/*********************************************************************** * scrollview.cpp - Shows client widgets in a scroll area * * * * This file is part of the Final Cut widget toolkit * * * * Copyright 2017-2020 Markus Gans * * * * The Final Cut is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * The Final Cut is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this program. If not, see * * . * ***********************************************************************/ #include namespace fc = finalcut::fc; using finalcut::FPoint; using finalcut::FSize; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class Scrollview //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class Scrollview final : public finalcut::FScrollView { public: // Constructor explicit Scrollview (finalcut::FWidget* = nullptr); // Disable copy constructor Scrollview (const Scrollview&) = delete; // Destructor ~Scrollview() override; // Disable copy assignment operator (=) Scrollview& operator = (const Scrollview&) = delete; // Mutator void setScrollSize (const FSize&) override; private: // Method void draw() override; // Callback methods void cb_goEast (const finalcut::FWidget*, const FDataPtr); void cb_goSouth (const finalcut::FWidget*, const FDataPtr); void cb_goWest (const finalcut::FWidget*, const FDataPtr); void cb_goNorth (const finalcut::FWidget*, const FDataPtr); // Data members wchar_t pointer_right{fc::BlackRightPointingPointer}; wchar_t pointer_down{fc::BlackDownPointingTriangle}; wchar_t pointer_left{fc::BlackLeftPointingPointer}; wchar_t pointer_up{fc::BlackUpPointingTriangle}; finalcut::FButton go_east{pointer_right, this}; finalcut::FButton go_south{pointer_down, this}; finalcut::FButton go_west{pointer_left, this}; finalcut::FButton go_north{pointer_up, this}; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Scrollview::Scrollview (finalcut::FWidget* parent) : finalcut::FScrollView(parent) { // Sets the navigation button geometry go_east.setGeometry (FPoint{1, 1}, FSize{5, 1}); go_south.setGeometry ( FPoint{int(getScrollWidth()) - 5, 1} , FSize{5, 1} ); go_west.setGeometry ( FPoint{ int(getScrollWidth()) - 5 , int(getScrollHeight()) - 2 } , FSize{5, 1} ); go_north.setGeometry ( FPoint{1, int(getScrollHeight()) - 2} , FSize{5, 1} ); // Add scroll function callbacks to the buttons go_east.addCallback ( "clicked", F_METHOD_CALLBACK (this, &Scrollview::cb_goEast) ); go_south.addCallback ( "clicked", F_METHOD_CALLBACK (this, &Scrollview::cb_goSouth) ); go_west.addCallback ( "clicked", F_METHOD_CALLBACK (this, &Scrollview::cb_goWest) ); go_north.addCallback ( "clicked", F_METHOD_CALLBACK (this, &Scrollview::cb_goNorth) ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Scrollview::~Scrollview() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scrollview::setScrollSize (const FSize& size) { FScrollView::setScrollSize (size); const int width = int(size.getWidth()); const int height = int(size.getHeight()); go_south.setPos (FPoint{width - 5, 1}); go_west.setPos (FPoint{width - 5, height - 1}); go_north.setPos (FPoint{1, height - 1}); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scrollview::draw() { if ( isMonochron() ) setReverse(true); const auto& wc = getFWidgetColors(); setColor (wc.label_inactive_fg, wc.dialog_bg); clearArea(); for (int y{0}; y < int(getScrollHeight()); y++) { print() << FPoint{1, 1 + y}; for (int x{0}; x < int(getScrollWidth()); x++) print (32 + ((x + y) % 0x5f)); } if ( isMonochron() ) setReverse(false); FScrollView::draw(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scrollview::cb_goEast (const finalcut::FWidget*, const FDataPtr) { scrollToX (int(getScrollWidth() - getViewportWidth()) + 1); go_south.setFocus(); go_east.redraw(); go_south.redraw(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scrollview::cb_goSouth (const finalcut::FWidget*, const FDataPtr) { scrollToY (int(getScrollHeight() - getViewportHeight()) + 1); go_west.setFocus(); go_south.redraw(); go_west.redraw(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scrollview::cb_goWest (const finalcut::FWidget*, const FDataPtr) { scrollToX (1); go_north.setFocus(); go_west.redraw(); go_north.redraw(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scrollview::cb_goNorth (const finalcut::FWidget*, const FDataPtr) { scrollToY (1); go_east.setFocus(); go_north.redraw(); go_east.redraw(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class Scrollviewdemo //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class Scrollviewdemo final : public finalcut::FDialog { public: // Constructor explicit Scrollviewdemo (finalcut::FWidget* = nullptr); // Destructor ~Scrollviewdemo() override; // Event handler void onClose (finalcut::FCloseEvent*) override; // Callback method void cb_quit (const finalcut::FWidget* = nullptr, const FDataPtr = nullptr); // Data members Scrollview sview{this}; finalcut::FButton quit_btn{"&Quit", this}; finalcut::FLabel label{this}; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Scrollviewdemo::Scrollviewdemo (finalcut::FWidget* parent) : finalcut::FDialog(parent) { FDialog::setGeometry (FPoint{16, 3}, FSize{50, 19}); FDialog::setText ("Scrolling viewport example"); // The scrolling viewport widget sview.setGeometry(FPoint{3, 2}, FSize{44, 12}); sview.setScrollSize(FSize{188, 124}); // Quit button quit_btn.setGeometry(FPoint{37, 15}, FSize{10, 1}); // Add function callback quit_btn.addCallback ( "clicked", F_METHOD_CALLBACK (this, &Scrollviewdemo::cb_quit) ); // Text label label.setGeometry(FPoint{2, 1}, FSize{46, 1}); label.setEmphasis(); label << L"Use scrollbars to change the viewport position"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Scrollviewdemo::~Scrollviewdemo() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scrollviewdemo::cb_quit (const finalcut::FWidget*, const FDataPtr) { close(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scrollviewdemo::onClose (finalcut::FCloseEvent* ev) { finalcut::FApplication::closeConfirmationDialog (this, ev); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // main part //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Create the application object finalcut::FApplication app{argc, argv}; // Create a simple dialog box Scrollviewdemo svdemo{&app}; // Set dialog main_dlg as main widget finalcut::FWidget::setMainWidget(&svdemo); // Show and start the application svdemo.show(); return app.exec(); }