/*********************************************************************** * windows.cpp - Shows window handling * * * * This file is part of the Final Cut widget toolkit * * * * Copyright 2016-2019 Markus Gans * * * * The Final Cut is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * The Final Cut is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this program. If not, see * * . * ***********************************************************************/ #include #include namespace fc = finalcut::fc; using finalcut::FPoint; using finalcut::FSize; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class SmallWindow //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) class SmallWindow : public finalcut::FDialog { public: // Constructor explicit SmallWindow (finalcut::FWidget* = nullptr); // Disable copy constructor SmallWindow (const SmallWindow&) = delete; // Destructor ~SmallWindow(); // Disable assignment operator (=) SmallWindow& operator = (const SmallWindow&) = delete; private: // Method void adjustSize() override; // Event handlers void onShow (finalcut::FShowEvent*) override; void onTimer (finalcut::FTimerEvent*) override; // Data Members finalcut::FLabel left_arrow{this}; finalcut::FLabel right_arrow{this}; finalcut::FLabel top_left_label{this}; finalcut::FLabel top_right_label{this}; finalcut::FLabel bottom_label{this}; }; #pragma pack(pop) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- SmallWindow::SmallWindow (finalcut::FWidget* parent) : finalcut::FDialog(parent) { wchar_t arrow_up, arrow_down; arrow_up = fc::BlackUpPointingTriangle; arrow_down = fc::BlackDownPointingTriangle; left_arrow = arrow_up; left_arrow.setForegroundColor (wc.label_inactive_fg); left_arrow.setEmphasis(); left_arrow.ignorePadding(); left_arrow.setGeometry (FPoint(2, 2), FSize(1, 1)); right_arrow = arrow_up; right_arrow.setForegroundColor (wc.label_inactive_fg); right_arrow.setEmphasis(); right_arrow.ignorePadding(); right_arrow.setGeometry (FPoint(int(getWidth()) - 1, 2), FSize(1, 1)); top_left_label = "menu"; top_left_label.setForegroundColor (wc.label_inactive_fg); top_left_label.setEmphasis(); top_left_label.setGeometry (FPoint(1, 1), FSize(6, 1)); top_right_label = "zoom"; top_right_label.setAlignment (fc::alignRight); top_right_label.setForegroundColor (wc.label_inactive_fg); top_right_label.setEmphasis(); top_right_label.setGeometry (FPoint(int(getClientWidth()) - 5, 1), FSize(6, 1)); finalcut::FString bottom_label_text ( "resize\n" "corner\n" ); bottom_label_text += arrow_down; bottom_label = bottom_label_text; bottom_label.setAlignment (fc::alignRight); bottom_label.setForegroundColor (wc.label_inactive_fg); bottom_label.setEmphasis(); bottom_label.setGeometry (FPoint(13, 3), FSize(6, 3)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- SmallWindow::~SmallWindow() { // Remove own timer delOwnTimer(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SmallWindow::adjustSize() { if ( isZoomed() ) { top_right_label = "unzoom"; bottom_label.hide(); } else { top_right_label = "zoom"; bottom_label.setVisible(); } finalcut::FDialog::adjustSize(); right_arrow.setGeometry ( FPoint(int(getWidth()) - 1, 2) , FSize(1, 1) ); top_right_label.setGeometry ( FPoint(int(getClientWidth()) - 5, 1) , FSize(6, 1) ); bottom_label.setGeometry ( FPoint(1, int(getClientHeight()) - 2) , FSize(getClientWidth(), 3) ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SmallWindow::onShow (finalcut::FShowEvent*) { addTimer(1000); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SmallWindow::onTimer (finalcut::FTimerEvent*) { left_arrow.unsetEmphasis(); left_arrow.redraw(); right_arrow.unsetEmphasis(); right_arrow.redraw(); top_left_label.unsetEmphasis(); top_left_label.redraw(); top_right_label.unsetEmphasis(); top_right_label.redraw(); bottom_label.unsetEmphasis(); bottom_label.redraw(); updateTerminal(); delOwnTimer(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class Window //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) class Window : public finalcut::FDialog { public: // Constructor explicit Window (finalcut::FWidget* = nullptr); // Disable copy constructor Window (const Window&) = delete; // Destructor ~Window(); // Disable assignment operator (=) Window& operator = (const Window&) = delete; private: // Typedefs typedef void (Window::*WindowCallback)(finalcut::FWidget*, FDataPtr); typedef void (finalcut::FApplication::*FAppCallback)(finalcut::FWidget*, FDataPtr); struct win_data { // Constructor win_data() = default; // Disable copy constructor win_data (const win_data&) = delete; // Disable assignment operator (=) win_data& operator = (const win_data&) = delete; // Data Members bool is_open{false}; finalcut::FString title{}; SmallWindow* dgl{nullptr}; }; // Method void configureFileMenuItems(); void configureDialogButtons(); void activateWindow (finalcut::FDialog*); void adjustSize() override; void addClickedCallback (finalcut::FWidget*, WindowCallback); void addClickedCallback (finalcut::FWidget*, FAppCallback); // Event handlers void onClose (finalcut::FCloseEvent*) override; // Callback methods void cb_createWindows (finalcut::FWidget*, FDataPtr); void cb_closeWindows (finalcut::FWidget*, FDataPtr); void cb_next (finalcut::FWidget*, FDataPtr); void cb_previous (finalcut::FWidget*, FDataPtr); void cb_destroyWindow (finalcut::FWidget*, FDataPtr); // Data Members std::vector windows{}; finalcut::FString drop_down_symbol{fc::BlackDownPointingTriangle}; finalcut::FMenuBar Menubar{this}; finalcut::FMenu File{"&File", &Menubar}; finalcut::FDialogListMenu DglList{drop_down_symbol, &Menubar}; finalcut::FStatusBar Statusbar{this}; finalcut::FMenuItem New{"&New", &File}; finalcut::FMenuItem Close{"&Close", &File}; finalcut::FMenuItem Line1{&File}; finalcut::FMenuItem Next{"Ne&xt window", &File}; finalcut::FMenuItem Previous{"&Previous window", &File}; finalcut::FMenuItem Line2{&File}; finalcut::FMenuItem Quit{"&Quit", &File}; finalcut::FButton CreateButton{this}; finalcut::FButton CloseButton{this}; finalcut::FButton QuitButton{this}; }; #pragma pack(pop) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Window::Window (finalcut::FWidget* parent) : finalcut::FDialog(parent) { // Menu bar item File.setStatusbarMessage ("File management commands"); // Dialog list menu item DglList.setStatusbarMessage ("List of all the active dialogs"); // File menu items configureFileMenuItems(); // Dialog buttons configureDialogButtons(); // Statusbar at the bottom Statusbar.setMessage("Status bar message"); // Generate data vector for the windows for (int n{1}; n <= 6; n++) { auto win_dat = new win_data; win_dat->title.sprintf("Window %1d", n); windows.push_back(win_dat); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Window::~Window() { auto iter = windows.begin(); while ( iter != windows.end() ) { auto win_dat = *iter; // Remove all callbacks before Window::cb_destroyWindow() will be called if ( win_dat->is_open && win_dat->dgl ) win_dat->dgl->delCallbacks(); delete win_dat; iter = windows.erase(iter); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Window::configureFileMenuItems() { // "File" menu item setting New.setStatusbarMessage ("Create the windows"); Close.setStatusbarMessage ("Close the windows"); Line1.setSeparator(); Next.addAccelerator (fc::Fmkey_npage); // Meta/Alt + PgDn Next.setStatusbarMessage ("Switch to the next window"); Previous.addAccelerator (fc::Fmkey_ppage); // Meta/Alt + PgUp Previous.setStatusbarMessage ("Switch to the previous window"); Line2.setSeparator(); Quit.addAccelerator (fc::Fmkey_x); // Meta/Alt + X Quit.setStatusbarMessage ("Exit the program"); // Add menu item callback addClickedCallback (&New, &Window::cb_createWindows); addClickedCallback (&Close, &Window::cb_closeWindows); addClickedCallback (&Next, &Window::cb_next); addClickedCallback (&Previous, &Window::cb_previous); addClickedCallback (&Quit, &finalcut::FApplication::cb_exitApp); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Window::configureDialogButtons() { // Dialog buttons CreateButton.setGeometry (FPoint(2, 2), FSize(9, 1)); CreateButton.setText (L"&Create"); CloseButton.setGeometry (FPoint(15, 2), FSize(9, 1)); CloseButton.setText (L"C&lose"); QuitButton.setGeometry (FPoint(28, 2), FSize(9, 1)); QuitButton.setText (L"&Quit"); // Add button callback addClickedCallback (&CreateButton, &Window::cb_createWindows); addClickedCallback (&CloseButton, &Window::cb_closeWindows); addClickedCallback (&QuitButton, &finalcut::FApplication::cb_exitApp); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Window::activateWindow (finalcut::FDialog* win) { if ( ! win || win->isWindowHidden() || win->isWindowActive() ) return; bool has_raised = finalcut::FWindow::raiseWindow(win); win->activateDialog(); if ( has_raised ) win->redraw(); updateTerminal(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Window::adjustSize() { std::size_t w = getDesktopWidth(); std::size_t h = getDesktopHeight(); int X = int(1 + (w - 40) / 2) , Y = int(1 + (h - 22) / 2) , dx = ( w > 80 ) ? int(w - 80) / 2 : 0 , dy = ( h > 24 ) ? int(h - 24) / 2 : 0; if ( Y < 2 ) Y = 2; setPos (FPoint(X, Y)); auto first = windows.begin(); auto iter = first; while ( iter != windows.end() ) { if ( (*iter)->is_open ) { int n = int(std::distance(first, iter)) , x = dx + 5 + (n % 3) * 25 + int(n / 3) * 3 , y = dy + 11 + int(n / 3) * 3; (*iter)->dgl->setPos (FPoint(x, y)); } ++iter; } finalcut::FDialog::adjustSize(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Window::addClickedCallback ( finalcut::FWidget* widget , WindowCallback call ) { FMemberCallback callback = reinterpret_cast(call); widget->addCallback ( "clicked", F_METHOD_CALLBACK (this, callback) ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Window::addClickedCallback ( finalcut::FWidget* widget , FAppCallback call ) { FMemberCallback callback = reinterpret_cast(call); widget->addCallback ( "clicked", F_METHOD_CALLBACK (this, callback) ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Window::onClose (finalcut::FCloseEvent* ev) { finalcut::FApplication::closeConfirmationDialog (this, ev); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Window::cb_createWindows (finalcut::FWidget*, FDataPtr) { auto first = windows.begin(); auto iter = first; auto w = getRootWidget()->getWidth(); auto h = getRootWidget()->getHeight(); int dx = ( w > 80 ) ? int(w - 80) / 2 : 0; int dy = ( h > 24 ) ? int(h - 24) / 2 : 0; while ( iter != windows.end() ) { if ( ! (*iter)->is_open ) { auto win_dat = *iter; auto win = new SmallWindow(this); win_dat->dgl = win; win_dat->is_open = true; win->setText(win_dat->title); int n = int(std::distance(first, iter)) , x = dx + 5 + (n % 3) * 25 + int(n / 3) * 3 , y = dy + 11 + int(n / 3) * 3; win->setGeometry (FPoint(x, y), FSize(20, 8)); win->setMinimumSize (FSize(20, 8)); win->setResizeable(); win->show(); win->addCallback ( "destroy", F_METHOD_CALLBACK (this, &Window::cb_destroyWindow), static_cast(win_dat) ); } ++iter; } activateWindow(this); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Window::cb_closeWindows (finalcut::FWidget*, FDataPtr) { if ( ! dialog_list || dialog_list->empty() ) return; auto iter = dialog_list->end(); auto first = dialog_list->begin(); activateWindow(this); do { --iter; if ( (*iter) != this ) (*iter)->close(); } while ( iter != first ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Window::cb_next (finalcut::FWidget*, FDataPtr) { if ( ! dialog_list || dialog_list->empty() ) return; auto iter = dialog_list->begin(); while ( iter != dialog_list->end() ) { if ( static_cast(*iter)->isWindowActive() ) { finalcut::FDialog* next; auto next_element = iter; do { ++next_element; if ( next_element == dialog_list->end() ) next_element = dialog_list->begin(); next = static_cast(*next_element); } while ( ! next->isEnabled() || ! next->acceptFocus() || ! next->isVisible() || ! next->isWindowWidget() ); activateWindow(next); break; } ++iter; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Window::cb_previous (finalcut::FWidget*, FDataPtr) { if ( ! dialog_list || dialog_list->empty() ) return; auto iter = dialog_list->end(); do { --iter; if ( (*iter)->isDialogWidget() && static_cast(*iter)->isWindowActive() ) { finalcut::FDialog* prev; auto prev_element = iter; do { if ( prev_element == dialog_list->begin() ) prev_element = dialog_list->end(); --prev_element; prev = static_cast(*prev_element); } while ( ! prev->isEnabled() || ! prev->acceptFocus() || ! prev->isVisible() || ! prev->isWindowWidget() ); activateWindow(prev); break; } } while ( iter != dialog_list->begin() ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Window::cb_destroyWindow (finalcut::FWidget*, FDataPtr data) { auto win_dat = static_cast(data); if ( win_dat ) { win_dat->is_open = false; win_dat->dgl = nullptr; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // main part //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Create the application object finalcut::FApplication app (argc, argv); // Create main dialog object Window main_dlg (&app); main_dlg.setText ("Main window"); main_dlg.setGeometry ( FPoint(int(1 + (app.getWidth() - 40) / 2), 2) , FSize(40, 6) ); // Set dialog main_dlg as main widget app.setMainWidget (&main_dlg); // Show and start the application main_dlg.show(); return app.exec(); }