// File: watch.cpp #include #include "fapp.h" #include "flabel.h" #include "fdialog.h" #include "fmessagebox.h" #include "fswitch.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class watch //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) class watch : public FDialog { private: bool sec; private: FLabel* time_label; FLabel* time_str; FSwitch* clock_sw; FSwitch* seconds_sw; private: // Disable copy constructor watch (const watch&); // Disable assignment operator (=) watch& operator = (const watch&); public: // Constructor explicit watch (FWidget* = 0); // Destructor ~watch(); void printTime(); // Event handlers void onTimer (FTimerEvent*); void onClose (FCloseEvent*); // Callback methods void cb_clock (FWidget*, void*); void cb_seconds (FWidget*, void*); void cb_exitApp (FWidget*, void*); protected: void adjustSize(); }; #pragma pack(pop) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- watch::watch (FWidget* parent) : FDialog(parent) , sec(true) , time_label(0) , time_str(0) , clock_sw(0) , seconds_sw(0) { setText ("Watch"); int pw = getParentWidget()->getWidth(); setGeometry (1+(pw-22)/2, 3, 22, 13); // Create labels time_label = new FLabel(L"Time", this); time_label->setGeometry(5, 2, 5, 1); time_label->setEmphasis(); time_str = new FLabel(L"--:--:--", this); time_str->setGeometry(10, 2, 8, 1); // Create checkbox buttons clock_sw = new FSwitch(L"Clock", this); seconds_sw = new FSwitch(L"Seconds", this); clock_sw->setGeometry(4, 4, 9, 1); seconds_sw->setGeometry(2, 6, 11, 1); sec = seconds_sw->setChecked(); // Create button FButton* quit_btn = new FButton(L"&Quit", this); quit_btn->setGeometry(6, 9, 9, 1); // Connect switch signal "toggled" with a callback member function clock_sw->addCallback ( "toggled", _METHOD_CALLBACK (this, &watch::cb_clock) ); // Connect switch signal "toggled" with a callback member function seconds_sw->addCallback ( "toggled", _METHOD_CALLBACK (this, &watch::cb_seconds) ); // Connect button signal "clicked" with a callback member function quit_btn->addCallback ( "clicked", _METHOD_CALLBACK (this, &watch::cb_exitApp) ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- watch::~watch() { delOwnTimer(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void watch::printTime() { FString str; struct tm* now; time_t t; t = time(0); // get current time now = localtime(&t); if ( sec ) str.sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec); else str.sprintf("%02d:%02d ", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min); time_str->setText(str); time_str->redraw(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void watch::onTimer (FTimerEvent*) { printTime(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void watch::onClose (FCloseEvent* ev) { int ret = FMessageBox::info ( this, "Quit" , "Do you really want\n" "to quit the program ?" , FMessageBox::Yes , FMessageBox::No ); if ( ret == FMessageBox::Yes ) ev->accept(); else ev->ignore(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void watch::cb_clock (FWidget*, void*) { if ( clock_sw->isChecked() ) { printTime(); addTimer(1000); } else { delAllTimer(); time_str->setText("--:--:--"); time_str->redraw(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void watch::cb_seconds (FWidget*, void*) { if ( seconds_sw->isChecked() ) sec = true; else sec = false; if ( clock_sw->isChecked() ) printTime(); else { if ( sec ) time_str->setText("--:--:--"); else time_str->setText("--:-- "); time_str->redraw(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void watch::cb_exitApp (FWidget*, void*) { close(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void watch::adjustSize() { int pw = getParentWidget()->getWidth(); setX (1+(pw-22)/2, false); FDialog::adjustSize(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // main part //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Create the application object FApplication app(argc, argv); // Create a simple dialog box watch w(&app); app.setMainWidget(&w); w.show(); return app.exec(); }