fix: modification couleur lors du comptage: erreur dans le codage des couleur qui etait en decimal

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Hordé 2004-11-25 00:04:04 +00:00
parent 85f66f34d5
commit b0835bc5a7
1 changed files with 64 additions and 224 deletions

View File

@ -2,195 +2,54 @@
.486 .486
smart smart
.code .code
org 0h org 0h
include ..\include\mem.h
start: start:
header exe <,1,0,,,offset imports,,>
mov ah,28h mov ah,28h
int 47h int 47h
mov ax,0001
int 47h
mov ah,2
int 47h
mov si,offset text1 ;titre push word ptr 0FFFFh
mov ah,13 push dword ptr 652201
int 47h push dword ptr 1545454545
mov ah,6 push word ptr 1523
int 47h push word ptr 2041
int 47h push offset zero
mov ah,21 push offset fixe
mov cl,3 push word ptr 5
int 47h push word ptr 'i'
mov ah,13 push word ptr 'a'
mov si,offset text2 push dword ptr 5041
int 47h push dword ptr 125645
mov ah,6 push dword ptr 5041
int 47h push dword ptr 125645
mov edx,2612182686 push dword ptr 5041
mov ah,8 push dword ptr 125645
int 47h push offset message
mov ah,6 call [print]
int 47h
mov edx,7576534
mov ah,8
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,21
mov cl,4
int 47h
mov si,offset text3
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov edx,-6876253
mov cx,32
mov ah,9
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov edx,-311212323
mov cx,32
mov ah,9
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,21
mov cl,5
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset text4
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov edx,0892325457
mov cx,16
mov ah,10
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov edx,0236514
mov ah,10
mov cx,32
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,21
mov cl,6
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset text5
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov edx,3762182686
mov ah,11
mov cx,32
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov edx,2182686
mov ah,11
mov cx,16
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,21
mov cl,7
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset text6
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov dl,'h'
mov ah,7
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov dl,'@'
mov ah,7
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,21
mov cl,8
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset text7
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov si,offset textt
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov si,offset texttt
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,21
mov cl,9
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset text71
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov dx,0BF30h
mov ah,44
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov dx,0B0B6h
mov ah,44
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset text72
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov edx,8601h
mov ah,45
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov dx,0B0B6h
mov ah,45
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ax,0 mov ax,0
int 16h int 16h
mov ah,2 mov ah,2
int 47h int 47h
mov ah,30 mov ah,30
int 47h int 47h
mov ah,2 mov ah,2
int 47h int 47h
mov ah,21
mov cl,5
int 47h
mov cx,200 mov cx,200
go1: go1:
mov ah,30 mov ah,30
int 47h int 47h
mov ah,33 mov ah,33
int 47 int 47
mov ah,20 push offset textdemo1
xor bh,bh call [print]
inc bl
mov si,offset text8
int 47h
call put call put
mov ah,30 mov ah,30
int 47h int 47h
@ -199,20 +58,14 @@ int 47h
dec cx dec cx
jnz go1 jnz go1
mov ah,21
mov cl,7
int 47h
mov cx,200 mov cx,200
go2: go2:
mov si,offset text9
mov ah,30 mov ah,30
int 47h int 47h
mov ah,33 mov ah,33
int 47h int 47h
mov ah,6 push offset textdemo2
int 47h call [print]
mov ah,13
int 47h
call put call put
mov ah,30 mov ah,30
int 47h int 47h
@ -221,20 +74,14 @@ int 47h
dec cx dec cx
jnz go2 jnz go2
mov ah,21
mov cl,9
int 47h
mov cx,200 mov cx,200
go3: go3:
mov si,offset text10
mov ah,30 mov ah,30
int 47h int 47h
mov ah,33 mov ah,33
int 47h int 47h
xor bh,bh push offset textdemo3
inc bl call [print]
mov ah,20
int 47h
call put call put
mov ah,30 mov ah,30
int 47h int 47h
@ -247,14 +94,8 @@ mov ah,30
int 47h int 47h
mov ah,2 mov ah,2
int 47h int 47h
mov bx,040Dh push offset texte2
mov si,offset texte1 call [print]
mov ah,20
int 47h
mov si,offset texte2
inc bl
mov ah,20
int 47h
mov ah,30 mov ah,30
int 47h int 47h
mov ah,2 mov ah,2
@ -262,9 +103,6 @@ int 47h
mov ah,30 mov ah,30
int 47h int 47h
mov cl,12
mov ah,21
int 47h
mov bp,255 mov bp,255
xor edx,edx xor edx,edx
go4: go4:
@ -273,32 +111,28 @@ int 47h
mov ah,33 mov ah,33
int 47h int 47h
inc edx inc edx
mov ah,11 push edx
mov cx,16 push offset texte3
int 47h call [print]
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,30 mov ah,30
int 47h int 47h
mov ah,33 mov ah,33
int 47h int 47h
dec bp dec bp
jnz go4 jnz go4
mov ah,14h push offset texte4
xor bx,bx call [print]
mov si,offset texte3
int 47h
mov ax,0 mov ax,0
int 16h int 16h
mov ah,29h mov ah,29h
int 47h int 47h
db 0CBh retf
put: put:
call random call random
mov di,dx mov di,dx
and di,4096-2 and di,4096-2
mov si,offset text11 mov si,offset fond
call showstring2 call showstring2
ret ret
@ -322,24 +156,27 @@ mov cs:randseed,dx
pop dx cx ax pop dx cx ax
ret ret
texttt db 'Texte',0 zero db 'Chaine a zro terminal',0
textt db 'Divers',0 fixe db 20,'Chaine a taille fixe'
text1 db ' Dmonstration de l''utilisation de la bibliothŠque VIDEO',0 message db "\m01\e\c07\h01Dmonstration de la librairie VIDEO.LIB\l\l"
text2 db 'Nombre entier :',0 db "\c01Nombres entiers ou signs (%%u/%%i):\l%u\l%iD\l"
text3 db 'Nombre sign :',0 db "\c02Nombre hexadcimaux (%%h):\l%hD\l%hW\l"
text4 db 'Nombre hxadcimal :',0 db "\c03Nombres Binaires (%%b):\l%bD\l%bB\l"
text5 db 'Nombre binaire :',0 db "\c04Caracteres simples ou multiples (%%c/%%cM):\l%c\l%cM\l"
text6 db 'CaractŠres :',0 db "\c05Chaines a zro terminal ou fixes (%%0/%%s):\l%s\l%0\l"
text7 db 'Texte :',0 db "\c06Dates et heures (%%t/%%d):\l%t\l%d\l"
text71 db 'Date :',0 db "\c07Nombre a echelle automatique (%%z):\l%z\l%z\l"
text72 db 'Heure :',0 db "\c08Attributs de fichiers (%%a):\l%a",0
text8 db 'Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling',0
text9 db 'Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical',0 fond db 16,'Ceci est un fond'
text10 db 'Rapide Rapide Rapide Rapide Rapide Rapide Rapide Rapide',0 textdemo1 db '\c05Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling\l',0
text11 db 'Echange rapide de pages Vido',0 textdemo2 db '\c07Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical\l',0
texte1 db 'Routine d''affichage Ultra Rapide Agissant sur le Matriel',0 textdemo3 db '\c09Rapide Rapide Rapide Rapide Rapide Rapide Rapide Rapide\l',0
texte2 db 'Possibilit de raliser des effets de superposition',0 texte1 db 'Echange rapide de pages Vido',0
texte3 db 'Sauvegarde et restauration de l''ecran',0 texte2 db '\g04,13Routine d''affichage Ultra Rapide Agissant sur le Matriel'
db '\g04,14Possibilit de raliser des effets de superposition',0
texte3 db '\c04%bD\l',0
texte4 db '\g01,00Sauvegarde et restauration de l''ecran (%%s/%%r)',0
showstring2: showstring2:
push es bx cx si di push es bx cx si di
@ -358,6 +195,9 @@ strinaize4:
pop di si cx bx es pop di si cx bx es
ret ret
db "VIDEO.LIB::print",0
print dd 0
dw 0
end start end start