/*********************************************************************** * input-dialog.cpp - An input field example * * * * This file is part of the FINAL CUT widget toolkit * * * * Copyright 2015-2020 Markus Gans * * * * FINAL CUT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * FINAL CUT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this program. If not, see * * . * ***********************************************************************/ #include using finalcut::FPoint; using finalcut::FSize; // function prototypes void cb_quit (const finalcut::FApplication&); void cb_publish (const finalcut::FCheckBox&, finalcut::FCheckBox&); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // callback functions //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void cb_quit (const finalcut::FApplication& app) { app.quit(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void cb_publish ( const finalcut::FCheckBox& cbox1 , finalcut::FCheckBox& cbox2 ) { if ( cbox1.isChecked() ) cbox2.setEnable(); else { cbox2.unsetChecked(); cbox2.setDisable(); } cbox2.redraw(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // main part //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Create the application object finalcut::FApplication app{argc, argv}; // Create a simple dialog box finalcut::FDialog dgl{&app}; dgl.setText ("Data input"); dgl.setGeometry (FPoint{4, 2}, FSize{37, 22}); dgl.setShadow(); // Create input fields finalcut::FLineEdit name_field {&dgl}; finalcut::FLineEdit pw_field {&dgl}; finalcut::FLineEdit email_field {&dgl}; finalcut::FLineEdit city_field {&dgl}; finalcut::FLineEdit st_field {&dgl}; finalcut::FLineEdit c_field {&dgl}; // Set input type to password pw_field.setInputType (finalcut::FLineEdit::password); name_field.setLabelText (L"&Name"); pw_field.setLabelText (L"&Password"); email_field.setLabelText (L"&Email"); city_field.setLabelText (L"&City"); st_field.setLabelText (L"&State"); c_field.setLabelText (L"&Country"); name_field.setGeometry (FPoint{11, 1}, FSize{23, 1}); pw_field.setGeometry (FPoint{11, 3}, FSize{23, 1}); email_field.setGeometry (FPoint{11, 5}, FSize{23, 1}); city_field.setGeometry (FPoint{11, 7}, FSize{23, 1}); st_field.setGeometry (FPoint{11, 9}, FSize{23, 1}); c_field.setGeometry (FPoint{11, 11}, FSize{4, 1}); // Create the button group finalcut::FButtonGroup radioButtonGroup {"Sex", &dgl}; radioButtonGroup.setGeometry(FPoint{2, 13}, FSize{13, 4}); // Create radio buttons finalcut::FRadioButton male {"&Male", &radioButtonGroup}; finalcut::FRadioButton female {"&Female", &radioButtonGroup}; male.setGeometry (FPoint{1, 1}, FSize{8, 1}); female.setGeometry (FPoint{1, 2}, FSize{10, 1}); // Create another button group finalcut::FButtonGroup checkButtonGroup {"&Data options", &dgl}; checkButtonGroup.setGeometry(FPoint{16, 13}, FSize{19, 4}); // Create checkbox buttons finalcut::FCheckBox check1 {"Save data", &checkButtonGroup}; finalcut::FCheckBox check2 {"Encrypt data", &checkButtonGroup}; check1.setGeometry (FPoint{1, 1}, FSize{13, 1}); check2.setGeometry (FPoint{1, 2}, FSize{16, 1}); check2.setDisable(); // Create a OK button finalcut::FButton btn {"&OK", &dgl}; btn.setGeometry (FPoint{24, 18}, FSize{10, 1}); // Connect checkbox signal "clicked" with a callback function check1.addCallback ( "clicked", &cb_publish, std::ref(check1), std::ref(check2) ); // Connect the button signal "clicked" with the callback function btn.addCallback ( "clicked", &cb_quit, std::ref(app) ); // Set dialog object as main widget finalcut::FWidget::setMainWidget(&dgl); // Show and start the application dgl.show(); return app.exec(); }