4220 lines
108 KiB
4220 lines
108 KiB
// File: fterm.cpp
// Provides: class FTerm
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "fterm.h"
#include "fcharmap.h"
#include "fkey_map.h"
#include "ftcap_map.h"
#if defined(__linux__)
#include "fonts/newfont.h"
#include "fonts/unicodemap.h"
#include "fonts/vgafont.h"
// global FTerm object
static FTerm* init_term_object = 0;
// global init state
static bool term_initialized = false;
// function pointer
int (*FTerm::Fputchar)(int);
// static class attributes
int FTerm::stdin_no;
int FTerm::stdout_no;
int FTerm::fd_tty;
int FTerm::stdin_status_flags;
int FTerm::erase_ch_length;
int FTerm::repeat_char_length;
int FTerm::clr_bol_length;
int FTerm::clr_eol_length;
int FTerm::cursor_addres_lengths;
uInt FTerm::baudrate;
bool FTerm::resize_term;
bool FTerm::mouse_support;
bool FTerm::terminal_detection;
bool FTerm::raw_mode;
bool FTerm::input_data_pending;
bool FTerm::non_blocking_stdin;
bool FTerm::gpm_mouse_enabled;
bool FTerm::color256;
bool FTerm::monochron;
bool FTerm::xterm_terminal;
bool FTerm::ansi_terminal;
bool FTerm::rxvt_terminal;
bool FTerm::urxvt_terminal;
bool FTerm::mlterm_terminal;
bool FTerm::putty_terminal;
bool FTerm::kde_konsole;
bool FTerm::gnome_terminal;
bool FTerm::kterm_terminal;
bool FTerm::tera_terminal;
bool FTerm::cygwin_terminal;
bool FTerm::mintty_terminal;
bool FTerm::linux_terminal;
bool FTerm::netbsd_terminal;
bool FTerm::openbsd_terminal;
bool FTerm::screen_terminal;
bool FTerm::tmux_terminal;
bool FTerm::pc_charset_console;
bool FTerm::utf8_input;
bool FTerm::utf8_state;
bool FTerm::utf8_console;
bool FTerm::utf8_linux_terminal;
bool FTerm::force_vt100;
bool FTerm::vt100_console;
bool FTerm::ascii_console;
bool FTerm::NewFont;
bool FTerm::VGAFont;
bool FTerm::no_shadow_character;
bool FTerm::no_half_block_character;
bool FTerm::cursor_optimisation;
bool FTerm::xterm_default_colors;
bool FTerm::use_alternate_screen = true;
termios FTerm::term_init;
char FTerm::termtype[256] = {};
char FTerm::term_name[256] = {};
char FTerm::termtype_256color[256] = {};
char FTerm::termtype_Answerback[256] = {};
char FTerm::termtype_SecDA[256] = {};
char* FTerm::locale_name = 0;
char* FTerm::locale_xterm = 0;
FPoint* FTerm::mouse = 0;
FRect* FTerm::term = 0;
char FTerm::exit_message[8192] = "";
fc::encoding FTerm::Encoding;
const FString* FTerm::xterm_font = 0;
const FString* FTerm::xterm_title = 0;
const FString* FTerm::answer_back = 0;
const FString* FTerm::sec_da = 0;
FOptiMove* FTerm::opti_move = 0;
FOptiAttr* FTerm::opti_attr = 0;
FTerm::modifier_key FTerm::mod_key;
std::map<uChar,uChar>* FTerm::vt100_alt_char = 0;
std::map<std::string,fc::encoding>* \
FTerm::encoding_set = 0;
FTerm::termcap_map* FTerm::tcap = term_caps;
bool FTermcap::background_color_erase = false;
bool FTermcap::automatic_left_margin = false;
bool FTermcap::automatic_right_margin = false;
bool FTermcap::eat_nl_glitch = false;
bool FTermcap::ansi_default_color = false;
bool FTermcap::osc_support = false;
bool FTermcap::no_utf8_acs_chars = false;
int FTermcap::max_color = 1;
int FTermcap::tabstop = 8;
int FTermcap::attr_without_color = 0;
fc::linuxConsoleCursorStyle FTerm::linux_console_cursor_style;
fc::freebsdConsoleCursorStyle FTerm::freebsd_console_cursor_style;
#if defined(__linux__)
console_font_op FTerm::screen_font;
unimapdesc FTerm::screen_unicode_map;
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
uInt FTerm::bsd_alt_keymap = 0;
#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
kbd_t FTerm::wscons_keyboard_encoding = 0;
// class FTerm
// constructors and destructor
FTerm::FTerm (bool disable_alt_screen)
: color_map()
resize_term = false;
if ( ! term_initialized )
use_alternate_screen = ! disable_alt_screen;
FTerm::~FTerm() // destructor
if ( init_term_object == this )
if ( exit_message[0] )
std::fprintf (stderr, "Warning: %s\n", exit_message);
// public methods of FTerm
termios FTerm::getTTY()
struct termios t;
tcgetattr (stdin_no, &t);
return t;
int FTerm::getLineNumber()
if ( term->getHeight() == 0 )
return term->getHeight();
int FTerm::getColumnNumber()
if ( term->getWidth() == 0 )
return term->getWidth();
const FString FTerm::getKeyName (int keynum)
for (int i = 0; FkeyName[i].string[0] != 0; i++)
if ( FkeyName[i].num && FkeyName[i].num == keynum )
return FString(FkeyName[i].string);
if ( keynum > 32 && keynum < 127 )
return FString(char(keynum));
return FString("");
#if defined(__linux__)
FTerm::modifier_key& FTerm::getLinuxModifierKey()
static const char subcode = 6;
// fill bit field with 0
std::memset (&mod_key, 0x00, sizeof(mod_key));
// TIOCLINUX, subcode=6
if ( ioctl(0, TIOCLINUX, &subcode) >= 0 )
if ( subcode & (1 << KG_SHIFT) )
mod_key.shift = true;
if ( subcode & (1 << KG_ALTGR) )
mod_key.alt_gr = true;
if ( subcode & (1 << KG_CTRL) )
mod_key.ctrl = true;
if ( subcode & (1 << KG_ALT) )
mod_key.alt = true;
return mod_key;
fc::linuxConsoleCursorStyle FTerm::getLinuxConsoleCursorStyle()
return linux_console_cursor_style;
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
fc::freebsdConsoleCursorStyle FTerm::getFreeBSDConsoleCursorStyle()
return freebsd_console_cursor_style;
bool FTerm::isKeyTimeout (timeval* time, register long timeout)
register long diff_usec;
struct timeval now;
struct timeval diff;
diff.tv_sec = now.tv_sec - time->tv_sec;
diff.tv_usec = now.tv_usec - time->tv_usec;
if ( diff.tv_usec < 0 )
diff.tv_usec += 1000000;
diff_usec = (diff.tv_sec * 1000000) + diff.tv_usec;
return (diff_usec > timeout);
bool FTerm::isNormal (char_data*& ch)
return opti_attr->isNormal(ch);
#if defined(__linux__)
void FTerm::setLinuxConsoleCursorStyle ( fc::linuxConsoleCursorStyle style
, bool hidden )
// Set cursor style in linux console
if ( ! linux_terminal )
linux_console_cursor_style = style;
if ( hidden )
putstringf (CSI "?%dc", style);
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
void FTerm::setFreeBSDConsoleCursorStyle ( fc::freebsdConsoleCursorStyle style
, bool hidden )
// Set cursor style in a BSD console
if ( ! isFreeBSDConsole() )
freebsd_console_cursor_style = style;
if ( hidden )
ioctl(0, CONS_CURSORTYPE, &style);
void FTerm::setTTY (const termios& t)
tcsetattr (stdin_no, TCSADRAIN, &t);
void FTerm::noHardwareEcho()
// Info under: man 3 termios
struct termios t;
tcgetattr (stdin_no, &t);
// local mode
t.c_lflag &= uInt(~(ECHO | ECHONL));
// input mode
t.c_iflag &= uInt(~(ICRNL | INLCR | IGNCR));
// output mode
t.c_oflag &= uInt(~ONLCR);
// set the new termios settings
setTTY (t);
bool FTerm::setRawMode (bool on)
// set + unset flags for raw mode
if ( on == raw_mode )
return raw_mode;
if ( on )
// Info under: man 3 termios
struct termios t;
tcgetattr (stdin_no, &t);
// local mode
// Exit with ctrl-c only if compiled with "DEBUG" option
t.c_lflag &= uInt(~(ICANON | IEXTEN));
t.c_lflag &= uInt(~(ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN));
// input mode
t.c_iflag &= uInt(~(IXON | BRKINT | PARMRK));
// defines the terminal special characters for noncanonical read
t.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; // Timeout in deciseconds
t.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; // Minimum number of characters
// set the new termios settings
setTTY (t);
raw_mode = true;
struct termios t;
tcgetattr (stdin_no, &t);
// local mode
t.c_lflag |= uInt(ISIG | ICANON | (term_init.c_lflag & IEXTEN));
// input mode
t.c_iflag |= uInt(IXON | BRKINT | PARMRK);
// set the new termios settings
setTTY (t);
raw_mode = false;
return raw_mode;
bool FTerm::setUTF8 (bool on) // UTF-8 (Unicode)
if ( on == utf8_state )
return utf8_state;
if ( on )
utf8_state = true;
utf8_state = false;
if ( linux_terminal )
if ( on )
putstring (ESC "%G");
putstring (ESC "%@");
return utf8_state;
bool FTerm::setNonBlockingInput (bool on)
if ( on == non_blocking_stdin )
return non_blocking_stdin;
if ( on ) // make stdin non-blocking
stdin_status_flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
if ( fcntl (stdin_no, F_SETFL, stdin_status_flags) != -1 )
non_blocking_stdin = true;
stdin_status_flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
if ( fcntl (stdin_no, F_SETFL, stdin_status_flags) != -1 )
non_blocking_stdin = false;
return non_blocking_stdin;
int FTerm::parseKeyString ( char buffer[]
, int buf_size
, timeval* time_keypressed )
static const long key_timeout = 100000; // 100 ms
register uChar firstchar = uChar(buffer[0]);
register std::size_t buf_len = std::strlen(buffer);
int key, len, n;
if ( firstchar == ESC[0] )
// x11 mouse tracking
if ( buf_len >= 6 && buffer[1] == '[' && buffer[2] == 'M' )
return fc::Fkey_mouse;
// SGR mouse tracking
if ( buffer[1] == '[' && buffer[2] == '<' && buf_len >= 9
&& (buffer[buf_len - 1] == 'M' || buffer[buf_len - 1] == 'm') )
return fc::Fkey_extended_mouse;
// urxvt mouse tracking
if ( buffer[1] == '[' && buffer[2] >= '1' && buffer[2] <= '9'
&& buffer[3] >= '0' && buffer[3] <= '9' && buf_len >= 9
&& buffer[buf_len - 1] == 'M' )
return fc::Fkey_urxvt_mouse;
// look for termcap keys
for (int i = 0; Fkey[i].tname[0] != 0; i++)
char* k = Fkey[i].string;
len = (k) ? int(std::strlen(k)) : 0;
if ( k && std::strncmp(k, buffer, uInt(len)) == 0 ) // found
n = len;
for (; n < buf_size; n++) // Remove founded entry
buffer[n - len] = buffer[n];
for (; n - len < len; n++) // Fill rest with '\0'
buffer[n - len] = '\0';
input_data_pending = bool(buffer[0] != '\0');
return Fkey[i].num;
// look for meta keys
for (int i = 0; Fmetakey[i].string[0] != 0; i++)
char* kmeta = Fmetakey[i].string; // The string is never null
len = int(std::strlen(kmeta));
if ( std::strncmp(kmeta, buffer, uInt(len)) == 0 ) // found
if ( len == 2 && ( buffer[1] == 'O'
|| buffer[1] == '['
|| buffer[1] == ']' ) )
if ( ! isKeyTimeout(time_keypressed, key_timeout) )
n = len;
for (; n < buf_size; n++) // Remove founded entry
buffer[n - len] = buffer[n];
for (; n - len < len; n++) // Fill rest with '\0'
buffer[n - len] = '\0';
input_data_pending = bool(buffer[0] != '\0');
return Fmetakey[i].num;
if ( ! isKeyTimeout(time_keypressed, key_timeout) )
// look for utf-8 character
len = 1;
if ( utf8_input && (firstchar & 0xc0) == 0xc0 )
char utf8char[4] = {}; // init array with '\0'
if ((firstchar & 0xe0) == 0xc0)
len = 2;
else if ((firstchar & 0xf0) == 0xe0)
len = 3;
else if ((firstchar & 0xf8) == 0xf0)
len = 4;
for (n = 0; n < len ; n++)
utf8char[n] = char(buffer[n] & 0xff);
key = UTF8decode(utf8char);
key = uChar(buffer[0] & 0xff);
n = len;
for (; n < buf_size; n++) // remove the key from the buffer front
buffer[n - len] = buffer[n];
for (n = n - len; n < buf_size; n++) // fill the rest with '\0' bytes
buffer[n] = '\0';
input_data_pending = bool(buffer[0] != '\0');
if ( key == 0 ) // Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+@
key = fc::Fckey_space;
return int(key == 127 ? fc::Fkey_backspace : key);
bool& FTerm::unprocessedInput()
return input_data_pending;
bool FTerm::setVGAFont()
if ( VGAFont )
return VGAFont;
if ( gnome_terminal
|| kde_konsole
|| putty_terminal
|| tera_terminal
|| cygwin_terminal
|| mintty_terminal )
return false;
VGAFont = true;
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
// Set font in xterm to vga
putstring (OSC "50;vga" BEL);
NewFont = false;
pc_charset_console = true;
Encoding = fc::PC;
if ( xterm_terminal && utf8_console )
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_UTF8;
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_ASCII;
#if defined(__linux__)
else if ( linux_terminal )
if ( openConsole() == 0 )
if ( isLinuxConsole() )
// standard vga font 8x16
int ret = setScreenFont(__8x16std, 256, 8, 16);
if ( ret != 0 )
VGAFont = false;
// unicode character mapping
struct unimapdesc unimap;
unimap.entry_ct = uChar ( sizeof(unicode_cp437_pairs)
/ sizeof(unipair) );
unimap.entries = &unicode_cp437_pairs[0];
VGAFont = false;
VGAFont = false;
pc_charset_console = true;
Encoding = fc::PC;
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_ASCII;
VGAFont = false;
return VGAFont;
bool FTerm::setNewFont()
if ( NewFont )
return true;
if ( gnome_terminal
|| kde_konsole
|| putty_terminal
|| tera_terminal
|| cygwin_terminal
|| mintty_terminal )
return false;
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal
|| urxvt_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
NewFont = true;
// Set font in xterm to 8x16graph
putstring (OSC "50;8x16graph" BEL);
pc_charset_console = true;
Encoding = fc::PC;
if ( xterm_terminal && utf8_console )
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_UTF8;
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_ASCII;
#if defined(__linux__)
else if ( linux_terminal )
NewFont = true;
if ( openConsole() == 0 )
if ( isLinuxConsole() )
struct unimapdesc unimap;
int ret;
// Set the graphical font 8x16
ret = setScreenFont(__8x16graph, 256, 8, 16);
if ( ret != 0 )
NewFont = false;
// unicode character mapping
unimap.entry_ct = uInt16 ( sizeof(unicode_cp437_pairs)
/ sizeof(unipair) );
unimap.entries = &unicode_cp437_pairs[0];
pc_charset_console = true;
Encoding = fc::PC;
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_ASCII; // function pointer
NewFont = false;
return NewFont;
bool FTerm::setOldFont()
bool retval;
if ( ! (NewFont || VGAFont) )
return false;
retval = \
NewFont = \
VGAFont = false;
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal
|| urxvt_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
if ( xterm_font && xterm_font->getLength() > 2 )
// restore saved xterm font
putstringf (OSC "50;%s" BEL, xterm_font->c_str() );
// Set font in xterm to vga
putstring (OSC "50;vga" BEL);
retval = true;
#if defined(__linux__)
else if ( linux_terminal )
if ( openConsole() == 0 )
if ( isLinuxConsole() )
if ( screen_font.data )
int ret = setScreenFont ( screen_font.data
, screen_font.charcount
, screen_font.width
, screen_font.height
, true );
delete[] screen_font.data;
if ( ret == 0 )
retval = true;
if ( screen_unicode_map.entries )
setUnicodeMap (&screen_unicode_map);
delete[] screen_unicode_map.entries;
return retval;
char* FTerm::moveCursor (int xold, int yold, int xnew, int ynew)
// returns the cursor move string
if ( cursor_optimisation )
return opti_move->moveCursor (xold, yold, xnew, ynew);
return tgoto(TCAP(fc::t_cursor_address), xnew, ynew);
void FTerm::printMoveDurations()
char* FTerm::enableCursor()
char*& vs = TCAP(fc::t_cursor_visible);
char*& ve = TCAP(fc::t_cursor_normal);
if ( ve )
return ve;
else if ( vs )
return vs;
return 0;
char* FTerm::disableCursor()
char*& vi = TCAP(fc::t_cursor_invisible);
if ( vi )
return vi;
return 0;
void FTerm::detectTermSize()
struct winsize win_size;
bool close_after_detect = false;
int ret;
if ( fd_tty < 0 ) // console is already closed
if ( openConsole() != 0 )
close_after_detect = true;
ret = ioctl (fd_tty, TIOCGWINSZ, &win_size);
if ( ret != 0 || win_size.ws_col == 0 || win_size.ws_row == 0 )
char* str;
// Use COLUMNS or fallback to the xterm default width of 80 characters
str = std::getenv("COLUMNS");
term->setWidth(str ? std::atoi(str) : 80);
// Use LINES or fallback to the xterm default height of 24 characters
str = std::getenv("LINES");
term->setHeight(str ? std::atoi(str) : 24);
term->setRect(1, 1, win_size.ws_col, win_size.ws_row);
opti_move->setTermSize (term->getWidth(), term->getHeight());
if ( close_after_detect )
void FTerm::setTermSize (int term_width, int term_height)
// Set xterm size to {term_width} x {term_height}
if ( xterm_terminal )
putstringf (CSI "8;%d;%dt", term_height, term_width);
void FTerm::setKDECursor (fc::kdeKonsoleCursorShape style)
// Set cursor style in KDE konsole
if ( kde_konsole )
putstringf (OSC "50;CursorShape=%d" BEL, style);
const FString* FTerm::getXTermFont()
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
fd_set ifds;
struct timeval tv;
char temp[150] = {};
putstring (OSC "50;?" BEL); // get font
FD_SET(stdin_no, &ifds);
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 150000; // 150 ms
// read the terminal answer
if ( select (stdin_no + 1, &ifds, 0, 0, &tv) > 0)
if ( std::scanf("\033]50;%[^\n]s", temp) == 1 )
FString* xtermfont;
std::size_t n = std::strlen(temp);
// BEL + '\0' = string terminator
if ( n >= 5 && temp[n - 1] == BEL[0] && temp[n] == '\0' )
temp[n - 1] = '\0';
xtermfont = new FString(temp);
catch (const std::bad_alloc& ex)
std::cerr << "not enough memory to alloc " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
return xtermfont;
return 0;
const FString* FTerm::getXTermTitle()
if ( kde_konsole )
return 0;
fd_set ifds;
struct timeval tv;
char temp[512] = {};
putstring (CSI "21t"); // get title
FD_SET(stdin_no, &ifds);
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 150000; // 150 ms
// read the terminal answer
if ( select (stdin_no + 1, &ifds, 0, 0, &tv) > 0)
if ( std::scanf("\033]l%[^\n]s", temp) == 1 )
std::size_t n = std::strlen(temp);
// Esc + \ = OSC string terminator
if ( n >= 2 && temp[n - 2] == ESC[0] && temp[n - 1] == '\\' )
FString* xtermtitle;
if ( n < 4 )
return 0;
temp[n - 2] = '\0';
xtermtitle = new FString(temp);
catch (const std::bad_alloc& ex)
std::cerr << "not enough memory to alloc " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
return xtermtitle;
return 0;
const FString FTerm::getXTermColorName (int color)
FString color_str("");
fd_set ifds;
struct timeval tv;
int c = color;
int digits = 0;
while ( c /= 10 )
char temp[512] = {};
putstringf (OSC "4;%d;?" BEL, color); // get color
FD_SET(stdin_no, &ifds);
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 150000; // 150 ms
// read the terminal answer
if ( select (stdin_no + 1, &ifds, 0, 0, &tv) > 0)
if ( std::scanf("\033]4;%d;%[^\n]s", &color, temp) == 2 )
std::size_t n = std::strlen(temp);
// BEL + '\0' = string terminator
if ( n >= 6 && temp[n - 1] == BEL[0] && temp[n] == '\0' )
temp[n - 1] = '\0';
// Esc + \ = OSC string terminator (mintty)
if ( n >= 6 && temp[n - 2] == ESC[0] && temp[n - 1] == '\\' )
temp[n - 2] = '\0';
color_str = temp;
return color_str;
void FTerm::setXTermCursorStyle (fc::xtermCursorStyle style)
// Set the xterm cursor style
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
if ( isFreeBSDConsole() )
if ( (xterm_terminal || mintty_terminal)
&& ! (gnome_terminal || kde_konsole) )
putstringf (CSI "%d q", style);
void FTerm::setXTermTitle (const FString& title)
// Set the xterm title
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal
|| mintty_terminal || putty_terminal
|| FTermcap::osc_support )
putstringf (OSC "0;%s" BEL, title.c_str());
void FTerm::setXTermForeground (const FString& fg)
// Set the VT100 text foreground color
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal
|| mintty_terminal || mlterm_terminal
|| FTermcap::osc_support )
putstringf (OSC "10;%s" BEL, fg.c_str());
void FTerm::setXTermBackground (const FString& bg)
// Set the VT100 text background color
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal
|| mintty_terminal || mlterm_terminal
|| FTermcap::osc_support )
putstringf (OSC "11;%s" BEL, bg.c_str());
void FTerm::setXTermCursorColor (const FString& cc)
// Set the text cursor color
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal
|| mintty_terminal || urxvt_terminal
|| FTermcap::osc_support )
putstringf (OSC "12;%s" BEL, cc.c_str());
void FTerm::setXTermMouseForeground (const FString& mfg)
// Set the mouse foreground color
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal
|| urxvt_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
putstringf (OSC "13;%s" BEL, mfg.c_str());
void FTerm::setXTermMouseBackground (const FString& mbg)
// Set the mouse background color
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
putstringf (OSC "14;%s" BEL, mbg.c_str());
void FTerm::setXTermHighlightBackground (const FString& hbg)
// Set the highlight background color
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal
|| urxvt_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
putstringf (OSC "17;%s" BEL, hbg.c_str());
void FTerm::setXTermDefaults()
setXTermMouseForeground ("rgb:0000/0000/0000");
if ( ! gnome_terminal )
if ( xterm_default_colors
&& ! (mintty_terminal || rxvt_terminal || screen_terminal) )
// mintty and rxvt can't reset these settings
void FTerm::resetXTermColors()
// Reset the entire color table
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
putstringf (OSC "104" BEL);
void FTerm::resetXTermForeground()
// Reset the VT100 text foreground color
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
putstring (OSC "110" BEL);
void FTerm::resetXTermBackground()
// Reset the VT100 text background color
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
putstring (OSC "111" BEL);
void FTerm::resetXTermCursorColor()
// Reset the text cursor color
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
putstring (OSC "112" BEL);
void FTerm::resetXTermMouseForeground()
// Reset the mouse foreground color
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
putstring (OSC "113" BEL);
void FTerm::resetXTermMouseBackground()
// Reset the mouse background color
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
putstring (OSC "114" BEL);
void FTerm::resetXTermHighlightBackground()
// Reset the highlight background color
if ( xterm_terminal || screen_terminal
|| urxvt_terminal || FTermcap::osc_support )
putstringf (OSC "117" BEL);
void FTerm::resetXTermDefaults()
if ( xterm_default_colors )
void FTerm::saveColorMap()
//ioctl (0, GIO_CMAP, &color_map);
void FTerm::resetColorMap()
char*& op = TCAP(fc::t_orig_pair);
char*& oc = TCAP(fc::t_orig_colors);
if ( op )
putstring (op);
else if ( oc )
putstring (oc);
dacreg CurrentColors[16] =
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0xAA, 0x00, 0x00},
{0x00, 0xAA, 0x00}, {0xAA, 0x55, 0x00},
{0x00, 0x00, 0xAA}, {0xAA, 0x00, 0xAA},
{0x00, 0xAA, 0xAA}, {0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA},
{0x55, 0x55, 0x55}, {0xFF, 0x55, 0x55},
{0x55, 0xFF, 0x55}, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0x55},
{0x55, 0x55, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0x55, 0xFF},
{0x55, 0xFF, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
color_map.d[x].red = CurrentColors[x].red;
color_map.d[x].green = CurrentColors[x].green;
color_map.d[x].blue = CurrentColors[x].blue;
ioctl (0, PIO_CMAP, &color_map);
void FTerm::setPalette (short index, int r, int g, int b)
char*& Ic = TCAP(fc::t_initialize_color);
char*& Ip = TCAP(fc::t_initialize_pair);
index = FOptiAttr::vga2ansi(index);
if ( Ic || Ip )
int rr, gg, bb;
const char* color_str = "";
rr = (r * 1001) / 256;
gg = (g * 1001) / 256;
bb = (b * 1001) / 256;
if ( Ic )
color_str = tparm(Ic, index, rr, gg, bb, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
else if ( Ip )
color_str = tparm(Ip, index, 0, 0, 0, rr, gg, bb, 0, 0);
putstring (color_str);
else if ( linux_terminal )
/* // direct vga-register set
if ( r>=0 && r<256
&& g>=0 && g<256
&& b>=0 && b<256 )
map.d[index].red = r;
map.d[index].green = g;
map.d[index].blue = b;
ioctl (0, PIO_CMAP, &map); */
void FTerm::setBeep (int Hz, int ms)
if ( ! linux_terminal )
// range for frequency: 21-32766
if ( Hz < 21 || Hz > 32766 )
// range for duration: 0-1999
if ( ms < 0 || ms > 1999 )
putstringf ( CSI "10;%d]"
CSI "11;%d]"
, Hz, ms );
void FTerm::resetBeep()
if ( ! linux_terminal )
// default frequency: 750 Hz
// default duration: 125 ms
putstring ( CSI "10;750]"
CSI "11;125]" );
void FTerm::beep()
if ( TCAP(fc::t_bell) )
putstring (TCAP(fc::t_bell));
void FTerm::setEncoding (std::string enc)
std::map<std::string,fc::encoding>::const_iterator it;
if ( FTermcap::no_utf8_acs_chars && isUTF8() && enc == "VT100" )
enc = "UTF8";
// available encodings: "UTF8", "VT100", "PC" and "ASCII"
it = encoding_set->find(enc);
if ( it == encoding_set->end() ) // not found
Encoding = it->second;
assert ( Encoding == fc::UTF8
|| Encoding == fc::VT100
|| Encoding == fc::PC
|| Encoding == fc::ASCII );
// set the new Fputchar function pointer
switch ( int(Encoding) )
case fc::UTF8:
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_UTF8;
case fc::VT100:
case fc::PC:
if ( xterm_terminal && utf8_console )
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_UTF8;
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_ASCII;
case fc::ASCII:
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_ASCII;
if ( linux_terminal )
if ( Encoding == fc::VT100 || Encoding == fc::PC )
char* empty = 0;
opti_move->set_tabular (empty);
opti_move->set_tabular (TCAP(fc::t_tab));
std::string FTerm::getEncoding()
std::map<std::string,fc::encoding>::const_iterator it, end;
end = encoding_set->end();
for (it = encoding_set->begin(); it != end; ++it )
if ( it->second == Encoding )
return it->first;
return "";
bool FTerm::scrollTermForward()
if ( TCAP(fc::t_scroll_forward) )
putstring (TCAP(fc::t_scroll_forward));
return true;
return false;
bool FTerm::scrollTermReverse()
if ( TCAP(fc::t_scroll_reverse) )
putstring (TCAP(fc::t_scroll_reverse));
return true;
return false;
const FString FTerm::getAnswerbackMsg()
FString answerback = "";
fd_set ifds;
struct timeval tv;
char temp[10] = {};
std::putchar (ENQ[0]); // send enquiry character
FD_SET(stdin_no, &ifds);
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 150000; // 150 ms
// read the answerback message
if ( select (stdin_no + 1, &ifds, 0, 0, &tv) > 0)
if ( std::fgets (temp, sizeof(temp) - 1, stdin) != 0 )
answerback = temp;
return answerback;
const FString FTerm::getSecDA()
FString sec_da_str = "";
int a=0, b=0, c=0;
fd_set ifds;
struct timeval tv;
// get the secondary device attributes
putstring (SECDA);
FD_SET(stdin_no, &ifds);
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 600000; // 600 ms
// read the answer
if ( select (stdin_no + 1, &ifds, 0, 0, &tv) == 1 )
if ( std::scanf("\033[>%d;%d;%dc", &a, &b, &c) == 3 )
sec_da_str.sprintf("\033[>%d;%d;%dc", a, b, c);
return sec_da_str;
void FTerm::putstringf (const char* const format, ...)
assert ( format != 0 );
char buf[512];
char* buffer;
va_list args;
buffer = buf;
va_start (args, format);
vsnprintf (buffer, sizeof(buf), format, args);
va_end (args);
tputs (buffer, 1, std::putchar);
inline void FTerm::putstring (const char* const s, int affcnt)
tputs (s, affcnt, std::putchar);
int FTerm::putchar_ASCII (register int c)
if ( std::putchar(char(c)) == EOF )
return 0;
return 1;
int FTerm::putchar_UTF8 (register int c)
if (c < 0x80)
// 1 Byte (7-bit): 0xxxxxxx
std::putchar (c);
return 1;
else if (c < 0x800)
// 2 byte (11-bit): 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
std::putchar (0xc0 | (c >> 6) );
std::putchar (0x80 | (c & 0x3f) );
return 2;
else if (c < 0x10000)
// 3 byte (16-bit): 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
std::putchar (0xe0 | (c >> 12) );
std::putchar (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f) );
std::putchar (0x80 | (c & 0x3f) );
return 3;
else if (c < 0x200000)
// 4 byte (21-bit): 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
std::putchar (0xf0 | (c >> 18) );
std::putchar (0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3f) );
std::putchar (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f) );
std::putchar (0x80 | (c & 0x3f));
return 4;
return EOF;
int FTerm::UTF8decode (const char utf8[])
register int ucs = 0;
for (register int i = 0; i < int(std::strlen(utf8)); ++i)
register uChar ch = uChar(utf8[i]);
if ((ch & 0xc0) == 0x80)
// byte 2..4 = 10xxxxxx
ucs = (ucs << 6) | (ch & 0x3f);
else if (ch < 128)
// byte 1 = 0xxxxxxx (1 byte mapping)
ucs = ch & 0xff;
else if ((ch & 0xe0) == 0xc0)
// byte 1 = 110xxxxx (2 byte mapping)
ucs = ch & 0x1f;
else if ((ch & 0xf0) == 0xe0)
// byte 1 = 1110xxxx (3 byte mapping)
ucs = ch & 0x0f;
else if ((ch & 0xf8) == 0xf0)
// byte 1 = 11110xxx (4 byte mapping)
ucs = ch & 0x07;
// error
ucs = EOF;
return ucs;
// protected methods of FTerm
#if defined(__linux__)
void FTerm::initLinuxConsoleCharMap()
uInt c1, c2, c3, c4, c5;
if ( NewFont || VGAFont )
if ( screen_unicode_map.entry_ct != 0 )
for (int i = 0; i <= lastCharItem; i++ )
bool found = false;
for (uInt n = 0; n < screen_unicode_map.entry_ct; n++)
if ( character[i][fc::UTF8] == screen_unicode_map.entries[n].unicode )
found = true;
if ( ! found )
character[i][fc::PC] = character[i][fc::ASCII];
c1 = fc::UpperHalfBlock;
c2 = fc::LowerHalfBlock;
c3 = fc::FullBlock;
if ( charEncode(c1, fc::PC) == charEncode(c1, fc::ASCII)
|| charEncode(c2, fc::PC) == charEncode(c2, fc::ASCII)
|| charEncode(c3, fc::PC) == charEncode(c3, fc::ASCII) )
no_shadow_character = true;
c4 = fc::RightHalfBlock;
c5 = fc::LeftHalfBlock;
if ( charEncode(c4, fc::PC) == charEncode(c4, fc::ASCII)
|| charEncode(c5, fc::PC) == charEncode(c5, fc::ASCII) )
no_half_block_character = true;
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
void FTerm::initFreeBSDConsoleCharMap()
// A FreeBSD console can't show ASCII codes from 0x00 to 0x1b
if ( ! isFreeBSDConsole() )
for (int i = 0; i <= lastCharItem; i++ )
if ( character[i][fc::PC] < 0x1c )
character[i][fc::PC] = character[i][fc::ASCII];
void FTerm::initCygwinCharMap()
// Replace don't printable characters in a Cygwin terminal
if ( ! cygwin_terminal )
for (int i = 0; i <= lastCharItem; i++ )
if ( character[i][fc::UTF8] == fc::BlackUpPointingTriangle // ▲
|| character[i][fc::UTF8] == fc::BlackDownPointingTriangle // ▼
|| character[i][fc::UTF8] == fc::SquareRoot ) // SquareRoot √
character[i][fc::PC] = character[i][fc::ASCII];
void FTerm::initTeraTermCharMap()
// Tera Term can't print ascii characters < 0x20
if ( ! tera_terminal )
for (int i = 0; i <= lastCharItem; i++ )
if ( character[i][fc::PC] < 0x20 )
character[i][fc::PC] = character[i][fc::ASCII];
bool FTerm::charEncodable (uInt c)
uInt ch = charEncode(c);
return bool(ch > 0 && ch != c);
uInt FTerm::charEncode (uInt c)
return charEncode (c, Encoding);
uInt FTerm::charEncode (uInt c, fc::encoding enc)
for (uInt i = 0; i <= uInt(lastCharItem); i++)
if ( character[i][0] == c )
c = character[i][enc];
return c;
char* FTerm::changeAttribute ( char_data*& term_attr
, char_data*& next_attr )
return opti_attr->changeAttribute (term_attr, next_attr);
void FTerm::xtermMetaSendsESC (bool on)
// activate/deactivate the xterm meta key sends escape prefix
if ( on )
putstring (CSI "?1036s" // save meta key sends escape
CSI "?1036h"); // enable meta key sends escape
putstring (CSI "?1036r"); // restore meta key sends escape
void FTerm::xtermMouse (bool on)
// activate/deactivate the xterm mouse support
if ( ! mouse_support )
if ( on )
putstring (CSI "?1001s" // save old highlight mouse tracking
CSI "?1000h" // enable x11 mouse tracking
CSI "?1002h" // enable cell motion mouse tracking
CSI "?1015h" // enable urxvt mouse mode
CSI "?1006h"); // enable SGR mouse mode
putstring (CSI "?1006l" // disable SGR mouse mode
CSI "?1015l" // disable urxvt mouse mode
CSI "?1002l" // disable cell motion mouse tracking
CSI "?1000l" // disable x11 mouse tracking
CSI "?1001r"); // restore old highlight mouse tracking
bool FTerm::gpmMouse (bool on)
// activate/deactivate the gpm mouse support
if ( ! linux_terminal )
return false;
if ( openConsole() == 0 )
if ( ! isLinuxConsole() )
return false;
if ( on )
Gpm_Connect conn;
conn.eventMask = uInt16(~GPM_MOVE);
conn.defaultMask = GPM_MOVE;
conn.maxMod = uInt16(~0);
conn.minMod = 0;
Gpm_Open(&conn, 0);
switch ( gpm_fd )
case -1:
return false;
case -2:
return false;
return on;
#endif // F_HAVE_LIBGPM
// private methods of FTerm
#if defined(__linux__)
int FTerm::isLinuxConsole()
char arg = 0;
// get keyboard type an compare
return ( isatty (fd_tty)
&& ioctl(fd_tty, KDGKBTYPE, &arg) == 0
&& ((arg == KB_101) || (arg == KB_84)) );
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
bool FTerm::isFreeBSDConsole()
keymap_t keymap;
if ( ioctl(0, GIO_KEYMAP, &keymap) == 0 )
return true;
return false;
#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
bool FTerm::isWSConsConsole()
static kbd_t kbdencoding;
if ( ioctl(0, WSKBDIO_GETENCODING, &kbdencoding) == 0 )
return true;
return false;
#if defined(__linux__)
inline uInt16 FTerm::getInputStatusRegisterOne()
// Gets the VGA input-status-register-1
// Miscellaneous output (read port)
static const uInt16 misc_read = 0x3cc;
const uInt16 io_base = (inb(misc_read) & 0x01) ? 0x3d0 : 0x3b0;
// 0x3ba : Input status 1 MDA (read port)
// 0x3da : Input status 1 CGA (read port)
return io_base + 0x0a;
uChar FTerm::readAttributeController (uChar index)
// Reads a byte from the attribute controller from a given index
uChar res;
// Attribute controller (write port)
static const uInt16 attrib_cntlr_write = 0x3c0;
// Attribute controller (read port)
static const uInt16 attrib_cntlr_read = 0x3c1;
const uInt16 input_status_1 = getInputStatusRegisterOne();
inb (input_status_1); // switch to index mode
outb (index & 0x1f, attrib_cntlr_write);
res = inb (attrib_cntlr_read);
inb (input_status_1); // switch to data mode
index = (index & 0x1f) | 0x20; // set bit 5 (enable display)
outb (index, attrib_cntlr_write);
inb (attrib_cntlr_read);
return res;
void FTerm::writeAttributeController (uChar index, uChar data)
// Writes a byte from the attribute controller from a given index
// Attribute controller (write port)
static const uInt16 attrib_cntlr_write = 0x3c0;
const uInt16 input_status_1 = getInputStatusRegisterOne();
inb (input_status_1); // switch to index mode
outb (index & 0x1f, attrib_cntlr_write);
outb (data, attrib_cntlr_write);
inb (input_status_1); // switch to data mode
index = (index & 0x1f) | 0x20; // set bit 5 (enable display)
outb (index, attrib_cntlr_write);
outb (data, attrib_cntlr_write);
inline uChar FTerm::getAttributeMode()
// Gets the attribute mode value from the vga attribute controller
static const uChar attrib_mode = 0x10;
return readAttributeController(attrib_mode);
inline void FTerm::setAttributeMode(uChar data)
// Sets the attribute mode value from the vga attribute controller
static const uChar attrib_mode = 0x10;
writeAttributeController (attrib_mode, data);
int FTerm::setBlinkAsIntensity (bool on)
// Uses blink-bit as background intensity.
// That permits 16 colors for background
if ( getuid() != 0 ) // Direct hardware access requires root privileges
return -2;
if ( fd_tty < 0 )
return -1;
// Enable access to VGA I/O ports (from 0x3B4 with num = 0x2C)
if ( ioctl(fd_tty, KDENABIO, 0) < 0 )
return -1; // error on KDENABIO
if ( on )
setAttributeMode (getAttributeMode() & 0xF7); // clear bit 3
setAttributeMode (getAttributeMode() | 0x08); // set bit 3
// Disable access to VGA I/O ports
if ( ioctl(fd_tty, KDDISABIO, 0) < 0 )
return -1; // error on KDDISABIO
return 0;
int FTerm::getFramebuffer_bpp ()
int fd = -1;
struct fb_var_screeninfo fb_var;
struct fb_fix_screeninfo fb_fix;
const char* fb = const_cast<char*>("/dev/fb/0");
if ( (fd = open(fb, O_RDWR)) < 0 )
if ( errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR )
return -1;
fb = const_cast<char*>("/dev/fb0");
if ( (fd = open(fb, O_RDWR)) < 0 )
return -1;
if (fd >= 0)
if ( ! ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &fb_var)
&& ! ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fb_fix) )
return int(fb_var.bits_per_pixel);
return -1;
int FTerm::openConsole()
if ( fd_tty >= 0 ) // console is already opened
return 0;
if ( *term_name && (fd_tty = open (term_name, O_RDWR, 0)) < 0)
if ( (fd_tty = open("/proc/self/fd/0", O_RDWR, 0)) < 0)
if ( (fd_tty = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR, 0)) < 0)
if ( (fd_tty = open("/dev/tty0", O_RDWR, 0)) < 0)
if ( (fd_tty = open("/dev/vc/0", O_RDWR, 0)) < 0)
if ( (fd_tty = open("/dev/systty", O_RDWR, 0)) < 0)
if ( (fd_tty = open("/dev/console", O_RDWR, 0)) < 0)
return -1; // No file descriptor referring to the console
return 0;
int FTerm::closeConsole()
if ( fd_tty < 0 ) // console is already closed
return 0;
int ret = ::close (fd_tty); // use 'close' from the global namespace
fd_tty = -1;
if ( ret == 0 )
return 0;
return -1;
void FTerm::getSystemTermType()
// Import the untrusted environment variable TERM
const char* const& term_env = std::getenv(const_cast<char*>("TERM"));
if ( term_env )
std::strncpy (termtype, term_env, sizeof(termtype) - 1);
else if ( *term_name ) // fallback: look into /etc/ttytype or /etc/ttys
// get term basename
const char* term_basename = std::strrchr(term_name, '/');
if ( term_basename == 0 )
term_basename = term_name;
// Analyse /etc/ttytype
// --------------------
// file format:
// <terminal type> <whitespace> <tty name>
// Example:
// linux tty1
// vt100 ttys0
std::FILE *fp;
if ( (fp = std::fopen("/etc/ttytype", "r")) != 0 )
char* p;
char* type;
char* name;
char str[BUFSIZ];
// read and parse the file
while ( fgets(str, sizeof(str) - 1, fp) != 0 )
type = name = 0; // 0 == not found
p = str;
while ( *p )
if ( std::isspace(uChar(*p)) )
*p = '\0';
else if ( type == 0 )
type = p;
else if ( name == 0 && p != str && p[-1] == '\0' )
name = p;
if ( type != 0 && name != 0 && ! std::strcmp(name, term_basename) )
std::strncpy (termtype, type, sizeof(termtype) - 1);
// Analyse /etc/ttys
// --------------------
struct ttyent* ttys_entryt;
ttys_entryt = getttynam(term_basename);
if ( ttys_entryt )
char* type = ttys_entryt->ty_type;
if ( type != 0 )
std::strncpy (termtype, type, sizeof(termtype) - 1);
// use vt100 if not found
std::strncpy (termtype, const_cast<char*>("vt100"), 6);
void FTerm::storeTTYsettings()
// store termios settings
term_init = getTTY();
void FTerm::restoreTTYsettings()
// restore termios settings
setTTY (term_init);
#if defined(__linux__)
int FTerm::getScreenFont()
static const std::size_t data_size = 4 * 32 * 512;
struct console_font_op font;
int ret;
if ( fd_tty < 0 )
return -1;
// initialize unused padding bytes in struct
std::memset (&font, 0, sizeof(console_font_op));
font.op = KD_FONT_OP_GET;
font.flags = 0;
font.width = 32;
font.height = 32;
font.charcount = 512;
// initialize with 0
font.data = new uChar[data_size]();
catch (const std::bad_alloc& ex)
std::cerr << "not enough memory to alloc " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
// font operation
ret = ioctl (fd_tty, KDFONTOP, &font);
if ( ret == 0 )
screen_font.width = font.width;
screen_font.height = font.height;
screen_font.charcount = font.charcount;
screen_font.data = font.data;
return 0;
return -1;
int FTerm::setScreenFont ( uChar* fontdata, uInt count
, uInt fontwidth, uInt fontheight
, bool direct)
struct console_font_op font;
int ret;
if ( fd_tty < 0 )
return -1;
// initialize unused padding bytes in struct
std::memset (&font, 0x00, sizeof(console_font_op));
font.op = KD_FONT_OP_SET;
font.flags = 0;
font.width = fontwidth;
font.height = fontheight;
font.charcount = count;
if ( direct )
font.data = fontdata;
const uInt bytes_per_line = font.width / 8;
const std::size_t data_size = bytes_per_line * 32 * font.charcount;
font.data = new uChar[data_size](); // initialize with 0
catch (const std::bad_alloc& ex)
std::cerr << "not enough memory to alloc " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
for (uInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
std::memcpy ( const_cast<uChar*>(font.data + bytes_per_line*32*i)
, &fontdata[i * font.height]
, font.height);
// font operation
ret = ioctl (fd_tty, KDFONTOP, &font);
if ( ret != 0 && errno != ENOSYS && errno != EINVAL )
if ( ! direct )
delete[] font.data;
return -1;
if ( ! direct )
delete[] font.data;
if ( ret == 0 )
return 0;
return -1;
int FTerm::getUnicodeMap()
struct unimapdesc unimap;
int ret;
if ( fd_tty < 0 )
return -1;
unimap.entry_ct = 0;
unimap.entries = 0;
// get count
ret = ioctl (fd_tty, GIO_UNIMAP, &unimap);
if ( ret != 0 )
int count;
if ( errno != ENOMEM || unimap.entry_ct == 0 )
return -1;
count = unimap.entry_ct;
unimap.entries = new struct unipair[count]();
catch (const std::bad_alloc& ex)
std::cerr << "not enough memory to alloc " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
// get unicode-to-font mapping from kernel
ret = ioctl(fd_tty, GIO_UNIMAP, &unimap);
if ( ret == 0 )
screen_unicode_map.entry_ct = unimap.entry_ct;
screen_unicode_map.entries = unimap.entries;
return -1;
return 0;
int FTerm::setUnicodeMap (struct unimapdesc* unimap)
struct unimapinit advice;
int ret;
if ( fd_tty < 0 )
return -1;
advice.advised_hashsize = 0;
advice.advised_hashstep = 0;
advice.advised_hashlevel = 0;
// clear the unicode-to-font table
ret = ioctl(fd_tty, PIO_UNIMAPCLR, &advice);
if ( ret != 0 )
return -1;
// put the new unicode-to-font mapping in kernel
ret = ioctl(fd_tty, PIO_UNIMAP, unimap);
if ( ret != 0 )
while ( ret != 0 && errno == ENOMEM && advice.advised_hashlevel < 100);
if ( ret == 0 )
return 0;
return -1;
void FTerm::initLinuxConsole()
// initialize Linux console
fd_tty = -1;
screen_unicode_map.entries = 0;
screen_font.data = 0;
if ( openConsole() == 0 )
if ( isLinuxConsole() )
std::cerr << "can not open the console.\n";
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
bool FTerm::saveFreeBSDAltKey()
static const int left_alt = 0x38;
int ret;
keymap_t keymap;
ret = ioctl(0, GIO_KEYMAP, &keymap);
if ( ret < 0 )
return false;
// save current mapping
bsd_alt_keymap = keymap.key[left_alt].map[0];
return true;
bool FTerm::setFreeBSDAltKey (uInt key)
static const int left_alt = 0x38;
int ret;
keymap_t keymap;
ret = ioctl(0, GIO_KEYMAP, &keymap);
if ( ret < 0 )
return false;
// map to meta key
keymap.key[left_alt].map[0] = key;
if ( (keymap.n_keys > 0) && (ioctl(0, PIO_KEYMAP, &keymap) < 0))
return false;
return true;
bool FTerm::setFreeBSDAlt2Meta()
return setFreeBSDAltKey (META);
bool FTerm::resetFreeBSDAlt2Meta()
return setFreeBSDAltKey (bsd_alt_keymap);
void FTerm::initFreeBSDConsole()
// initialize BSD console
if ( isFreeBSDConsole() )
// save current left alt key mapping
// map meta key to left alt key
#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
bool FTerm::saveWSConsEncoding()
static kbd_t k_encoding;
int ret = ioctl(0, WSKBDIO_GETENCODING, &k_encoding);
if ( ret < 0 )
return false;
// save current encoding
wscons_keyboard_encoding = k_encoding;
return true;
bool FTerm::setWSConsEncoding (kbd_t k_encoding)
if ( ioctl(0, WSKBDIO_SETENCODING, &k_encoding) < 0 )
return false;
return true;
bool FTerm::setWSConsMetaEsc()
static const kbd_t meta_esc = 0x20; // generate ESC prefix on ALT-key
return setWSConsEncoding (wscons_keyboard_encoding | meta_esc);
bool FTerm::resetWSConsEncoding()
return setWSConsEncoding (wscons_keyboard_encoding);
void FTerm::initWSConsConsole()
// initialize wscons console
if ( isWSConsConsole() )
// save current left alt key mapping
// alt key generate ESC prefix
uInt FTerm::getBaudRate (const struct termios* termios_p)
std::map<speed_t,uInt> outspeed;
outspeed[B0] = 0; // hang up
outspeed[B50] = 50; // 50 baud
outspeed[B75] = 75; // 75 baud
outspeed[B110] = 110; // 110 baud
outspeed[B134] = 134; // 134.5 baud
outspeed[B150] = 150; // 150 baud
outspeed[B200] = 200; // 200 baud
outspeed[B300] = 300; // 300 baud
outspeed[B600] = 600; // 600 baud
outspeed[B1200] = 1200; // 1,200 baud
outspeed[B1800] = 1800; // 1,800 baud
outspeed[B2400] = 2400; // 2,400 baud
outspeed[B4800] = 4800; // 4,800 baud
outspeed[B9600] = 9600; // 9,600 baud
outspeed[B19200] = 19200; // 19,200 baud
outspeed[B38400] = 38400; // 38,400 baud
outspeed[B57600] = 57600; // 57,600 baud
outspeed[B115200] = 115200; // 115,200 baud
outspeed[B230400] = 230400; // 230,400 baud
return outspeed[cfgetospeed(termios_p)];
char* FTerm::init_256colorTerminal()
char local256[80] = "";
char* new_termtype = 0;
char *s1, *s2, *s3, *s4, *s5, *s6;
// Enable 256 color capabilities
s1 = std::getenv("COLORTERM");
s2 = std::getenv("VTE_VERSION");
s3 = std::getenv("XTERM_VERSION");
s4 = std::getenv("ROXTERM_ID");
s5 = std::getenv("KONSOLE_DBUS_SESSION");
s6 = std::getenv("KONSOLE_DCOP");
if ( s1 != 0 )
std::strncat (local256, s1, sizeof(local256) - std::strlen(local256) - 1);
if ( s2 != 0 )
std::strncat (local256, s2, sizeof(local256) - std::strlen(local256) - 1);
if ( s3 != 0 )
std::strncat (local256, s3, sizeof(local256) - std::strlen(local256) - 1);
if ( s4 != 0 )
std::strncat (local256, s4, sizeof(local256) - std::strlen(local256) - 1);
if ( s5 != 0 )
std::strncat (local256, s5, sizeof(local256) - std::strlen(local256) - 1);
if ( s6 != 0 )
std::strncat (local256, s6, sizeof(local256) - std::strlen(local256) - 1);
if ( std::strlen(local256) > 0 )
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, "xterm", 5) == 0 )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("xterm-256color");
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, "screen", 6) == 0 )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("screen-256color");
screen_terminal = true;
char* tmux = std::getenv("TMUX");
if ( tmux && std::strlen(tmux) != 0 )
tmux_terminal = true;
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, "Eterm", 5) == 0 )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("Eterm-256color");
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, "mlterm", 6) == 0 )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("mlterm-256color");
mlterm_terminal = true;
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, "rxvt", 4) != 0
&& s1
&& std::strncmp(s1, "rxvt-xpm", 8) == 0 )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("rxvt-256color");
rxvt_terminal = true;
color256 = true;
else if ( std::strstr (termtype, "256color") )
color256 = true;
color256 = false;
if ( (s5 && std::strlen(s5) > 0) || (s6 && std::strlen(s6) > 0) )
kde_konsole = true;
if ( (s1 && std::strncmp(s1, "gnome-terminal", 14) == 0) || s2 )
gnome_terminal = true;
// Each gnome-terminal should be able to use 256 colors
color256 = true;
if ( ! screen_terminal )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("gnome-256color");
if ( new_termtype )
std::strncpy ( termtype_256color
, new_termtype
, std::strlen(new_termtype) + 1 );
return new_termtype;
char* FTerm::parseAnswerbackMsg (char*& current_termtype)
char* new_termtype = current_termtype;
// send ENQ and read the answerback message
answer_back = new FString(getAnswerbackMsg());
catch (const std::bad_alloc& ex)
std::cerr << "not enough memory to alloc " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
if ( *answer_back == "PuTTY" )
putty_terminal = true;
if ( color256 )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("putty-256color");
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("putty");
putty_terminal = false;
// cygwin needs a backspace to delete the '♣' char
if ( cygwin_terminal )
putstring (BS " " BS);
if ( new_termtype )
std::strncpy ( termtype_Answerback
, new_termtype
, std::strlen(new_termtype) + 1 );
return new_termtype;
char* FTerm::parseSecDA (char*& current_termtype)
char* new_termtype = current_termtype;
bool sec_da_supported = false;
// The Linux console knows no Sec_DA
if ( linux_terminal )
return new_termtype;
// secondary device attributes (SEC_DA) <- decTerminalID string
sec_da = new FString(getSecDA());
catch (const std::bad_alloc& ex)
std::cerr << "not enough memory to alloc " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return new_termtype;
if ( sec_da->getLength() > 5 )
uLong num_components;
// remove the first 3 bytes ("\033[>")
FString temp = sec_da->right(sec_da->getLength() - 3);
// remove the last byte ("c")
temp.remove(temp.getLength() - 1, 1);
// split into components
std::vector<FString> sec_da_split = temp.split(';');
num_components = sec_da_split.size();
if ( num_components == 3 )
sec_da_supported = true;
if ( num_components >= 2 )
const FString* sec_da_components = &sec_da_split[0];
if ( ! sec_da_components[0].isEmpty() )
int terminal_id_type, terminal_id_version;
// Read the terminal type
terminal_id_type = sec_da_components[0].toInt();
catch (const std::exception&)
terminal_id_type = -1;
// Read the terminal (firmware) version
if ( sec_da_components[1] )
terminal_id_version = sec_da_components[1].toInt();
terminal_id_version = -1;
catch (const std::exception&)
terminal_id_version = -1;
switch ( terminal_id_type )
case 0: // DEC VT100
if ( terminal_id_version == 115 )
kde_konsole = true;
else if ( terminal_id_version == 136 )
putty_terminal = true; // PuTTY
case 1: // DEC VT220
if ( ! sec_da_supported )
if ( terminal_id_version == 2 ) // also used by apple terminal
kterm_terminal = true; // kterm
else if ( terminal_id_version > 1000 )
gnome_terminal = true;
// Each gnome-terminal should be able to use 256 colors
color256 = true;
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("gnome-256color");
case 2: // DEC VT240
case 18: // DEC VT330
case 19: // DEC VT340
case 24: // DEC VT320
#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
if ( terminal_id_version == 20 && isWSConsConsole() )
// NetBSD/OpenBSD workstation console
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, const_cast<char*>("wsvt25"), 6) == 0 )
netbsd_terminal = true;
else if ( std::strncmp(termtype, const_cast<char*>("vt220"), 5) == 0 )
openbsd_terminal = true;
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("pccon");
case 41: // DEC VT420
case 61: // DEC VT510
case 64: // DEC VT520
case 65: // DEC VT525
case 32: // Tera Term
tera_terminal = true;
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("teraterm");
case 77: // mintty
mintty_terminal = true;
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("xterm-256color");
// switch to application escape key mode
putstring (CSI "?7727h");
case 83: // screen
screen_terminal = true;
case 82: // rxvt
rxvt_terminal = true;
force_vt100 = true; // this rxvt terminal support on utf-8
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, "rxvt-", 5) != 0
&& std::strncmp(termtype, "rxvt-cygwin-native", 18) == 0 )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("rxvt-16color");
case 85: // rxvt-unicode
rxvt_terminal = true;
urxvt_terminal = true;
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, "rxvt-", 5) != 0 )
if ( color256 )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("rxvt-256color");
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("rxvt");
if ( new_termtype )
std::strncpy ( termtype_SecDA
, new_termtype
, std::strlen(new_termtype) + 1 );
return new_termtype;
void FTerm::oscPrefix()
if ( tmux_terminal )
// tmux device control string
putstring (ESC "Ptmux;" ESC);
else if ( screen_terminal )
// GNU Screen device control string
putstring (ESC "P");
void FTerm::oscPostfix()
if ( screen_terminal || tmux_terminal )
// GNU Screen/tmux string terminator
putstring (ESC "\\");
void FTerm::init_alt_charset()
// read the used vt100 pairs
if ( TCAP(fc::t_acs_chars) )
for (int n = 0; TCAP(fc::t_acs_chars)[n]; n += 2)
// insert the vt100 key/value pairs into a map
uChar p1 = uChar(TCAP(fc::t_acs_chars)[n]);
uChar p2 = uChar(TCAP(fc::t_acs_chars)[n + 1]);
(*vt100_alt_char)[p1] = p2;
enum column
vt100_key = 0,
utf8_char = 1
// update array 'character' with discovered vt100 pairs
for (int n = 0; n <= lastKeyItem; n++ )
uChar keyChar = uChar(vt100_key_to_utf8[n][vt100_key]);
uChar altChar = uChar((*vt100_alt_char)[ keyChar ]);
uInt utf8char = uInt(vt100_key_to_utf8[n][utf8_char]);
fc::encoding num = fc::NUM_OF_ENCODINGS;
uInt* p = std::find ( character[0]
, character[lastCharItem] + num
, utf8char );
if ( p != character[lastCharItem] + num ) // found in character
int item = int(std::distance(character[0], p) / num);
if ( altChar )
character[item][fc::VT100] = altChar; // update alternate character set
character[item][fc::VT100] = 0; // delete vt100 char in character
void FTerm::init_pc_charset()
bool reinit = false;
// rxvt does not support pc charset
if ( rxvt_terminal || urxvt_terminal )
if ( gnome_terminal || linux_terminal )
// fallback if tcap "S2" is not found
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_enter_pc_charset_mode) )
if ( utf8_console )
// Select iso8859-1 + null mapping
TCAP(fc::t_enter_pc_charset_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(ESC "%@" ESC "(U");
// Select null mapping
TCAP(fc::t_enter_pc_charset_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(ESC "(U");
opti_attr->set_enter_pc_charset_mode \
reinit = true;
// fallback if tcap "S3" is not found
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_exit_pc_charset_mode) )
if ( utf8_console )
// Select ascii mapping + utf8
TCAP(fc::t_exit_pc_charset_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(ESC "(B" ESC "%G");
// Select ascii mapping
TCAP(fc::t_enter_pc_charset_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(ESC "(B");
opti_attr->set_exit_pc_charset_mode \
reinit = true;
if ( reinit )
void FTerm::init_termcaps()
/* Terminal capability data base
* -----------------------------
* Info under: man 5 terminfo
* Importent shell commands:
* captoinfo - convert all termcap descriptions into terminfo descriptions
* infocmp - print out terminfo description from the current terminal
static const int success = 1;
static const int no_entry = 0;
static const int db_not_found = -1;
static const int not_available = -1;
static const int uninitialized = -2;
static char term_buffer[2048];
static char string_buf[2048];
char* buffer = string_buf;
char* key_up_string;
int status = uninitialized;
// share the terminal capabilities
if ( termtype[0] )
// open the termcap file + load entry for termtype
status = tgetent(term_buffer, termtype);
if ( status != success && color256 )
// use "xterm-256color" as fallback if not found
std::strncpy (termtype, const_cast<char*>("xterm-256color"), 15);
status = tgetent(term_buffer, termtype);
if ( status != success )
// use "xterm" as fallback if not found
std::strncpy (termtype, const_cast<char*>("xterm"), 6);
status = tgetent(term_buffer, termtype);
if ( status != success )
// use "ansi" as fallback if not found
std::strncpy (termtype, const_cast<char*>("ansi"), 5);
status = tgetent(term_buffer, termtype);
ansi_terminal = true;
if ( status != success )
// use "vt100" as fallback if not found
std::strncpy (termtype, const_cast<char*>("vt100"), 6);
status = tgetent(term_buffer, termtype);
ansi_terminal = false;
if ( status == no_entry )
std::cerr << "Unknown terminal: " << termtype << "\n"
<< "Check the TERM environment variable\n"
<< "Also make sure that the terminal\n"
<< "is defined in the termcap/terminfo database.\n";
else if ( status == db_not_found )
std::cerr << "The termcap/terminfo database could not be found.\n";
// get termcap booleans
// --------------------
// screen erased with the background color
FTermcap::background_color_erase = tgetflag(const_cast<char*>("ut"));
// t_cursor_left wraps from column 0 to last column
FTermcap::automatic_left_margin = tgetflag(const_cast<char*>("bw"));
// terminal has auto-matic margins
FTermcap::automatic_right_margin = tgetflag(const_cast<char*>("am"));
// newline ignored after 80 cols
FTermcap::eat_nl_glitch = tgetflag(const_cast<char*>("xn"));
// terminal supports ANSI set default fg and bg color
FTermcap::ansi_default_color = tgetflag(const_cast<char*>("AX"));
// terminal supports operating system commands (OSC)
// OSC = Esc + ']'
FTermcap::osc_support = tgetflag(const_cast<char*>("XT"));
// U8 is nonzero for terminals with no VT100 line-drawing in UTF-8 mode
FTermcap::no_utf8_acs_chars = bool(tgetnum(const_cast<char*>("U8")) != 0);
if ( tera_terminal )
FTermcap::eat_nl_glitch = true;
// get termcap numeric
// -------------------
// maximum number of colors on screen
FTermcap::max_color = std::max( FTermcap::max_color
, tgetnum(const_cast<char*>("Co")) );
if ( FTermcap::max_color < 0 )
FTermcap::max_color = 1;
if ( FTermcap::max_color < 8 )
monochron = true;
monochron = false;
// get initial spacing for hardware tab stop
FTermcap::tabstop = tgetnum(const_cast<char*>("it"));
if ( FTermcap::tabstop == not_available )
FTermcap::tabstop = 8;
// get video attributes that cannot be used with colors
FTermcap::attr_without_color = tgetnum(const_cast<char*>("NC"));
if ( FTermcap::attr_without_color == not_available )
FTermcap::attr_without_color = 0;
// gnome-terminal has NC=16 however, it can use the dim attribute
if ( gnome_terminal )
FTermcap::attr_without_color = 0;
// PuTTY has NC=22 however, it can show underline and reverse
if ( putty_terminal )
FTermcap::attr_without_color = 16;
// get termcap strings
// -------------------
// read termcap output strings
for (int i = 0; tcap[i].tname[0] != 0; i++)
tcap[i].string = tgetstr(tcap[i].tname, &buffer);
// set invisible cursor for cygwin terminal
if ( cygwin_terminal && ! TCAP(fc::t_cursor_invisible) )
TCAP(fc::t_cursor_invisible) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "?25l");
// set visible cursor for cygwin terminal
if ( cygwin_terminal && ! TCAP(fc::t_cursor_visible) )
TCAP(fc::t_cursor_visible) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "?25h");
// set ansi blink for cygwin terminal
if ( cygwin_terminal && ! TCAP(fc::t_enter_blink_mode) )
TCAP(fc::t_enter_blink_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "5m");
// set enter/exit alternative charset mode for rxvt terminal
if ( rxvt_terminal && std::strncmp(termtype, "rxvt-16color", 12) == 0 )
TCAP(fc::t_enter_alt_charset_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(ESC "(0");
TCAP(fc::t_exit_alt_charset_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(ESC "(B");
// set exit underline for gnome terminal
if ( gnome_terminal )
TCAP(fc::t_exit_underline_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "24m");
// set background color erase for cygwin terminal
if ( cygwin_terminal )
FTermcap::background_color_erase = true;
// set ansi foreground and background color
if ( linux_terminal || cygwin_terminal )
if ( FTermcap::max_color > 8 )
TCAP(fc::t_set_a_foreground) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "3%p1%{8}%m%d%?%p1%{7}%>%t;1%e;21%;m");
TCAP(fc::t_set_a_background) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "4%p1%{8}%m%d%?%p1%{7}%>%t;5%e;25%;m");
TCAP(fc::t_set_a_foreground) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "3%p1%dm");
TCAP(fc::t_set_a_background) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "4%p1%dm");
TCAP(fc::t_orig_pair) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "39;49;25m");
// avoid dim + underline
TCAP(fc::t_enter_dim_mode) = 0;
TCAP(fc::t_exit_dim_mode) = 0;
TCAP(fc::t_enter_underline_mode) = 0;
TCAP(fc::t_exit_underline_mode) = 0;
FTermcap::attr_without_color = 18;
else if ( rxvt_terminal && ! urxvt_terminal )
TCAP(fc::t_set_a_foreground) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "%?%p1%{8}%<%t%p1%{30}%+%e%p1%'R'%+%;%dm");
TCAP(fc::t_set_a_background) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "%?%p1%{8}%<%t%p1%'('%+%e%p1%{92}%+%;%dm");
else if ( tera_terminal )
TCAP(fc::t_set_a_foreground) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "38;5;%p1%dm");
TCAP(fc::t_set_a_background) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "48;5;%p1%dm");
TCAP(fc::t_exit_attribute_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "0m" SI);
TCAP(fc::t_orig_pair) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "39;49m");
else if ( putty_terminal )
FTermcap::background_color_erase = true;
FTermcap::osc_support = true;
TCAP(fc::t_set_a_foreground) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "%?%p1%{8}%<"
TCAP(fc::t_set_a_background) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "%?%p1%{8}%<"
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_clr_bol) )
TCAP(fc::t_clr_bol) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "1K");
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_orig_pair) )
TCAP(fc::t_orig_pair) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "39;49m");
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_orig_colors) )
TCAP(fc::t_orig_colors) = \
const_cast<char*>(OSC "R");
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_column_address) )
TCAP(fc::t_column_address) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "%i%p1%dG");
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_row_address) )
TCAP(fc::t_row_address) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "%i%p1%dd");
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_enable_acs) )
TCAP(fc::t_enable_acs) = \
const_cast<char*>(ESC "(B" ESC ")0");
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_set_attributes) )
TCAP(fc::t_set_attributes) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "0%?%p1%p6%|"
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_enter_am_mode) )
TCAP(fc::t_enter_am_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "?7h");
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_exit_am_mode) )
TCAP(fc::t_exit_am_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "?7l");
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_enter_pc_charset_mode) )
TCAP(fc::t_enter_pc_charset_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "11m");
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_exit_pc_charset_mode) )
TCAP(fc::t_exit_pc_charset_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "10m");
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_key_mouse) )
TCAP(fc::t_key_mouse) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "M");
// fallback if "AF" is not found
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_set_a_foreground) )
TCAP(fc::t_set_a_foreground) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "3%p1%dm");
// fallback if "AB" is not found
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_set_a_background) )
TCAP(fc::t_set_a_background) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "4%p1%dm");
// fallback if "Ic" is not found
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_initialize_color) )
if ( screen_terminal )
if ( tmux_terminal )
TCAP(fc::t_initialize_color) = \
const_cast<char*>(ESC "Ptmux;" ESC OSC "4;%p1%d;rgb:"
"%p4%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X" BEL ESC "\\");
TCAP(fc::t_initialize_color) = \
const_cast<char*>(ESC "P" OSC "4;%p1%d;rgb:"
"%p4%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X" BEL ESC "\\");
else if ( xterm_terminal && ! putty_terminal )
TCAP(fc::t_initialize_color) = \
const_cast<char*>(OSC "4;%p1%d;rgb:"
"%p4%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X" ESC "\\");
TCAP(fc::t_initialize_color) = \
const_cast<char*>(OSC "P%p1%x"
// fallback if "ti" is not found
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_enter_ca_mode) )
TCAP(fc::t_enter_ca_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(ESC "7" CSI "?47h");
// fallback if "te" is not found
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_exit_ca_mode) )
TCAP(fc::t_exit_ca_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "?47l" ESC "8" CSI "m");
// set ansi move if "cm" is not found
if ( ! TCAP(fc::t_cursor_address) )
TCAP(fc::t_cursor_address) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "%i%p1%d;%p2%dH");
// test for standard ECMA-48 (ANSI X3.64) terminal
if ( TCAP(fc::t_exit_underline_mode)
&& std::strncmp(TCAP(fc::t_exit_underline_mode), CSI "24m", 5) == 0 )
// seems to be a ECMA-48 (ANSI X3.64) compatible terminal
TCAP(fc::t_enter_dbl_underline_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "21m"); // Exit single underline, too
TCAP(fc::t_exit_dbl_underline_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "24m");
TCAP(fc::t_exit_bold_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "22m"); // Exit dim, too
TCAP(fc::t_exit_dim_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "22m");
TCAP(fc::t_exit_underline_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "24m");
TCAP(fc::t_exit_blink_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "25m");
TCAP(fc::t_exit_reverse_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "27m");
TCAP(fc::t_exit_secure_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "28m");
TCAP(fc::t_enter_crossed_out_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "9m");
TCAP(fc::t_exit_crossed_out_mode) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "29m");
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
if ( isFreeBSDConsole() )
TCAP(fc::t_acs_chars) = \
TCAP(fc::t_set_attributes) = \
const_cast<char*>(CSI "0%?%p1%p6%|"
FTermcap::attr_without_color = 18;
// read termcap key strings
for (int i = 0; Fkey[i].tname[0] != 0; i++)
Fkey[i].string = tgetstr(Fkey[i].tname, &buffer);
// fallback for rxvt with TERM=xterm
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "khx", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(CSI "7~"); // home key
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "@7x", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(CSI "8~"); // end key
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "k1x", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(CSI "11~"); // F1
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "k2x", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(CSI "12~"); // F2
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "k3x", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(CSI "13~"); // F3
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "k4x", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(CSI "14~"); // F4
// fallback for TERM=ansi
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "@7X", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(CSI "K"); // end key
// Some terminals (e.g. PuTTY) send the wrong code for the arrow keys
// http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-scripting/..
// ..110380-using-arrow-keys-shell-scripts.html
key_up_string = tgetstr(const_cast<char*>("ku"), &buffer);
if ( (key_up_string && (std::strcmp(key_up_string, CSI "A") == 0))
|| ( TCAP(fc::t_cursor_up)
&& (std::strcmp(TCAP(fc::t_cursor_up), CSI "A") == 0) ) )
for (int i = 0; Fkey[i].tname[0] != 0; i++)
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "kux", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(CSI "A"); // key up
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "kdx", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(CSI "B"); // key down
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "krx", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(CSI "C"); // key right
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "klx", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(CSI "D"); // key left
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "k1X", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(ESC "OP"); // PF1
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "k2X", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(ESC "OQ"); // PF2
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "k3X", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(ESC "OR"); // PF3
if ( std::strncmp(Fkey[i].tname, "k4X", 3) == 0 )
Fkey[i].string = const_cast<char*>(ESC "OS"); // PF4
// duration precalculation of the cursor movement strings
opti_move->set_cursor_home (TCAP(fc::t_cursor_home));
opti_move->set_cursor_to_ll (TCAP(fc::t_cursor_to_ll));
opti_move->set_carriage_return (TCAP(fc::t_carriage_return));
opti_move->set_tabular (TCAP(fc::t_tab));
opti_move->set_back_tab (TCAP(fc::t_back_tab));
opti_move->set_cursor_up (TCAP(fc::t_cursor_up));
opti_move->set_cursor_down (TCAP(fc::t_cursor_down));
opti_move->set_cursor_left (TCAP(fc::t_cursor_left));
opti_move->set_cursor_right (TCAP(fc::t_cursor_right));
cursor_addres_lengths = \
opti_move->set_cursor_address (TCAP(fc::t_cursor_address));
opti_move->set_column_address (TCAP(fc::t_column_address));
opti_move->set_row_address (TCAP(fc::t_row_address));
opti_move->set_parm_up_cursor (TCAP(fc::t_parm_up_cursor));
opti_move->set_parm_down_cursor (TCAP(fc::t_parm_down_cursor));
opti_move->set_parm_left_cursor (TCAP(fc::t_parm_left_cursor));
opti_move->set_parm_right_cursor (TCAP(fc::t_parm_right_cursor));
opti_move->set_auto_left_margin (FTermcap::automatic_left_margin);
opti_move->set_eat_newline_glitch (FTermcap::eat_nl_glitch);
erase_ch_length = \
opti_move->set_erase_chars (TCAP(fc::t_erase_chars));
repeat_char_length = \
opti_move->set_repeat_char (TCAP(fc::t_repeat_char));
clr_bol_length = opti_move->set_clr_bol (TCAP(fc::t_clr_bol));
clr_eol_length = opti_move->set_clr_eol (TCAP(fc::t_clr_eol));
// attribute settings
opti_attr->setNoColorVideo (int(FTermcap::attr_without_color));
opti_attr->set_enter_bold_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_bold_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_bold_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_bold_mode));
opti_attr->set_enter_dim_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_dim_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_dim_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_dim_mode));
opti_attr->set_enter_italics_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_italics_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_italics_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_italics_mode));
opti_attr->set_enter_underline_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_underline_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_underline_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_underline_mode));
opti_attr->set_enter_blink_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_blink_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_blink_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_blink_mode));
opti_attr->set_enter_reverse_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_reverse_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_reverse_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_reverse_mode));
opti_attr->set_enter_standout_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_standout_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_standout_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_standout_mode));
opti_attr->set_enter_secure_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_secure_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_secure_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_secure_mode));
opti_attr->set_enter_protected_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_protected_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_protected_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_protected_mode));
opti_attr->set_enter_crossed_out_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_crossed_out_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_crossed_out_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_crossed_out_mode));
opti_attr->set_enter_dbl_underline_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_dbl_underline_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_dbl_underline_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_dbl_underline_mode));
opti_attr->set_set_attributes (TCAP(fc::t_set_attributes));
opti_attr->set_exit_attribute_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_attribute_mode));
opti_attr->set_enter_alt_charset_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_alt_charset_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_alt_charset_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_alt_charset_mode));
opti_attr->set_enter_pc_charset_mode (TCAP(fc::t_enter_pc_charset_mode));
opti_attr->set_exit_pc_charset_mode (TCAP(fc::t_exit_pc_charset_mode));
opti_attr->set_a_foreground_color (TCAP(fc::t_set_a_foreground));
opti_attr->set_a_background_color (TCAP(fc::t_set_a_background));
opti_attr->set_foreground_color (TCAP(fc::t_set_foreground));
opti_attr->set_background_color (TCAP(fc::t_set_background));
opti_attr->set_term_color_pair (TCAP(fc::t_set_color_pair));
opti_attr->set_orig_pair (TCAP(fc::t_orig_pair));
opti_attr->set_orig_orig_colors (TCAP(fc::t_orig_colors));
opti_attr->setMaxColor (FTermcap::max_color);
if ( FTermcap::ansi_default_color )
if ( cygwin_terminal )
void FTerm::init_encoding()
// detect encoding and set the Fputchar function pointer
if ( isatty(stdout_no)
&& ! std::strcmp(nl_langinfo(CODESET), "UTF-8") )
utf8_console = true;
Encoding = fc::UTF8;
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_UTF8; // function pointer
utf8_state = true;
utf8_input = true;
else if ( isatty(stdout_no)
&& (std::strlen(termtype) > 0)
&& (TCAP(fc::t_exit_alt_charset_mode) != 0) )
vt100_console = true;
Encoding = fc::VT100;
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_ASCII; // function pointer
ascii_console = true;
Encoding = fc::ASCII;
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_ASCII; // function pointer
if ( linux_terminal
|| cygwin_terminal
|| NewFont
|| (putty_terminal && ! utf8_state)
|| (tera_terminal && ! utf8_state) )
pc_charset_console = true;
Encoding = fc::PC;
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_ASCII; // function pointer
if ( linux_terminal && utf8_console )
utf8_linux_terminal = true;
else if ( xterm_terminal && utf8_console )
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_UTF8; // function pointer
if ( force_vt100 )
vt100_console = true;
Encoding = fc::VT100;
Fputchar = &FTerm::putchar_ASCII; // function pointer
// In some alternative character sets, a tab character prints a '○'
// on the terminal and does not move the cursor to the next tab stop
// position
if ( Encoding == fc::VT100 || Encoding == fc::PC )
char* empty = 0;
opti_move->set_tabular (empty);
void FTerm::init()
char* new_termtype = 0;
term_initialized = true;
init_term_object = this;
fd_tty = -1;
opti_move = new FOptiMove();
opti_attr = new FOptiAttr();
term = new FRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
mouse = new FPoint(0, 0);
vt100_alt_char = new std::map<uChar, uChar>;
encoding_set = new std::map<std::string, fc::encoding>;
catch (const std::bad_alloc& ex)
std::cerr << "not enough memory to alloc " << ex.what() << std::endl;
// Define the encoding set
(*encoding_set)["UTF8"] = fc::UTF8;
(*encoding_set)["UTF-8"] = fc::UTF8;
(*encoding_set)["VT100"] = fc::VT100;
(*encoding_set)["PC"] = fc::PC;
(*encoding_set)["ASCII"] = fc::ASCII;
// Preset to false
utf8_console = \
utf8_input = \
utf8_state = \
utf8_linux_terminal = \
pc_charset_console = \
vt100_console = \
NewFont = \
VGAFont = \
no_shadow_character = \
no_half_block_character = \
ascii_console = \
mouse_support = \
force_vt100 = \
tera_terminal = \
kterm_terminal = \
gnome_terminal = \
kde_konsole = \
ansi_terminal = \
rxvt_terminal = \
urxvt_terminal = \
mlterm_terminal = \
mintty_terminal = \
openbsd_terminal = \
screen_terminal = \
tmux_terminal = \
xterm_default_colors = false;
// Preset to true
cursor_optimisation = \
terminal_detection = true;
// assertion: programm start in cooked mode
raw_mode = \
input_data_pending = \
non_blocking_stdin = false;
// init arrays with '\0'
std::fill_n (exit_message, sizeof(exit_message), '\0');
stdin_no = fileno(stdin);
stdout_no = fileno(stdout);
stdin_status_flags = fcntl(stdin_no, F_GETFL);
if ( stdin_status_flags == -1 )
// Get pathname of the terminal device
if ( ttyname_r(stdout_no, term_name, sizeof(term_name)) )
term_name[0] = '\0';
#if defined(__linux__)
// initialize Linux console
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
// Initialize BSD console
#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
// Initialize wscons console
// Save termios settings
// Get output baud rate
baudrate = getBaudRate(&term_init);
if ( isatty(stdout_no) )
// Set the variable 'termtype' to the predefined type of the terminal
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, "cygwin", 6) == 0 )
cygwin_terminal = true;
cygwin_terminal = false;
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, "rxvt-cygwin-native", 18) == 0 )
rxvt_terminal = true;
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, "ansi", 4) == 0 )
terminal_detection = false;
ansi_terminal = true;
// Test for Linux console
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, const_cast<char*>("linux"), 5) == 0
|| std::strncmp(termtype, const_cast<char*>("con"), 3) == 0 )
linux_terminal = true;
linux_terminal = false;
// Test for NetBSD workstation console
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, const_cast<char*>("wsvt25"), 6) == 0 )
netbsd_terminal = true;
netbsd_terminal = false;
// Terminal detection
if ( terminal_detection )
struct termios t;
tcgetattr (stdin_no, &t);
t.c_lflag &= uInt(~(ICANON | ECHO));
t.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; // Timeout in deciseconds
t.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; // Minimum number of characters
tcsetattr (stdin_no, TCSANOW, &t);
// Initialize 256 colors terminals
new_termtype = init_256colorTerminal();
// Identify the terminal via the answerback-message
new_termtype = parseAnswerbackMsg (new_termtype);
// Identify the terminal via the secondary device attributes (SEC_DA)
new_termtype = parseSecDA (new_termtype);
// Determine xterm maximum number of colors via OSC 4
if ( ! color256
&& ! cygwin_terminal
&& ! tera_terminal
&& ! linux_terminal
&& ! netbsd_terminal
&& ! getXTermColorName(0).isEmpty() )
if ( ! getXTermColorName(256).isEmpty() )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("xterm-256color");
else if ( ! getXTermColorName(87).isEmpty() )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("xterm-88color");
else if ( ! getXTermColorName(15).isEmpty() )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("xterm-16color");
if ( cygwin_terminal
|| putty_terminal
|| tera_terminal
|| rxvt_terminal )
FTermcap::max_color = 16;
#if defined(__linux__)
if ( linux_terminal && openConsole() == 0 )
if ( isLinuxConsole() )
if ( setBlinkAsIntensity(true) == 0 )
FTermcap::max_color = 16;
FTermcap::max_color = 8;
setLinuxConsoleCursorStyle (fc::underscore_cursor, true);
if ( linux_terminal && getFramebuffer_bpp() >= 4 )
FTermcap::max_color = 16;
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
setFreeBSDConsoleCursorStyle (fc::destructive_cursor, true);
t.c_lflag |= uInt(ICANON | ECHO);
tcsetattr(stdin_no, TCSADRAIN, &t);
// Test if the terminal is a xterm
if ( std::strncmp(termtype, const_cast<char*>("xterm"), 5) == 0
|| std::strncmp(termtype, const_cast<char*>("Eterm"), 5) == 0 )
xterm_terminal = true;
// Each xterm should be able to use at least 16 colors
if ( ! new_termtype && std::strlen(termtype) == 5 )
new_termtype = const_cast<char*>("xterm-16color");
xterm_terminal = false;
// set the new environment variable TERM
if ( new_termtype )
setenv(const_cast<char*>("TERM"), new_termtype, 1);
std::strncpy (termtype, new_termtype, std::strlen(new_termtype) + 1);
// Initializes variables for the current terminal
// init current locale
locale_name = std::setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
locale_name = std::setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "");
locale_xterm = std::getenv("XTERM_LOCALE");
if ( locale_xterm )
locale_name = std::setlocale (LC_ALL, locale_xterm);
// TeraTerm can not show UTF-8 character
if ( tera_terminal && ! std::strcmp(nl_langinfo(CODESET), "UTF-8") )
locale_name = std::setlocale (LC_ALL, "C");
// try to found a meaningful content for locale_name
if ( locale_name )
locale_name = std::setlocale (LC_CTYPE, 0);
locale_name = std::getenv("LC_ALL");
if ( ! locale_name )
locale_name = std::getenv("LC_CTYPE");
if ( ! locale_name )
locale_name = std::getenv("LANG");
// Fallback to C
if ( ! locale_name )
locale_name = const_cast<char*>("C");
// Detect environment and set encoding
// Enable the linux general purpose mouse (gpm) server
gpm_mouse_enabled = enableGpmMouse();
// xterm mouse support
if ( TCAP(fc::t_key_mouse) && ! linux_terminal )
mouse_support = true;
// activate meta key sends escape
if ( xterm_terminal )
// enter 'keyboard_transmit' mode
if ( TCAP(fc::t_keypad_xmit) )
putstring (TCAP(fc::t_keypad_xmit));
// save current cursor position
if ( use_alternate_screen && TCAP(fc::t_save_cursor) )
putstring (TCAP(fc::t_save_cursor));
// saves the screen and the cursor position
if ( use_alternate_screen && TCAP(fc::t_enter_ca_mode) )
putstring (TCAP(fc::t_enter_ca_mode));
// enable alternate charset
if ( TCAP(fc::t_enable_acs) )
putstring (TCAP(fc::t_enable_acs));
if ( (xterm_terminal || urxvt_terminal) && ! rxvt_terminal )
struct termios t;
tcgetattr (stdin_no, &t);
t.c_lflag &= uInt(~(ICANON | ECHO));
tcsetattr (stdin_no, TCSANOW, &t);
xterm_font = getXTermFont();
xterm_title = getXTermTitle();
t.c_lflag |= uInt(ICANON | ECHO);
tcsetattr (stdin_no, TCSADRAIN, &t);
if ( kde_konsole )
if ( cygwin_terminal )
if ( tera_terminal )
if ( FTermcap::max_color >= 16
&& ! cygwin_terminal
&& ! kde_konsole
&& ! tera_terminal
&& ! ansi_terminal )
setPalette (fc::Black, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
setPalette (fc::Blue, 0x22, 0x22, 0xb2);
setPalette (fc::Green, 0x18, 0xb2, 0x18);
setPalette (fc::Cyan, 0x4a, 0x4a, 0xe4);
setPalette (fc::Red, 0xb2, 0x18, 0x18);
setPalette (fc::Magenta, 0xb2, 0x18, 0xb2);
setPalette (fc::Brown, 0xe8, 0x87, 0x1f);
setPalette (fc::LightGray, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0xbc);
setPalette (fc::DarkGray, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50);
setPalette (fc::LightBlue, 0x80, 0xa4, 0xec);
setPalette (fc::LightGreen, 0x54, 0xff, 0x54);
setPalette (fc::LightCyan, 0x49, 0xc9, 0xe3);
setPalette (fc::LightRed, 0xff, 0x54, 0x54);
setPalette (fc::LightMagenta, 0xff, 0x54, 0xff);
setPalette (fc::Yellow, 0xff, 0xff, 0x54);
setPalette (fc::White, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
// set 200 Hz beep (100 ms)
setBeep(200, 100);
signal(SIGTERM, FTerm::signal_handler); // Termination signal
signal(SIGQUIT, FTerm::signal_handler); // Quit from keyboard (Ctrl-\)
signal(SIGINT, FTerm::signal_handler); // Keyboard interrupt (Ctrl-C)
signal(SIGABRT, FTerm::signal_handler); // Abort signal from abort(3)
signal(SIGILL, FTerm::signal_handler); // Illegal Instruction
signal(SIGSEGV, FTerm::signal_handler); // Invalid memory reference
signal(SIGWINCH, FTerm::signal_handler); // Window resize signal
// turn off hardware echo
// switch to the raw mode
void FTerm::finish()
// set default signal handler
signal(SIGWINCH, SIG_DFL); // Window resize signal
signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL); // Invalid memory reference
signal(SIGILL, SIG_DFL); // Illegal Instruction
signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL); // Abort signal from abort(3)
signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); // Keyboard interrupt (Ctrl-C)
signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); // Quit from keyboard (Ctrl-\)
signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); // Termination signal
if ( xterm_title && xterm_terminal && ! rxvt_terminal )
setXTermTitle (*xterm_title);
// restore the saved termios settings
// turn off all attributes
if ( TCAP(fc::t_exit_attribute_mode) )
putstring (TCAP(fc::t_exit_attribute_mode));
// turn off pc charset mode
if ( TCAP(fc::t_exit_pc_charset_mode) )
putstring (TCAP(fc::t_exit_pc_charset_mode));
// reset xterm color settings to default values
// set xterm full block cursor
if ( FTermcap::max_color >= 16
&& ! (kde_konsole || tera_terminal || ansi_terminal) )
// reset screen settings
setPalette (fc::Cyan, 0x18, 0xb2, 0xb2);
setPalette (fc::LightGray, 0xb2, 0xb2, 0xb2);
setPalette (fc::DarkGray, 0x68, 0x68, 0x68);
setPalette (fc::LightBlue, 0x54, 0x54, 0xff);
setPalette (fc::LightGreen, 0x54, 0xff, 0x54);
if ( mintty_terminal )
// switch to normal escape key mode
putstring (CSI "?7727l");
#if defined(__linux__)
if ( linux_terminal )
setBlinkAsIntensity (false);
setLinuxConsoleCursorStyle (fc::default_cursor, false);
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
setFreeBSDConsoleCursorStyle (fc::normal_cursor, false);
#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
if ( kde_konsole )
// disable xterm mouse support
if ( mouse_support )
// deactivate meta key sends escape
if ( xterm_terminal )
if ( gpm_mouse_enabled )
disableGpmMouse(); // Disable gpm server
// restores the screen and the cursor position
if ( use_alternate_screen && TCAP(fc::t_exit_ca_mode) )
putstring (TCAP(fc::t_exit_ca_mode));
// restore cursor to position of last save_cursor
if ( use_alternate_screen && TCAP(fc::t_restore_cursor) )
putstring (TCAP(fc::t_restore_cursor));
// leave 'keyboard_transmit' mode
if ( TCAP(fc::t_keypad_local) )
putstring (TCAP(fc::t_keypad_local));
#if defined(__linux__)
if ( linux_terminal && utf8_console )
if ( NewFont || VGAFont )
if ( screen_font.data != 0 )
delete[] screen_font.data;
if ( screen_unicode_map.entries != 0 )
delete[] screen_unicode_map.entries;
if ( encoding_set )
delete encoding_set;
if ( vt100_alt_char )
delete vt100_alt_char;
if ( sec_da )
delete sec_da;
if ( answer_back )
delete answer_back;
if ( xterm_title )
delete xterm_title;
if ( xterm_font )
delete xterm_font;
if ( mouse )
delete mouse;
if ( term )
delete term;
if ( opti_attr )
delete opti_attr;
if ( opti_move )
delete opti_move;
uInt FTerm::cp437_to_unicode (uChar c)
register uInt ucs = uInt(c);
for (register uInt i = 0; i <= lastCP437Item; i++)
if ( cp437_to_ucs[i][0] == c ) // found
ucs = cp437_to_ucs[i][1];
return ucs;
void FTerm::signal_handler (int signum)
switch (signum)
if ( resize_term )
// initialize a resize event to the root element
resize_term = true;
case SIGINT:
case SIGILL:
std::fflush (stderr);
std::fflush (stdout);
std::fprintf ( stderr
, "\nProgram stopped: signal %d (%s)\n"
, signum
, strsignal(signum) );