
88 lines
1.3 KiB

[BITS 16]
[ORG 0x100]
section .text
mov ah,09
mov dx,msg
int 0x21
cmp byte [0x80],2
jne near error
mov ax,0x3D02
mov dx,name
int 0x21
jc near error
mov bx,ax
mov ax,0x4202
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 0x21
jc error
cmp dx,0
jne error
cmp ax,512
jne error
mov ax,0x4200
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 0x21
jc error
mov ah,0x3F
mov cx,512
mov dx,buffer2
int 0x21
jc error
cmp word [buffer2+510],0xAA55
jne error
mov al,[0x82]
cmp al,'z'
ja error
cmp al,'a'
jb verif
sub al,'a'-'A'
cmp al,'Z'
ja error
cmp al,'A'
jb error
sub al,'A'
mov bp,ax
mov [segs],cs
mov cx,0xFFFF
mov bx,packet
int 0x25
pop ax
mov si,buffer+3
mov di,buffer2+3
mov cx,59
rep movsb
mov ax,bp
mov word [offs],buffer2
mov cx,0xFFFF
mov bx,packet
int 0x26
pop ax
jc error
mov ah,09
mov dx,msgok
int 0x21
mov ah,09
mov dx,msgerror
int 0x21
packet dd 0
dw 1
offs dw buffer
segs dw 0
name db "boot.bin",0
msg db 0x0D,0x0A,"CopyBoot V1.0 by nico",0x0D,0x0A,"Copyright 2002",0x0D,0x0A,'$'
msgok db "Installation of bootsector realized",0x0D,0x0A,'$'
msgerror db "Installation of bootsector failed",0x0D,0x0A,'$'
buffer equ $
buffer2 equ $+512