/*******************************************************************************/ /* COS2000 - Compatible Operating System - LGPL v3 - Hordé Nicolas */ /* */ #include "types.h" #include "process.h" #include "memory.h" #include "gdt.h" process *processes; tid_t current; pid_t lastpid; static u8 elf_errors1[] = "Aucune signature ELF"; static u8 elf_errors2[] = "Fichier au format ELF mais non 32 bits"; static u8 elf_errors3[] = "ELF non LSB"; static u8 elf_errors4[] = "ELF mauvaise version"; static u8 elf_errors5[] = "ELF pour OS ne correspondant pas"; static u8 elf_errors6[] = "Mauvais type de machine"; static u8 *elf_errors[] = { &elf_errors1, &elf_errors2, &elf_errors3, &elf_errors4, &elf_errors5, &elf_errors6 }; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Vérifie la signature ELF 0 - RAS 1 - Pas la signature ELF 2 - pas ELF32 3 - pas bon organisation LSB/MSB 4 - pas bonne version ELF 5 - pas bon OS 6 - pas bon type machine */ u32 iself(u8 * src) { elf32 *header = (elf32 *) src; if (header->e_ident[EI_MAG0] == ELFMAG0 && header->e_ident[EI_MAG1] == ELFMAG1 && header->e_ident[EI_MAG2] == ELFMAG2 && header->e_ident[EI_MAG3] == ELFMAG3) { if (header->e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS32) return 2; if (header->e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB) return 3; if (header->e_ident[EI_VERSION] != EV_CURRENT || header->e_version != EV_CURRENT) return 4; if (header->e_ident[EI_OSABI] != ELFOSABI_COS2000) return 5; if (header->e_machine != EM_386) return 6; return 0; } else return 1; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Met fin à une tâche */ /* SYSCALL { "ID":5, "LIBRARY":"libsys", "NAME":"exit", "INTERNALNAME":"processexit", "DESCRIPTION":"End a task for user or kernel domain", "ARGS": [ {"TYPE":"u32","NAME":"resultcode","DESCRIPTION":"Code result of the execution"} ], "RETURN":"void" } END */ void processexit(void) { deleteprocess(getcurrentpid()); switchtask(maketid(1,1)); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Charge le fichier ELF en mémoire et mets à jour les informations sur le processus */ u32 loadelf(u8 * src, pid_t pid) { u8 *ptr; u8 code; u32 v_begin, v_end; elf32 *header; elf32p *program; u32 i; header = (elf32 *) src; program = (elf32p *) (src + header->e_phoff); code = iself(src); process *aprocess=findprocess(pid); if (aprocess==NULL) return NULL; if (code != 0) { printf("Erreur de chargement ELF, %s !\r\n", elf_errors[code - 1]); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < header->e_phnum; i++, program++) { if (program->p_type == PT_LOAD) { v_begin = program->p_vaddr; v_end = program->p_vaddr + program->p_memsz; if (v_begin < USER_CODE) { printf("Ne peut charger l'executable en desssous de l'adresse %X\r\n", USER_CODE); return 0; } if (v_end > USER_STACK) { printf("Ne peut charger l'executable au desssus de l'adresse %X\r\n", USER_STACK); return 0; } if (program->p_flags == PF_X + PF_R) { aprocess->exec_low = (u8 *) v_begin; aprocess->exec_high = (u8 *) v_end; } if (program->p_flags == PF_W + PF_R) { aprocess->bss_low = (u8 *) v_begin; aprocess->bss_high = (u8 *) v_end; } memcpy((u8 *) (src + program->p_offset), (u8 *) v_begin, program->p_filesz, 0); if (program->p_memsz > program->p_filesz) for (i = program->p_filesz, ptr = (u8 *) program->p_vaddr; i < program->p_memsz; i++) ptr[i] = 0; } } return header->e_entry; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Initialise la liste des processus */ void initprocesses(void) { u32 i = 0; processes = (process *) vmalloc(sizeof(process) * MAXNUMPROCESS); while (i < MAXNUMPROCESS) { processes[i].pid = NULL; processes[i++].status = PROCESS_STATUS_FREE; } pid_t pid=getfreepid(); process *aprocess=findprocess(pid); if (aprocess==NULL) return NULL; aprocess->pid = pid; aprocess->result = 0; aprocess->status = PROCESS_STATUS_READY; aprocess->iskernel = true; TAILQ_INIT(&aprocess->task_head); current=createtask(pid,getinitretry(),true); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Récupère un emplacement dans la liste des processus */ pid_t getfreepid(void) { u32 i = lastpid; u32 parsed = 0; while (processes[i++].status != PROCESS_STATUS_FREE && parsed++ < MAXNUMPROCESS) { if (i >= MAXNUMPROCESS) i = 0; } if (parsed > MAXNUMPROCESS) { printf("PANIC: plus d'emplacement disponible pour un novueau processus\n"); return NULL; } lastpid=i; return (pid_t)i; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Récupère un emplacement dans la liste des tâche du processus donné */ tid_t getfreeptid(pid_t pid) { process *aprocess=findprocess(pid); if (aprocess==NULL) return maketid(0,0); u32 number=0; task *next; TAILQ_FOREACH(next, &aprocess->task_head, tailq) if (next->tid.number>number) number=next->tid.number; number++; return maketid(pid,number); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Récupère le PID du processus courant */ pid_t getcurrentpid(void) { return current.pid; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Récupère le TID de la tâche courante */ tid_t getcurrenttid(void) { return current; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Change la tâche désigné dans le TID */ tid_t maketid(pid_t pid, u32 number) { tid_t newtid; newtid.pid=pid; newtid.number=number; return newtid; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Récupère l'adresse d'un processus */ process* findprocess(pid_t pid) { if ((u32)pid>0) return &processes[(u32)pid-1]; else return NULL; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Récupère l'adresse du processus courant */ process* findcurrentprocess(void) { return &processes[(u32)getcurrentpid()-1]; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Bascule vers une tâche */ void switchtask(tid_t tid) { tid_t previous = current; task *atask = findtask(tid); if (atask==NULL) return; process *aprocess=findprocess(tid.pid); if (aprocess==NULL) return; current = tid; if (!aprocess->iskernel) setTSS(atask->kernel_stack.ss0, atask->kernel_stack.esp0); else setTSS(0x0, 0x0); atask->dump.eflags = (atask->dump.eflags | 0x200) & 0xFFFFBFFF; createdump(atask->dump); if (atask->dump.cs==SEL_KERNEL_CODE) restcpu_kernel(); else restcpu_user(); iret(); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Cherche l'adresse d'une tâche */ task* findtask(tid_t tid) { process *aprocess=findprocess(tid.pid); if (aprocess==NULL) return NULL; task *next; TAILQ_FOREACH(next, &aprocess->task_head, tailq) if (next->tid.number==tid.number) return next; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Cherche l'adresse de la tâche courante */ task* findcurrenttask(void) { return findtask(getcurrenttid()); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Détruit une tâche */ void deletetask(tid_t tid) { stoptask(tid); process* aprocess=findprocess(tid.pid); if (aprocess==NULL) return; task *atask=findtask(tid); if (atask==NULL) return; TAILQ_REMOVE(&aprocess->task_head, atask, tailq); vfree(atask); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Execute une tâche */ void runtask(tid_t tid) { task *atask=findtask(tid); if (atask==NULL) return; if (atask->status == TASK_STATUS_READY) { atask->status = TASK_STATUS_RUN; switchtask(tid); } } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Initialise une tâche */ tid_t createtask(pid_t pid,u8 *entry, bool kerneltask) { tid_t tid; tid.pid=pid; process* aprocess=findprocess(pid); if (aprocess==NULL) return maketid(0,0); task *new = (task *) vmalloc(sizeof(task)); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&aprocess->task_head, new, tailq); page *astack = virtual_page_getfree(); if (kerneltask) { new->dump.ss = SEL_KERNEL_STACK; new->dump.esp = (u32) astack->vaddr + PAGESIZE - 16; new->dump.eflags = 0x0; new->dump.cs = SEL_KERNEL_CODE; new->dump.ds = SEL_KERNEL_DATA; new->dump.es = SEL_KERNEL_DATA; new->dump.fs = SEL_KERNEL_DATA; new->dump.gs = SEL_KERNEL_DATA; new->dump.cr3 = KERNEL_PD_ADDR; } else { new->kernel_stack.ss0 = SEL_KERNEL_STACK; new->kernel_stack.esp0 = (u32) astack->vaddr + PAGESIZE - 16; new->dump.ss = SEL_USER_STACK | RPL_RING3; new->dump.esp = USER_STACK - 16; new->dump.eflags = 0x0; new->dump.cs = SEL_USER_CODE | RPL_RING3; new->dump.ds = SEL_USER_DATA | RPL_RING3; new->dump.es = SEL_USER_DATA | RPL_RING3; new->dump.fs = SEL_USER_DATA | RPL_RING3; new->dump.gs = SEL_USER_DATA | RPL_RING3; new->dump.cr3 = aprocess->pdd->addr->paddr; } new->tid=getfreeptid(pid); new->dump.eip = aprocess->entry; new->dump.eax = 0; new->dump.ecx = 0; new->dump.edx = 0; new->dump.ebx = 0; new->dump.ebp = 0; new->dump.esi = 0; new->dump.edi = 0; new->status = TASK_STATUS_READY; return new->tid; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Arrête une tâche */ void stoptask(tid_t tid) { task *atask=findtask(tid); if (atask==NULL) return; atask->status=TASK_STATUS_STOP; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Initialise un processus */ pid_t createprocess(u8 *src, bool kerneltask) { tid_t previous = current; current.pid = getfreepid(); current.number = 0; process* new=findcurrentprocess(); if (new==NULL) return NULL; new->pid = current.pid; new->pdd = virtual_pd_create(); TAILQ_INIT(&new->page_head); TAILQ_INIT(&new->task_head); new->iskernel=kerneltask; setCR3(new->pdd->addr->paddr); new->entry = loadelf(src, new->pid); createtask(new->pid,new->entry, new->iskernel); current = previous; process* old=findcurrentprocess(); if (old==NULL) return NULL; u32 cr3=KERNEL_PD_ADDR; if (old->pdd!=NULL) cr3=old->pdd->addr->paddr; setCR3(cr3); new->status=PROCESS_STATUS_READY; return new->pid; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Détruit un processus */ void deleteprocess(pid_t pid) { stopprocess(pid); process* aprocess=findprocess(pid); if (aprocess==NULL) return; task *next; TAILQ_FOREACH(next, &aprocess->task_head, tailq) deletetask(next->tid); aprocess->status = PROCESS_STATUS_FREE; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Execute un processus */ void runprocess(pid_t pid) { process* aprocess=findprocess(pid); if (aprocess==NULL) return; if (aprocess->status == PROCESS_STATUS_READY) { aprocess->status = PROCESS_STATUS_RUN; tid_t tid=maketid(pid,1); task *atask=findtask(tid); if (atask==NULL) return; atask->status=TASK_STATUS_RUN; switchtask(tid); } } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Arrête un processus */ void stopprocess(pid_t pid) { process* aprocess=findprocess(pid); if (aprocess==NULL) return; if (aprocess->status == PROCESS_STATUS_RUN) { aprocess->status = PROCESS_STATUS_READY; task *next; TAILQ_FOREACH(next, &aprocess->task_head, tailq) next->status=TASK_STATUS_READY; } } /*******************************************************************************/