
554 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// File: fterm.h
// Provides: class FTerm
// Base class
// ══════════
// ▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏ 1 1▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏
// ▕ FTerm ▏-┬- - - -▕ FOptiMove ▏
// ▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏ : ▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏
// :
// : 1▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏
// :- - - -▕ FOptiAttr ▏
// : ▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏
// :
// : *▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏
// :- - - -▕ FString ▏
// : ▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏
// :
// : *▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏
// :- - - -▕ FPoint ▏
// : ▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏
// :
// : *▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏
// └- - - -▕ FRect ▏
// ▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏
#ifndef _FTERM_H
#define _FTERM_H
#include <fconfig.h>
#include <gpm.h>
#include <linux/fb.h> // Linux framebuffer console
#include <linux/keyboard.h> // need for gpm keyboard modifiers
#include <sys/io.h> // <asm/io.h> is deprecated, use <sys/io.h> instead
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/kd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <langinfo.h>
#include <term.h> // termcap
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <csignal>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include "fenum.h"
#include "fobject.h"
#include "foptiattr.h"
#include "foptimove.h"
#include "fpoint.h"
#include "frect.h"
#include "fstring.h"
#include "ftermcap.h"
#undef buttons // from term.h
// ascii sequences
#define ENQ "\005" // Enquiry
#define BEL "\007" // Bell (ctrlg)
#define BS "\010" // Backspace
#define SO "\016" // Shift out (alternative character set)
#define SI "\017" // Shift in (regular character set)
#define OSC ESC "]" // Operating system command (7-bit)
#define SECDA ESC "[>c" // Secondary Device Attributes
// VGA I/O-ports
#define VideoIOBase ( (inb(0x3CC) & 0x01) ? 0x3D0 : 0x3B0 )
#define AttrC_Index 0x3C0 // Attribute controller index
#define AttrC_DataW 0x3C0 // Attribute controller dataW
#define AttrC_DataR 0x3C1 // Attribute controller dataR
#define AttrC_DataSwitch (VideoIOBase+0x0A) // Attribute controller data switch
// parseKeyString return value
#define NEED_MORE_DATA -1
// class FTerm
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
class FTerm
static std::map <uChar,uChar>* vt100_alt_char;
static std::map <std::string,fc::encoding>* encoding_set;
static FTermcap::tcap_map* tcap;
static bool mouse_support;
static bool raw_mode;
static bool input_data_pending;
static bool non_blocking_stdin;
static bool gpm_mouse_enabled;
static bool pc_charset_console;
static bool utf8_input;
static bool utf8_state;
static bool utf8_console;
static bool utf8_linux_terminal;
static bool force_vt100;
static bool vt100_console;
static bool ascii_console;
static bool color256;
static bool monochron;
static bool xterm_terminal;
static bool rxvt_terminal;
static bool urxvt_terminal;
static bool mlterm_terminal;
static bool putty_terminal;
static bool kde_konsole;
static bool gnome_terminal;
static bool kterm_terminal;
static bool tera_terminal;
static bool cygwin_terminal;
static bool mintty_terminal;
static bool linux_terminal;
static bool screen_terminal;
static bool tmux_terminal;
static char termtype[30];
static char* term_name;
static char* locale_name;
static char* locale_xterm;
static FRect* term; // current terminal geometry
static FPoint* mouse; // mouse click position
static int stdin_status_flags;
static int fd_tty;
static uInt baudrate;
static bool resize_term;
static struct termios term_init;
static fc::consoleCursorStyle console_cursor_style;
static struct console_font_op screen_font;
static struct unimapdesc screen_unicode_map;
static FOptiMove* opti_move;
static FOptiAttr* opti_attr;
static const FString* xterm_font;
static const FString* xterm_title;
static const FString* answer_back;
static const FString* sec_da;
typedef struct
uChar red;
uChar green;
uChar blue;
} dacreg;
dacreg d[16];
} map;
static int stdin_no;
static int stdout_no;
static bool NewFont;
static bool VGAFont;
static bool cursor_optimisation;
static fc::encoding Encoding;
static char exit_message[8192];
static struct modifier_key // bit field
uChar shift : 1; // 0..1
uChar alt_gr : 1; // 0..1
uChar ctrl : 1; // 0..1
uChar alt : 1; // 0..1
uChar : 4; // padding bits
} mod_key;
// Disable copy constructor
FTerm (const FTerm&);
// Disable assignment operator (=)
FTerm& operator = (const FTerm&);
static void outb_Attribute_Controller (int, int);
static int inb_Attribute_Controller (int);
static int getFramebuffer_bpp();
static int openConsole();
static int closeConsole();
static int isConsole();
static void identifyTermType();
static int getScreenFont();
static int setScreenFont (uChar*, uInt, uInt, uInt, bool = false);
static int setUnicodeMap (struct unimapdesc*);
static int getUnicodeMap ();
static int setBlinkAsIntensity (bool);
static void init_console();
static uInt getBaudRate (const struct termios*);
static char* init_256colorTerminal();
static char* parseAnswerbackMsg (char*&);
static char* parseSecDA (char*&);
static void oscPrefix();
static void oscPostfix();
static void init_alt_charset();
static void init_pc_charset();
static void init_termcaps();
static void init_encoding();
void init();
void finish();
static uInt cp437_to_unicode (uChar);
static void signal_handler (int);
static void init_consoleCharMap();
static bool charEncodable (uInt);
static uInt charEncode (uInt);
static uInt charEncode (uInt, fc::encoding);
static char* changeAttribute ( FOptiAttr::char_data*&
, FOptiAttr::char_data*& );
static bool hasChangedTermSize();
static void changeTermSizeFinished();
static void xtermMouse (bool);
static void enableXTermMouse();
static void disableXTermMouse();
static bool gpmMouse (bool);
static bool enableGpmMouse();
static bool disableGpmMouse();
static bool isGpmMouseEnabled();
#endif // F_HAVE_LIBGPM
static FPoint& getMousePos();
static void setMousePos (FPoint&);
static void setMousePos (short, short);
// Constructor
FTerm ();
// Destructor
virtual ~FTerm();
virtual const char* getClassName() const;
static bool isKeyTimeout (timeval*, register long);
static int parseKeyString (char*, int, timeval*);
static bool& unprocessedInput();
static int getLineNumber();
static int getColumnNumber();
static FString getKeyName (int);
static modifier_key& getModifierKey();
static char* getTermType();
static char* getTermName();
static uInt getTabstop();
static bool hasPCcharset();
static bool hasUTF8();
static bool hasVT100();
static bool hasASCII();
static bool isMonochron();
static bool isXTerminal();
static bool isRxvtTerminal();
static bool isUrxvtTerminal();
static bool isMltermTerminal();
static bool isPuttyTerminal();
static bool isKdeTerminal();
static bool isGnomeTerminal();
static bool isKtermTerminal();
static bool isTeraTerm();
static bool isCygwinTerminal();
static bool isMinttyTerm();
static bool isLinuxTerm();
static bool isScreenTerm();
static bool isTmuxTerm();
static bool isInputDataPending();
static bool setVGAFont();
static bool setNewFont();
static bool isNewFont();
static bool setOldFont();
static bool setCursorOptimisation (bool);
static fc::consoleCursorStyle getConsoleCursor();
static void setConsoleCursor (fc::consoleCursorStyle, bool);
static char* moveCursor (int, int, int, int);
static char* enableCursor();
static char* disableCursor();
static void detectTermSize();
static void setTermSize (int, int);
static void setKDECursor (fc::kdeKonsoleCursorShape);
static const FString getXTermFont();
static const FString getXTermTitle();
static void setXTermCursorStyle (fc::xtermCursorStyle);
static void setXTermTitle (const FString&);
static void setXTermForeground (const FString&);
static void setXTermBackground (const FString&);
static void setXTermCursorColor (const FString&);
static void setXTermMouseForeground (const FString&);
static void setXTermMouseBackground (const FString&);
static void setXTermHighlightBackground (const FString&);
static void resetXTermColors();
static void resetXTermForeground();
static void resetXTermBackground();
static void resetXTermCursorColor();
static void resetXTermMouseForeground();
static void resetXTermMouseBackground();
static void resetXTermHighlightBackground();
static void saveColorMap();
static void resetColorMap();
static void setPalette (short, int, int, int);
static int getMaxColor();
static void setBeep (int, int);
static void resetBeep();
static void beep();
static void setEncoding (std::string);
static std::string getEncoding();
static bool setNonBlockingInput (bool);
static bool setNonBlockingInput();
static bool unsetNonBlockingInput();
static bool scrollTermForward();
static bool scrollTermReverse();
static bool setUTF8 (bool);
static bool setUTF8();
static bool unsetUTF8();
static bool isUTF8();
static bool isUTF8_linux_terminal();
static bool setRawMode (bool);
static bool setRawMode();
static bool unsetRawMode();
static bool setCookedMode();
static bool isRaw();
static const FString getAnswerbackMsg();
static const FString getSecDA();
// function pointer -> static function
static int (*Fputchar)(int);
static void putstringf (const char*, ...)
#if defined(__clang__)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)))
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)))
static void putstring (const char*, int = 1);
static int putchar_ASCII (register int);
static int putchar_UTF8 (register int);
static int UTF8decode (char*);
#pragma pack(pop)
// FTerm inline functions
inline bool FTerm::hasChangedTermSize()
{ return resize_term; }
inline void FTerm::changeTermSizeFinished()
{ resize_term = false; }
inline void FTerm::enableXTermMouse()
{ xtermMouse(true); }
inline void FTerm::disableXTermMouse()
{ xtermMouse(false); }
inline bool FTerm::enableGpmMouse()
{ return gpmMouse(true); }
inline bool FTerm::disableGpmMouse()
{ return gpmMouse(false); }
inline bool FTerm::isGpmMouseEnabled()
{ return gpm_mouse_enabled; }
#endif // F_HAVE_LIBGPM
inline FPoint& FTerm::getMousePos()
{ return *mouse; }
inline void FTerm::setMousePos (FPoint& m)
{ *mouse = m; }
inline void FTerm::setMousePos (short x, short y)
{ mouse->setPoint (x, y); }
inline bool FTerm::setNonBlockingInput()
{ return setNonBlockingInput(true); }
inline const char* FTerm::getClassName() const
{ return "FTerm"; }
inline char* FTerm::getTermType()
{ return termtype; }
inline char* FTerm::getTermName()
{ return term_name; }
inline uInt FTerm::getTabstop()
{ return FTermcap::tabstop; }
inline bool FTerm::hasPCcharset()
{ return pc_charset_console; }
inline bool FTerm::hasUTF8()
{ return utf8_console; }
inline bool FTerm::hasVT100()
{ return vt100_console; }
inline bool FTerm::hasASCII()
{ return ascii_console; }
inline bool FTerm::isNewFont()
{ return NewFont; }
inline bool FTerm::isMonochron()
{ return monochron; }
inline bool FTerm::isXTerminal()
{ return xterm_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isRxvtTerminal()
{ return rxvt_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isUrxvtTerminal()
{ return urxvt_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isMltermTerminal()
{ return mlterm_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isPuttyTerminal()
{ return putty_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isKdeTerminal()
{ return kde_konsole; }
inline bool FTerm::isGnomeTerminal()
{ return gnome_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isKtermTerminal()
{ return kterm_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isTeraTerm()
{ return tera_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isCygwinTerminal()
{ return cygwin_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isMinttyTerm()
{ return mintty_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isLinuxTerm()
{ return linux_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isScreenTerm()
{ return screen_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isTmuxTerm()
{ return tmux_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::isInputDataPending()
{ return input_data_pending; }
inline bool FTerm::setCursorOptimisation (bool on)
{ return cursor_optimisation = (on) ? true : false; }
inline bool FTerm::isRaw()
{ return raw_mode; }
inline int FTerm::getMaxColor()
{ return FTermcap::max_color; }
inline bool FTerm::unsetNonBlockingInput()
{ return setNonBlockingInput(false); }
inline bool FTerm::setUTF8()
{ return setUTF8(true); }
inline bool FTerm::unsetUTF8()
{ return setUTF8(false); }
inline bool FTerm::isUTF8()
{ return utf8_state; }
inline bool FTerm::isUTF8_linux_terminal()
{ return utf8_linux_terminal; }
inline bool FTerm::setRawMode()
{ return setRawMode(true); }
inline bool FTerm::unsetRawMode()
{ return setRawMode(false); }
inline bool FTerm::setCookedMode()
{ return setRawMode(false); }
#endif // _FTERM_H