cli(); if (ascii=='P' || ascii=='p') setdebugreg(0,current->eip+disasm(current->eip, NULL, false), DBG_EXEC); if (ascii=='D' || ascii=='d') setdebugreg(0,0, DBG_CLEAR); else if (ascii=='C' || ascii=='c') setdebugreg(0,0, DBG_CLEAR); else if (ascii=='S' || ascii=='s') { changevc(0); sti(); initselectors(retry_address); } changevc(0); restcpu(); asm("addl $0x028, %esp;popl %ebx;"); iret(); } void exception2() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("NMI Non-maskable hardware interrupt",dump); } void exception3() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#BP INT3 instruction",dump); } void exception4() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#OF INTO instruction detected overflow",dump); } void exception5() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#BR BOUND instruction detected overrange",dump); } void exception6() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#UD Invalid instruction opcode",dump); } void exception7() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#NM No coprocessor",dump); } void exception8() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#DF Double fault",dump); } void exception9() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("Coprocessor segment overrun",dump); } void exception10() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#TS Invalid task state segment (TSS)",dump); } void exception11() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#NP Segment not present",dump); } void exception12() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#SS Stack fault",dump); } void exception13() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#GP General protection fault (GPF)",dump); } void exception14() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack *current = getESP()+sizeof(save_stack)+100; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); u8* errorstring; u8 completeerrorstring[255]; switch (current->error_code & 0xF) { case 0: errorstring="Supervisory process tried to read a non-present page entry"; break; case 1: errorstring="Supervisory process tried to read a page and caused a protection fault"; break; case 2: errorstring="Supervisory process tried to write to a non-present page entry"; break; case 3: errorstring="Supervisory process tried to write a page and caused a protection fault"; break; case 4: errorstring="User process tried to read a non-present page entry"; break; case 5: errorstring="User process tried to read a page and caused a protection fault"; break; case 6: errorstring="User process tried to write to a non-present page entry"; break; case 7: errorstring="User process tried to write a page and caused a protection fault"; break; } // printf("%X",current->error_code); sprintf(&completeerrorstring,"#PF Page fault - %s at adress %X",errorstring,dump->cr2); cpuerror(&completeerrorstring,dump); } void exception15() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("(reserved)",dump); } void exception16() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#MF Coprocessor error",dump); } void exception17() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#AC Alignment check",dump); } void exception18() { cli(); dumpcpu(); save_stack *dump = getESP(); exception_stack_noerror *current = getESP()+36; dump->eip=current->eip; dump->cs=current->cs; dump->oldesp=(current+1); cpuerror("#MC Machine check",dump); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Les IRQ par défaut */ void irq0() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 0"); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq1() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 1"); while ((inb(0x64) & 1) == 0) ; inb(0x60); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x01C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq2() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 2"); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq3() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 3"); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq4() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 4"); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq5() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 5"); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq6() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 6"); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq7() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 7"); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq8() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 8"); irqendslave(); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq9() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 9"); irqendslave(); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq10() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 10"); irqendslave(); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq11() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 11"); irqendslave(); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq12() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 12"); while ((inb(0x64) & 1) == 0) ; inb(0x60); irqendslave(); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x1C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq13() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 13"); irqendslave(); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq14() { cli(); pushf(); pushad(); print("irq 14"); irqendslave(); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } void irq15() { cli(); print("irq 15"); irqendslave(); irqendmaster(); popad(); popf(); sti(); asm("addl $0x0C, %esp;"); iret(); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Initialise une IDT */ void initidt(void) { u16 i; putidt((u32) exception0, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 0); putidt((u32) exception1, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 1); putidt((u32) exception2, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 2); putidt((u32) exception3, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 3); putidt((u32) exception4, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 4); putidt((u32) exception5, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 5); putidt((u32) exception6, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 6); putidt((u32) exception7, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 7); putidt((u32) exception8, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 8); putidt((u32) exception9, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 9); putidt((u32) exception10, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 10); putidt((u32) exception11, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 11); putidt((u32) exception12, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 12); putidt((u32) exception13, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 13); putidt((u32) exception14, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 14); putidt((u32) exception15, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 15); putidt((u32) exception16, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 16); putidt((u32) exception17, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 17); putidt((u32) exception18, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 18); for (i = 19; i < 32; i++) { putidt((u32) interruption, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING3 | TRAPGATE, i); } putidt((u32) irq0, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 32); putidt((u32) irq1, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 33); putidt((u32) irq2, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 34); putidt((u32) irq3, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 35); putidt((u32) irq4, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 36); putidt((u32) irq5, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 37); putidt((u32) irq6, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 38); putidt((u32) irq7, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 39); for (i = 40; i < 96; i++) { putidt((u32) interruption, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING3 | TRAPGATE, i); } putidt((u32) irq8, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 96); putidt((u32) irq9, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 97); putidt((u32) irq10, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 98); putidt((u32) irq11, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 99); putidt((u32) irq12, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 100); putidt((u32) irq13, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 101); putidt((u32) irq14, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 102); putidt((u32) irq15, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | INTGATE, 103); for (i = 104; i < IDT_SIZE; i++) { putidt((u32) interruption, SEL_KERNEL_CODE, ENTRY_PRESENT | ENTRY_RING0 | TRAPGATE, i); } /* initialise le registre idt */ idtreg.limite = IDT_SIZE * sizeof(idtdes); idtreg.base = IDT_ADDR; /* recopie de la IDT a son adresse */ memcpy(&idt, (u8 *) idtreg.base, idtreg.limite, 1); /* chargement du registre IDTR */ lidt(&idtreg); } /******************************************************************************/ /* 8253/8254 PIT (Programmable Interval Timer) Timer ajustable */ void inittimer(void) { u32 divisor = TIMER_FREQ / HZ; outb(TIMER_MODE, RATE_GENERATOR); outb(TIMER0, (u8) divisor); outb(TIMER0, (u8) (divisor >> 8)); } /*******************************************************************************/