Unit tests update
This commit is contained in:
@ -1785,7 +1785,7 @@ bool FString::operator > (const char c) const
const FString& FString::insert (const FString& s, uInt pos)
if ( pos >= length )
if ( pos > length )
throw std::out_of_range("");
_insert (pos, s.length, s.string);
@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ const FString& FString::insert (const FString& s, uInt pos)
const FString& FString::insert (const wchar_t s[], uInt pos)
if ( pos >= length )
if ( pos > length )
throw std::out_of_range("");
_insert (pos, uInt(std::wcslen(s)), s);
@ -2193,6 +2193,13 @@ FString FString::replace (const wchar_t from, const wchar_t to)
return replace (from, to_wchar);
FString FString::replace (const wchar_t from, const char to)
FString to_char(to);
return replace (from, to_char);
FString FString::replace (const char from, const FString& to)
@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ class FStringTest : public CPPUNIT_NS::TestFixture
void exceptionTest();
void trimTest();
void subStringTest();
void insertTest();
void replaceTest();
FString* s;
@ -111,6 +113,8 @@ class FStringTest : public CPPUNIT_NS::TestFixture
CPPUNIT_TEST (exceptionTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (trimTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (subStringTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (insertTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (replaceTest);
// End of test suite definition
@ -187,59 +191,59 @@ void FStringTest::NoArgumentTest()
void FStringTest::initLengthTest()
FString s1(0);
const FString s1(0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.getLength() == 0 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() );
int x1 = 10;
uInt x2 = 10;
FString s2(x1);
const int x1 = 10;
const uInt x2 = 10;
const FString s2(x1);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2.getLength() == 10 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s2.isNull() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2.isEmpty() );
FString s3(x2);
const FString s3(x2);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s3.getLength() == 10 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s3.isNull() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s3.isEmpty() );
FString s4(0, L'-');
const FString s4(0, L'-');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s4.getLength() == 0 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s4.isNull() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s4.isEmpty() );
FString s5(0, '-');
const FString s5(0, '-');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s5.getLength() == 0 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s5.isNull() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s5.isEmpty() );
FString s6(0, char(0));
const FString s6(0, char(0));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s6.getLength() == 0 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s6.isNull() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s6.isEmpty() );
FString s7(x1, '-');
const FString s7(x1, '-');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s7.getLength() == 10 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s7.isNull() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s7.isEmpty() );
FString s8(x2, '-');
const FString s8(x2, '-');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s8.getLength() == 10 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s8.isNull() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s8.isEmpty() );
FString s9(x1, L'-');
const FString s9(x1, L'-');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s9.getLength() == 10 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s9.isNull() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s9.isEmpty() );
FString s10(x2, L'-');
const FString s10(x2, L'-');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s10.getLength() == 10 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s10.isNull() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s10.isEmpty() );
FString s11(x2, wchar_t(0));
const FString s11(x2, wchar_t(0));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s11.getLength() == 10 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s11.isNull() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s11.isEmpty() );
@ -249,7 +253,7 @@ void FStringTest::initLengthTest()
void FStringTest::copyConstructorTest()
const FString s1("abc");
FString s2(s1);
const FString s2(s1);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2 == L"abc" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2.getLength() == 3 );
@ -367,13 +371,13 @@ void FStringTest::assignmentTest()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s1.isNull() );
wchar_t* wc = 0;
const wchar_t* wc = 0;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() );
char* c = 0;
const char* c = 0;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() );
@ -431,7 +435,7 @@ void FStringTest::additionAssignmentTest()
void FStringTest::additionTest()
FString s1("abc");
const FString s1("abc");
FString s2 = s1 + FString("def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2 == L"abcdef" );
@ -463,10 +467,10 @@ void FStringTest::additionTest()
void FStringTest::caseTest()
FString str1("abc");
const FString str1("abc");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.toUpper() == "ABC" );
FString str2("XYZ");
const FString str2("XYZ");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str2.toLower() == "xyz" );
@ -900,12 +904,10 @@ void FStringTest::formatTest()
str2.sprintf (L"It costs only %d cent", 50);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str2 == "It costs only 50 cent" );
str2.sprintf ( L"Add a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
"ooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng %S"
str2.sprintf ( L"Add a looo" + FString(2048, 'o') + "ooong %S"
, L"string" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str2 == "Add a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
"ooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng string" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str2 == "Add a looo" + FString(2048, 'o')
+ "ooong string" );
std::setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "C");
FString fnum1, fnum2;
@ -975,15 +977,15 @@ void FStringTest::convertToNumberTest()
void FStringTest::convertFromNumberTest()
sInt16 n1 = -1234;
uInt16 n2 = 1234;
int n3 = -12345;
uInt n4 = 12345;
long n5 = -12345678;
uLong n6 = 12345678;
float n7 = 1234.56f;
double n8 = 1234.5678;
lDouble n9 = 12345.67890L;
const sInt16 n1 = -1234;
const uInt16 n2 = 1234;
const int n3 = -12345;
const uInt n4 = 12345;
const long n5 = -12345678;
const uLong n6 = 12345678;
const float n7 = 1234.56f;
const double n8 = 1234.5678;
const lDouble n9 = 12345.67890L;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( FString().setNumber(n1) == "-1234" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( FString().setNumber(n2) == "1234" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( FString().setNumber(n3) == "-12345" );
@ -1096,6 +1098,18 @@ void FStringTest::exceptionTest()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( FString("one").toDouble()
, std::invalid_argument );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( FString("ABC").insert(FString("abc"), 4)
, std::out_of_range );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( FString("ABC").insert(FString("abc"), -1)
, std::out_of_range );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( FString("ABC").insert(L"abc", 4)
, std::out_of_range );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( FString("ABC").insert(L"abc", -1)
, std::out_of_range );
@ -1195,6 +1209,232 @@ void FStringTest::subStringTest()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( string_parts.size() == 0 );
void FStringTest::insertTest()
FString str1 = "ABC";
const FString str2 = "xyz";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str2, 0) == "xyzABC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str2, 1) == "AxyzBC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str2, 2) == "ABxyzC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str2, 3) == "ABCxyz" );
str1 = "ABC";
const wchar_t str3[] = L"xyz";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str3, 0) == "xyzABC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str3, 1) == "AxyzBC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str3, 2) == "ABxyzC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str3, 3) == "ABCxyz" );
str1 = "ABC";
const char str4[] = "xyz";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str4, 0) == "xyzABC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str4, 1) == "AxyzBC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str4, 2) == "ABxyzC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str4, 3) == "ABCxyz" );
str1 = "ABC";
const wchar_t wc = L'*';
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(wc, 0) == "*ABC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(wc, 1) == "A*BC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(wc, 2) == "AB*C" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(wc, 3) == "ABC*" );
str1 = "ABC";
const char c = '*';
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(c, 0) == "*ABC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(c, 1) == "A*BC" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(c, 2) == "AB*C" );
str1 = "ABC";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(c, 3) == "ABC*" );
void FStringTest::replaceTest()
const FString str = "Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!";
FString s = str;
const FString from1 = "three";
const std::wstring from2 = L"three";
const wchar_t from3[] = L"three";
const std::string from4 = "three";
const char from5[] = "three";
const wchar_t from6 = L',';
const char from7 = ',';
const FString to1 = L'3';
const std::wstring to2 = L"3";
const wchar_t to3[] = L"3";
const std::string to4 = "3";
const char to5[] = "3";
const wchar_t to6 = '3';
const char to7 = '3';
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from1, to1)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from1, to2)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from1, to3)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from1, to4)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from1, to5)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from1, to6)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from1, to7)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from2, to1)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from2, to2)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from2, to3)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from2, to4)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from2, to5)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from2, to6)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from2, to7)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from3, to1)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from3, to2)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from3, to3)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from3, to4)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from3, to5)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from3, to6)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from3, to7)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from4, to1)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from4, to2)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from4, to3)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from4, to4)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from4, to5)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from4, to6)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from4, to7)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from5, to1)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from5, to2)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from5, to3)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from5, to4)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from5, to5)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from5, to6)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from5, to7)
== "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from6, to1)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from6, to2)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from6, to3)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from6, to4)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from6, to5)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from6, to6)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from6, to7)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from7, to1)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from7, to2)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from7, to3)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from7, to4)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from7, to5)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from7, to6)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = str;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace(from7, to7)
== "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" );
s = "A big ball and a small ball";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s.replace("ball", "globe")
== "A big globe and a small globe" );
// Put the test suite in the registry
Reference in New Issue