/*********************************************************************** * checklist.cpp - Example for FListView widget with checkboxes * * * * This file is part of the FINAL CUT widget toolkit * * * * Copyright 2017-2020 Markus Gans * * * * FINAL CUT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * FINAL CUT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this program. If not, see * * . * ***********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fc = finalcut::fc; using finalcut::FPoint; using finalcut::FRect; using finalcut::FSize; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class CheckList //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class CheckList final : public finalcut::FDialog { public: // Using-declaration using FDialog::setGeometry; // Constructor explicit CheckList (finalcut::FWidget* = nullptr); // Disable copy constructor CheckList (const CheckList&) = delete; // Destructor ~CheckList() override = default; // Disable copy assignment operator (=) CheckList& operator = (const CheckList&) = delete; private: // Method void populate(); void adjustSize() override; // Event handlers void onKeyPress (finalcut::FKeyEvent*) override; void onClose (finalcut::FCloseEvent*) override; // Callback method void cb_showList(); // Data members finalcut::FListView listview{this}; finalcut::FStatusBar status_bar{this}; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- CheckList::CheckList (finalcut::FWidget* parent) : finalcut::FDialog{parent} { // Dialog settings // Avoids calling a virtual function from the constructor // (CERT, OOP50-CPP) FDialog::setText (L"Shopping list"); const std::size_t nf_offset = ( finalcut::FTerm::isNewFont() ) ? 1 : 0; FDialog::setSize (FSize{28 + nf_offset, 13} ); setShadow(); // Instead of the transparent window shadow listview.ignorePadding(); listview.setGeometry ( FPoint{1 + int(nf_offset), 2} , FSize{getWidth() - nf_offset, getHeight() - 1} ); // Add columns to the view listview.addColumn ("Item"); listview.addColumn ("Priority", 9); // Set the type of sorting listview.setColumnSortType (1, fc::by_name); listview.setColumnSortType (2, fc::by_name); // Statusbar at the bottom finalcut::FString separator{}; separator << ' ' << fc::BoxDrawingsVertical << ' '; listview.setStatusbarMessage ( finalcut::FString{} << " exit" << separator << " select an item" << separator << " see your pick list"); // Populate FListView with a list of items populate(); // Add callback method listview.addCallback ( "clicked", this, &CheckList::cb_showList ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckList::populate() { constexpr std::array, 10> list = {{ {{ "Milk", "Highest" }}, {{ "Cheese", "High" }}, {{ "Yoghurt", "Medium" }}, {{ "Bread", "Low" }}, {{ "Eggs", "High" }}, {{ "Toothpaste", "Medium" }}, {{ "Apples", "Lowest" }}, {{ "Bananas", "Medium" }}, {{ "Fish", "Medium" }}, {{ "Lemons", "Low" }} }}; for (const auto& line : list) { const finalcut::FStringList string_line (line.begin(), line.end()); auto iter = listview.insert (string_line); auto item = static_cast(*iter); item->setCheckable(true); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckList::adjustSize() { finalcut::FDialog::adjustSize(); setPos(FPoint{int(1 + (getDesktopWidth() - getWidth()) / 2), 5}); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckList::onKeyPress (finalcut::FKeyEvent* ev) { if ( ! ev ) return; if ( ev->key() == 'q' || ev->key() == fc::Fkey_escape || ev->key() == fc::Fkey_escape_mintty ) { close(); ev->accept(); } else finalcut::FDialog::onKeyPress(ev); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckList::onClose (finalcut::FCloseEvent* ev) { finalcut::FApplication::closeConfirmationDialog (this, ev); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckList::cb_showList() { finalcut::FString shopping_list{}; for (auto item : listview.getData()) { if ( item->isChecked() ) shopping_list << fc::Bullet << ' ' << item->getText(1) << '\n'; } if ( shopping_list.isEmpty() ) return; // Create and show tooltip for two seconds finalcut::FToolTip picklist(this); picklist.setText (shopping_list); picklist.show(); sleep(2); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // main part //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Create the application object finalcut::FApplication app(argc, argv); // Create main dialog object CheckList d(&app); // Set dialog d as main widget finalcut::FWidget::setMainWidget(&d); // Show and start the application d.show(); return app.exec(); }