/*********************************************************************** * fstring-test.cpp - FString unit tests * * * * This file is part of the Final Cut widget toolkit * * * * Copyright 2018 Markus Gans * * * * The Final Cut is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * The Final Cut is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this program. If not, see * * . * ***********************************************************************/ #include #include #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class FStringTest //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) class FStringTest : public CPPUNIT_NS::TestFixture { public: FStringTest() : s(0) { } void setUp(); void tearDown(); protected: void classNameTest(); void noArgumentTest(); void initLengthTest(); void copyConstructorTest(); void assignmentTest(); void additionAssignmentTest(); void additionTest(); void caseTest(); void equalTest(); void notEqualTest(); void lessEqualTest(); void lessTest(); void greaterEqualTest(); void greaterTest(); void streamInsertionTest(); void streamExtractionTest(); void subscriptOperatorTest(); void iteratorTest(); void functionCallOperatorTest(); void formatTest(); void convertToNumberTest(); void convertFromNumberTest(); void exceptionTest(); void trimTest(); void subStringTest(); void insertTest(); void replaceTest(); void overwriteTest(); void removeTest(); void includesTest(); void controlCodesTest(); private: finalcut::FString* s; // Adds code needed to register the test suite CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE (FStringTest); // Add a methods to the test suite CPPUNIT_TEST (classNameTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (noArgumentTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (initLengthTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (copyConstructorTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (assignmentTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (additionAssignmentTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (additionTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (caseTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (equalTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (notEqualTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (lessEqualTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (lessTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (greaterEqualTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (greaterTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (streamInsertionTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (streamExtractionTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (subscriptOperatorTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (iteratorTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (functionCallOperatorTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (formatTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (convertToNumberTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (convertFromNumberTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (exceptionTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (trimTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (subStringTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (insertTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (replaceTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (overwriteTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (removeTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (includesTest); CPPUNIT_TEST (controlCodesTest); // End of test suite definition CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); }; #pragma pack(pop) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::setUp() { std::setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); s = new finalcut::FString('c'); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::tearDown() { delete s; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::classNameTest() { finalcut::FString str; const char* const classname = str.getClassName(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( std::strcmp(classname, "FString") == 0 ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::noArgumentTest() { finalcut::FString empty; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( empty.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( empty.isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( empty.getLength() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( empty.getUTF8length() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( empty.wc_str() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( empty.c_str() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL ( empty.toString(), std::string() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( strlen(finalcut::FString(99).c_str()) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( wcslen(finalcut::FString(99).wc_str()) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( strlen(finalcut::FString("").c_str()) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( wcslen(finalcut::FString("").wc_str()) == 0 ); char* cstr = empty.c_str(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( cstr == 0 ); wchar_t* wcstr = empty.wc_str(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( wcstr == 0 ); std::string str = empty.toString(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.length() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.size() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.empty() ); const finalcut::FString fstr = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( fstr.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( fstr.isEmpty() ); cstr = 0; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( empty == cstr ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString(std::string()).isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString(char(0)).isEmpty() ); wcstr = 0; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( empty == wcstr ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString(std::wstring()).isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString(wchar_t(0)).isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! empty.includes('A') ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! empty.includes(L'A') ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! empty.includes("123") ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! empty.includes(L"123") ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! empty.includes(std::string("123")) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! empty.includes(std::wstring(L"123")) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! empty.includes(finalcut::FString("123")) ); std::ostringstream out; out << empty; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out.str() == "" ); // Fill the empty string with "123" empty << "123"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL ( empty, finalcut::FString(L"123") ); empty.clear(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( empty.isNull() ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::initLengthTest() { const finalcut::FString s1(0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.getLength() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); const int x1 = 10; const uInt x2 = 10; const finalcut::FString s2(x1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2.getLength() == 10 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s2.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2.isEmpty() ); const finalcut::FString s3(x2); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s3.getLength() == 10 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s3.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s3.isEmpty() ); const finalcut::FString s4(0, L'-'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s4.getLength() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s4.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s4.isEmpty() ); const finalcut::FString s5(0, '-'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s5.getLength() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s5.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s5.isEmpty() ); const finalcut::FString s6(0, char(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s6.getLength() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s6.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s6.isEmpty() ); const finalcut::FString s7(x1, '-'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s7.getLength() == 10 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s7.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s7.isEmpty() ); const finalcut::FString s8(x2, '-'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s8.getLength() == 10 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s8.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s8.isEmpty() ); const finalcut::FString s9(x1, L'-'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s9.getLength() == 10 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s9.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s9.isEmpty() ); const finalcut::FString s10(x2, L'-'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s10.getLength() == 10 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s10.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s10.isEmpty() ); const finalcut::FString s11(x2, wchar_t(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s11.getLength() == 10 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s11.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s11.isEmpty() ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::copyConstructorTest() { const finalcut::FString s1("abc"); const finalcut::FString s2(s1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2 == L"abc" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2.getLength() == 3 ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::assignmentTest() { finalcut::FString s1; s1 = static_cast(0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); s1 = std::wstring(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); s1 = std::string(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); s1 = static_cast(0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); s1 = static_cast(0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); s1 = wchar_t(0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); s1 = char(0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); const finalcut::FString s2("abc"); s1 = s2; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abc" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.getLength() == 3 ); const std::wstring s3(L"def"); s1 = s3; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"def" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.getLength() == 3 ); const std::string s4("ghi"); s1 = s4; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"ghi" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.getLength() == 3 ); const wchar_t s5[] = L"abc"; s1 = s5; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abc" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.getLength() == 3 ); const char s6[] = "def"; s1 = s6; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"def" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.getLength() == 3 ); const wchar_t s7 = L'#'; s1 = s7; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"#" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.getLength() == 1 ); const char s8 = '%'; s1 = s8; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"%" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.getLength() == 1 ); s1.setString("A character string"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == "A character string" ); s1.setString(L"A wide character string"); // Set the identical content again. // Requires no string replacement (new string = string) s1.setString(L"A wide character string"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"A wide character string" ); s1.setString(""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 ); s1.setString(L""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 ); s1.setString(""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == "" ); s1.setString(L""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"" ); s1.setString(""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); s1.setString(L""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); s1.setString(""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s1.isNull() ); s1.setString(L""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s1.isNull() ); const wchar_t* wc = 0; s1.setString(wc); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s1 ); const char* c = 0; s1.setString(c); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! s1 ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::additionAssignmentTest() { finalcut::FString s1; s1 += finalcut::FString("abc"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abc" ); s1 += finalcut::FString("def"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abcdef" ); s1 += finalcut::FString(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abcdef" ); s1 += finalcut::FString(""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abcdef" ); s1.clear(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.isEmpty() ); s1 += std::wstring(L"abc"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abc" ); s1 += std::wstring(L"def"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abcdef" ); s1.clear(); s1 += const_cast(L"abc"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abc" ); s1 += const_cast(L"def"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abcdef" ); s1.clear(); s1 += std::string("abc"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abc" ); s1 += std::string("def"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abcdef" ); s1.clear(); s1 += const_cast("abc"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abc" ); s1 += const_cast("def"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"abcdef" ); s1.clear(); s1 += wchar_t('a'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"a" ); s1 += wchar_t('b'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"ab" ); s1.clear(); s1 += char('a'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"a" ); s1 += char('b'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == L"ab" ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::additionTest() { // finalcut::FString member operator const finalcut::FString s1("abc"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 + finalcut::FString("def") == L"abcdef" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 + std::wstring(L"def") == L"abcdef" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 + const_cast(L"def") == L"abcdef" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 + std::string("def") == L"abcdef" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 + const_cast("def") == L"abcdef" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 + wchar_t(L'd') == L"abcd" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 + char('d') == L"abcd" ); // finalcut::FString non-member operator finalcut::FString s2("abc"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2 + finalcut::FString("def") == L"abcdef" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2 + std::wstring(L"def") == L"abcdef" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2 + const_cast(L"def") == L"abcdef" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2 + std::string("def") == L"abcdef" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2 + const_cast("def") == L"abcdef" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2 + wchar_t(L'd') == L"abcd" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2 + char('d') == L"abcd" ); const std::wstring& s3 = L"abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s3 + finalcut::FString("def") == L"abcdef" ); const wchar_t s4[] = L"abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s4 + finalcut::FString("def") == L"abcdef" ); const std::string& s5 = "abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s5 + finalcut::FString("def") == L"abcdef" ); const char s6[] = "abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s6 + finalcut::FString("def") == L"abcdef" ); const wchar_t c1 = L'a'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( c1 + s3 == L"aabc" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( c1 + finalcut::FString("def") == L"adef" ); const char c2 = 'a'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( c2 + s5 == "aabc" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( c2 + finalcut::FString("def") == L"adef" ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::caseTest() { const finalcut::FString str1("abc"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.toUpper() == "ABC" ); const finalcut::FString str2("XYZ"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str2.toLower() == "xyz" ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::equalTest() { // std::string -> finalcut::FString -> std::string const std::string s1 = "string"; finalcut::FString fs = s1; const std::string s2 = fs.toString(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 == s2 ); // std::wstring -> finalcut::FString -> std::wstring const std::wstring ws1 = L"wide string"; fs = ws1; std::wstring ws2 = fs.wc_str(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ws1 == ws2 ); const finalcut::FString one_char('a'); const char ch = 'a'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char == ch ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ch == one_char.c_str()[0] ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char.getLength() == 1 ); const wchar_t wch = L'a'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char == wch ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( wch == one_char.wc_str()[0] ); const finalcut::FString str(L"abc"); const finalcut::FString str2(L"abc"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str == str2 ); const char cstr[] = "abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str == cstr ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.getLength() == 3 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.getUTF8length() == 3 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( strncmp(cstr, str.c_str(), 3) == 0 ); const wchar_t wcstr[] = L"abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str == wcstr ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( wcsncmp(wcstr, str.wc_str(), 3) == 0 ); const std::string st = "abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str == st ); const std::wstring wst = L"abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str == wst ); const finalcut::FString null_str1; const finalcut::FString null_str2; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! (str == null_str2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! (null_str1 == str) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( null_str1 == null_str2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s->c_str()[0] == 'c'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s->getLength() == 1 ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::notEqualTest() { const finalcut::FString one_char('@'); const char ch = '!'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char != ch ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ch != one_char.c_str()[0] ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char.getLength() == 1 ); const wchar_t wch = L'_'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char != wch ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( wch != one_char.wc_str()[0] ); const finalcut::FString s1 = L"ABC"; // latin letter const finalcut::FString s2 = L"АВС"; // cyrillic letters CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 != s2 ); const char cstr[] = "abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 != cstr ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.getLength() == 3 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( strlen(s1.c_str()) == 3 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2.getLength() == 3 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( strlen(s2.c_str()) == 6 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.getUTF8length() == 3 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s2.getUTF8length() == 3 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( strncmp(cstr, s1.c_str(), 3) != 0 ); const wchar_t wcstr[] = L"abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 != wcstr ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( wcsncmp(wcstr, s1.wc_str(), 3) != 0 ); const std::string st = "abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 != st ); const std::wstring wst = L"abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 != wst ); const finalcut::FString null_str1; const finalcut::FString null_str2; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 != null_str2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( null_str1 != s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! (null_str1 != null_str2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s->c_str()[0] != 's'); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::lessEqualTest() { const finalcut::FString one_char('x'); const char ch = 'z'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char <= ch ); const wchar_t wch = L'z'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char <= wch ); const finalcut::FString s1 = L"xyz"; const finalcut::FString s2 = L"xyz"; const finalcut::FString s3 = L"xzz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 <= s2 && s1 == s2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 <= s3 && s1 != s3 ); const char cstr1[] = "xyz"; const char cstr2[] = "xzz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 <= cstr1 && s1 == cstr1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 <= cstr2 && s1 != cstr2 ); const wchar_t wcstr1[] = L"xyz"; const wchar_t wcstr2[] = L"xzz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 <= wcstr1 && s1 == wcstr1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 <= wcstr2 && s1 != wcstr2 ); const std::string st1 = "xyz"; const std::string st2 = "xzz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 <= st1 && s1 == st1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 <= st2 && s1 != st2 ); const std::wstring wst1 = L"xyz"; const std::wstring wst2 = L"xzz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 <= wst1 && s1 == wst1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 <= wst2 && s1 != wst2 ); const finalcut::FString null_str1; const finalcut::FString null_str2; const finalcut::FString empty(""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! (s1 <= null_str2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( null_str1 <= s2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( null_str1 <= null_str2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! (s1 <= empty) ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::lessTest() { const finalcut::FString one_char('x'); const char ch = 'z'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char < ch ); const wchar_t wch = L'z'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char < wch ); const finalcut::FString s1 = L"xyz"; const finalcut::FString s2 = L"xzz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 < s2 ); const char cstr[] = "xzz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 < cstr ); const wchar_t wcstr[] = L"xzz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 < wcstr ); const std::string st = "xzz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 < st ); const std::wstring wst = L"xzz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 < wst ); const finalcut::FString null_str1; const finalcut::FString null_str2; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! (s1 < null_str2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( null_str1 < s2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! (null_str1 < null_str2) ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::greaterEqualTest() { const finalcut::FString one_char('x'); const char ch = 'x'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char >= ch ); const wchar_t wch = L'x'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char >= wch ); const finalcut::FString s1 = L"xyz"; const finalcut::FString s2 = L"xyz"; const finalcut::FString s3 = L"xxz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 >= s2 && s1 == s2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 >= s3 && s1 != s3 ); const char cstr1[] = "xyz"; const char cstr2[] = "xxz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 >= cstr1 && s1 == cstr1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 >= cstr2 && s1 != cstr2 ); const wchar_t wcstr1[] = L"xyz"; const wchar_t wcstr2[] = L"xxz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 >= wcstr1 && s1 == wcstr1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 >= wcstr2 && s1 != wcstr2 ); const std::string st1 = "xyz"; const std::string st2 = "xxz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 >= st1 && s1 == st1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 >= st2 && s1 != st2 ); const std::wstring wst1 = L"xyz"; const std::wstring wst2 = L"xxz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 >= wst1 && s1 == wst1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 >= wst2 && s1 != wst2 ); const finalcut::FString null_str1; const finalcut::FString null_str2; const finalcut::FString empty(""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 >= null_str2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! (null_str1 >= s2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( null_str1 >= null_str2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! (s1 <= empty) ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::greaterTest() { const finalcut::FString one_char('x'); const char ch = 'w'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char > ch ); const wchar_t wch = L'w'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( one_char > wch ); const finalcut::FString s1 = L"xyz"; const finalcut::FString s2 = L"xww"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 > s2 ); const char cstr[] = "xww"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 > cstr ); const wchar_t wcstr[] = L"xww"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 > wcstr ); const std::string st = "xww"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 > st ); const std::wstring wst = L"xww"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 > wst ); const finalcut::FString null_str1; const finalcut::FString null_str2; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1 > null_str2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! (null_str1 > s2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! (null_str1 > null_str2) ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::streamInsertionTest() { finalcut::FString out; out << finalcut::FString("ABC"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"ABC" ); out.clear(); out << std::string("ABC"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"ABC" ); out.clear(); out << std::wstring(L"ABC"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"ABC" ); out.clear(); out << const_cast(L"ABC"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"ABC" ); out.clear(); out << const_cast("ABC"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"ABC" ); out.clear(); out << wchar_t(L'A'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"A" ); out.clear(); out << char('A'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"A" ); out.clear(); out << sInt16(INT_LEAST16_MAX); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"32767" ); out.clear(); out << sInt16(INT_LEAST16_MIN); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"-32768" ); out.clear(); out << uInt16(UINT_LEAST16_MAX); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"65535" ); out.clear(); out << int(1234567); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"1234567" ); out.clear(); out << int(-1234567); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"-1234567" ); out.clear(); out << uInt(12345678); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"12345678" ); out.clear(); out << long(-34721053343141); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"-34721053343141" ); out.clear(); out << uLong(4670148723459); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"4670148723459" ); out.clear(); out << float(3.14159); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"3.14159" ); out.clear(); out << double(3.1415926535); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"3.1415926535" ); out.clear(); out << lDouble(3.141592653589793238L); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( out == L"3.14159265358979324" ); out = "abc"; std::ostringstream ostream; ostream << out; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ostream.str() == "abc" ); std::wostringstream wostream; wostream << out; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( wostream.str() == L"abc" ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::streamExtractionTest() { finalcut::FString in_1; finalcut::FString("ABC") >> in_1; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_1 == "ABC" ); std::wstring in_2; finalcut::FString("ABC") >> in_2; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_2 == L"ABC" ); std::string in_3; finalcut::FString("ABC") >> in_3; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_3 == "ABC" ); wchar_t in_4; finalcut::FString("A") >> in_4; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_4 == L'A' ); char in_5; finalcut::FString("A") >> in_5; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_5 == L'A' ); sInt16 in_6; finalcut::FString("-12345") >> in_6; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_6 == -12345 ); uInt16 in_7; finalcut::FString("33333") >> in_7; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_7 == 33333 ); int in_8; finalcut::FString("-12345678") >> in_8; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_8 == -12345678 ); uInt in_9; finalcut::FString("99999999") >> in_9; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_9 == 99999999 ); long in_10; finalcut::FString("-1234567890") >> in_10; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_10 == -1234567890 ); uLong in_11; finalcut::FString("9999999999999") >> in_11; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_11 == 9999999999999 ); float in_12; finalcut::FString("2.71828") >> in_12; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_12 == 2.71828f ); double in_13; finalcut::FString("2.7182818284590452353") >> in_13; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in_13 == 2.7182818284590452353 ); finalcut::FString in; std::istringstream istream("abc"); istream >> in; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in == "abc" ); std::wistringstream wistream(L"abc"); wistream >> in; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( in == "abc" ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::subscriptOperatorTest() { finalcut::FString s(3); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s[0] == L'\0' ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s[1] == L'\0' ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s[2] == L'\0' ); s[0] = L'A'; s[1] = L'B'; s[2] = L'C'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s[0] == L'A' ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s[1] == L'B' ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s[2] == L'C' ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s == L"ABC" ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::iteratorTest() { const finalcut::FString& str = "123456789"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.front() == L'1' ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.back() == L'9' ); finalcut::FString::iterator iter = str.begin(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( (*iter) == L'1' ); ++iter; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( (*iter) == L'2' ); ++iter; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( (*iter) == L'3' ); ++iter; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( (*iter) == L'4' ); ++iter; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( (*iter) == L'5' ); ++iter; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( (*iter) == L'6' ); ++iter; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( (*iter) == L'7' ); ++iter; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( (*iter) == L'8' ); ++iter; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( (*iter) == L'9' ); ++iter; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( iter == str.end() ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::functionCallOperatorTest() { finalcut::FString str = L"test"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL ( str, str() ); finalcut::FString copy = str(); copy << L"string"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str() == "test" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( copy == "teststring" ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::formatTest() { finalcut::FString str1; int num = 3; char location[] = "zoo"; str1.sprintf ("There are %d lions in the %s", num, location); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1 == "There are 3 lions in the zoo" ); str1.sprintf (finalcut::FString("%d times"), 42); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1 == "42 times" ); finalcut::FString str2; str2.sprintf (L"It costs only %d cent", 50); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str2 == "It costs only 50 cent" ); str2.sprintf ( L"Add a looo" + finalcut::FString(2048, 'o') + "ooong %S" , L"string" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str2 == "Add a looo" + finalcut::FString(2048, 'o') + "ooong string" ); const finalcut::FString null_fstring; str2.sprintf (null_fstring, 0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str2.isNull() ); const wchar_t* null_wstring = 0; str2.sprintf (null_wstring, 0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str2.isNull() ); const char* null_string = 0; str2.sprintf (null_string, 0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str2.isNull() ); std::setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "C"); finalcut::FString fnum1, fnum2; #if defined(__LP64__) || defined(_LP64) // 64-bit architecture fnum1.setFormatedNumber(0xffffffffffffffff, '\''); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( fnum1 == "18'446'744'073'709'551'615" ); fnum2.setFormatedNumber(-9223372036854775807); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( fnum2 == "-9 223 372 036 854 775 807" ); fnum2.setFormatedNumber(long(9223372036854775807), '\0'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( fnum2 == "9 223 372 036 854 775 807" ); fnum2.setFormatedNumber(uLong(9223372036854775807), '\0'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( fnum2 == "9 223 372 036 854 775 807" ); #else // 32-bit architecture fnum1.setFormatedNumber(0xffffffff, '\''); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( fnum1 == "4'294'967'295" ); fnum2.setFormatedNumber(-2147483647); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( fnum2 == "-2 147 483 647" ); fnum2.setFormatedNumber(long(2147483647), '\0'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( fnum2 == "2 147 483 647" ); fnum2.setFormatedNumber(uLong(2147483647), '\0'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( fnum2 == "2 147 483 647" ); #endif } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::convertToNumberTest() { finalcut::FString str = "-127"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.toShort() == -127 ); str = "255"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.toUShort() == 255 ); str = "-32768"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.toInt() == -32768 ); str = "65535"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.toUInt() == 65535 ); str = "-2147483647"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.toLong() == -2147483647 ); str = "+987654321"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.toLong() == 987654321 ); str = "4294967295"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.toULong() == 4294967295 ); str = "+1234567890"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.toULong() == 1234567890 ); str = "3.14159"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.toFloat() == 3.14159f ); str = "-3.14159"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.toFloat() == -3.14159f ); str = "3.141592653589793238"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.toDouble() == 3.141592653589793238 ); str = "-3.141592653589793238"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.toDouble() == -3.141592653589793238 ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::convertFromNumberTest() { const sInt16 n1 = -1234; const uInt16 n2 = 1234; const int n3 = -12345; const uInt n4 = 12345; const long n5 = -12345678; const uLong n6 = 12345678; const float n7 = 1234.56f; const double n8 = 1234.5678; const lDouble n9 = 12345.67890L; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n1) == "-1234" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n2) == "1234" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n3) == "-12345" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n4) == "12345" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n5) == "-12345678" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n6) == "12345678" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n7) == "1234.56" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n8) == "1234.5678" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n9) == "12345.6789" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n7, 0) == "1e+03" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n8, 0) == "1e+03" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n9, 0) == "1e+04" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n7, 100) == "1234.56005859375" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n8, 100) == "1234.567800000000033833202905952930450439453125" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().setNumber(n9, 100) == "12345.67889999999999961488583721802569925785064697265625" ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::exceptionTest() { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("abc").toULong() , std::invalid_argument ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("abc")[3] , std::out_of_range ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("abc")[-1] , std::out_of_range ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("99999").toShort() , std::overflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("-99999").toShort() , std::underflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("99999").toUShort() , std::overflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("-1").toUShort() , std::underflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("9999999999").toInt() , std::overflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("-9999999999").toInt() , std::underflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("9999999999").toUInt() , std::overflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("-1").toUInt() , std::underflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("9999999999999999999").toLong() , std::overflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("-9999999999999999999").toLong() , std::underflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("99999999999999999999").toULong() , std::overflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("-1").toULong() , std::underflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString().toLong() , std::invalid_argument ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("").toLong() , std::invalid_argument ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("one").toLong() , std::invalid_argument ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString().toULong() , std::invalid_argument ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("").toULong() , std::invalid_argument ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("one").toULong() , std::invalid_argument ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("1E+42").toFloat() , std::overflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("-1E+42").toFloat() , std::overflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("1.19209290E-08").toFloat() , std::underflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("1.7976931348623157E+309").toDouble() , std::overflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("-1.7976931348623157E+309").toDouble() , std::overflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("2.225074e-310").toDouble() , std::underflow_error ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString().toDouble() , std::invalid_argument ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("").toDouble() , std::invalid_argument ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("one").toDouble() , std::invalid_argument ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("ABC").insert(finalcut::FString("abc"), 4) , std::out_of_range ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("ABC").insert(finalcut::FString("abc"), -1) , std::out_of_range ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("ABC").insert(L"abc", 4) , std::out_of_range ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW ( finalcut::FString("ABC").insert(L"abc", -1) , std::out_of_range ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::trimTest() { const finalcut::FString& trim_str1 = L"\r\n\t A string \n\t"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str1.rtrim() == L"\r\n\t A string" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str1.ltrim() == L"A string \n\t" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str1.trim() == L"A string" ); const finalcut::FString& trim_str2 = L"\n \n\n"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str2.rtrim().isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! trim_str2.rtrim().isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str2.rtrim().getLength() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str2.ltrim().isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! trim_str2.ltrim().isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str2.ltrim().getLength() == 0 ); const finalcut::FString trim_str3; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str3.ltrim().isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str3.ltrim().isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str3.ltrim().getLength() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str3.rtrim().isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str3.rtrim().isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str3.rtrim().getLength() == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str3.trim().isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str3.trim().isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( trim_str3.trim().getLength() == 0 ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::subStringTest() { finalcut::FString str1("Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.left(uInt(11)) == L"Look behind" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.left(int(11)) == L"Look behind" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.left(999) == L"Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.left(-5) == L"" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.left(0) == L"" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.left(0).isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str1.left(0).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().left(5).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! finalcut::FString("").left(5).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString("").left(5).isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.right(uInt(7)) == L"monkey!" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.right(int(7)) == L"monkey!" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.right(999) == L"Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.right(-5) == L"" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.right(0) == L"" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.right(0).isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str1.right(0).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().right(5).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! finalcut::FString("").right(5).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString("").right(5).isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.mid(uInt(18), uInt(21)) == L"a three-headed monkey" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.mid(int(18), int(21)) == L"a three-headed monkey" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.mid(1, 999) == L"Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.mid(5, 0) == L"" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.mid(-5, 2) == L"" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.mid(0, 0) == L"" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.mid(0, 5) == L"" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.mid(0, 0).isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str1.mid(0, 0).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString().mid(5, 0).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! finalcut::FString("").mid(5, 0).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( finalcut::FString("").mid(5, 0).isEmpty() ); finalcut::FStringList string_parts = str1.split(" "); finalcut::FStringList string_list; string_list.push_back("Look"); string_list.push_back("behind"); string_list.push_back("you,"); string_list.push_back("a"); string_list.push_back("three-headed"); string_list.push_back("monkey!"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( string_parts == string_list ); string_parts = str1.split(L','); string_list.clear(); string_list.push_back("Look behind you"); string_list.push_back(" a three-headed monkey!"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( string_parts == string_list ); string_parts = str1.split(','); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( string_parts == string_list ); string_parts = finalcut::FString().split(':'); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( string_parts.empty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( string_parts.size() == 0 ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::insertTest() { finalcut::FString str1 = "ABC"; const finalcut::FString str2 = "xyz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str2, 0) == "xyzABC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str2, 1) == "AxyzBC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str2, 2) == "ABxyzC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str2, 3) == "ABCxyz" ); str1 = "ABC"; const wchar_t str3[] = L"xyz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str3, 0) == "xyzABC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str3, 1) == "AxyzBC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str3, 2) == "ABxyzC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str3, 3) == "ABCxyz" ); str1 = "ABC"; const char str4[] = "xyz"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str4, 0) == "xyzABC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str4, 1) == "AxyzBC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str4, 2) == "ABxyzC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(str4, 3) == "ABCxyz" ); str1 = "ABC"; const wchar_t wc = L'*'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(wc, 0) == "*ABC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(wc, 1) == "A*BC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(wc, 2) == "AB*C" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(wc, 3) == "ABC*" ); str1 = "ABC"; const char c = '*'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(c, 0) == "*ABC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(c, 1) == "A*BC" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(c, 2) == "AB*C" ); str1 = "ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str1.insert(c, 3) == "ABC*" ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::replaceTest() { const finalcut::FString str = "Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!"; finalcut::FString s1 = str; const finalcut::FString from1 = "three"; const std::wstring from2 = L"three"; const wchar_t from3[] = L"three"; const std::string from4 = "three"; const char from5[] = "three"; const wchar_t from6 = L','; const char from7 = ','; const finalcut::FString to1 = L'3'; const std::wstring to2 = L"3"; const wchar_t to3[] = L"3"; const std::string to4 = "3"; const char to5[] = "3"; const wchar_t to6 = '3'; const char to7 = '3'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from1, to1) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from1, to2) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from1, to3) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from1, to4) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from1, to5) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from1, to6) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from1, to7) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from2, to1) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from2, to2) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from2, to3) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from2, to4) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from2, to5) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from2, to6) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from2, to7) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from3, to1) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from3, to2) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from3, to3) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from3, to4) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from3, to5) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from3, to6) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from3, to7) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from4, to1) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from4, to2) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from4, to3) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from4, to4) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from4, to5) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from4, to6) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from4, to7) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from5, to1) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from5, to2) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from5, to3) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from5, to4) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from5, to5) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from5, to6) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from5, to7) == "Look behind you, a 3-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from6, to1) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from6, to2) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from6, to3) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from6, to4) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from6, to5) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from6, to6) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from6, to7) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from7, to1) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from7, to2) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from7, to3) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from7, to4) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from7, to5) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from7, to6) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = str; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from7, to7) == "Look behind you3 a three-headed monkey!" ); s1 = "A big ball and a small ball"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace("ball", "globe") == "A big globe and a small globe" ); s1 = "ABC"; finalcut::FString empty; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace('B', "") == "AC" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(L'B', "") == "AC" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from1, empty) == "ABC" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from3, empty) == "ABC" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from5, to5) == "ABC" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(empty, to1) == "ABC" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from6, empty) == "ABC" ); empty = ""; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from1, empty) == "ABC" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from3, empty) == "ABC" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from5, to5) == "ABC" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(empty, to1) == "ABC" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from6, empty) == "ABC" ); s1.clear(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from1, to1).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from1, to1).isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from6, to1).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from6, to1).isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from5, to5).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from5, to5).isEmpty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from7, to7).isNull() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( s1.replace(from7, to7).isEmpty() ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::overwriteTest() { // finalcut::FString finalcut::FString str = "abcdefghijklm"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite("+++++++", 3) == "abc+++++++klm" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(".............") == "............." ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,") == ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,," ); str = "abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite("+++++", 99) == "abc+++++" ); str = "abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite("+++", -5) == "+++" ); // Wide string str = "abcdefghijklm"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(L"+++++++", 3) == "abc+++++++klm" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(L".............") == "............." ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(L",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,") == ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,," ); str = "abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(L"+++++", 99) == "abc+++++" ); str = "abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(L"+++", -5) == "+++" ); // Wide char str = "abcdefghijklm"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(L'+', 3) == "abc+efghijklm" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(L'.') == ".bc+efghijklm" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(L',', 12) == ".bc+efghijkl," ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(L'.', 13) == ".bc+efghijkl,." ); str = "abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(L'+', 99) == "abc+" ); str = "abc"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.overwrite(L'+', -5) == "+bc" ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::removeTest() { finalcut::FString str = "ABCDE"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.remove(2, 2) == "ABE" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.remove(2, 1) == "AB" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.remove(2, 1) == "AB" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.remove(2, 5) == "AB" ); str = "ABCDE"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.remove(2, 99) == "AB" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.remove(99, 1) == "AB" ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::includesTest() { const finalcut::FString str = "Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!"; const finalcut::FString empty1; const wchar_t empty2[] = { }; const char empty3[] = { }; const finalcut::FString search1 = "you"; const finalcut::FString search2 = "me"; const wchar_t search3[] = L"you"; const wchar_t search4[] = L"me"; const char search5[] = "you"; const char search6[] = "me"; const wchar_t search7 = L'y'; const wchar_t search8 = L'&'; const char search9 = 'y'; const char search10 = '&'; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(static_cast(0)) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(empty1) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.includes(search1) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(search2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! empty1.includes(search1) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(static_cast(0)) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(empty2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.includes(search3) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(search4) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! empty1.includes(search3) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(static_cast(0)) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(empty3) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.includes(search5) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(search6) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! empty1.includes(search5) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(wchar_t(L'\0')) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.includes(search7) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(search8) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! empty1.includes(search7) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(char('\0')) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( str.includes(search9) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! str.includes(search10) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! empty1.includes(search9) ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FStringTest::controlCodesTest() { finalcut::FString bs_str = "t\b\bTesT\bt"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( bs_str.removeBackspaces() == "Test" ); bs_str = "ABC\b\b\b\b"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( bs_str.removeBackspaces() == "" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( bs_str.removeBackspaces().isEmpty() ); finalcut::FString del_str = "apple \177\177\177pietree"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( del_str.removeDel() == "apple tree" ); del_str = "\177\177\177\177ABC"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( del_str.removeDel() == "" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( del_str.removeDel().isEmpty() ); finalcut::FString tab_str = "one line"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs() == "one line" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(4) == "one line" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(2) == "one line" ); tab_str = "one\ttwo"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs() == "one two" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(4) == "one two" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(2) == "one two" ); tab_str = "one\t\btwo"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs() == "one \btwo" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(4) == "one \btwo" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(2) == "one \btwo" ); tab_str = "1\t2\t2"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs() == "1 2 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(4) == "1 2 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(2) == "1 2 2" ); tab_str = "12\t22\t2"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs() == "12 22 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(4) == "12 22 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(2) == "12 22 2" ); tab_str = "123\t222\t2"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs() == "123 222 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(4) == "123 222 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(2) == "123 222 2" ); tab_str = "1234\t2222\t2"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs() == "1234 2222 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(4) == "1234 2222 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(2) == "1234 2222 2" ); tab_str = "12345\t22222\t2"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs() == "12345 22222 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(4) == "12345 22222 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(2) == "12345 22222 2" ); tab_str = "123456\t222222\t2"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs() == "123456 222222 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(4) == "123456 222222 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(2) == "123456 222222 2" ); tab_str = "1234567\t2222222\t2"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs() == "1234567 2222222 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(4) == "1234567 2222222 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(2) == "1234567 2222222 2" ); tab_str = "12345678\t22222222\t2"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs() == "12345678 22222222 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(4) == "12345678 22222222 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(2) == "12345678 22222222 2" ); tab_str = "12345678\t2"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs() == "12345678 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(4) == "12345678 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(2) == "12345678 2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(0) == "12345678\t2" ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( tab_str.expandTabs(-1) == "12345678\t2" ); finalcut::FString cc(0x20); for (int i = 0; i < 0x1f; i++) cc[i] = i + 1; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( cc.replaceControlCodes() == "␁␂␃␄␅␆␇␈␉␊␋␌␍␎␏␐␑␒␓␔␕␖␗␘␙␚␛␜␝␞␟" ); for (int i = 0; i <= 0x1f; i++) cc[i] = i + 0x80; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( cc.replaceControlCodes() == finalcut::FString(32, L' ') ); cc = "t\b\bTes\177Tt"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( cc.replaceControlCodes() == "t␈␈Tes␡Tt" ); } // Put the test suite in the registry CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION (FStringTest); // The general unit test main part #include