//*******************************************************************************/ /* COS2000 - Compatible Operating System - LGPL v3 - Hordé Nicolas */ /* */ #include "types.h" #include "asm.h" #include "setup.h" #include "memory.h" struct params { entrye820 e820_table[E820_MAX_ENTRIES]; u32 e820_numbers; u8 kbflag; } params; /* registre gdt */ static struct gdtr gdtreg; /* table de GDT */ static gdtdes gdt[GDT_SIZE]; u8 kernel_version[] = "COS2000 Version " MACRO(VERSION) "- compiled " __DATE__ ; u8 initmemory(void) { u32 count = 0; miniregs reg; cleanreg(®); entrye820 *desc = params.e820_table; static struct entrye820 buf; do { reg.ax = 0xe820; reg.cx = sizeof(buf); reg.edx = SMAP; reg.di = &buf; interrupt(0x15, reg); if (reg.eflags & EFLAGS_CF) break; if (reg.eax != SMAP) { count = 0; break; } *desc++ = buf; count++; } while (reg.ebx && count < ARRAY_SIZE(params.e820_table)); return params.e820_numbers= count; } void showstr(u8 *str) { while (*str!='\000') showchar(*str++); } void cleanreg(miniregs *reg) { for (u8 i;i0;loop--) nop(); } u8 testA20(void) { asm("xorw %%cx, %%cx\n\ decw %%cx\n\ movw %%cx, %%gs\n\ movw $0x4000, %%cx\n\ movw %%fs:(0x200), %%ax\n\ pushw %%ax\n\ 1:\n\ incw %%ax\n\ movw %%ax, %%fs:(0x200)\n\ call iodelay\n\ cmpw %%gs:(0x210), %%ax\n\ loope 1b\n\ popw %%fs:(0x200)\n\ xor %%ax,%%ax\n\ je 2f\n\ mov $0x1,%%ax\n\ 2:":::"ax","cx"); } void enableA20kbc(void) { empty8042(); outb(0xd1, 0x64); empty8042(); outb(0xdf, 0x60); empty8042(); outb(0xff, 0x64); empty8042(); } void enableA20fast(void) { u8 port; port = inb(0x92); port |= 0x02; port &= ~0x01; outb(port, 0x92); } u8 enableA20(void) { int loops = LOOPS_A20_ENABLE; int kbcerr; while (loops--) { if (!testA20()) return NULL; kbcerr = empty8042(); if (!testA20()) return NULL; if (!kbcerr) { enableA20kbc(); if (!testA20()) return NULL; } enableA20fast(); if (!testA20()) return NULL; } return 1; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Copie une portion de mémoire vers une autre */ void memcpyto(void *src, void *dst, u32 count) { asm("push %%es\n\ cld\n\ xor %%eax,%%eax\n\ mov %%ax,%%es\n\ rep movsb\n\ pop %%es"::"S" (src), "D" (dst), "c" (count):); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Créé un descripteur GDT */ void makegdtdes(u32 base, u32 limite, u8 acces, u8 flags, gdtdes * desc) { desc->lim0_15 = (limite & 0xffff); desc->base0_15 = (base & 0xffff); desc->base16_23 = (base & 0xff0000) >> 16; desc->acces = acces; desc->lim16_19 = (limite & 0xf0000) >> 16; desc->flags = (flags & 0xf); desc->base24_31 = (base & 0xff000000) >> 24; return; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Initialise la GDT */ void initgdt() { makegdtdes(0x0, 0x00000, 0x00, 0x00, &gdt[0]); /* descripteur nul */ makegdtdes(0x0, 0xFFFFF, SEG_PRESENT | SEG_NORMAL | SEG_CODE | SEG_RING0 | SEG_READ | SEG_ACCESSED, GRANULARITY_4K | OPSIZE_32B | SYS_AVAILABLE, &gdt[1]); /* code -> SEL_KERNEL_CODE */ makegdtdes(0x0, 0x00000, SEG_PRESENT | SEG_NORMAL | SEG_DATA | SEG_RING0 | SEG_EXPAND_DOWN | SEG_READ_WRITE | SEG_ACCESSED, GRANULARITY_4K | OPSIZE_32B | SYS_AVAILABLE, &gdt[2]); /* pile -> SEL_KERNEL_STACK */ makegdtdes(0x0, 0x00000, 0x00, 0x00, &gdt[3]); /* LIBRE */ makegdtdes(0x0, 0x00000, 0x00, 0x00, &gdt[4]); /* LIBRE */ makegdtdes(0x0, 0xFFFFF, SEG_PRESENT | SEG_NORMAL | SEG_DATA | SEG_RING0 | SEG_READ_WRITE | SEG_ACCESSED, GRANULARITY_4K | OPSIZE_32B | SYS_AVAILABLE, &gdt[5]); /* data -> SEL_KERNEL_DATA */ makegdtdes(0x0, 0x00000, 0x00, 0x00, &gdt[6]); /* LIBRE */ makegdtdes(0x0, 0x00000, 0x00, 0x00, &gdt[7]); /* LIBRE */ /* initialise le registre gdt */ gdtreg.limite = GDT_SIZE * sizeof(gdtdes); gdtreg.base = GDT_ADDR; /* recopie de la GDT a son adresse */ memcpyto(&gdt, (u8 *) gdtreg.base, gdtreg.limite); /* chargement du registre GDT */ lgdt(gdtreg); } void maskinterrupts(void) { cli(); outb(0x80, 0x70); /* Disable NMI */ iodelay(); outb(0xff, 0xa1); /* Mask all interrupts on the secondary PIC */ iodelay(); outb(0xfb, 0x21); /* Mask all but cascade on the primary PIC */ iodelay(); } void initcoprocessor(void) { outb(0, 0xf0); iodelay(); outb(0, 0xf1); iodelay(); } void initpmode() { if (enableA20()) { showstr("impossible d'ouvrir la ligne A20...\n"); halt(); } maskinterrupts(); initgdt(); gotopmode(); } void main(void) { showstr("*** Chargement de COS2000 - mode reel ***\r\n"); /* initparams(); */ showstr(" -Initialisation de la memoire\r\n"); initmemory(); showstr(" -Initialisation du clavier\r\n"); initkeyboard(); /* initvideo(); */ showstr(" -Initialisation du coprocesseur\r\n"); initcoprocessor(); showstr(" -Passage en mode protege\r\n"); initpmode(); }