
4681 lines
169 KiB

* foptiattr_test.cpp - FOptiAttr unit tests *
* *
* This file is part of the FINAL CUT widget toolkit *
* *
* Copyright 2018-2020 Markus Gans *
* *
* FINAL CUT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* FINAL CUT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License along with this program. If not, see *
* <>. *
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cppunit/BriefTestProgressListener.h>
#include <cppunit/CompilerOutputter.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
#include <cppunit/TestFixture.h>
#include <cppunit/TestResult.h>
#include <cppunit/TestResultCollector.h>
#include <cppunit/TestRunner.h>
#include <cppunit/SourceLine.h>
#include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
#include <final/final.h>
#define CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING(expected, actual) \
check_c_string (expected, actual, CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE())
void check_c_string ( const char* s1
, const char* s2
, CppUnit::SourceLine sourceLine )
if ( s1 == 0 && s2 == 0 ) // Strings are equal
if ( s1 && s2 && std::strcmp (s1, s2) == 0 ) // Strings are equal
::CppUnit::Asserter::fail ("Strings are not equal", sourceLine);
// class FOptiAttrTest
class FOptiAttrTest : public CPPUNIT_NS::TestFixture
{ }
void classNameTest();
void noArgumentTest();
void vga2ansiTest();
void sgrOptimizerTest();
void fakeReverseTest();
void ansiTest();
void vt100Test();
void xtermTest();
void rxvtTest();
void linuxTest();
void cygwinTest();
void puttyTest();
void teratermTest();
void ibmColorTest();
void wyse50Test();
std::string printSequence (const std::string&);
// Adds code needed to register the test suite
// Add a methods to the test suite
CPPUNIT_TEST (classNameTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (noArgumentTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (vga2ansiTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (sgrOptimizerTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (fakeReverseTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (ansiTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (vt100Test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (xtermTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (rxvtTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (linuxTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (cygwinTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (puttyTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (teratermTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (ibmColorTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (wyse50Test);
// End of test suite definition
void FOptiAttrTest::classNameTest()
finalcut::FOptiAttr opti_attr;
const finalcut::FString& classname = opti_attr.getClassName();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( classname == "FOptiAttr");
void FOptiAttrTest::noArgumentTest()
finalcut::FChar* ch = new finalcut::FChar();
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
// isNormal test
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! oa.isNormal(ch) );
ch->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( ! oa.isNormal(ch) );
ch->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.isNormal(ch) );
// Null test
finalcut::FChar* ch_null = nullptr;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(ch, ch) == 0 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(ch, ch_null), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(ch_null, ch), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(ch_null, ch_null), "" );
delete ch;
void FOptiAttrTest::sgrOptimizerTest()
// Test with FOptiAttr
// -------------------
finalcut::FStartOptions::getFStartOptions().sgr_optimizer = true;
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
oa.setDefaultColorSupport(); // ANSI default color
oa.setMaxColor (8);
oa.setNoColorVideo (3); // Avoid standout (1) + underline mode (2)
oa.set_enter_bold_mode (CSI "1m");
oa.set_exit_bold_mode (CSI "22m");
oa.set_enter_dim_mode (CSI "2m");
oa.set_exit_dim_mode (CSI "22m");
oa.set_enter_italics_mode (CSI "3m");
oa.set_exit_italics_mode (CSI "23m");
oa.set_enter_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_blink_mode (CSI "5m");
oa.set_exit_blink_mode (CSI "25m");
oa.set_enter_reverse_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_reverse_mode (CSI "27m");
oa.set_enter_standout_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_standout_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_secure_mode (CSI "8m");
oa.set_exit_secure_mode (CSI "28m");
oa.set_enter_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_protected_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_crossed_out_mode (CSI "9m");
oa.set_exit_crossed_out_mode (CSI "29m");
oa.set_enter_dbl_underline_mode (CSI "21m");
oa.set_exit_dbl_underline_mode (CSI "24m");
oa.set_set_attributes (CSI "0;10"
oa.set_exit_attribute_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_alt_charset_mode (CSI "11m");
oa.set_exit_alt_charset_mode (CSI "10m");
oa.set_enter_pc_charset_mode (CSI "11m");
oa.set_exit_pc_charset_mode (CSI "10m");
oa.set_a_foreground_color (CSI "3%p1%dm");
oa.set_a_background_color (CSI "4%p1%dm");
oa.set_foreground_color (0);
oa.set_background_color (0);
oa.set_term_color_pair (0);
oa.set_orig_pair (CSI "39;49m");
oa.set_orig_orig_colors (0);
finalcut::FChar* from = new finalcut::FChar();
finalcut::FChar* to = new finalcut::FChar();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blue text on white background + bold + dim + italic
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::White;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;2;1;3;34;47m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Yellow text on Black Yellow + bold
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Yellow;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Black;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;1;33;40m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Test only the optimizer
// -----------------------
char buffer[8192] = { CSI "0;10m" CSI "11m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" };
finalcut::SGRoptimizer sgr_optimizer(buffer);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "0;10;11;36;44m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "0;1m" CSI "34m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "0;1;34m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "m" CSI "34m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "0;34m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "1m" CSI "m" CSI "45m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "1;0;45m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "47m");
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "47m" CSI "m" CSI "1m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "47;0;1m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "49m" CSI "m" CSI "0m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "49;0;0m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "m" CSI "m" CSI "m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "0;0;0m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "m");
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "0;10;1;7m" CSI "3m" CSI "39m" CSI "49m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "0;10;1;7;3;39;49m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "m" CSI "38;5;20m" CSI "48;5;229m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "0;38;5;20;48;5;229m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "m" CSI "38;5;20m" CSI "11;16H");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "0;38;5;20m" CSI "11;16H" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "1;1H" CSI "m" CSI "38;5;35m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "1;1H" CSI "0;38;5;35m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "m" CSI "38;5;20m" CSI "11;16H" CSI "48;5;229m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "0;38;5;20m" CSI "11;16H" CSI "48;5;229m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "m" CSI "38;5;20m" "ABC" CSI "48;5;229m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "0;38;5;20mABC" CSI "48;5;229m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "m" CSI "1m" CSI "2m" CSI "3m" CSI "4m"
CSI "5m" CSI "7m" CSI "8m" CSI "9m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "0;1;2;3;4;5;7;8;9m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "0m" CSI "46;36;1m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "0;46;36;1m" );
std::strcpy(buffer, CSI "m" CSI "38;2;0;139;139m" CSI "48;2;240;255;240m");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( buffer, CSI "0;38;2;0;139;139;48;2;240;255;240m" );
delete to;
delete from;
void FOptiAttrTest::vga2ansiTest()
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(0) == 0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(1) == 4);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(2) == 2);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(3) == 6);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(4) == 1);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(5) == 5);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(6) == 3);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(7) == 7);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(8) == 8);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(9) == 12);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(10) == 10);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(11) == 14);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(12) == 9);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(13) == 13);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(14) == 11);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (oa.vga2ansi(15) == 15);
void FOptiAttrTest::fakeReverseTest()
finalcut::FStartOptions::getFStartOptions().sgr_optimizer = false;
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
oa.setDefaultColorSupport(); // ANSI default color
oa.setMaxColor (8);
oa.setNoColorVideo (4); // Avoid reverse (4)
oa.set_enter_bold_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_bold_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_dim_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_dim_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_blink_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_blink_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_reverse_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_reverse_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_standout_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_standout_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_secure_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_secure_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_crossed_out_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_crossed_out_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_dbl_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_dbl_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_set_attributes (0);
oa.set_exit_attribute_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_alt_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_alt_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_pc_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_pc_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_a_foreground_color (CSI "3%p1%dm");
oa.set_a_background_color (CSI "4%p1%dm");
oa.set_foreground_color (0);
oa.set_background_color (0);
oa.set_term_color_pair (0);
oa.set_orig_pair (0);
oa.set_orig_orig_colors (0);
finalcut::FChar* from = new finalcut::FChar();
finalcut::FChar* to = new finalcut::FChar();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Gray text on blue background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::LightGray;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "37m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse on
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "34m" CSI "47m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( from->fg_color == finalcut::fc::LightGray );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( from->bg_color == finalcut::fc::Blue );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
// Gray text on red background
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Red;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "31m" CSI "47m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "37m" CSI "41m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
delete to;
delete from;
void FOptiAttrTest::ansiTest()
// Simulate an ansi terminal
finalcut::FStartOptions::getFStartOptions().sgr_optimizer = false;
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
oa.setDefaultColorSupport(); // ANSI default color
oa.setMaxColor (8);
oa.setNoColorVideo (3); // Avoid standout (1) + underline mode (2)
oa.set_enter_bold_mode (CSI "1m");
oa.set_exit_bold_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_dim_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_dim_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_underline_mode (CSI "4m");
oa.set_exit_underline_mode (CSI "1m");
oa.set_enter_blink_mode (CSI "5m");
oa.set_exit_blink_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_reverse_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_reverse_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_standout_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_standout_mode (CSI "m");
oa.set_enter_secure_mode (CSI "8m");
oa.set_exit_secure_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_protected_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_crossed_out_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_crossed_out_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_dbl_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_dbl_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_set_attributes (CSI "0;10"
oa.set_exit_attribute_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_alt_charset_mode (CSI "11m");
oa.set_exit_alt_charset_mode (CSI "10m");
oa.set_enter_pc_charset_mode (CSI "11m");
oa.set_exit_pc_charset_mode (CSI "10m");
oa.set_a_foreground_color (CSI "3%p1%dm");
oa.set_a_background_color (CSI "4%p1%dm");
oa.set_foreground_color (0);
oa.set_background_color (0);
oa.set_term_color_pair (0);
oa.set_orig_pair (CSI "39;49m");
oa.set_orig_orig_colors (0);
finalcut::FChar* from = new finalcut::FChar();
finalcut::FChar* to = new finalcut::FChar();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default color + bold
from->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
from->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;1m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blue text on white background + dim + italic
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::White;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;1m" CSI "34m" CSI "47m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reset attributes + default background
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "34m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Red text on black background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Red;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Black;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "31m" CSI "40m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// 256 color text and background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::SpringGreen3;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::NavyBlue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "32m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold on (with default colors)
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;1m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;4m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;5m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;7m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;7m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;8m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;11m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "10m" CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10m" CSI "11m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "10m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Turn on all attributes (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;7;4;7;5;1;8;11m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Cyan text on blue background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Cyan;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;7;5;8;11m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;7;5;8;11m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;7;5;8;11m"
CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to ); // because of noColorVideo = 3
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;7;8;11m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;8;11m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to ); // because of noColorVideo = 3
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;11m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;11m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;11m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10;11m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;10m" CSI "11m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "10m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Green text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Green;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), CSI "32m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( printSequence(oa.changeAttribute(from, to)).c_str()
, "Esc [ 3 9 m " );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
delete to;
delete from;
void FOptiAttrTest::vt100Test()
// Simulate a vt100 terminal
finalcut::FStartOptions::getFStartOptions().sgr_optimizer = false;
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
oa.unsetDefaultColorSupport(); // No ANSI default color
oa.setMaxColor (1);
oa.setNoColorVideo (0);
oa.set_enter_bold_mode (CSI "1m$<2>");
oa.set_exit_bold_mode (CSI "0m$<2>");
oa.set_enter_dim_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_dim_mode (CSI "0m$<2>");
oa.set_enter_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_underline_mode (CSI "4m$<2>");
oa.set_exit_underline_mode (CSI "m$<2>");
oa.set_enter_blink_mode (CSI "5m$<2>");
oa.set_exit_blink_mode (CSI "0m$<2>");
oa.set_enter_reverse_mode (CSI "7m$<2>");
oa.set_exit_reverse_mode (CSI "0m$<2>");
oa.set_enter_standout_mode (CSI "7m$<2>");
oa.set_exit_standout_mode (CSI "m$<2>");
oa.set_enter_secure_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_secure_mode (CSI "0m$<2>");
oa.set_enter_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_protected_mode (CSI "0m$<2>");
oa.set_enter_crossed_out_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_crossed_out_mode (CSI "0m$<2>");
oa.set_enter_dbl_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_dbl_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_set_attributes (CSI "0"
oa.set_exit_attribute_mode (CSI "0m$<2>");
oa.set_enter_alt_charset_mode ("\016");
oa.set_exit_alt_charset_mode ("\017");
oa.set_enter_pc_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_pc_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_a_foreground_color (CSI "3%p1%dm");
oa.set_a_background_color (CSI "4%p1%dm");
oa.set_foreground_color (0);
oa.set_background_color (0);
oa.set_term_color_pair (0);
oa.set_orig_pair (0);
oa.set_orig_orig_colors (0);
finalcut::FChar* from = new finalcut::FChar();
finalcut::FChar* to = new finalcut::FChar();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default color + bold
from->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
from->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blue text on white background + dim + italic
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::White;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reset attributes + default background
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
// Red text on black background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Red;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Black;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "" );
// 256 color text and background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::SpringGreen3;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::NavyBlue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
// Bold on (with default colors)
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;4m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;5m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;7m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1;7m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( to->encoded_char == ' ' );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\016$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "\017" CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Turn on all attributes (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1;4;7;5m\016$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Cyan text on blue background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Cyan;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
// Bold off
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>\016" CSI "4m$<2>"
CSI "5m$<2>" CSI "7m$<2>" CSI "7m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>\016" CSI "4m$<2>"
CSI "5m$<2>" CSI "7m$<2>" CSI "7m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "m$<2>\016" CSI "5m$<2>"
CSI "7m$<2>" CSI "7m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>\016" CSI "7m$<2>" CSI "7m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>\016" CSI "7m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "m$<2>\016" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>\016" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>\016" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>\016" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Green text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Green;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
delete to;
delete from;
void FOptiAttrTest::xtermTest()
// Simulate an xterm-256color terminal
finalcut::FStartOptions::getFStartOptions().sgr_optimizer = false;
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
oa.setDefaultColorSupport(); // ANSI default color
oa.setMaxColor (256);
oa.setNoColorVideo (0);
oa.set_enter_bold_mode (CSI "1m");
oa.set_exit_bold_mode (CSI "22m");
oa.set_enter_dim_mode (CSI "2m");
oa.set_exit_dim_mode (CSI "22m");
oa.set_enter_italics_mode (CSI "3m");
oa.set_exit_italics_mode (CSI "23m");
oa.set_enter_underline_mode (CSI "4m");
oa.set_exit_underline_mode (CSI "24m");
oa.set_enter_blink_mode (CSI "5m");
oa.set_exit_blink_mode (CSI "25m");
oa.set_enter_reverse_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_reverse_mode (CSI "27m");
oa.set_enter_standout_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_standout_mode (CSI "27m");
oa.set_enter_secure_mode (CSI "8m");
oa.set_exit_secure_mode (CSI "28m");
oa.set_enter_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_protected_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_crossed_out_mode (CSI "9m");
oa.set_exit_crossed_out_mode (CSI "29m");
oa.set_enter_dbl_underline_mode (CSI "21m");
oa.set_exit_dbl_underline_mode (CSI "24m");
oa.set_set_attributes ("%?%p9%t" ESC "(0"
"%e" ESC "(B%;" CSI "0"
oa.set_exit_attribute_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_alt_charset_mode (ESC "(0");
oa.set_exit_alt_charset_mode (ESC "(B");
oa.set_enter_pc_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_pc_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_a_foreground_color (CSI "%?%p1%{8}%<"
oa.set_a_background_color (CSI "%?%p1%{8}%<"
oa.set_foreground_color (0);
oa.set_background_color (0);
oa.set_term_color_pair (0);
oa.set_orig_pair (CSI "39;49m");
oa.set_orig_orig_colors (0);
finalcut::FChar* from = new finalcut::FChar();
finalcut::FChar* to = new finalcut::FChar();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default color + bold
from->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
from->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0;1m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blue text on white background + dim + italic
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::White;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0;1;2m" CSI "3m"
CSI "34m" CSI "107m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reset attributes + default background
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "34m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Red text on black background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Red;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Black;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "31m" CSI "40m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// 256 color text and background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::SpringGreen3;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::NavyBlue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "38;5;42m" CSI "48;5;17m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold on (with default colors)
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0;1m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0;2m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0m" CSI "3m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0;4m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0;5m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0;7m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0;7m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0;8m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0m" CSI "9m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0m" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(0" CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Turn on all attributes (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(0" CSI "0;1;2;4;7;5;8m" CSI "3m"
CSI "9m" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Cyan text on blue background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Cyan;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "22m" CSI "2m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "22m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "23m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "24m" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "25m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "27m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "27m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "28m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" ESC "(0" CSI "9m" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "29m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "24m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(B" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Green text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Green;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), CSI "32m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( printSequence(oa.changeAttribute(from, to)).c_str()
, "Esc [ 3 9 m " );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
delete to;
delete from;
void FOptiAttrTest::rxvtTest()
// Simulate an rxvt terminal
finalcut::FStartOptions::getFStartOptions().sgr_optimizer = false;
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
oa.setDefaultColorSupport(); // ANSI default color
oa.setMaxColor (8);
oa.setNoColorVideo (0);
oa.set_enter_bold_mode (CSI "1m");
oa.set_exit_bold_mode (CSI "22m");
oa.set_enter_dim_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_dim_mode (CSI "22m");
oa.set_enter_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_underline_mode (CSI "4m");
oa.set_exit_underline_mode (CSI "24m");
oa.set_enter_blink_mode (CSI "5m");
oa.set_exit_blink_mode (CSI "25m");
oa.set_enter_reverse_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_reverse_mode (CSI "27m");
oa.set_enter_standout_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_standout_mode (CSI "27m");
oa.set_enter_secure_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_secure_mode (CSI "28m");
oa.set_enter_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_protected_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_crossed_out_mode (CSI "9m");
oa.set_exit_crossed_out_mode (CSI "29m");
oa.set_enter_dbl_underline_mode (CSI "21m");
oa.set_exit_dbl_underline_mode (CSI "24m");
oa.set_set_attributes (CSI "0"
oa.set_exit_attribute_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_alt_charset_mode ("\016");
oa.set_exit_alt_charset_mode ("\017");
oa.set_enter_pc_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_pc_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_a_foreground_color (CSI "3%p1%dm");
oa.set_a_background_color (CSI "4%p1%dm");
oa.set_foreground_color (0);
oa.set_background_color (0);
oa.set_term_color_pair (0);
oa.set_orig_pair (CSI "39;49m");
oa.set_orig_orig_colors (0);
finalcut::FChar* from = new finalcut::FChar();
finalcut::FChar* to = new finalcut::FChar();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default color + bold
from->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
from->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blue text on white background + dim + italic
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::White;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017" CSI "34m" CSI "47m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reset attributes + default background
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "34m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Red text on black background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Red;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Black;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "31m" CSI "40m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// 256 color text and background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::SpringGreen3;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::NavyBlue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "32m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold on (with default colors)
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;4m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;5m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;7m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;7m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( to->encoded_char == ' ' );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" CSI "9m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\016" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "\017" CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Turn on all attributes (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1;4;7;5m\016"
CSI "9m" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Cyan text on blue background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Cyan;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "22m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "22m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "24m" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "25m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "27m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "27m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "28m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m\016" CSI "9m" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "29m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "24m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Green text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Green;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), CSI "32m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( printSequence(oa.changeAttribute(from, to)).c_str()
, "Esc [ 3 9 m " );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
delete to;
delete from;
void FOptiAttrTest::linuxTest()
// Simulate a Linux terminal with 16 colors
finalcut::FStartOptions::getFStartOptions().sgr_optimizer = false;
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
oa.setDefaultColorSupport(); // ANSI default color
oa.setMaxColor (16);
oa.setNoColorVideo (18);
oa.set_enter_bold_mode (CSI "1m");
oa.set_exit_bold_mode (CSI "22m");
oa.set_enter_dim_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_dim_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_blink_mode (CSI "5m");
oa.set_exit_blink_mode (CSI "25m");
oa.set_enter_reverse_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_reverse_mode (CSI "27m");
oa.set_enter_standout_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_standout_mode (CSI "27m");
oa.set_enter_secure_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_secure_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_crossed_out_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_crossed_out_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_dbl_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_dbl_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_set_attributes (CSI "0"
oa.set_exit_attribute_mode (CSI "0m\017");
oa.set_enter_alt_charset_mode ("\016");
oa.set_exit_alt_charset_mode ("\017");
oa.set_enter_pc_charset_mode (CSI "11m");
oa.set_exit_pc_charset_mode (CSI "10m");
oa.set_a_foreground_color (CSI "3%p1%{8}%m%d"
oa.set_a_background_color (CSI "4%p1%{8}%m%d"
oa.set_foreground_color (0);
oa.set_background_color (0);
oa.set_term_color_pair (0);
oa.set_orig_pair (CSI "39;49;25m");
oa.set_orig_orig_colors (OSC "R");
finalcut::FChar* from = new finalcut::FChar();
finalcut::FChar* to = new finalcut::FChar();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default color + bold
from->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
from->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blue text on white background + dim + italic
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::White;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017" CSI "34;22m" CSI "47;5m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reset attributes + default background
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" CSI "34;22m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Red text on black background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Red;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Black;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "31;22m" CSI "40;25m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// 256 color text and background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::SpringGreen3;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::NavyBlue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "32;1m" CSI "44;25m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold on (with default colors)
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;5m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;7m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;7m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( to->encoded_char == ' ' );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\17" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\016" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "\017" CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" CSI "11m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" CSI "10m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Turn on all attributes (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1;7;5m\016"
CSI "11m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Cyan text on blue background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Cyan;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "36;22m" CSI "44;25m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "22m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "25m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "27m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "27m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" CSI "10m" CSI "36;22m" CSI "44;25m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Green text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Green;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), CSI "32;22m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( printSequence(oa.changeAttribute(from, to)).c_str()
, "Esc [ 3 9 m " );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
delete to;
delete from;
void FOptiAttrTest::cygwinTest()
// Simulate a CygWin terminal
void FOptiAttrTest::puttyTest()
// Simulate a putty-256color terminal
finalcut::FStartOptions::getFStartOptions().sgr_optimizer = false;
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
oa.unsetDefaultColorSupport(); // No ANSI default color
oa.setMaxColor (256);
oa.setNoColorVideo (0);
oa.set_enter_bold_mode (CSI "1m");
oa.set_exit_bold_mode (CSI "22m");
oa.set_enter_dim_mode (CSI "2m");
oa.set_exit_dim_mode (CSI "22m");
oa.set_enter_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_underline_mode (CSI "4m");
oa.set_exit_underline_mode (CSI "24m");
oa.set_enter_blink_mode (CSI "5m");
oa.set_exit_blink_mode (CSI "25m");
oa.set_enter_reverse_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_reverse_mode (CSI "27m");
oa.set_enter_standout_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_standout_mode (CSI "27m");
oa.set_enter_secure_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_secure_mode (CSI "28m");
oa.set_enter_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_protected_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_crossed_out_mode (CSI "9m");
oa.set_exit_crossed_out_mode (CSI "29m");
oa.set_enter_dbl_underline_mode (CSI "21m");
oa.set_exit_dbl_underline_mode (CSI "24m");
oa.set_set_attributes (CSI "0"
oa.set_exit_attribute_mode (CSI "0m");
oa.set_enter_alt_charset_mode ("\016");
oa.set_exit_alt_charset_mode ("\017");
oa.set_enter_pc_charset_mode (CSI "11m");
oa.set_exit_pc_charset_mode (CSI "10m");
oa.set_a_foreground_color (CSI "%?%p1%{8}%<"
oa.set_a_background_color (CSI "%?%p1%{8}%<"
oa.set_foreground_color (0);
oa.set_background_color (0);
oa.set_term_color_pair (0);
oa.set_orig_pair (CSI "39;49m");
oa.set_orig_orig_colors (OSC "R");
finalcut::FChar* from = new finalcut::FChar();
finalcut::FChar* to = new finalcut::FChar();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default color + bold
from->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
from->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blue text on white background + dim + italic
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::White;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1;2m\017" CSI "34m" CSI "107m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reset attributes + default background
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "39;49m" CSI "34m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Red text on black background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Red;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Black;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "31m" CSI "40m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// 256 color text and background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::SpringGreen3;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::NavyBlue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "38;5;42m" CSI "48;5;17m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold on (with default colors)
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;2m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;4m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;5m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;7m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1;7m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( to->encoded_char == ' ' );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" CSI "9m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\016" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "\017" CSI "0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017" CSI "11m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "10m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Turn on all attributes (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1;2;4;7;5m\016"
CSI "9m" CSI "21m" CSI "11m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Cyan text on blue background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Cyan;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "22m" CSI "2m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "22m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "24m" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "25m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "27m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "27m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "28m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" "\016"
CSI "11m" CSI "9m" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "29m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "24m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m" CSI "10m" CSI "36m" CSI "44m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Green text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Green;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), CSI "32m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( printSequence(oa.changeAttribute(from, to)).c_str()
, "Esc [ 3 9 ; 4 9 m Esc [ 4 4 m " );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
delete to;
delete from;
void FOptiAttrTest::teratermTest()
// Simulate a Tera Term terminal
finalcut::FStartOptions::getFStartOptions().sgr_optimizer = false;
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
oa.unsetDefaultColorSupport(); // No ANSI default color
oa.setMaxColor (16);
oa.setNoColorVideo (41); // Avoid standout (1) + blink (8) + bold (32)
oa.set_enter_bold_mode (CSI "1m");
oa.set_exit_bold_mode (CSI "22m");
oa.set_enter_dim_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_dim_mode (CSI "22m");
oa.set_enter_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_underline_mode (CSI "4m");
oa.set_exit_underline_mode (CSI "24m");
oa.set_enter_blink_mode (CSI "5m");
oa.set_exit_blink_mode (CSI "25m");
oa.set_enter_reverse_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_reverse_mode (CSI "27m");
oa.set_enter_standout_mode (CSI "7m");
oa.set_exit_standout_mode (CSI "27m");
oa.set_enter_secure_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_secure_mode (CSI "28m");
oa.set_enter_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_protected_mode (CSI "0m$<2>");
oa.set_enter_crossed_out_mode (CSI "9m");
oa.set_exit_crossed_out_mode (CSI "29m");
oa.set_enter_dbl_underline_mode (CSI "21m");
oa.set_exit_dbl_underline_mode (CSI "24m");
oa.set_set_attributes (CSI "0"
oa.set_exit_attribute_mode (CSI "0m$<2>");
oa.set_enter_alt_charset_mode ("\016");
oa.set_exit_alt_charset_mode ("\017");
oa.set_enter_pc_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_pc_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_a_foreground_color (CSI "38;5;%p1%dm");
oa.set_a_background_color (CSI "48;5;%p1%dm");
oa.set_foreground_color (0);
oa.set_background_color (0);
oa.set_term_color_pair (0);
oa.set_orig_pair (CSI "39;49m");
oa.set_orig_orig_colors (0);
finalcut::FChar* from = new finalcut::FChar();
finalcut::FChar* to = new finalcut::FChar();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default color + bold
from->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
from->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blue text on white background + dim + italic
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::White;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" CSI "38;5;4m"
CSI "48;5;15m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reset attributes + default background
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" CSI "39;49m" CSI "38;5;4m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Red text on black background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Red;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Black;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "38;5;1m" CSI "48;5;0m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// 256 color text and background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::SpringGreen3;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::NavyBlue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "38;5;10m" CSI "48;5;4m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold on (with default colors)
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;4m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;5m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;7m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1;7m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( to->encoded_char == ' ' );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" CSI "9m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\016$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "\017" CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m\017$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Turn on all attributes (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0;1;4;7;5m\016$<2>"
CSI "9m" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Cyan text on blue background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Cyan;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "38;5;6m" CSI "48;5;4m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to ); // because of noColorVideo = 41
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "22m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "24m" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to ); // because of noColorVideo = 41
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "27m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to ); // because of noColorVideo = 41
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "28m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" CSI "38;5;6m" CSI "48;5;4m"
"\016" CSI "9m" CSI "21m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "29m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "24m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, "\017" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "0m$<2>" CSI "38;5;6m" CSI "48;5;4m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Green text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Green;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), CSI "38;5;2m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( printSequence(oa.changeAttribute(from, to)).c_str()
, "Esc [ 3 9 ; 4 9 m Esc [ 4 8 ; 5 ; 4 m " );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
delete to;
delete from;
void FOptiAttrTest::ibmColorTest()
// Simulate IBM color definitions
finalcut::FStartOptions::getFStartOptions().sgr_optimizer = false;
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
oa.unsetDefaultColorSupport(); // No ANSI default color
oa.setMaxColor (8);
oa.setNoColorVideo (3); // Avoid standout (1) + underline mode (2)
oa.set_enter_bold_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_bold_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_dim_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_dim_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_italics_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_blink_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_blink_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_reverse_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_reverse_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_standout_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_standout_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_secure_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_secure_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_protected_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_crossed_out_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_crossed_out_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_dbl_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_dbl_underline_mode (0);
oa.set_set_attributes (0);
oa.set_exit_attribute_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_alt_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_alt_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_enter_pc_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_exit_pc_charset_mode (0);
oa.set_a_foreground_color (0);
oa.set_a_background_color (0);
oa.set_foreground_color (CSI "%?%p1%{0}%=%t30m"
oa.set_background_color (CSI "%?%p1%{0}%=%t40m"
oa.set_term_color_pair (0);
oa.set_orig_pair (CSI "32;40m");
oa.set_orig_orig_colors (0);
finalcut::FChar* from = new finalcut::FChar();
finalcut::FChar* to = new finalcut::FChar();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default color + bold
from->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
from->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blue text on white background + dim + italic
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::White;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "31m" CSI "107m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reset attributes + default background
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "32;40m" CSI "31m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Red text on black background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Red;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Black;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "34m" CSI "40m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// 256 color text and background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::SpringGreen3;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::NavyBlue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "32m" CSI "41m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold on (with default colors)
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "32;40m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( to->encoded_char == ' ' );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Turn on all attributes (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Cyan text on blue background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Cyan;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "33m" CSI "41m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to ); // because of noColorVideo = 3
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to ); // because of noColorVideo = 3
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Green text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Green;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, CSI "32m" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( printSequence(oa.changeAttribute(from, to)).c_str()
, "Esc [ 3 2 ; 4 0 m Esc [ 4 1 m " );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
delete to;
delete from;
void FOptiAttrTest::wyse50Test()
// Simulate an Wyse-50 terminal
finalcut::FStartOptions::getFStartOptions().sgr_optimizer = false;
finalcut::FOptiAttr oa;
finalcut::FOptiAttr::termEnv optiattr_env =
0, // Enter bold
ESC "(" ESC "H\003"
ESC "G0" ESC "cD", // Exit bold
ESC "Gp", // Enter dim
ESC "(" ESC "H\003"
ESC "G0" ESC "cD", // Exit dim
0, // Enter italics
0, // Exit italics
ESC "G8", // Enter underline
ESC "G0", // Exit underline
ESC "G2", // Enter blink
ESC "(" ESC "H\003"
ESC "G0" ESC "cD", // Exit blink
ESC "G2", // Enter reverse
ESC "(" ESC "H\003"
ESC "G0" ESC "cD", // Exit reverse
ESC "Gt", // Enter standout
ESC "G0", // Exit standout
ESC "G1", // Enter secure
ESC "(" ESC "H\003"
ESC "G0" ESC "cD", // Exit secure
ESC ")", // Enter protected
ESC "(" ESC "H\003"
ESC "G0" ESC "cD", // Exit protected
0, // Enter crossed out
ESC "(" ESC "H\003"
ESC "G0" ESC "cD", // Exit crossed out
0, // Enter double underline
0, // Exit double underline
"%?%p7%t%{1}%|%;%c", // Set attributes
ESC "(" ESC "H\003"
ESC "G0" ESC "cD", // Exit attribute
ESC "cE", // Enter alt charset
ESC "cD", // Exit alt charset
0, // Enter pc charset
0, // Exit pc charset
0, // Ansi foreground color
0, // Ansi background color
0, // Foreground color
0, // Background color
0, // Term color pair
0, // Orig pair
0, // Orig orig colors
1, // Max color
0, // No color video
false // No ANSI default color
finalcut::FChar* from = new finalcut::FChar();
finalcut::FChar* to = new finalcut::FChar();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default color + bold
from->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
from->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "G4" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blue text on white background + dim + italic
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::White;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "Gt" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reset attributes + default background
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Red text on black background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Red;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Black;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// 256 color text and background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::SpringGreen3;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::NavyBlue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold on (with default colors)
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "G4" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "Gp" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "G0" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "G8" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "G2" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "G4" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "Gt" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "G1" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC ")" ESC "cD" ESC "G0" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "G0" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "G0" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cE" ESC "G0" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "cD" ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0"
ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set on (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "cD" ESC "G0" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Turn on all attributes (with default colors)
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.bold = true;
to->attr.bit.dim = true;
to->attr.bit.italic = true;
to->attr.bit.underline = true;
to->attr.bit.blink = true;
to->attr.bit.reverse = true;
to->attr.bit.standout = true;
to->attr.bit.invisible = true;
to->attr.bit.protect = true;
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = true;
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = true;
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = true;
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = true;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC ")" ESC "cE" ESC "G\177" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Cyan text on blue background
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Cyan;
to->bg_color = finalcut::fc::Blue;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Bold off
to->attr.bit.bold = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD"
ESC "cE" ESC "Gp" ESC "G8" ESC "G2"
ESC "G2" ESC "Gt" ESC "G1" ESC ")" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Dim off
to->attr.bit.dim = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD"
ESC "cE" ESC "G8" ESC "G2" ESC "G2"
ESC "Gt" ESC "G1" ESC ")" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Italic off
to->attr.bit.italic = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Underline off
to->attr.bit.underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "G0" ESC "cE" ESC "G2" ESC "G2"
ESC "Gt" ESC "G1" ESC ")" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Blink off
to->attr.bit.blink = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD"
ESC "cE" ESC "G2" ESC "Gt" ESC "G1"
ESC ")" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Reverse off
to->attr.bit.reverse = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD"
ESC "cE" ESC "Gt" ESC "G1" ESC ")" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Standout off
to->attr.bit.standout = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "G0" ESC "cE" ESC "G1" ESC ")" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Invisible off
to->attr.bit.invisible = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD"
ESC "cE" ESC ")" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Protect off
to->attr.bit.protect = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD"
ESC "cE" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Crossed out off
to->attr.bit.crossed_out = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD"
ESC "cE" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Double underline off
to->attr.bit.dbl_underline = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Alternate character set off
to->attr.bit.alt_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// PC character set off
to->attr.bit.pc_charset = false;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to)
, ESC "(" ESC "H\003" ESC "G0" ESC "cD" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Green text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Green;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from != *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_CSTRING ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to), "" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
// Default text color
to->fg_color = finalcut::fc::Default;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( *from == *to );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( oa.changeAttribute(from, to) == 0 );
delete to;
delete from;
std::string FOptiAttrTest::printSequence (const std::string& s)
std::string sequence;
const std::string ctrl_character[] =
"NUL", "SOH", "STX", "ETX", "EOT", "ENQ", "ACK", "BEL",
"BS", "Tab", "LF", "VT", "FF", "CR", "SO", "SI",
"DLE", "DC1", "DC2", "DC3", "DC4", "NAK", "SYN", "ETB",
"CAN", "EM", "SUB", "Esc", "FS", "GS", "RS", "US",
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
char ch = s[i];
if ( ch < 0x21 )
sequence += ctrl_character[uInt(ch)];
sequence += ch;
sequence += ' ';
return sequence;
// Put the test suite in the registry
// The general unit test main part
#include <>