Title bar actions on mouse clicks ================================= The FINAL CUT title bar of dialog windows has different behaviors on mouse clicks. Clicking on the title bar ------------------------- * A left-click activates and raises the window. After that, you can drag the window with the mouse. * A middle-click activates and lower the window. * A right-click activates the window and keeps its current position in the window stack. * A double-click maximizes or restores the window size for a resizable dialog. Clicking the title bar buttons ------------------------------ * Single-clicking on the title bar menu button opens the title bar menu. * Double-clicking on the title bar menu button closes the dialog. * Single-clicking on the zoom button maximizes the window size. * Single-clicking on the unzoom button restores the window size. Dialog resize corner -------------------- If you click and drag the left mouse button in the lower right corner of the window, you can change the size of a resizable dialog.