============ Coding style ============ Formatting ---------- * A new line should begin after 72 (max. 80) characters * Use 2 spaces indent. Do not use tabs! * Leave a space after the keywords if, switch, while, do, for, and return * Use one blank line before and afte a for, if, switch, while, do..while code block * In parameter lists, leave a space after each comma Class declaration order ----------------------- The declaration section order is: * public: * protected: * private: Each declaration section should be in the following order: * Using-declarations (using std::string;) * Typedefs and Enumerations * Constants (static const data members) * Constructors * Destructor * Overloaded operators (=, +, -, +=. ...) * Accessors (getXY) * Mutators (setXY) * Inquiries (isXY) * Methods, including static methods * Event handler methods * Callback methods * Data Members (except static const data members)