/*********************************************************************** * fterm.h - Base class for terminal detection and control * * * * This file is part of the Final Cut widget toolkit * * * * Copyright 2012-2018 Markus Gans * * * * The Final Cut is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * The Final Cut is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this program. If not, see * * . * ***********************************************************************/ /* Base class * ══════════ * * ▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏1 1▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏ * ▕ FTerm ▏-┬- - - -▕ FOptiMove ▏ * ▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏ : ▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏ * : * : 1▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏ * :- - - -▕ FOptiAttr ▏ * : ▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏ * : * : *▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏ * :- - - -▕ FString ▏ * : ▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏ * : * : *▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏ * :- - - -▕ FPoint ▏ * : ▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏ * : * : *▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏ * └- - - -▕ FRect ▏ * ▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏ */ #ifndef FTERM_H #define FTERM_H #if !defined (USE_FINAL_H) && !defined (COMPILE_FINAL_CUT) #error "Only can be included directly." #endif // Typecast to c-string #define C_STR const_cast #include "final/fconfig.h" #ifdef F_HAVE_LIBGPM #include #endif #if defined(__linux__) #include // Linux framebuffer console #include // need for gpm keyboard modifiers #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386) || defined(__arm__) #include // is deprecated #endif #include #endif #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) #include #include #endif #if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__sun) && defined(__SVR4) #include typedef struct termio SGTTY; typedef struct termios SGTTYS; #ifdef _LP64 typedef unsigned int chtype; #else typedef unsigned long chtype; #endif #include // termcap #else #include // termcap #endif #if F_HAVE_GETTTYNAM && F_HAVE_TTYENT_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "final/fc.h" #include "final/fobject.h" #include "final/foptiattr.h" #include "final/foptimove.h" #include "final/fpoint.h" #include "final/frect.h" #include "final/fstring.h" #include "final/ftermcap.h" #ifdef F_HAVE_LIBGPM #undef buttons // from term.h #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class FTerm //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) class FTerm { public: // Typedefs typedef FOptiAttr::char_data char_data; #if defined(__linux__) static struct modifier_key // bit field { uChar shift : 1; // 0..1 uChar alt_gr : 1; // 0..1 uChar ctrl : 1; // 0..1 uChar alt : 1; // 0..1 uChar : 4; // padding bits } mod_key; #endif // Constructor explicit FTerm (bool = false); // Destructor virtual ~FTerm(); // Accessors virtual const char* getClassName() const; static termios getTTY(); static int getLineNumber(); static int getColumnNumber(); static const FString getKeyName (int); #if defined(__linux__) static modifier_key& getLinuxModifierKey(); #endif static char* getTermType(); static char* getTermName(); static int getTabstop(); static int getMaxColor(); #if defined(__linux__) static fc::linuxConsoleCursorStyle getLinuxConsoleCursorStyle(); #endif #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) static fc::freebsdConsoleCursorStyle getFreeBSDConsoleCursorStyle(); #endif #if DEBUG static const FString& getAnswerbackString(); static const FString& getSecDAString(); #endif // Inquiries static bool isKeyTimeout (timeval*, register long); static bool isNormal (char_data*&); static bool isRaw(); static bool hasPCcharset(); static bool hasUTF8(); static bool hasVT100(); static bool hasASCII(); static bool isMonochron(); static bool isXTerminal(); static bool isAnsiTerminal(); static bool isRxvtTerminal(); static bool isUrxvtTerminal(); static bool isMltermTerminal(); static bool isPuttyTerminal(); static bool isKdeTerminal(); static bool isGnomeTerminal(); static bool isKtermTerminal(); static bool isTeraTerm(); static bool isSunTerminal(); static bool isCygwinTerminal(); static bool isMinttyTerm(); static bool isLinuxTerm(); static bool isScreenTerm(); static bool isTmuxTerm(); static bool isInputDataPending(); static bool isNewFont(); static bool isUTF8(); static bool isUTF8_linux_terminal(); // Mutators static bool setCursorOptimisation (bool); static void setXTermDefaultColors (bool); #if defined(__linux__) static void setLinuxConsoleCursorStyle \ (fc::linuxConsoleCursorStyle, bool); #endif #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) static void setFreeBSDConsoleCursorStyle \ (fc::freebsdConsoleCursorStyle, bool); #endif static void setTTY (const termios&); static void noHardwareEcho(); static bool setRawMode (bool); static bool setRawMode(); static bool unsetRawMode(); static bool setCookedMode(); static void disableAltScreen(); static bool setUTF8 (bool); static bool setUTF8(); static bool unsetUTF8(); static bool setNonBlockingInput (bool); static bool setNonBlockingInput(); static bool unsetNonBlockingInput(); // Methods static int parseKeyString (char[], int, timeval*); static bool& unprocessedInput(); static bool setVGAFont(); static bool setNewFont(); static bool setOldFont(); static char* moveCursor (int, int, int, int); static void printMoveDurations(); static char* enableCursor(); static char* disableCursor(); static void detectTermSize(); static void setTermSize (int, int); static void setKDECursor (fc::kdeKonsoleCursorShape); static const FString* getXTermFont(); static const FString* getXTermTitle(); static const FString getXTermColorName (int); static void setXTermCursorStyle (fc::xtermCursorStyle); static void setXTermTitle (const FString&); static void setXTermForeground (const FString&); static void setXTermBackground (const FString&); static void setXTermCursorColor (const FString&); static void setXTermMouseForeground (const FString&); static void setXTermMouseBackground (const FString&); static void setXTermHighlightBackground (const FString&); static void setXTermDefaults(); static void resetXTermColors(); static void resetXTermForeground(); static void resetXTermBackground(); static void resetXTermCursorColor(); static void resetXTermMouseForeground(); static void resetXTermMouseBackground(); static void resetXTermHighlightBackground(); static void resetXTermDefaults(); static void saveColorMap(); static void resetColorMap(); static void setPalette (short, int, int, int); static void setBeep (int, int); static void resetBeep(); static void beep(); static void setEncoding (fc::encoding); static fc::encoding getEncoding(); static std::string getEncodingString(); static bool scrollTermForward(); static bool scrollTermReverse(); static const FString getAnswerbackMsg(); static const FString getSecDA(); // function pointer -> static function static int (*Fputchar)(int); static void putstringf (const char[], ...) #if defined(__clang__) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))) #elif defined(__GNUC__) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2))) #endif ; static void putstring (const char[], int = 1); #if defined(__sun) && defined(__SVR4) static int putchar_ASCII (register char); #endif static int putchar_ASCII (register int); static int putchar_UTF8 (register int); static int UTF8decode (const char[]); #if DEBUG static char termtype_256color[256]; static char termtype_Answerback[256]; static char termtype_SecDA[256]; static int framebuffer_bpp; #endif protected: // Methods #if defined(__linux__) static void initLinuxConsoleCharMap(); #endif #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) static void initFreeBSDConsoleCharMap(); #endif static bool charEncodable (uInt); static uInt charEncode (uInt); static uInt charEncode (uInt, fc::encoding); static char* changeAttribute ( char_data*& , char_data*& ); static bool hasChangedTermSize(); static void changeTermSizeFinished(); static void xtermMetaSendsESC (bool); static void xtermMouse (bool); static void enableXTermMouse(); static void disableXTermMouse(); #ifdef F_HAVE_LIBGPM static bool gpmMouse (bool); static bool enableGpmMouse(); static bool disableGpmMouse(); static bool isGpmMouseEnabled(); #endif // F_HAVE_LIBGPM static FPoint& getMousePos(); static void setMousePos (const FPoint&); static void setMousePos (short, short); static void exitWithMessage (std::string) #if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__) __attribute__((noreturn)) #endif ; // Data Members static int stdin_no; static int stdout_no; static int erase_ch_length; static int repeat_char_length; static int clr_bol_length; static int clr_eol_length; static int cursor_addres_lengths; static bool NewFont; static bool VGAFont; static bool no_shadow_character; static bool no_half_block_character; static bool cursor_optimisation; static bool xterm_default_colors; static bool use_alternate_screen; static fc::encoding term_encoding; static char exit_message[8192]; static struct initializationValues { public: void setDefault() { terminal_detection = true; cursor_optimisation = true; color_change = true; vgafont = false; newfont = false; encoding = fc::UNKNOWN; } uInt8 terminal_detection : 1; uInt8 cursor_optimisation : 1; uInt8 color_change : 1; uInt8 vgafont : 1; uInt8 newfont : 1; uInt8 : 3; // padding bits fc::encoding encoding; } init_values; private: // Typedefs typedef FTermcap::tcap_map termcap_map; typedef struct { uChar red; uChar green; uChar blue; } dacreg; // Constants static const int NEED_MORE_DATA = -1; // parseKeyString return value // Disable copy constructor FTerm (const FTerm&); // Disable assignment operator (=) FTerm& operator = (const FTerm&); // Inquiries #if defined(__linux__) static int isLinuxConsole(); #endif #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) static bool isFreeBSDConsole(); #endif #if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) static bool isWSConsConsole(); #endif // Methods #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386) || defined(__arm__) static uInt16 getInputStatusRegisterOne(); static uChar readAttributeController (uChar); static void writeAttributeController (uChar, uChar); static uChar getAttributeMode(); static void setAttributeMode (uChar); static int setBlinkAsIntensity (bool); #endif static int getFramebuffer_bpp(); #endif static int openConsole(); static int closeConsole(); static void getSystemTermType(); static void storeTTYsettings(); static void restoreTTYsettings(); #if defined(__linux__) static int getScreenFont(); static int setScreenFont ( uChar[], uInt, uInt, uInt , bool = false ); static int setUnicodeMap (struct unimapdesc*); static int getUnicodeMap (); static void initLinuxConsole(); #endif #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) static bool saveFreeBSDAltKey(); static bool setFreeBSDAltKey (uInt); static bool setFreeBSDAlt2Meta(); static bool resetFreeBSDAlt2Meta(); static void initFreeBSDConsole(); #endif #if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) static bool saveWSConsEncoding(); static bool setWSConsEncoding (kbd_t); static bool setWSConsMetaEsc(); static bool resetWSConsEncoding(); static void initWSConsConsole(); #endif static uInt getBaudRate (const struct termios*); static void init_global_values(); static void detectTerminal(); static void termtypeAnalysis(); static bool get256colorEnvString(); static char* termtype_256color_quirks(); static char* init_256colorTerminal(); static char* determineMaxColor (char[]); static char* parseAnswerbackMsg (char[]); static char* parseSecDA (char[]); static char* secDA_Analysis (char[]); static char* secDA_Analysis_0 (char[]); static char* secDA_Analysis_1 (char[]); static char* secDA_Analysis_24 (char[]); static char* secDA_Analysis_32 (char[]); static char* secDA_Analysis_77 (char[]); static char* secDA_Analysis_82 (char[]); static char* secDA_Analysis_83 (char[]); static char* secDA_Analysis_85 (char[]); static void oscPrefix(); static void oscPostfix(); static void init_alt_charset(); static void init_pc_charset(); static void init_cygwin_charmap(); static void init_teraterm_charmap(); static void init_termcaps(); static void init_termcaps_booleans(); static void init_termcaps_numeric(); static void init_termcaps_strings (char*&); static void init_termcaps_quirks(); #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) static void init_termcaps_freebsd_quirks(); #endif static void init_termcaps_cygwin_quirks(); static void init_termcaps_linux_quirks(); static void init_termcaps_xterm_quirks(); static void init_termcaps_rxvt_quirks(); static void init_termcaps_vte_quirks(); static void init_termcaps_putty_quirks(); static void init_termcaps_teraterm_quirks(); static void init_termcaps_sun_quirks(); static void init_termcaps_screen_quirks(); static void init_termcaps_general_quirks(); static void init_termcaps_keys (char*&); static void init_OptiMove(); static void init_OptiAttr(); static void init_font(); static void init_locale(); static void init_encoding(); static void redefineColorPalette(); static void restoreColorPalette(); static void enableMouse(); static void disableMouse(); static void captureXTermFontAndTitle(); void allocationValues(); void deallocationValues(); void init(); void finish(); static uInt cp437_to_unicode (uChar); static void setSignalHandler(); static void resetSignalHandler(); static void signal_handler (int); // Data Members static std::map * vt100_alt_char; static std::map * encoding_set; static FTermcap::tcap_map* tcap; static bool mouse_support; static bool decscusr_support; static bool terminal_detection; static bool raw_mode; static bool input_data_pending; static bool non_blocking_stdin; static bool gpm_mouse_enabled; static bool pc_charset_console; static bool utf8_input; static bool utf8_state; static bool utf8_console; static bool utf8_linux_terminal; static bool force_vt100; static bool vt100_console; static bool ascii_console; static bool color256; static bool monochron; static bool xterm_terminal; static bool ansi_terminal; static bool rxvt_terminal; static bool urxvt_terminal; static bool mlterm_terminal; static bool putty_terminal; static bool kde_konsole; static bool gnome_terminal; static bool kterm_terminal; static bool tera_terminal; static bool sun_terminal; static bool cygwin_terminal; static bool mintty_terminal; static bool linux_terminal; static bool netbsd_terminal; static bool openbsd_terminal; static bool screen_terminal; static bool tmux_terminal; static char termtype[256]; static char term_name[256]; static char* locale_name; static char* locale_xterm; static FRect* term; // current terminal geometry static FPoint* mouse; // mouse click position static int gnome_terminal_id; static int stdin_status_flags; static int fd_tty; static uInt baudrate; static bool resize_term; static struct termios term_init; static fc::linuxConsoleCursorStyle linux_console_cursor_style; static fc::freebsdConsoleCursorStyle freebsd_console_cursor_style; static struct console_font_op screen_font; static struct unimapdesc screen_unicode_map; #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) static uInt bsd_alt_keymap; #endif #if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) static kbd_t wscons_keyboard_encoding; #endif static FOptiMove* opti_move; static FOptiAttr* opti_attr; static const FString* xterm_font; static const FString* xterm_title; static const FString* answer_back; static const FString* sec_da; static struct colorEnv { char* string1; char* string2; char* string3; char* string4; char* string5; char* string6; } color_env; static struct secondaryDA { secondaryDA() : terminal_id_type (-1) , terminal_id_version (-1) , terminal_id_hardware (-1) { } int terminal_id_type; int terminal_id_version; int terminal_id_hardware; } secondary_da; struct { dacreg d[16]; } color_map; }; #pragma pack(pop) // FTerm inline functions //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const char* FTerm::getClassName() const { return "FTerm"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline char* FTerm::getTermType() { return termtype; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline char* FTerm::getTermName() { return term_name; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int FTerm::getTabstop() { return FTermcap::tabstop; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int FTerm::getMaxColor() { return FTermcap::max_color; } #if DEBUG //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const FString& FTerm::getAnswerbackString() { return ( answer_back ) ? *answer_back : fc::emptyFString::get(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const FString& FTerm::getSecDAString() { return ( sec_da ) ? *sec_da : fc::emptyFString::get(); } #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isRaw() { return raw_mode; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::hasPCcharset() { return pc_charset_console; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::hasUTF8() { return utf8_console; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::hasVT100() { return vt100_console; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::hasASCII() { return ascii_console; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isMonochron() { return monochron; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isXTerminal() { return xterm_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isAnsiTerminal() { return ansi_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isRxvtTerminal() { return rxvt_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isUrxvtTerminal() { return urxvt_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isMltermTerminal() { return mlterm_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isPuttyTerminal() { return putty_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isKdeTerminal() { return kde_konsole; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isGnomeTerminal() { return gnome_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isKtermTerminal() { return kterm_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isTeraTerm() { return tera_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isSunTerminal() { return sun_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isCygwinTerminal() { return cygwin_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isMinttyTerm() { return mintty_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isLinuxTerm() { return linux_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isScreenTerm() { return screen_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isTmuxTerm() { return tmux_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isInputDataPending() { return input_data_pending; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isNewFont() { return NewFont; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isUTF8() { return utf8_state; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isUTF8_linux_terminal() { return utf8_linux_terminal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::setCursorOptimisation (bool on) { return cursor_optimisation = ( on ) ? true : false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FTerm::setXTermDefaultColors (bool on) { xterm_default_colors = on; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::setRawMode() { return setRawMode(true); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::unsetRawMode() { return setRawMode(false); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::setCookedMode() { return setRawMode(false); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FTerm::disableAltScreen() { use_alternate_screen = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::setUTF8() { return setUTF8(true); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::unsetUTF8() { return setUTF8(false); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::setNonBlockingInput() { return setNonBlockingInput(true); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::unsetNonBlockingInput() { return setNonBlockingInput(false); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::hasChangedTermSize() { return resize_term; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FTerm::changeTermSizeFinished() { resize_term = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FTerm::enableXTermMouse() { xtermMouse(true); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FTerm::disableXTermMouse() { xtermMouse(false); } #ifdef F_HAVE_LIBGPM //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::enableGpmMouse() { return gpmMouse(true); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::disableGpmMouse() { return gpmMouse(false); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FTerm::isGpmMouseEnabled() { return gpm_mouse_enabled; } #endif // F_HAVE_LIBGPM //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline FPoint& FTerm::getMousePos() { return *mouse; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FTerm::setMousePos (const FPoint& m) { *mouse = m; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FTerm::setMousePos (short x, short y) { mouse->setPoint (x, y); } #endif // FTERM_H