/*********************************************************************** * flistbox.cpp - Widget FListBox and FListBoxItem * * * * This file is part of the Final Cut widget toolkit * * * * Copyright 2014-2019 Markus Gans * * * * The Final Cut is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * The Final Cut is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this program. If not, see * * . * ***********************************************************************/ #include #include #include "final/fapplication.h" #include "final/flistbox.h" #include "final/fscrollbar.h" #include "final/fstatusbar.h" namespace finalcut { //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class FListBoxItem //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructor and destructor //---------------------------------------------------------------------- FListBoxItem::FListBoxItem() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- FListBoxItem::FListBoxItem (const FListBoxItem& item) : text(item.text) , data_pointer(item.data_pointer) , brackets(item.brackets) , selected(item.selected) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- FListBoxItem::FListBoxItem (const FString& txt, FDataPtr data) : text(txt) , data_pointer(data) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- FListBoxItem::~FListBoxItem() // destructor { } // public methods of FListBoxItem //---------------------------------------------------------------------- FListBoxItem& FListBoxItem::operator = (const FListBoxItem& item) { if ( &item == this ) { return *this; } else { text = item.text; data_pointer = item.data_pointer; brackets = item.brackets; selected = item.selected; return *this; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class FListBox //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructor and destructor //---------------------------------------------------------------------- FListBox::FListBox (FWidget* parent) : FWidget(parent) { init(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- FListBox::~FListBox() // destructor { delOwnTimer(); } // public methods of FListBox //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::setCurrentItem (std::size_t index) { std::size_t element_count; if ( index == current ) return; element_count = getCount(); if ( index > element_count ) current = element_count; else if ( index < 1 ) current = 1; else current = index; xoffset = 0; yoffset = 0; adjustSize(); vbar->setValue(yoffset); redraw(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::setCurrentItem (listBoxItems::iterator iter) { std::size_t index = std::size_t(std::distance(itemlist.begin(), iter)) + 1; setCurrentItem(index); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::showInsideBrackets ( std::size_t index , fc::brackets_type b ) { auto iter = index2iterator(index - 1); iter->brackets = b; if ( b == fc::NoBrackets ) return; std::size_t len = iter->getText().getLength() + 2; if ( len > max_line_width ) { max_line_width = len; if ( len >= getWidth() - nf_offset - 3 ) { int hmax = ( max_line_width > getWidth() - nf_offset - 4 ) ? int(max_line_width - getWidth() + nf_offset + 4) : 0; hbar->setMaximum (hmax); hbar->setPageSize (int(max_line_width), int(getWidth() - nf_offset - 4)); hbar->setValue (xoffset); if ( ! hbar->isShown() ) hbar->show(); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::setGeometry ( const FPoint& pos, const FSize& size , bool adjust ) { // Set the widget geometry FWidget::setGeometry(pos, size, adjust); if ( isNewFont() ) { vbar->setGeometry (FPoint(int(getWidth()), 2), FSize(2, getHeight() - 2)); hbar->setGeometry (FPoint(1, int(getHeight())), FSize(getWidth() - 2 - nf_offset, 1)); } else { vbar->setGeometry (FPoint(int(getWidth()), 2), FSize(1, getHeight() - 2)); hbar->setGeometry (FPoint(2, int(getHeight())), FSize(getWidth() - 2, 1)); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool FListBox::setFocus (bool enable) { FWidget::setFocus(enable); if ( enable ) { if ( getStatusBar() ) { const auto& msg = getStatusbarMessage(); const auto& curMsg = getStatusBar()->getMessage(); if ( curMsg != msg ) getStatusBar()->setMessage(msg); } } else { if ( getStatusBar() ) getStatusBar()->clearMessage(); } return enable; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::setText (const FString& txt) { text = txt; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::hide() { FWidget::hide(); hideSize (getSize()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::insert (FListBoxItem listItem) { std::size_t len = listItem.text.getLength(); bool has_brackets = bool(listItem.brackets); recalculateHorizontalBar (len, has_brackets); itemlist.push_back (listItem); std::size_t element_count = getCount(); recalculateVerticalBar (element_count); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::remove (std::size_t item) { std::size_t element_count; if ( item > getCount() ) return; itemlist.erase (itemlist.begin() + int(item) - 1); element_count = getCount(); max_line_width = 0; for (auto&& listbox_item : itemlist) { std::size_t len = listbox_item.getText().getLength(); if ( len > max_line_width ) max_line_width = len; } int hmax = ( max_line_width > getWidth() - nf_offset - 4 ) ? int(max_line_width - getWidth() + nf_offset + 4) : 0; hbar->setMaximum (hmax); hbar->setPageSize (int(max_line_width), int(getWidth() - nf_offset - 4)); if ( hbar->isShown() && isHorizontallyScrollable() ) hbar->hide(); int vmax = ( element_count > getHeight() - 2 ) ? int(element_count - getHeight()) + 2 : 0; vbar->setMaximum (vmax); vbar->setPageSize (int(element_count), int(getHeight()) - 2); if ( vbar->isShown() && isVerticallyScrollable() ) vbar->hide(); if ( current >= item && current > 1 ) current--; if ( current > element_count ) current = element_count; if ( yoffset > int(element_count - getHeight()) + 2 ) yoffset = int(element_count - getHeight()) + 2; if ( yoffset < 0 ) yoffset = 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::clear() { std::size_t size; itemlist.clear(); itemlist.shrink_to_fit(); current = 0; xoffset = 0; yoffset = 0; max_line_width = 0; last_current = -1; last_yoffset = -1; vbar->setMinimum(0); vbar->setValue(0); vbar->hide(); hbar->setMinimum(0); hbar->setValue(0); hbar->hide(); // clear list from screen setColor (wc.list_fg, wc.list_bg); size = getWidth() - 2; if ( size == 0 ) return; auto blank = createBlankArray(size + 1); std::memset (blank, ' ', size); blank[size] = '\0'; for (int y = 0; y < int(getHeight()) - 2; y++) { print() << FPoint(2, 2 + y) << blank; } destroyBlankArray (blank); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::onKeyPress (FKeyEvent* ev) { std::size_t current_before = current; int xoffset_before = xoffset; int yoffset_before = yoffset; FKey key = ev->key(); switch ( key ) { case fc::Fkey_return: case fc::Fkey_enter: keyEnter(); ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_up: keyUp(); ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_down: keyDown(); ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_left: keyLeft(); ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_right: keyRight(); ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_ppage: keyPgUp(); ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_npage: keyPgDn(); ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_home: keyHome(); ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_end: keyEnd(); ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_ic: // insert key if ( keyInsert() ) ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_space: if ( keySpace() ) ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_erase: case fc::Fkey_backspace: if ( keyBackspace() ) ev->accept(); break; case fc::Fkey_escape: case fc::Fkey_escape_mintty: if ( keyEsc() ) ev->accept(); break; default: if ( keyIncSearchInput(key) ) ev->accept(); } if ( current_before != current ) { processChanged(); if ( ! isMultiSelection() ) processSelect(); } if ( ev->isAccepted() ) { bool draw_vbar = yoffset_before != yoffset; bool draw_hbar = xoffset_before != xoffset; updateDrawing (draw_vbar, draw_hbar); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::onMouseDown (FMouseEvent* ev) { int yoffset_before , mouse_x , mouse_y; if ( ev->getButton() != fc::LeftButton && ev->getButton() != fc::RightButton ) { return; } if ( ev->getButton() == fc::RightButton && ! isMultiSelection() ) return; getWidgetFocus(); yoffset_before = yoffset; mouse_x = ev->getX(); mouse_y = ev->getY(); if ( mouse_x > 1 && mouse_x < int(getWidth()) && mouse_y > 1 && mouse_y < int(getHeight()) ) { std::size_t element_count = getCount(); current = std::size_t(yoffset + mouse_y - 1); if ( current > element_count ) current = element_count; inc_search.clear(); if ( ev->getButton() == fc::RightButton ) multiSelection(current); if ( isShown() ) drawList(); vbar->setValue (yoffset); if ( yoffset_before != yoffset ) vbar->drawBar(); updateTerminal(); flush_out(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::onMouseUp (FMouseEvent* ev) { if ( drag_scroll != fc::noScroll ) stopDragScroll(); if ( ev->getButton() == fc::LeftButton ) { int mouse_x = ev->getX(); int mouse_y = ev->getY(); if ( mouse_x > 1 && mouse_x < int(getWidth()) && mouse_y > 1 && mouse_y < int(getHeight()) ) { processChanged(); if ( ! isMultiSelection() ) processSelect(); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::onMouseMove (FMouseEvent* ev) { if ( ev->getButton() != fc::LeftButton && ev->getButton() != fc::RightButton ) return; if ( ev->getButton() == fc::RightButton && ! isMultiSelection() ) return; std::size_t current_before = current; int yoffset_before = yoffset; int mouse_x = ev->getX(); int mouse_y = ev->getY(); if ( mouse_x > 1 && mouse_x < int(getWidth()) && mouse_y > 1 && mouse_y < int(getHeight()) ) { std::size_t element_count = getCount(); current = std::size_t(yoffset + mouse_y - 1); if ( current > element_count ) current = element_count; inc_search.clear(); // Handle multiple selections if ( ev->getButton() == fc::RightButton && current_before != current ) { multiSelectionUpTo(current); } if ( isShown() ) drawList(); vbar->setValue (yoffset); if ( yoffset_before != yoffset ) vbar->drawBar(); updateTerminal(); flush_out(); } // Auto-scrolling when dragging mouse outside the widget if ( mouse_y < 2 ) dragUp (ev->getButton()); else if ( mouse_y >= int(getHeight()) ) dragDown (ev->getButton()); else stopDragScroll(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::onMouseDoubleClick (FMouseEvent* ev) { int mouse_x, mouse_y; if ( ev->getButton() != fc::LeftButton ) return; mouse_x = ev->getX(); mouse_y = ev->getY(); if ( mouse_x > 1 && mouse_x < int(getWidth()) && mouse_y > 1 && mouse_y < int(getHeight()) ) { if ( yoffset + mouse_y - 1 > int(getCount()) ) return; processClick(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::onTimer (FTimerEvent*) { std::size_t current_before = current; int yoffset_before = yoffset; switch ( int(drag_scroll) ) { case fc::noScroll: return; case fc::scrollUp: case fc::scrollUpSelect: if ( ! dragScrollUp() ) return; break; case fc::scrollDown: case fc::scrollDownSelect: if ( ! dragScrollDown() ) return; break; default: break; } if ( current_before != current ) { inc_search.clear(); // Handle multiple selections if ( drag_scroll == fc::scrollUpSelect || drag_scroll == fc::scrollDownSelect ) multiSelectionUpTo(current); } if ( isShown() ) drawList(); vbar->setValue (yoffset); if ( yoffset_before != yoffset ) vbar->drawBar(); updateTerminal(); flush_out(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::onWheel (FWheelEvent* ev) { std::size_t current_before = current; int wheel , yoffset_before = yoffset , pagesize = 4; wheel = ev->getWheel(); if ( drag_scroll != fc::noScroll ) stopDragScroll(); switch ( wheel ) { case fc::WheelUp: wheelUp (pagesize); break; case fc::WheelDown: wheelDown (pagesize); break; default: break; } if ( current_before != current ) { inc_search.clear(); processChanged(); if ( ! isMultiSelection() ) processSelect(); } if ( isShown() ) drawList(); vbar->setValue (yoffset); if ( yoffset_before != yoffset ) vbar->drawBar(); updateTerminal(); flush_out(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::onFocusIn (FFocusEvent*) { if ( getStatusBar() ) getStatusBar()->drawMessage(); inc_search.clear(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::onFocusOut (FFocusEvent*) { if ( getStatusBar() ) { getStatusBar()->clearMessage(); getStatusBar()->drawMessage(); } delOwnTimer(); inc_search.clear(); } // protected methods of FListBox //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::adjustYOffset (std::size_t element_count) { std::size_t height = getClientHeight(); if ( height == 0 || element_count == 0 ) return; if ( yoffset > int(element_count - height) ) yoffset = int(element_count - height); if ( yoffset < 0 ) yoffset = 0; if ( current < std::size_t(yoffset) ) current = std::size_t(yoffset); if ( yoffset < int(current - height) ) yoffset = int(current - height); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::adjustSize() { FWidget::adjustSize(); std::size_t element_count = getCount(); std::size_t width = getClientWidth(); std::size_t height = getClientHeight(); adjustYOffset (element_count); int vmax = ( element_count > height ) ? int(element_count - height) : 0; vbar->setMaximum (vmax); vbar->setPageSize (int(element_count), int(height)); vbar->setX (int(getWidth())); vbar->setHeight (height, false); vbar->resize(); int hmax = ( max_line_width > width - 2 ) ? int(max_line_width - width + 2) : 0; hbar->setMaximum (hmax); hbar->setPageSize (int(max_line_width), int(width) - 2); hbar->setY (int(getHeight())); hbar->setWidth (width + nf_offset, false); hbar->resize(); if ( isHorizontallyScrollable() ) hbar->show(); else hbar->hide(); if ( isVerticallyScrollable() ) vbar->show(); else vbar->hide(); } // private methods of FListBox //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline FString& FListBox::getString (listBoxItems::iterator iter) { return iter->getText(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::init() { initScrollbar (vbar, fc::vertical, &FListBox::cb_VBarChange); initScrollbar (hbar, fc::horizontal, &FListBox::cb_HBarChange); setGeometry (FPoint(1, 1), FSize(5, 4), false); // initialize geometry values setForegroundColor (wc.dialog_fg); setBackgroundColor (wc.dialog_bg); nf_offset = isNewFont() ? 1 : 0; setTopPadding(1); setLeftPadding(1); setBottomPadding(1); setRightPadding(1 + int(nf_offset)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::initScrollbar ( FScrollbarPtr& bar , fc::orientation o , FListBoxCallback callback ) { try { bar = std::make_shared(o, this); } catch (const std::bad_alloc& ex) { std::cerr << bad_alloc_str << ex.what() << std::endl; return; } bar->setMinimum(0); bar->setValue(0); bar->hide(); bar->addCallback ( "change-value", F_METHOD_CALLBACK (this, callback) ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::draw() { if ( current < 1 ) current = 1; setColor(); if ( isMonochron() ) setReverse(true); if ( isNewFont() ) drawBorder (1, 1, int(getWidth()) - 1, int(getHeight())); else drawBorder(); if ( isNewFont() && ! vbar->isShown() ) { setColor(); for (int y = 2; y < int(getHeight()); y++) { print() << FPoint(int(getWidth()), y) << ' '; // clear right side of the scrollbar } } drawHeadline(); if ( isMonochron() ) setReverse(false); vbar->redraw(); hbar->redraw(); drawList(); if ( flags.focus && getStatusBar() ) { const auto& msg = getStatusbarMessage(); const auto& curMsg = getStatusBar()->getMessage(); if ( curMsg != msg ) { getStatusBar()->setMessage(msg); getStatusBar()->drawMessage(); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::drawHeadline() { if ( text.isNull() || text.isEmpty() ) return; FString txt = " " + text + " "; std::size_t length = txt.getLength(); print() << FPoint(2, 1); if ( isEnabled() ) setColor(wc.label_emphasis_fg, wc.label_bg); else setColor(wc.label_inactive_fg, wc.label_inactive_bg); if ( length <= uInt(getClientWidth()) ) print (txt); else { // Print ellipsis print() << text.left(uInt(getClientWidth() - 2)) << FColorPair (wc.label_ellipsis_fg, wc.label_bg) << ".."; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::drawList() { if ( itemlist.empty() || getHeight() <= 2 || getWidth() <= 4 ) return; std::size_t start = 0; std::size_t num = uInt(getHeight() - 2); if ( num > getCount() ) num = getCount(); if ( last_yoffset >= 0 && last_yoffset == yoffset && last_current != int(current) ) { // speed up: redraw only the changed rows std::size_t last_pos = current - std::size_t(yoffset) - 1; std::size_t current_pos = std::size_t(last_current - yoffset) - 1; start = std::min(last_pos, current_pos); num = std::max(last_pos, current_pos) + 1; } auto iter = index2iterator(start + std::size_t(yoffset)); for (std::size_t y = start; y < num && iter != itemlist.end() ; y++) { bool serach_mark = false; bool lineHasBrackets = hasBrackets(iter); // Import data via lazy conversion lazyConvert (iter, int(y)); // Set screen position and attributes setLineAttributes ( int(y), isSelected(iter), lineHasBrackets , serach_mark ); // print the entry if ( lineHasBrackets ) { drawListBracketsLine (int(y), iter, serach_mark); } else // line has no brackets { drawListLine (int(y), iter, serach_mark); } ++iter; } unsetAttributes(); last_yoffset = yoffset; last_current = int(current); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::drawListLine ( int y , listBoxItems::iterator iter , bool serach_mark ) { std::size_t i, len; std::size_t inc_len = inc_search.getLength(); bool isCurrentLine = bool(y + yoffset + 1 == int(current)); FString element; element = getString(iter).mid ( std::size_t(1 + xoffset) , getWidth() - nf_offset - 4 ); const wchar_t* const& element_str = element.wc_str(); len = element.getLength(); if ( isMonochron() && isCurrentLine && flags.focus ) print (fc::BlackRightPointingPointer); // ► else print (' '); if ( serach_mark ) setColor ( wc.current_inc_search_element_fg , wc.current_element_focus_bg ); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if ( serach_mark && i == inc_len && flags.focus ) setColor ( wc.current_element_focus_fg , wc.current_element_focus_bg ); print (element_str[i]); } if ( isMonochron() && isCurrentLine && flags.focus ) { print (fc::BlackLeftPointingPointer); // ◄ i++; } for (; i < getWidth() - nf_offset - 3; i++) print (' '); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::printLeftBracket (fc::brackets_type bracket_type) { if ( bracket_type != fc::NoBrackets ) print ("\0[({<"[bracket_type]); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::printRightBracket (fc::brackets_type bracket_type) { if ( bracket_type != fc::NoBrackets ) print ("\0])}>"[bracket_type]); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::drawListBracketsLine ( int y , listBoxItems::iterator iter , bool serach_mark ) { FString element; std::size_t len , full_length , inc_len = inc_search.getLength() , i = 0 , b = 0; bool isCurrentLine = bool(y + yoffset + 1 == int(current)); if ( isMonochron() && isCurrentLine && flags.focus ) print (fc::BlackRightPointingPointer); // ► else print (' '); if ( xoffset == 0 ) { b = 1; printLeftBracket (iter->brackets); element = getString(iter).mid ( std::size_t(xoffset) + 1 , getWidth() - nf_offset - 5 ); } else element = getString(iter).mid ( std::size_t(xoffset) , getWidth() - nf_offset - 4 ); const wchar_t* const& element_str = element.wc_str(); len = element.getLength(); for (; i < len; i++) { if ( serach_mark && i == 0 ) setColor ( wc.current_inc_search_element_fg , wc.current_element_focus_bg ); if ( serach_mark && i == inc_len ) setColor ( wc.current_element_focus_fg , wc.current_element_focus_bg ); print (element_str[i]); } full_length = getString(iter).getLength(); if ( b + i < getWidth() - nf_offset - 4 && std::size_t(xoffset) <= full_length + 1 ) { if ( serach_mark && i == inc_len ) setColor ( wc.current_element_focus_fg , wc.current_element_focus_bg ); printRightBracket (iter->brackets); i++; } if ( isMonochron() && isCurrentLine && flags.focus ) { print (fc::BlackLeftPointingPointer); // ◄ i++; } for (; b + i < getWidth() - nf_offset - 3; i++) print (' '); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::setLineAttributes ( int y , bool isLineSelected , bool lineHasBrackets , bool& serach_mark ) { bool isCurrentLine = bool(y + yoffset + 1 == int(current)); std::size_t inc_len = inc_search.getLength(); print() << FPoint(2, 2 + int(y)); if ( isLineSelected ) { if ( isMonochron() ) setBold(); else setColor (wc.selected_list_fg, wc.selected_list_bg); } else { if ( isMonochron() ) unsetBold(); else setColor (wc.list_fg, wc.list_bg); } if ( isCurrentLine ) { if ( flags.focus && getMaxColor() < 16 ) setBold(); if ( isLineSelected ) { if ( isMonochron() ) setBold(); else if ( flags.focus ) setColor ( wc.selected_current_element_focus_fg , wc.selected_current_element_focus_bg ); else setColor ( wc.selected_current_element_fg , wc.selected_current_element_bg ); setCursorPos (FPoint(3, 2 + int(y))); // first character } else { if ( isMonochron() ) unsetBold(); if ( flags.focus ) { setColor ( wc.current_element_focus_fg , wc.current_element_focus_bg ); int b = ( lineHasBrackets ) ? 1: 0; if ( inc_len > 0 ) // incremental search { serach_mark = true; // Place the cursor on the last found character setCursorPos (FPoint(2 + b + int(inc_len), 2 + int(y))); } else // only highlighted setCursorPos (FPoint(3 + b, 2 + int(y))); // first character } else setColor ( wc.current_element_fg , wc.current_element_bg ); } if ( isMonochron() ) setReverse(false); } else { if ( isMonochron() ) setReverse(true); else if ( flags.focus && getMaxColor() < 16 ) unsetBold(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::unsetAttributes() { if ( isMonochron() ) // unset for the last element setReverse(false); unsetBold(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::updateDrawing (bool draw_vbar, bool draw_hbar) { if ( isShown() ) drawList(); vbar->setValue (yoffset); if ( draw_vbar ) vbar->drawBar(); hbar->setValue (xoffset); if ( draw_hbar ) hbar->drawBar(); updateTerminal(); flush_out(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::recalculateHorizontalBar (std::size_t len, bool has_brackets) { if ( has_brackets ) len += 2; if ( len <= max_line_width ) return; max_line_width = len; if ( len >= getWidth() - nf_offset - 3 ) { int hmax = ( max_line_width > getWidth() - nf_offset - 4 ) ? int(max_line_width - getWidth() + nf_offset + 4) : 0; hbar->setMaximum (hmax); hbar->setPageSize (int(max_line_width), int(getWidth() - nf_offset - 4)); hbar->calculateSliderValues(); if ( isHorizontallyScrollable() ) hbar->show(); else hbar->hide(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::recalculateVerticalBar (std::size_t element_count) { int vmax = ( element_count > getHeight() - 2 ) ? int(element_count - getHeight() + 2) : 0; vbar->setMaximum (vmax); vbar->setPageSize (int(element_count), int(getHeight()) - 2); vbar->calculateSliderValues(); if ( isVerticallyScrollable() ) vbar->show(); else vbar->hide(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::getWidgetFocus() { if ( hasFocus() ) return; auto focused_widget = getFocusWidget(); setFocus(); if ( focused_widget ) focused_widget->redraw(); if ( getStatusBar() ) getStatusBar()->drawMessage(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::multiSelection (std::size_t pos) { if ( ! isMultiSelection() ) return; if ( isSelected(pos) ) { mouse_select = false; unselectItem(pos); } else { mouse_select = true; selectItem(pos); } processSelect(); secect_from_item = int(pos); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::multiSelectionUpTo (std::size_t pos) { std::size_t from, to; if ( ! isMultiSelection() ) return; if ( std::size_t(secect_from_item) > pos ) { from = pos; to = std::size_t(secect_from_item) - 1; } else { from = std::size_t(secect_from_item) + 1; to = pos; } for (std::size_t i = from; i <= to; i++) { if ( mouse_select ) { selectItem(i); processSelect(); } else { unselectItem(i); processSelect(); } } secect_from_item = int(pos); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::wheelUp (int pagesize) { if ( yoffset == 0 ) return; yoffset -= pagesize; if ( yoffset < 0 ) { current -= std::size_t(pagesize + yoffset); yoffset = 0; } else current -= std::size_t(pagesize); if ( current < 1 ) current = 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::wheelDown (int pagesize) { std::size_t element_count = getCount(); int yoffset_end = int(element_count - getClientHeight()); if ( yoffset_end < 0 ) yoffset_end = 0; if ( yoffset == yoffset_end ) return; yoffset += pagesize; if ( yoffset > yoffset_end ) { current += std::size_t(pagesize - (yoffset - yoffset_end)); yoffset = yoffset_end; } else current += std::size_t(pagesize); if ( current > element_count ) current = element_count; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool FListBox::dragScrollUp() { if ( current == 1 ) { drag_scroll = fc::noScroll; return false; } prevListItem (scroll_distance); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool FListBox::dragScrollDown() { std::size_t element_count = getCount(); if ( current == element_count ) { drag_scroll = fc::noScroll; return false; } nextListItem (scroll_distance); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::dragUp (int mouse_button) { if ( drag_scroll != fc::noScroll && scroll_distance < int(getClientHeight()) ) scroll_distance++; if ( ! scroll_timer && current > 1 ) { scroll_timer = true; addTimer(scroll_repeat); if ( mouse_button == fc::RightButton ) drag_scroll = fc::scrollUpSelect; else drag_scroll = fc::scrollUp; } if ( current == 1 ) { delOwnTimer(); drag_scroll = fc::noScroll; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::dragDown (int mouse_button) { if ( drag_scroll != fc::noScroll && scroll_distance < int(getClientHeight()) ) scroll_distance++; if ( ! scroll_timer && current < getCount() ) { scroll_timer = true; addTimer(scroll_repeat); if ( mouse_button == fc::RightButton ) drag_scroll = fc::scrollDownSelect; else drag_scroll = fc::scrollDown; } if ( current == getCount() ) { delOwnTimer(); drag_scroll = fc::noScroll; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::stopDragScroll() { delOwnTimer(); drag_scroll = fc::noScroll; scroll_distance = 1; scroll_timer = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::prevListItem (int distance) { if ( current == 1 ) return; if ( current <= std::size_t(distance) ) current = 1; else current -= std::size_t(distance); if ( current <= std::size_t(yoffset) ) { if ( yoffset < distance ) yoffset = 0; else yoffset -= distance; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::nextListItem (int distance) { std::size_t element_count = getCount(); int yoffset_end = int(element_count - getClientHeight()); if ( current == element_count ) return; if ( current + std::size_t(distance) > element_count ) current = element_count; else current += std::size_t(distance); if ( current - std::size_t(yoffset) > getClientHeight() ) { if ( yoffset > yoffset_end - distance ) yoffset = yoffset_end; else yoffset += distance; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::scrollToX (int val) { static constexpr std::size_t padding_space = 2; // 1 leading + 1 trailing space std::size_t xoffset_end = max_line_width - getClientWidth() + padding_space; if ( xoffset == val ) return; xoffset = val; if ( xoffset > int(xoffset_end) ) xoffset = int(xoffset_end); if ( xoffset < 0 ) xoffset = 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::scrollToY (int val) { std::size_t element_count = getCount(); int yoffset_end = int(element_count - getClientHeight()); if ( yoffset == val ) return; int c = int(current) - yoffset; yoffset = val; if ( yoffset > yoffset_end ) yoffset = yoffset_end; if ( yoffset < 0 ) yoffset = 0; current = std::size_t(yoffset + c); if ( current < std::size_t(yoffset) ) current = std::size_t(yoffset); if ( current > element_count ) current = element_count; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::scrollLeft (int distance) { if ( xoffset == 0 ) return; xoffset -= distance; if ( xoffset < 0 ) xoffset = 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::scrollRight (int distance) { static constexpr std::size_t padding_space = 2; // 1 leading + 1 trailing space std::size_t xoffset_end = max_line_width - getClientWidth() + padding_space; xoffset += distance; if ( xoffset == int(xoffset_end) ) return; if ( xoffset > int(xoffset_end) ) xoffset = int(xoffset_end); if ( xoffset < 0 ) xoffset = 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::keyUp() { prevListItem (1); inc_search.clear(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::keyDown() { nextListItem (1); inc_search.clear(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::keyLeft() { scrollLeft(1); inc_search.clear(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::keyRight() { scrollRight(1); inc_search.clear(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::keyPgUp() { int pagesize = int(getClientHeight()) - 1; prevListItem (pagesize); inc_search.clear(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::keyPgDn() { int pagesize = int(getClientHeight()) - 1; nextListItem (pagesize); inc_search.clear(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::keyHome() { current = 1; yoffset = 0; inc_search.clear(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::keyEnd() { std::size_t element_count = getCount(); int yoffset_end = int(element_count - getClientHeight()); current = element_count; if ( current > getClientHeight() ) yoffset = yoffset_end; inc_search.clear(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FListBox::keyEsc() { if ( inc_search.getLength() > 0 ) { inc_search.clear(); return true; } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FListBox::keyEnter() { processClick(); inc_search.clear(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FListBox::keySpace() { std::size_t inc_len = inc_search.getLength(); if ( inc_len > 0 ) { inc_search += L' '; bool inc_found = false; auto iter = itemlist.begin(); while ( iter != itemlist.end() ) { if ( ! inc_found && inc_search.toLower() == iter->getText().left(inc_len + 1).toLower() ) { setCurrentItem(iter); inc_found = true; break; } ++iter; } if ( ! inc_found ) { inc_search.remove(inc_len, 1); return false; } } else if ( isMultiSelection() ) { if ( isSelected(current) ) unselectItem(current); else selectItem(current); processSelect(); inc_search.clear(); } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FListBox::keyInsert() { if ( isMultiSelection() ) { std::size_t element_count = getCount(); if ( isSelected(current) ) unselectItem(current); else selectItem(current); processSelect(); current++; if ( current > element_count ) current = element_count; if ( current - std::size_t(yoffset) >= getHeight() - 1 ) yoffset++; return true; } inc_search.clear(); return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FListBox::keyBackspace() { std::size_t inc_len = inc_search.getLength(); if ( inc_len > 0 ) { inc_search.remove(inc_len - 1, 1); if ( inc_len > 1 ) { auto iter = itemlist.begin(); while ( iter != itemlist.end() ) { if ( inc_search.toLower() == iter->getText().left(inc_len - 1).toLower() ) { setCurrentItem(iter); break; } ++iter; } } return true; } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool FListBox::keyIncSearchInput (FKey key) { if ( key <= 0x20 || key > 0x10fff ) return false; // incremental search if ( inc_search.getLength() == 0 ) inc_search = wchar_t(key); else inc_search += wchar_t(key); std::size_t inc_len = inc_search.getLength(); bool inc_found = false; auto iter = itemlist.begin(); while ( iter != itemlist.end() ) { if ( ! inc_found && inc_search.toLower() == iter->getText().left(inc_len).toLower() ) { setCurrentItem(iter); inc_found = true; break; } ++iter; } if ( ! inc_found ) { inc_search.remove(inc_len - 1, 1); if ( inc_len == 1 ) return false; else return true; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::processClick() { emitCallback("clicked"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::processSelect() { emitCallback("row-selected"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::processChanged() { emitCallback("row-changed"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::lazyConvert(listBoxItems::iterator iter, int y) { if ( conv_type != lazy_convert || ! iter->getText().isNull() ) return; convertToItem (*iter, source_container, y + yoffset); std::size_t len = iter->text.getLength(); recalculateHorizontalBar (len, hasBrackets(iter)); if ( hbar->isShown() ) hbar->redraw(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::cb_VBarChange (FWidget*, FDataPtr) { FScrollbar::sType scrollType; std::size_t current_before = current; int distance = 1 , pagesize = 4 , yoffset_before = yoffset; scrollType = vbar->getScrollType(); switch ( scrollType ) { case FScrollbar::noScroll: break; case FScrollbar::scrollPageBackward: distance = int(getClientHeight()); // fall through case FScrollbar::scrollStepBackward: prevListItem (distance); break; case FScrollbar::scrollPageForward: distance = int(getClientHeight()); // fall through case FScrollbar::scrollStepForward: nextListItem (distance); break; case FScrollbar::scrollJump: scrollToY (vbar->getValue()); break; case FScrollbar::scrollWheelUp: wheelUp (pagesize); break; case FScrollbar::scrollWheelDown: wheelDown (pagesize); break; } if ( current_before != current ) { inc_search.clear(); processChanged(); if ( ! isMultiSelection() ) processSelect(); } if ( isShown() ) drawList(); if ( scrollType >= FScrollbar::scrollStepBackward && scrollType <= FScrollbar::scrollWheelDown ) { vbar->setValue (yoffset); if ( yoffset_before != yoffset ) vbar->drawBar(); updateTerminal(); flush_out(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FListBox::cb_HBarChange (FWidget*, FDataPtr) { static constexpr int padding_space = 2; // 1 leading space + 1 trailing space FScrollbar::sType scrollType; int distance = 1 , pagesize = 4 , xoffset_before = xoffset; scrollType = hbar->getScrollType(); switch ( scrollType ) { case FScrollbar::noScroll: break; case FScrollbar::scrollPageBackward: distance = int(getClientWidth()) - padding_space; // fall through case FScrollbar::scrollStepBackward: scrollLeft (distance); break; case FScrollbar::scrollPageForward: distance = int(getClientWidth()) - padding_space; // fall through case FScrollbar::scrollStepForward: scrollRight (distance); break; case FScrollbar::scrollJump: scrollToX (hbar->getValue()); break; case FScrollbar::scrollWheelUp: scrollLeft (pagesize); break; case FScrollbar::scrollWheelDown: scrollRight (pagesize); break; } if ( xoffset_before != xoffset ) inc_search.clear(); if ( isShown() ) { drawList(); updateTerminal(); flush_out(); } if ( scrollType >= FScrollbar::scrollStepBackward && scrollType <= FScrollbar::scrollWheelDown ) { hbar->setValue (xoffset); if ( xoffset_before != xoffset ) hbar->drawBar(); updateTerminal(); flush_out(); } } } // namespace finalcut