// flabel.cpp // class FLabel #include "fapp.h" #include "flabel.h" #include "fstatusbar.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class FLabel //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructors and destructor //---------------------------------------------------------------------- FLabel::FLabel(FWidget* parent) : FWidget(parent) { this->init(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- FLabel::FLabel (const FString& txt, FWidget* parent) : FWidget(parent) { this->init(); setText(txt); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- FLabel::~FLabel() // destructor { delAccelerator (this); } // private methods of FLabel //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLabel::init() { flags = 0; emphasis = 0; alignment = fc::alignLeft; multiline = false; this->text = ""; accel_widget = 0; if ( isEnabled() ) this->flags |= ACTIVE; unsetFocusable(); foregroundColor = parentWidget()->getForegroundColor(); backgroundColor = parentWidget()->getBackgroundColor(); emphasis_color = wc.label_emphasis_fg; ellipsis_color = wc.label_ellipsis_fg; reverse_mode = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- uChar FLabel::getHotkey() { uInt length; if ( text.isEmpty() ) return 0; length = text.getLength(); for (uInt i=0; i < length; i++) if ( (i+1 < length) && (text[i] == '&') ) return uChar(text[++i]); return 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int FLabel::getHotkeyPos (wchar_t*& src, wchar_t*& dest, uInt length) { // find hotkey position in string // + generate a new string without the '&'-sign int hotkeypos = -1; wchar_t* txt = src; for (uInt i=0; i < length; i++) { if ( (i < length) && (txt[i] == L'&') && (hotkeypos == -1) ) { hotkeypos = int(i); i++; src++; } *dest++ = *src++; } return hotkeypos; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLabel::setHotkeyAccelerator() { int hotkey = getHotkey(); if ( hotkey ) { if ( isalpha(hotkey) || isdigit(hotkey) ) { addAccelerator (tolower(hotkey), this); addAccelerator (toupper(hotkey), this); // Meta + hotkey addAccelerator (0x20000e0 + tolower(hotkey), this); } else addAccelerator (getHotkey(), this); } else delAccelerator(this); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int FLabel::getXOffset(int length) { switch ( alignment ) { case fc::alignLeft: return 0; case fc::alignCenter: if ( length < width ) return int((width - length) / 2); else return 0; case fc::alignRight: if ( length < width ) return width - length; else return 0; } return 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLabel::printLine ( wchar_t*& line, uInt length, int hotkeypos, int xoffset ) { int to_char; bool isActive, isNoUnderline; isActive = ((flags & ACTIVE) != 0); isNoUnderline = ((flags & NO_UNDERLINE) != 0); for (int x=0; x < xoffset; x++) print (' '); if ( length <= uInt(width) ) to_char = int(length); else to_char = width - 2; if ( hasReverseMode() ) setReverse(true); for (int z=0; z < to_char; z++) { if ( ! iswprint(wint_t(line[z])) ) line[z] = L' '; if ( (z == hotkeypos) && isActive ) { setColor (wc.label_hotkey_fg, wc.label_hotkey_bg); if ( ! isNoUnderline ) setUnderline(); print ( line[z] ); if ( ! isNoUnderline ) unsetUnderline(); if ( hasEmphasis() ) setColor (emphasis_color, backgroundColor); else setColor (foregroundColor, backgroundColor); } else print ( line[z] ); } if ( length > uInt(width) ) { setColor (ellipsis_color, backgroundColor); print (".."); setColor (foregroundColor, backgroundColor); } else { for (int x=xoffset+to_char; x < width; x++) print (' '); } if ( hasReverseMode() ) setReverse(false); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLabel::draw() { wchar_t* src; wchar_t* dest; wchar_t* LabelText; uInt length; int hotkeypos, xoffset; if ( text.isNull() || text.isEmpty() ) return; if ( Encoding == fc::VT100 ) unsetVT100altChar(); setUpdateVTerm(false); if ( hasEmphasis() ) setColor (emphasis_color, backgroundColor); else setColor (foregroundColor, backgroundColor); hotkeypos = -1; if ( multiline && height > 1 ) { uInt y = 0; uInt text_lines = uInt(multiline_text.size()); bool hotkey_printed = false; while ( y < text_lines && y < uInt(height) ) { length = multiline_text[y].getLength(); LabelText = new wchar_t[length+1]; if ( ! hotkey_printed ) { src = const_cast(multiline_text[y].wc_str()); dest = const_cast(LabelText); hotkeypos = getHotkeyPos(src, dest, length); } else LabelText = const_cast(multiline_text[y].wc_str()); gotoxy (xpos+xmin-1, ypos+ymin-1+int(y)); if ( hotkeypos != -1 ) { xoffset = getXOffset (int(length-1)); printLine (LabelText, length-1, hotkeypos, xoffset); hotkey_printed = true; hotkeypos = -1; } else { xoffset = getXOffset (int(length)); printLine (LabelText, length, -1, xoffset); } y++; delete[] LabelText; } } else { length = text.getLength(); LabelText = new wchar_t[length+1]; src = const_cast(text.wc_str()); dest = const_cast(LabelText); hotkeypos = getHotkeyPos (src, dest, length); if ( hotkeypos != -1 ) length--; gotoxy (xpos+xmin-1, ypos+ymin-1); xoffset = getXOffset (int(length)); printLine (LabelText, length, hotkeypos, xoffset); delete[] LabelText; } setUpdateVTerm(true); } // public methods of FLabel //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLabel::hide() { int fg, bg; char* blank; FWidget::hide(); fg = parentWidget()->getForegroundColor(); bg = parentWidget()->getBackgroundColor(); setColor (fg, bg); blank = new char[width+1]; memset(blank, ' ', uLong(width)); blank[width] = '\0'; print (blank); delete[] blank; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLabel::onMouseDown (FMouseEvent* event) { if ( event->getButton() != LeftButton ) return; if ( ! isEnabled() || ! accel_widget ) return; if ( ! accel_widget->hasFocus() ) { FWidget* focused_widget = getFocusWidget(); FFocusEvent out (FocusOut_Event); FApplication::queueEvent(focused_widget, &out); accel_widget->setFocus(); if ( focused_widget ) focused_widget->redraw(); accel_widget->redraw(); if ( statusBar() ) { accel_widget->statusBar()->drawMessage(); updateTerminal(); flush_out(); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLabel::onAccel (FAccelEvent* event) { if ( ! isEnabled() || ! accel_widget ) return; if ( ! accel_widget->hasFocus() ) { FWidget* focused_widget = static_cast(event->focusedWidget()); FFocusEvent out (FocusOut_Event); FApplication::queueEvent(focused_widget, &out); accel_widget->setFocus(); if ( focused_widget ) focused_widget->redraw(); accel_widget->redraw(); if ( statusBar() ) { accel_widget->statusBar()->drawMessage(); updateTerminal(); flush_out(); } } event->accept(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLabel::cb_accel_widget_destroyed (FWidget*, void*) { accel_widget = 0; delAccelerator (this); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLabel::setAccelWidget (FWidget* widget) { if ( widget ) accel_widget = widget; accel_widget->addCallback ( "destroy", this, reinterpret_cast(&FLabel::cb_accel_widget_destroyed), null ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLabel::setAlignment (uInt align) { if ( align != fc::alignLeft && align != fc::alignCenter && align != fc::alignRight ) alignment = fc::alignLeft; else alignment = align; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool FLabel::setEmphasis (bool on) { if ( on ) this->emphasis |= EMPHASIS; else this->emphasis &= ~EMPHASIS; return on; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool FLabel::setReverseMode (bool on) { if ( reverse_mode != on ) reverse_mode = on; return on; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool FLabel::setEnable (bool on) { FWidget::setEnable(on); if ( on ) { this->flags |= ACTIVE; setHotkeyAccelerator(); } else { this->flags &= ~ACTIVE; delAccelerator (this); } return on; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLabel::setNumber (long num) { setText(FString().setNumber(num)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLabel::setText (const FString& txt) { this->text = txt; this->multiline_text = text.split("\r\n"); if ( int(multiline_text.size()) > 1 ) multiline = true; else multiline = false; if ( isEnabled() ) { delAccelerator (this); setHotkeyAccelerator(); } }