// File: calculator.cpp //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A simple calculator with trigonometric functions //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fapplication.h" #include "fdialog.h" #include "fmessagebox.h" const lDouble PI = 3.141592653589793238L; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class Button //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) class Button : public FButton { public: // Constructor explicit Button (FWidget* = 0); // Method void setChecked(bool); // Event handler void onKeyPress (FKeyEvent*); private: // Data Member bool checked; }; #pragma pack(pop) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Button::Button (FWidget* parent) : FButton(parent) , checked(false) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Button::setChecked (bool on) { if ( checked == on ) return; checked = on; if ( checked ) { setBackgroundColor(fc::Cyan); setFocusForegroundColor(fc::White); setFocusBackgroundColor(fc::Cyan); } else { setBackgroundColor(wc.button_active_bg); setFocusForegroundColor(wc.button_active_focus_fg); setFocusBackgroundColor(wc.button_active_focus_bg); } redraw(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Button::onKeyPress (FKeyEvent* ev) { int key = ev->key(); // catch the enter key if ( key == fc::Fkey_return || key == fc::Fkey_enter ) return; FButton::onKeyPress(ev); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class Calc //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) class Calc : public FDialog { public: // Constructor explicit Calc (FWidget* parent=0); // Destructor ~Calc(); // Event handlers void onKeyPress (FKeyEvent*); void onAccel (FAccelEvent*); void onClose (FCloseEvent*); // Callback method void cb_buttonClicked (FWidget*, data_ptr); private: // Methods void drawDispay(); virtual void draw(); bool isDataEntryKey(int); bool isOperatorKey(int); void setDisplay (lDouble); void setInfixOperator(char); void clearInfixOperator(); void calcInfixOperator(); void adjustSize(); // Data Members bool error; bool arcus_mode; bool hyperbolic_mode; enum button { Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Reciprocal, On, Natural_logarithm, Powers_of_e, Power, Square_root, Divide, Common_logarithm, Powers_of_ten, Parenthese_l, Parenthese_r, Multiply, Hyperbolic, Seven, Eight, Nine, Subtract, Arcus, Four, Five, Six, Add, Pi, One, Two, Three, Percent, Zero, Decimal_point, Change_sign, Equals, NUM_OF_BUTTONS }; lDouble a, b; uInt max_char; int last_key; char infix_operator; char last_infix_operator; FString input; int button_no[Calc::NUM_OF_BUTTONS]; struct stack_data { lDouble term; char infix_operator; }; std::stack bracket_stack; std::map calculator_buttons; }; #pragma pack(pop) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Calc::Calc (FWidget* parent) : FDialog(parent) , error(false) , arcus_mode(false) , hyperbolic_mode(false) , a(0.0L) , b(0.0L) , max_char(32) , last_key(-1) , infix_operator('\0') , last_infix_operator('\0') , input("") , bracket_stack() , calculator_buttons() { clearInfixOperator(); const wchar_t* const button_text[Calc::NUM_OF_BUTTONS] = { L"&Sin", L"&Cos", L"&Tan", L"1/&x", L"&On", L"L&n", L"&e\x02e3", L"&y\x02e3", L"Sq&r", L"&\xf7", L"&Lg", L"10&\x02e3", L"&(", L"&)", L"&\xd7", L"&Hyp", L"&7", L"&8", L"&9", L"&-", L"&Arc", L"&4", L"&5", L"&6", L"&+", L"&\x03c0", L"&1", L"&2", L"&3", L"&%", L"&0", L"&.", L"&±", L"&=" }; std::setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); setText ("calculator"); setGeometry (19, 6, 37, 18); addAccelerator('q'); // press 'q' to quit for (int key = 0; key < Calc::NUM_OF_BUTTONS; key++) { Button* btn = new Button(this); button_no[key] = key; if ( key == Equals ) btn->setGeometry(30, 15, 5, 3); else { int x, y, n; (key <= Three) ? n = 0 : n = 1; x = (key + n) % 5 * 7 + 2; y = (key + n) / 5 * 2 + 3; btn->setGeometry(x, y, 5, 1); } btn->setFlat(); btn->setNoUnderline(); btn->setText(button_text[key]); btn->setDoubleFlatLine(fc::top); btn->setDoubleFlatLine(fc::bottom); if ( isNewFont() ) btn->unsetClickAnimation(); btn->addCallback ( "clicked", F_METHOD_CALLBACK (this, &Calc::cb_buttonClicked), &button_no[key] ); calculator_buttons[button(key)] = btn; } calculator_buttons[On]->addAccelerator(fc::Fkey_dc); // del key calculator_buttons[On]->setFocus(); calculator_buttons[Pi]->addAccelerator('p'); calculator_buttons[Power]->addAccelerator('^'); calculator_buttons[Divide]->addAccelerator('/'); calculator_buttons[Powers_of_ten]->addAccelerator('d'); calculator_buttons[Multiply]->addAccelerator('*'); calculator_buttons[Decimal_point]->addAccelerator(','); calculator_buttons[Change_sign]->addAccelerator('#'); calculator_buttons[Equals]->addAccelerator(fc::Fkey_return); calculator_buttons[Equals]->addAccelerator(fc::Fkey_enter); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Calc::~Calc() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calc::drawDispay() { FString display = input; if ( display.isNull() || display.isEmpty() ) display = L'0'; if ( display.right(3) == L"-0." ) display = L'0'; if ( display.back() == L'.' && display.getLength() > 1 ) display = display.left(display.getLength() - 1); if ( ! display.isEmpty() && display.getLength() < max_char ) display.insert(FString(max_char - display.getLength(), L' '), 0); if ( display.getLength() > max_char ) display = display.left(max_char); if ( infix_operator ) display[1] = infix_operator; if ( error ) display = " Error "; setColor(fc::Black, fc::LightGray); if ( isMonochron() ) setReverse(false); setPrintPos (3, 3); print(display); print(L' '); setColor(wc.dialog_fg, wc.dialog_bg); if ( isMonochron() ) setReverse(true); if ( isNewFont() ) { FString bottom_line (33, wchar_t(fc::NF_border_line_bottom)); setPrintPos (3, 2); print (bottom_line); setPrintPos (2, 3); print (wchar_t(fc::NF_rev_border_line_right)); setPrintPos (36, 3); print (wchar_t(fc::NF_border_line_left)); FString top_bottom_line_5 (5, wchar_t(fc::NF_border_line_up_and_down)); FString top_line_2 (2, wchar_t(fc::NF_border_line_upper)); setPrintPos (3, 4); print ( top_bottom_line_5 + top_line_2 + top_bottom_line_5 + top_line_2 + top_bottom_line_5 + top_line_2 + top_bottom_line_5 + top_line_2 + top_bottom_line_5); } else { FString separator = FString(wchar_t(fc::BoxDrawingsVerticalAndRight)) + FString(35, wchar_t(fc::BoxDrawingsHorizontal)) + FString(wchar_t(fc::BoxDrawingsVerticalAndLeft)); setPrintPos (1, 4); print(separator); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calc::draw() { setBold(); setColor (fc::Blue, fc::Cyan); clearArea (vdesktop, fc::MediumShade); unsetBold(); FDialog::draw(); drawDispay(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Calc::isDataEntryKey (int key) { // test if key is in {'.', '0'..'9'} int data_entry_keys[] = { Decimal_point, Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine }; int* iter = std::find (data_entry_keys, data_entry_keys + 11, key); if ( iter != data_entry_keys + 11 ) return true; else return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Calc::isOperatorKey(int key) { // test if key is in {'*', '/', '+', '-', '^', '='} int operators[] = { Multiply, Divide, Add, Subtract, Power, Equals }; int* iter = std::find (operators, operators + 6, key); if ( iter != operators + 6 ) return true; else return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calc::setDisplay (lDouble d) { char buffer[33]; snprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%32.11Lg", d); input = buffer; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void Calc::setInfixOperator(char c) { infix_operator = c; last_infix_operator = infix_operator; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void Calc::clearInfixOperator() { infix_operator = '\0'; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calc::calcInfixOperator() { switch ( infix_operator ) { case '*': if ( std::fabs(a) > LDBL_EPSILON ) // a != 0.0L { // ln(a * b) = ln(a) + ln(b) if ( std::log(std::abs(a)) + std::log(std::abs(b)) <= std::log(LDBL_MAX) ) a *= b; else error = true; } else b = 0.0L; break; case '/': if ( std::fabs(b) > LDBL_EPSILON ) // b != 0.0L a /= b; else error = true; break; case '+': if ( std::fabs(a) > LDBL_EPSILON ) // a != 0.0L { if ( std::log(std::abs(a)) + std::log(std::abs(1 + b / a)) <= std::log(LDBL_MAX) ) a += b; else error = true; } else a = b; break; case '-': if ( std::fabs(b) > LDBL_EPSILON ) // b != 0.0L { if ( std::log(std::abs(a)) + std::log(std::abs(1 - b / a)) <= std::log(LDBL_MAX) ) a -= b; else error = true; } else a = b * (-1.0L); break; case '^': a = std::pow(a, b); if ( errno == EDOM || errno == ERANGE ) error = true; break; default: break; } clearInfixOperator(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calc::onKeyPress (FKeyEvent* ev) { int len = int(input.getLength()); int key = ev->key(); switch ( key ) { case fc::Fkey_erase: case fc::Fkey_backspace: if ( len > 0 ) { if ( len == 1 ) input = ""; else input = input.left(input.getLength() - 1); a = lDouble(std::atof(input.c_str())); drawDispay(); updateTerminal(); } ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_escape: case fc::Fkey_escape_mintty: { FAccelEvent a_ev(fc::Accelerator_Event, getFocusWidget()); calculator_buttons[On]->onAccel(&a_ev); } ev->accept(); break; default: FDialog::onKeyPress(ev); break; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calc::onAccel (FAccelEvent* ev) { close(); ev->accept(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calc::onClose (FCloseEvent* ev) { int ret = FMessageBox::info ( this, "Quit", "Do you really want\n" "to quit the program ?", FMessageBox::Yes, FMessageBox::No ); (ret == FMessageBox::Yes) ? ev->accept() : ev->ignore(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calc::cb_buttonClicked (FWidget*, data_ptr data) { int key; lDouble* x; lDouble infinity = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); if ( infix_operator ) x = &b; else x = &a; key = *(static_cast(data)); switch ( key ) { case Sine: // sin if ( hyperbolic_mode ) { if ( arcus_mode ) { *x = std::log(*x + std::sqrt((*x) * (*x) + 1)); if ( errno == EDOM || errno == ERANGE ) error = true; if ( std::fabs(*x - infinity) < LDBL_EPSILON ) // x = ∞ error = true; } else *x = std::sinh(*x); } else { if ( arcus_mode ) *x = std::asin(*x) * 180.0L / PI; else if ( std::fabs(std::fmod(*x, 180.0L)) < LDBL_EPSILON ) // x / 180 = 0 *x = 0.0L; else *x = std::sin(*x * PI / 180.0L); } if ( errno == EDOM ) error = true; setDisplay(*x); arcus_mode = false; hyperbolic_mode = false; calculator_buttons[Arcus]->setChecked(false); calculator_buttons[Hyperbolic]->setChecked(false); break; case Cosine: // cos if ( hyperbolic_mode ) { if ( arcus_mode ) { *x = std::log(*x + std::sqrt((*x) * (*x) - 1)); if ( errno == EDOM || errno == ERANGE ) error = true; if ( std::fabs(*x - infinity) < LDBL_EPSILON ) // x = ∞ error = true; } else *x = std::cosh(*x); } else { if ( arcus_mode ) *x = std::acos(*x) * 180.0L / PI; else if ( std::fabs(std::fmod(*x - 90.0L, 180.0L)) < LDBL_EPSILON ) // (x - 90) / 180 == 0 *x = 0.0L; else *x = std::cos(*x * PI / 180.0L); } if ( errno == EDOM ) error = true; setDisplay(*x); arcus_mode = false; hyperbolic_mode = false; calculator_buttons[Arcus]->setChecked(false); calculator_buttons[Hyperbolic]->setChecked(false); break; case Tangent: // tan if ( hyperbolic_mode ) { if ( arcus_mode ) if ( *x < 1 ) { *x = 0.5L * std::log((1 + (*x)) / (1 - (*x))); if ( errno == EDOM || errno == ERANGE ) error = true; } else error = true; else *x = std::tanh(*x); } else { if ( arcus_mode ) *x = std::atan(*x) * 180.0L / PI; else // Test if (x / 180) != 0 and x / 90 == 0 if ( std::fabs(std::fmod(*x, 180.0L)) > LDBL_EPSILON && std::fabs(std::fmod(*x, 90.0L)) < LDBL_EPSILON ) error = true; else if ( std::fabs(std::fmod(*x, 180.0L)) < LDBL_EPSILON ) // x / 180 == 0 *x = 0.0L; else *x = std::tan(*x * PI / 180.0L); } if ( errno == EDOM ) error = true; setDisplay(*x); arcus_mode = false; hyperbolic_mode = false; calculator_buttons[Arcus]->setChecked(false); calculator_buttons[Hyperbolic]->setChecked(false); break; case Reciprocal: // 1 / x if ( std::fabs(*x) < LDBL_EPSILON ) // x == 0 error = true; else { *x = 1 / (*x); setDisplay(*x); } break; case On: error = false; arcus_mode = false; hyperbolic_mode = false; calculator_buttons[Arcus]->setChecked(false); calculator_buttons[Hyperbolic]->setChecked(false); input = ""; clearInfixOperator(); last_infix_operator = '\0'; a = b = 0.0L; break; case Natural_logarithm: // ln *x = std::log(*x); if ( errno == EDOM || errno == ERANGE ) error = true; setDisplay(*x); break; case Powers_of_e: // eˣ *x = std::exp(*x); if ( errno == ERANGE ) error = true; setDisplay(*x); break; case Power: // yˣ if ( ! isOperatorKey(last_key) ) calcInfixOperator(); setDisplay(*x); setInfixOperator('^'); break; case Square_root: // sqrt *x = std::sqrt(*x); if ( errno == EDOM || errno == ERANGE ) error = true; setDisplay(*x); break; case Divide: // ÷ if ( ! isOperatorKey(last_key) ) calcInfixOperator(); setDisplay(a); setInfixOperator('/'); break; case Common_logarithm: // lg *x = std::log10(*x); if ( errno == EDOM || errno == ERANGE ) error = true; setDisplay(*x); break; case Powers_of_ten: // 10ˣ *x = std::pow(10, *x); if ( errno == EDOM || errno == ERANGE ) error = true; setDisplay(*x); break; case Parenthese_l: // ( { stack_data d = { a, infix_operator }; bracket_stack.push(d); clearInfixOperator(); input = ""; a = b = 0.0L; setDisplay(a); } break; case Parenthese_r: // ) if ( ! bracket_stack.empty() ) { calcInfixOperator(); setDisplay(a); stack_data d = bracket_stack.top(); bracket_stack.pop(); b = d.term; infix_operator = d.infix_operator; last_infix_operator = infix_operator; } break; case Multiply: // * if ( ! isOperatorKey(last_key) ) calcInfixOperator(); setDisplay(a); setInfixOperator('*'); break; case Hyperbolic: // hyp hyperbolic_mode = ! hyperbolic_mode; calculator_buttons[Hyperbolic]->setChecked(hyperbolic_mode); setDisplay(*x); break; case Seven: // 7 if ( input.getLength() < max_char ) { if ( isDataEntryKey(last_key) ) input += '7'; else input = '7'; } break; case Eight: // 8 if ( input.getLength() < max_char ) { if ( isDataEntryKey(last_key) ) input += '8'; else input = '8'; } break; case Nine: // 9 if ( input.getLength() < max_char ) { if ( isDataEntryKey(last_key) ) input += '9'; else input = '9'; } break; case Subtract: // - if ( ! isOperatorKey(last_key) ) calcInfixOperator(); setDisplay(a); setInfixOperator('-'); break; case Arcus: // arc arcus_mode = ! arcus_mode; calculator_buttons[Arcus]->setChecked(arcus_mode); setDisplay(*x); break; case Four: // 4 if ( input.getLength() < max_char ) { if ( isDataEntryKey(last_key) ) input += '4'; else input = '4'; } break; case Five: // 5 if ( input.getLength() < max_char ) { if ( isDataEntryKey(last_key) ) input += '5'; else input = '5'; } break; case Six: // 6 if ( input.getLength() < max_char ) { if ( isDataEntryKey(last_key) ) input += '6'; else input = '6'; } break; case Add: // + if ( ! isOperatorKey(last_key) ) calcInfixOperator(); setDisplay(a); setInfixOperator('+'); break; case Pi: // π *x = PI; setDisplay(*x); break; case One: // 1 if ( input.getLength() < max_char ) { if ( isDataEntryKey(last_key) ) input += '1'; else input = '1'; } break; case Two: // 2 if ( input.getLength() < max_char ) { if ( isDataEntryKey(last_key) ) input += '2'; else input = '2'; } break; case Three: // 3 if ( input.getLength() < max_char ) { if ( isDataEntryKey(last_key) ) input += '3'; else input = '3'; } break; case Percent: // % infix_operator = last_infix_operator; *x /= 100.0L; setDisplay(*x); break; case Zero: // 0 if ( input.getLength() < max_char ) { if ( isDataEntryKey(last_key) ) input += '0'; else input = '0'; } break; case Decimal_point: // . if ( ! input.includes('.') ) input += '.'; break; case Change_sign: // ± *x *= -1.0L; setDisplay(*x); break; case Equals: // = infix_operator = last_infix_operator; calcInfixOperator(); setDisplay(a); break; default: break; } // end of switch if ( ! input.isEmpty() ) { if ( isDataEntryKey(key) ) *x = lDouble(input.toDouble()); else { // remove trailing zeros while ( ! input.includes(L'e') && input.includes(L'.') && input.back() == L'0' ) input = input.left(input.getLength() - 1); } } drawDispay(); updateTerminal(); if ( infix_operator && ! isDataEntryKey(key) ) input = ""; last_key = key; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calc::adjustSize() { int pw = getParentWidget()->getWidth(); int ph = getParentWidget()->getHeight(); setX (1 + (pw - getWidth()) / 2, false); setY (1 + (ph - getHeight()) / 2, false); FDialog::adjustSize(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // main part //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Create the application object FApplication app(argc, argv); // Create a calculator object Calc calculator(&app); app.setMainWidget(&calculator); calculator.show(); return app.exec(); }